Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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This News Article was transcribed & contributed by Kay R.

Charleston Daily Mail - Charleston, West Virginia, - June 11, 1922

Wisconsin Survivor of Maine Tells His Story

Sheboygan, Wis., June 10 - When most Wisconsin survivors of famous events want to talk over experiences which they have undergone, they can call some of their fellow survivors together; but there is one man here who must do his "discussing" alone.

George Fox, so far as known, is the only man in Wisconsin who can claim the honor of being a survivor of the blowing up of the Maine, the tragedy which sent this nation to war with Spain.

Fox says he owes his life to a spasm of economy in the navy at the time of the explosion. One of the regulations at the time was that in order to save coal, all dynamos should be turned off at midnight. It was Fox's job to keep the oil lamps burning after that time.

The night of the explosion, Fox said, he had just completed his tour of inspection and had laid down to snatch a few moments rest. he had scarcely fallen asleep, he says, when he awoke to find himself lying on top of a huge mass of hot and twisted steel. He hastily dove overboard and was soon picked up by one of the small Spanish boats coming to the aid of the Maine. He said he was taken to a Spanish hospital and well treated.

Davenport Democrat & Leader - Davenport, Iowa - June 25, 1922

Ferdinand Roddewig, respected for his upright character, and popular on account of his geniality, was born June, 1828, in Beefed, Prussia, where his father was an official of the court. Equipped with a good education he became a clerk with a wholesale linen house in his home city, which was an important center of the linen industry. At the age of 20, he came to America, landing in New Orleans where he learned and worked in the cigar trade for 18 months. Thence he went to St. Louis where he opened a cigar factory. In November, 1853, he married Meta Koehler, of Sheboygan, who was born in his native city. Mrs. Roddewig died in September, 1875.

In the fall of 1855, the young couple removed to Davenport. Mr. Roddewig opened a grocery and delicatesse (sic) store, and in conjunction with it a wholesale wine and liquor business, in a double frame house on Harrison street above Fourth. It was started in a comparatively modest way, but it grew year by year. The grocery branch was discontinued in the 70s, but the liquor house was for many years a recognized leader in this part of the country.

Mr. Roddewig was the embodiment of good fellowship and sound business principles, and he was a valued member in the prominent social circles. In 1881 he was the Democratic candidate for the office of mayor, in opposition to Mr. John E. Henry. His death occurred Dec. 6, 1885, just two years too soon for him to see the establishment moved into a fine new brick block north of the former quarters, and where south of it, years later, the City hall of Davenport settled as a good neighbor, so that Roddewig's became popularly known as "The Rathskeller." After the demise of the founder, the business was continued by Paulo, Peter and Ferdinand Roddewig under the firm name of Ferd. Roddewig's Sons, and it continued in favor until prohibition became effective in Iowa, including Davenport.

Evening State Journal & Lincoln Daily News - Lincoln, Nebraska - September 18, 1923

Wed Thinking Spouse Dead

Sheboygan, Wis., Sept. 18 - Believing herself to be a widow, Mrs. Julia Richter, mother of four children, married David Schentler, an old friend of the family. She had every reason to believe that her husband, Fred Richter, had been killed while fighting with the Russian forces during the war. After living happily with her second husband for six months she received word that her first husband was still alive. Still true to the husband of her youth and the father of her four children, she explained to Schentler. Schentler offered no opposition to legal proceedings which would sever their marriage vows. They went into court here and Judge Kirwin cleared the record. Schentler left the city, while the woman is awaiting the return of her husband she thought dead.

Evening State Journal & Lincoln Daily News - Lincoln, Nebraska - September 2, 1924

Six Killed At Crossing

Husband, Wife, Two Children and Another Couple Victims Near New London, Wis.

New London, Wis., Sept. 2 - Six persons were killed near here last night when their automobile was demolished by a Chicago and Northwestern passenger train southbound.

The dead:

William Haen, forty; Mrs. William Haen, their children, Raymond, sixteen, and Ruth, three, Peter Poene, thirty-five and his wife, all of Sheboygan, Wis.

Havre Daily Promoter - Havre Montana - February 4, 1925

Shoots Wife And Commits Suicide

Sheboygan, Wis., Feb 3 - Charles Hoehnke, aged 29, shot his wife yesterday and then killed himself after running a block down the street. A third death was added when the doctors operated upon the woman in a vain attempt to save an unborn child.

Lincoln Star - Lincoln, Nebraska - March 20, 1927

79th Birthday

(There is a picture of William Wilterdink)

William Wilterdink, 2007 South Sixteenth street, who was 79 years old, March 15. He was born in Onondaga county, New York, and moved to Sheboygan Falls, Wis., when two years of age. He grew to manhood in Wisconsin, coming to Nebraska in 1868 and has resided in Lancaster county since. He has lived in Lincoln eighteen years.

