Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Collected and posted by BILL
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Researched and contributed by Mike Wolski

"My name is Mike Wolski and I live in Germany.  My great grandfather Christoph Wolski (also) called Wolske, born 1855 as German in Chelm, Kolonie Roskozs and died Jan.1.1939 in Gillett, Oconto County, Wisconsin USA. He married Karoline Fröde. Karoline, his wife, and children stayed in Germany during and after the 2 World Wars. And some are going in the (19) 50's to Canada. So my interest is why he was going to Gillett? Maybe to meet and live there with relatives?

UPDATE: I searched at <www.ellisisland.org> and found out that “Christof Wolske, age 55y from
Roskosz arrived July 13, 1914”. He traveled with his daughter Ewa Wolske, age 30y and
probably his brother-in-law Gustav Riske age 40y. They declared that there destination is Julius
Riske son of Gustav Riske in Cleveland, Oh. Christof Wolske declared that he was before in the
USA, first time 1906 in Gillett, Wi., USA. And Julius Schimkowski 20y also on the way to his Cousin Julius Riske.

I can write to you that that Christopf Wolski immigrate to the US in 1913, returns probably
between 1934-1938 to Hamburg, Germany to contact his wife Karoline Fröde and grown children.
He (had) gone to met them and take them to the US.

When he arrives, he was not allowed by (the) German government to leave the ship. My family, those who wanted to go with him,  were not allowed to emigrate from Germany. He could not go from (ship) board and his wife and children could not go on (ship) board. He returns to Gillett. Karoline Fröde died in 1944/45 near Berlin on the flight from the soviets (she was trying to escape ahead of the Soviet troop invasion), her daughter immigrated 10 years later to Canada.

Yours sincerely,
Mike Wolski, Sankt Augustin, Germany"

Research findings: 1930 US Census - Oconto County, Gillett - Page 3:
* Christopf Wolski was at the Oconto County retirement home.
* Age - 76
* Immigrated to the US in 1913.  Christopf  Wolski was age 58 when he immigrated in 1913.
* Not a citizen of the US in 1930
* Spoke English
* Nativity - Poland
* Language - German

Also found on the 1930 Census:
 William Wolski, no wife listed, who had children Margaret age 10, Emma age 6, Richard age 4
and Robert age 2 lived in a private residence in Gillett. He was age 31 in 1930, born 1899 in
Wisconsin with both his parents born in Poland. This may have been a relative of Christopf Wolski.

Nachkommen von Johann Wolski genannt Wolske
Descendants of John Wolski also known as Wolske
geboren = born
gestorben = (died)
verheiratet = married
tochter = daughter
kinder = children
bruder = brother

1. Generation

1 Johann Wolski gen. Wolske, geboren  (born) in Schrierse, Kreis Chelm, Roskosz verheiratet (married) mit Rosalie Schulz, geboren  (born) in Schrierse, Kreis Chelm, Roskosz

    Kinder von Johann Wolski gen. Wolske und Rosalie Schulz
    2   i. Christopf Wolski gen Wolske 1855-1939
    3  ii.  bruder Wolski


2 Christopf Wolski gen. Wolske, geboren  (born) 1855 in Chelm, Roskosz, gestorben  (died) 1 Jannuar 1939 in Gillett, Oconto County, WI, USA.
Verheiratet  (married) am 25 November 1890 in Chelm mit Karoline Fröde, geboren  (born) in Chelm, Tochter von Gottfried Fröde vom Brishof, Chelm und Wilhelmine aus Chelm.

    Kinder von Christopf Wolski gen. Wolske und Karoline Fröde
    4  i. Siegmund Wolske  1904-1991
    5  ii. Emma Wolski
    6  iii. Hermann Wolski
    7  iv. Julius Wolski

3 bruder Wolske und frau
    8  i.  Johanna Wolske

3. Generation

4 Sigmund Wolske, geboren (born) 1904 in Chelm, Roskosz, gestorben (died)  1991 in Valbert. Verheiratet  (married) am 6. November 1937 in Hattingen mit Maria Wilhelmine Brenner, geboren  (born) in Rellinghausen, gestorben  (died) 1950 in Hattingen. Tochter von Josef Alfons Brenner, geboren  (born) 1875 und Wilhelmine Reimann, geboren  (died) 1877.

    Kinder von Sigmund Wolske und Maria Wilhelmine Brenner
    9  i.  Günter Wolski geboren  (born) 1940
    10  ii.  Erwin Wolski geboren  (born) 1941
    11  iii. Jürgen Wolski geboren  (born) 1943
    12  iv. Sigrid Wolski geboren  (born) 1946

5 Emma Wolski verheiratet  (married) mit Wilhelm Frank

    Kinder von Emma Wolski und Wilhelm Frank
    13  i.  Leokardia Frank geboren  (born) 1924
    14  ii. Martha Frank geboren  (born) 1930
    15  iii. Trudy Frank geboren  (born) 1941
    16  iv. Erwin Frank geboren  (born) 1942

6 Hermann Wolski verheiratet  (married) mit Hedwig

    Kinder von Hermann Wolski und Hedwig
    17  i. Elfi Wolski

7 Julius Wolski verheiratet  (married) mit Hedwig

    Kinder von Julius Wolski und Hedwig
    18  i. Edith Wolski
    19  ii. Dieter Wolski

8 Johanna Wolske verheiratet  (married) mit Herbert Krasberg

4. Generation

9 Günter Wolski geboren  (born) am 8.April 1940 in Essen. Verheiratet  (married) mit Sigrid Ingeborg Janosch geboren  (born) am 29. April 1946 in Jena. Tochter von Adolf Heinrich Janosch und Paula Elly Günther

    Kinder von Günter Wolski und Siegrid Ingeborg Wolski
    20  i. Andreas Wolski geboren  (born) 9. Dezember 1962 in Jena
    21  ii. Mike Wolski geboren  (born) am 14. Juni 1971 in Jena

10 Erwin Wolski geboren  (born) 1941 verheiratet  (married) mit Brigitte Ulrich

    Kinder von Erwin Wolski und Brigitte Ulrich
    22  i. Michael Wolski geboren  (born) 1961
    23  ii. Jörg Wolski geboren  (born) 1966

11 Jürgen Wolski geboren  (born) 1943

12 Sigrid Wolske geboren  (born) 1946 verheiratet  (married) mit Werner Willeke geboren  (born) 1936

    Kinder von Sigrid Wolske und Werner Willeke
    24  i. Susanne Willeke geboren  (born) 1966
    25  ii. Iris Willeke geboren  (born) 1972

13 Leokardia Frank geboren  (born) 1924 verheiratet  (married) mit Franz Tannanowski

14 Martha Frank geboren  (born) 1930 verheiratet  (married) mit mann Merke

15 Trudy Frank geboren  (born) 1941verheiratet  (married) mit Ewald Glinsbockel geboren 1935

    Kinder von Trudy Frank und Ewald Glinsbockel
    26 i.  Gordy Glinsbockel
    27 ii. Ron Glinsbockel
    28 iii. Sandy Glinsbockel

16 Erwin Frank geboren  (born) 1942 verheiratet  (married) mit Joy

17 Elfi Wolski verheitratet  (married) mit Max Struppek

    29  i.  Volker Struppek

5. Generation
............................... .....

geboren = born
gestorben = died
verheiratet = married
Tochter = daughter