Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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This News Article was transcribed & contributed by Kay R.

Lincoln Star - Lincoln, Nebraska - April 23, 1931

Mrs. Wilberforce Sully Leaps To Death In N.Y.

New York, April 23 - (INS) Police today refused to reveal the contents of a note left by Mrs. Adelaide A. Hidden Sully, wife of Wilber-Force Sully, lawyer and financier, before she leaped eight floors to her death. She was 65 years old and had been ill with a nervous ailment for a year.

The note was addresses to her son, Wilberforce Sully, Jr. Another son, Spencer E. Sully, resides in Long Beach, Cal.

Wilberforce Sully, Sr., a native of Sheboygan, Wis., is widely known.

Lincoln Star - Lincoln, Nebraska - August 30, 1933

Wisconsin Pair Find Alleged Swindler On Chicago Loop Street

Chicago, Aug. 30 - (AP) - James Kellogg, alias George Williams, alias H. O. Becker, of Washington, Ia., was in jail today on a $34,000 swindle charge brought by Gustav Knak and Clement Bartzen, of Sheboygan, Wis.

Knak saw Kellogg while walking in the loop last night and had him arrested.

He said it was the first time he had seen Kellogg since Kellogg and a "Mr. Wakelin" had tricked him out of $28,000 and Clement out of $6,000 in an involved confidence game earlier in the summer.

Knak said he found a purse ostensibly lost by Kellogg's friend, Wakelin. To show his gratitude at its return, Wakelin gave the Wisconsin men racing and stock tips by which they amassed a paper fortune of $360,000. All they had to do to collect, they were told, was to put up the $34,000. They did. The men disappeared with the money.

Kellogg denied having seen Knak before. Police found he has no record.

Lincoln Star - Lincoln, Nebraska - August 3, 1934

Francke Family To Hold Reunion Sunday

Residents of Lancaster County Since 1871, When Settled on Farm Near Walton

Pioneers park Sunday will be the setting for the first reunion of the Francke family, among the pioneer families of Lancaster county. For the day, preparations are being made for more than 300. The entire family, scattered over the United States and Germany, numbers more than 1,000.

The story of the Francke family in the United States begins with the arrival of Wilhelm Francke and his father from Stettin, Germany, at Greenbush, Wis., in 1848. William Francke was then 23. In 1848 Catherine Peters also settled near Greenbush with her parents, coming from Holstein, Germany, and shortly after married Mr. Francke. Thirteen children were born there. In 1871 they, with eleven children, came to Lincoln. They arrived April 7 and two sons accompanied by a neighbor boy in Wisconsin who had come with them, walked out to Stevens creek near Walton to the home of a former neighbor in Wisconsin. This man hitched up a team of mules and took the Francke family to his home.

The first home was a 1 room dugout on an 80 acre homestead. This homestead is now the Fred Retzlaff farm near Walton. In this dugout Mrs. Francke did her spinning and weaving and made all the family's clothes. Another child born in Lancaster county, Laura Wilson Francke. In 1873 Mr. Francke built a frame house in which he and his wife lived until the time of their deaths. Mrs. Francke died in 1902 and Mr. Francke in 1910. Surviving are four children, Alexander, August and Laura of Walton, and Herman of Lincoln, 15 grandchildren and a large number of great-grandchildren. The four children have charge of the arrangements for the reunion Sunday.

Helena Independent - Helena Montana - December 4, 1934

Gift Bird Gives Up Doner's Lost Ring

Brillion, Wis. - (AP) - Mrs. John Geiger was more than ordinarily thankful. Her sister, Mrs. Oscar Rappel of Sheboygan, in cleaning the chicken the Geigers had given her for Thanksgiving dinner found inside the bird a diamond ring Mrs. Geiger lost last January.

Dothan Eagle - Dothan, Alabama - April 27, 1936

Bird On The Spot

Sabbath Services Provide Stay of Execution For Woodpecker

Sheboygan, Wis., April 27 (AP) - Officer Joseph Bazonek, best marksman on the Sheboygan police force, resumed his hunt today for the woodpecker whose early morning tattoo on the metal cross of St. John's evangelical church has done things to the neighbor's nerves.