Davenport Democrat & Leader - Davenport, Iowa - June 10, 1927

Twenty Made Fatherless By Dual Slaying

Crazed Paralytic Shoots Parents, Minister; Ends Own Life

Result Of Quarrel

Invalid, Angered by Jeers, Goes on Rampage with Pistol

Sheboygan, Wis., June 10 - Two widows and 20 fatherless children remain to lament the deaths of three men, two killed by a crazed paralytic, the third the paralytic himself, who police say, aroused by his father's taunts at his condition, shot the elder man and then killed the family minister from whom he could get no sympathy after his first act, and in the end turned his revolver on himself. yesterday.

The dead are Rev. William Wambsganss, 56, pastor of the Bethlehem Lutheran church; Frank Doering, Sr., 62, retired mason contractor, and Walter Doering, 27, long sufferer of infantile paralysis.

Dies Over Bible

Walter followed his father into the basement of the family home after a violent quarrel in the kitchen and shot and killed him, covering the body with a carpet, returned upstairs. His mother unaware of the tragedy, sent him to the bakery, but the paralytic went instead to the home of the minister, blurted out his story, killed the minister when he was reproved and then himself. The minister's family, seeking him, found his body lying over the Bible he had been reading. Near him lay young Doering, his revolver clutched in his hand.

Frank Doering, released from the state hospital for the insane at Oshkosh, where he had been confined six months as a dipsomaniac, leaves eight children, on of whom, William, is out on parole from the same institution, another son, Herman, was the first Sheboygan man to be killed in the World war, falling at the battle of Aisne, early in 1918. The Rev. Wanbsganss, for 27 years pastor of the same church, leaves 12 children besides his widow.

Evening State Journal & Lincoln Daily News - Lincoln, Nebraska - February 24, 1928

Brothers Rivals In Race

Sheboygan, Wis., Feb. 24 - (U.P.) Brother opposes brother in a campaign now going on for circuit judge in Wisconsin's fourth judicial district. Edward Voight, congressman from this state for five terms, is the one candidate. Charles Voight, district attorney of Sheboygan county for twelve years is the other. Each entered the race when the incumbent announced his decision to retire from the bench. Both were born in Bremen, Germany, Edward fifty-four years ago and Charles two years later. They came to Milwaukee in 1883 and received their early training at the University of Wisconsin

Warren Tribune - Warren Pennsylvania - April 2, 1928

One Good Vote Lost

Sheboygan, Wis. - A vote which has helped decide every presidential election from the time of Abraham Lincoln to the present, will not be cast in the next election. E. R. Garton, after voting regularly for 64 years, has just discovered that he is not a United States citizen. Registration laws just have brought to light that he never became naturalized. He came to SHeboygan from Toronto, Canada, in 1864.

Helena Independent - Helena Montana - July 30, 1928

Lad Of 18 Killed On Way To See Mother

Cheyenne, Wyo., July 29 - (AP) - William Tyd, 17, of Sheboygan, Wis., was instantly killed in the Union Pacific railroad yards here today by a bullet from the gun of Harry Pauson, yard detective.

Local people who had befriended Tyd said the youngster was en route to his mother's house where he was to have celebrated his 18th birthday, August 3.

Pauson was held by authorities pending an investigation. He said he was chasing vagrants across the tops of moving freight cars and that he missed a "grab iron," his fall resulting in the accidental discharge of his revolver. The bullett (sic) struck Tyd in the head and knocked him from the train.

Frederick Post - Frederick Maryland - November 6, 1928


Sheboygan, Wis., Nov. 5. - Al Ferko, Milwaukee, was killed today when his biplane went into a tail spin and crashed into a plowed field about two miles south of the Sheboygan airport. The victim had been visiting relatives here for the last few days.

Helena Independent - Helena, Montana - April 6, 1929

Another Noble Experiment

The devotion to scientific research is becoming something wonderful. To illuminate, there's the case of Henry Niss, Sheboygan, Wis. It being desirous to know how much air a congressman, stump speaker or other spellbinder can hold, Henry submitted himself to the nozzle of a compressed air pump and the gauge said 80 pounds before he fell unconscious.

Possibly, due allowance was not made for air already in parts of Henry, notably his head, not reached by the pump.

What application science will make of the discovery of man's limit of wind contents is not known yet. However, the horrible thought arises that the Sheboygan experiment may lead to a national contest as to who can hold the most wind. There have been several quite as foolish contests.

Of course, as a patriot and lover of his fellow man, Henry should go down to Washington and tell how it feels to have 80 pounds of wind inside.

The Bee - Danville, Virginia - August 22, 1929

Farmer Held For Kidnapping Young Mother

Girl tells of Being Held Captive During Trip Under Threats

Sheboygan, Wis. Aug. 22 - (AP) - Lloyd Miller, 28, a farmer of Elkhart Lake, near here, was arrested today charged with kidnapping Clara Brandon, 21, mother of a two weeks old baby, from her home in Buffalo, N.D.

According to the young woman Miller forced her into an automobile to Elkhart under threat of death.

Mrs. Brandon, who is in a serious condition told police she met Miller in Montana some time ago. He later went to California, and she went to Buffalo to obtain employment.

Miller came to Buffalo last week she said and under pretext of taking her for an auto ride inveigled her into a machine. He then started for Wisconsin driving night and day, she said.

Mrs. Brandon said she tried to escape several times as they traveled, but Miller threatened with his gun which he watched too closely. It was not until their arrival at Elkhart Lake that he relaxed his vigilance, she said. When he went to a neighbor to trash, she mounted a horse and fled to Sheboygan, and told her story to a deputy sheriff.

Buffalo officials were notified and asked that Miller be held. Two officials left here tonight for Sheboygan to return him. Miller indicated he will not waive extradition.

Miller declared the young woman, who was recently estranged from her husband, agreed to accompany him when he threatened suicide.

Indiana Weekly Messenger - Indiana - December 12, 1929

Arm Hits Mail Box As He Rides On Truck; Dies

Sheboygan, Wis. - The desire to greet his brother who had come to pay a birthday visit brought death to Roland Fatthes, thirty-one years old, of Potter.

Fatthies was knocked from the running board of a truck when his arm struck a rural mail box projected from a fence post. He died a short while later at the office of a physician here.

The man was a steam shovel operator and was on holiday. He decided to go out to the place where the crew was working on highway 51, near Random Lake, and accepted a ride on a truck.

Just before reaching the scene of operations he saw his brother, Arnold, approaching in an automobile. He climbed to the running board and intended to jump off when the driver slowed down, but was hit by the mail box.

Havre Daily News Promoter - Havre Montana - February 26, 1930

A Legend Of Modern Days

Every once in a while something happens that gives one an idea how some of the myths and superstitious legends of the middle ages got their start.

In Sheboygan, Wis., there has been a very peculiar story circulating about lately; a story that the devil, no less, has been wandering about the city performing minor marvels to awe the credulous.

The story of his first appearance is as follows:

A suave young man appeared at a dance and made some acquaintance of a girl there. He danced with her some time, and then casually announced that he was the devil. The girl, quote naturally, might have doubted this - but she found that her neck, where his arm had been around her, was burned so badly that it needed medical attention.

There followed another tale.

A little later, it was said, this same suave young man appeared in a cigar store. He bought some cigarettes and stood at the counter waiting for his change. As the proprietor turned to give it to him - the suave young man vanished entirely in a puff of acrid smoke.

Thereupon, according to the current rumors, a group of Sheboygan residents combined to hunt the devil down. They got their guns and went out after him, tracing him to the city of Manitowoc. And there. according to country-side gossip, the devil was slain.

Altogether, this mess of nonsense has attracted very little attention. Even the local papers ignored it, except for a brief paragraph or two. But suppose that that queer yarn had come to birth in a land where there were no public schools, no newspapers, no radio, no means of education and enlightenment; isn't it easy to see how it could have spread and spread by word of mouth, gaining converts and strength at each telling - until, after a few years, it would have been a major folk tale, implicitly believed by thousands?

Key West Citizen - Key West, Florida - July 8, 1930

Today's Birthdays

Frank A. Waugh, noted horticulturist and landscape architect, born at Sheboygan Falls, Wis., 61 years ago.

Lincoln Star - Lincoln, Nebraska - August 24, 1930

Three Airmen Claimed By Blast In Air

Explosion Sends Plane Into Fatal Dive Over Sheboygan, Wis.

Sheboygan, Wis., Aug. 23 - (UP) - An airplane exploded 3,000 feet above Sheboygan late today, killing its three occupants.

The victims were Marshall Field, chief pilot of the Sheboygan airport; Gusta Damrow, Sheboygan wrestler and Elmer Blumberg, of St. Cloud, Wis.

The plane was a Curtiss Robin. It exploded as it did a wing-over a few minutes after leaving the airport. Crippled by the blast, the airplane went into a spin and plunged to earth near the field.

Lincoln Star - Lincoln, Nebraska - October 18, 1930

Heart Attack Fatal

Fremont, Neb., Oct. 18 - Christ Muller, 70, a resident of Dodge county for sixty years, died at his home, from a heart attack. He came to Dodge county from Sheboygan, Wis., and for thirty years engaged in farming. Twenty years ago he moved to Fremont. His wife and five children survive him.

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