For three years off and on, the woodpecker's hammering has cut short the sleep of numerous citizens. It reached such a point Officer Bezonek was detailed for execution duty last Friday. The bird didn't show up for two days.

Word got around that Officer Bezonek would relax his vigil over Sunday - the Rev. E. R. Kreuger said he didn't want any shootings around the church during services. Of course, the woodpecker put in an appearance.

That was the last straw. Bezonek returned to the hunt today.

Ironwood Daily Globe - Ironwood, Michigan - August 13, 1936

We Celebrate Our Fiftieth Anniversary

(There is a picture of John W. Mullen)

After serving several years with the Dillingham Company of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, he moved to Ironwood and was one of the founders of this firm. The doors were first opened August 15, 1886

(There is a picture of Patrick H. Mullen)

He came to Ironwood from Sheboygan in 1886 and with his brother founded this institution. He was one of the first licensed embalmers in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

We Invite You To Join With Us

The institution now bearing the McKevitt Kershner Patrick name has been a continuous organization since August 15, 1886. This furniture and undertaking establishment was founded by John W. and Patrick H. Mullen, pioneer residents of Ironwood.

John B. Patrick, now of Duluth, purchased the Mullen interests on November 1, 1917 and on August 15, 1922, Thomas L. McKevitt became a member of the firm. Walter Kershner joined the organization March 1, 1928.

The store building occupied by the Mullen Brothers was located on the site of the present National Metals Bank building until the present location was occupied November 1, 1922. The funeral home was constructed in 1928 and opened February 14, 1929.

From that summer day in August of 1886 when John and Patrick Mullen first opened the doors...down to the present moment, this institution has offered honest values always. We have consistently given a square deal for everyone, regardless of the size of the purchase or the importance of the customer.

It is not given to every business to span a half century of service. We view the occasion with pride and gratitude; pride in its length and character of service...gratitude foe the loyal patronage of its thousands of friends.

It is fitting, therefore, that this gratitude be expresses in a practical event that this community will never that will bring the finest and most modern of home furnishings within the reach of every homemaker.

Beginning Saturday And Continuing Through This Month We Offer A Discount Of - 20 % (Exclusive of Nationally Advertised Items on Which the Prices Are Set by the Manufacturer)

We might possibly make and quote special prices on many or few of the items in our stock. It seems preferable, however, in the spirit of this fiftieth anniversary celebration, to institute a straight discount throughout the stock. We feel that it is quite unnecessary for us to elaborate on the brands and qualities of the furniture items in our stock. Their standard of excellence in quality, style and value stands unchallenged over half a century. We shall be happy to have you take advantage of this 20% discount during the next fifteen days; we shall just as deeply appreciate your handclasp and best wishes. May we serve you?


As an extra added feature of this great 50th anniversary celebration and in addition to the 20% discount offered on all purchases, we will give

50c In Silver With Every $10 Cash Purchase

Mckevitt Kershner Patrick Co.

A Continuous Organization for Fifty Years

There are pictures of: The building; John B. Patrick; Louis Anderson; Joseph McKevitt; Thomas McKevitt; Walter P. Kershner; Mary Tresise; and Walter Revers

Evening State Journal - Nebraska - November 18, 1936

Kills Mother Of Four

Sheboygan, Wis. - (AP) Henry Repphuen, 37, a WPA worker, confessed to police officials Tuesday night, that he shot and killed Mrs. Elmer McWilliams, 28, mother of four children, while in a rage caused by jealousy and drink. After hours of grilling Repphuen admitted, officers said, that he shot and killed the woman Monday night by firing a 38 caliber bullet into her forehead, while three of the children slept in an adjoining room. The young woman's body was found Tuesday morning by the oldest child, Mary Lou, 8.

Ironwood Daily Globe Ironwood, Michigan February 11, 1937

Osteopath Convicted In Farm Girl's Death

Jefferson, Wis., Feb. 11 - (AP) - Dr. Walter Kuhn, 42, a Sheboygan (Wis) osteopath, was convicted yesterday by a circuit court jury in connection with the death of a 19-year-old Jefferson farm girl as the result, the state charged, of an illegal operation.

Kuhn was tried on a second degree manslaughter charge, but the jury convicted him on a lesser count allowed by the court.

Sentence was deferred by Judge Jesse Earle pending a hearing on a motion for a new trial. Kuhn is subject to a jail term up to one year and a fine up to $500.

Kuhn denied charges he performed an operation on the girl last July. The state said the girl signed a death-bed statement in which she named Kuhn and Dr. Oscar Lorch, a Fort Atkinson (Wis) osteopath, who faces second degree manslaughter charges in connection with the case.

Ironwood Daily Globe - Ironwood, Michigan - March 18, 1937

Hunt Missing Wife

Sheboygan, Wis., March 18 - (AP) - County authorities were asked today to search for Mrs. Gustave Knaak, 53, wife of a well known Sheboygan man, The woman was last seen Saturday when she left her home while her husband was away. She has been ill, the family said.

Pt. Arthur News - Pt. Arthur, Texas - March 28, 1937

Officer Slain

Killed In Gun Battle With Bandit

Sheboygan, Wis., March 27 - (INS) Policeman Theodore Husting, 32, was slain here today in a gun battle with a bandit who had stolen the death weapon less than five minutes before.

The robber broke into George's Tavern. He stole a .45 caliber revolver and a small amount of money. On his way out at 3:15 a.m., he encountered the officer.

Each shot twice, the bandit from the gun he had stolen. Husting died an hour later, the robber escaped.

Ironwood Daily Globe - Ironwood, Michigan - May 25, 1938

William Rossberg Is Dead At Kimball

Body Will Be Shipped to Sheboygan for Burial

William Rossberg, 67, died at his home in Kimball this morning at 4 o'clock as a result of cancer of the tongue. Rossberg had been ailing for the last six years. The body will be shipped to Sheboygan, Wis., for burial. Rossberg, a graduate of the University of Minnesota law school, is survived by a brother, Arthur, of Minneapolis.

Ironwood Daily Globe - Ironwood, Michigan - November 26, 1938

Sheboygan Falls - Four men were burned, one fatally in an explosion at the Bemis Manufacturing company here late yesterday.

Ben Goll, 54, died at a Sheboygan hospital four hours after the blast.

Walter Trowbridge, Herman Guetschow and Arden Wanninger, all burned severely on the face and hands, are being treated in Sheboygan hospitals.

Nebraska State Journal - Nebraska - July 7, 1940

Holland Church Observes Anniversary


Word of land farther to the west, possible of cultivation "from a quarter to a half mile without coming into contact with stones or tree roots," as Mr. Bade says, was unbelievable. But older Dutch settlers and land agents assured them that much, at least, was true. Within five years of the passage of the homestead act, the Wisconsin Hollanders were setting out for Nebraska, either to take a quarter section under its provisions or to buy railroad land, an 80 acre for $500 under a 10-year contract.

Henry Brethouwer, with his father-in-law, Mr. Siegrist, was the first to come. In the spring of 1868, the two left Sheboygan by ox team, arriving in the southern part of Lancaster county that summer. They chose and staked their claim.

That autumn, Mr. Brethouwer had a visitor, his brother Chris. The latter went back to Wisconsin, but returned the following June with John Meinen, sr. and the Bykerk families. In the same year Cornelius Wismer and Klass Port arrived from the north. John H. Luchbers, John H. Lefferdinn joined the Hollanders; the Wissink, Vanderwege, TeSelle, Vermaas, Kemper, Obbink, Vandeveldas, TeBurk, and other Walvoord families followed within brief months. Immigration continued throughout the 70's and Holland grew with the frequent arrivals.

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