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Researched by Cathe Ziereis
transcibed by Ron Renquin

Oconto County Reporter
26 January 1895


Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Snover
Celebrate Their Golden Wedding
Receptions Were Held Both Afternoon And Evening - Gifts Numerous And Valuable

Fifty years ago, in the quiet village of Little Falls, New Jersey, Theodore F. Snover and Elizabeth Neafie were married by Rev. Edwin Vedder, minister of the Reformed Dutch church, that his first pastorate, he being a young clergyman and a firm friend of both bride and groom. He had been married only a few months previous, and as he writes in a recent letter to Mr. Snover, "I was much embarrassed and greatly troubled in consequence, fearing I might not perform the ceremony properly."

In contemplation of this interesting event, just celebrated, Mr. Snover wrote a letter to their old friend and sent at a venture, hoping that he and his had been spared until this time. In due time a reply came, full of interest to all. He and his good wife had celebrated their golden wedding in July last. He is a retired minister now, residing in New York state. The correspondence continues, many reminiscences of the past, their younger days, prove very interesting and pleasant at this time.

After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Snover resided in New Jersey ten years. During those years four children daughters were born. In 1854 an old friend and neighbor, the late John M. Smith, of Green Bay, who had come there a year or two previous, wrote such glowing letters of life and opportunities "out west" that the young couple decided to cast their lot with them. Mr. Snover accepted the offer of the position of superintendent of the East River Mill at Green Bay, to which place they came in April 1855, the relatives and friends in New Jersey and New York feeling that they were giving them up forever if they went "away out west among the Indians."

Many and varied experiences were theirs, with others. The years went by - only a few - when the call came for men to help put down the rebellion. That meant to leave home, wife and children. At that time, residing in the beautiful village of High Cliff, on the east shore of Lake Winnebago, Mr. Snover decided to join the Union army. He removed his family to Menasha, just west across Lake Winnebago, where the children could have better school advantages, saw them settled and made comfortable, and then enlisted in the Tenth Wisconsin regiment, marching from home to the seat of war, Oct. 5, 1861. During those years of service for Uncle Sam, it needed brave wives in the home with the children, while those brave men stood by their country, and Mrs. Snover was no exception there. Mr. Snover’s time expired after the fall of Atlanta, when he returned to Milwaukee and was mustered out in time to cast his vote for Abraham Lincoln’s second election. The he returned to the south and was in the quartermaster’s department. During this latter absence, in May, 1865, their oldest daughter was married and went to Illinois to live. At the close of the war Mr. Snover returned safely to his family, but not without scar from wound in battle, for his had been active service. He then resumed the duties of home life. In October, 1868, he removed his family to Oconto, where he had come to years previous in the employ of the Oconto Company, since which time they have resided here.

The Reception.

Over three years have passed since the thought occurred to the daughters that the fiftieth anniversary of their parents’ wedded life should be observed amid surroundings which would recall pleasant memories to relatives and friends in the after years. Advanced age, and at times perceptible infirmity, brought the suggestion that disappointment might replace fondest hopes, but lives were spared, and cards which were sent to nearly two hundred acquaintances of the family met with a response most gratifying, although numerous regrets were received, and on his 19th day of January, 1895, the cozy little home of this aged couple, situated near the southern bank of the Oconto river, was filled with a company both afternoon and evening that tendered congratulations to those who were now celebrating their golden wedding the second occasion of the kind ever witnessed in Oconto County - the first that of Mr. and Mrs. Hart, thirteen years ago.

The apartments being inadequate to entertain so large a gathering at one time, and afternoon reception was held from 3 to 6 which the older ones attended, numbering nearly fifty guests. In the evening came the middle-aged and younger, about eighty, to be in at the golden wedding. He brilliantly lighted parlors shone in splendor, and the decorations of the west parlor in pink, of the east room in yellow and green and gold silk, lent a delight not soon to be forgotten. The hall was draped with "Old Glory," the stars and stripes under which he groom fought for country, home and native land, and it was but fitting that so important and event should be thus honored.

Those Who Received

The bride and groom of fifty years received their friends, both afternoon and evening, assisted by their daughters, by Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Smith, of Green Bay, and Rev. L.D. Hopkins, of Sheboygan, who had been rector of St. Mark’s for the past eight years, of which church Mr. and Mrs. Snover were communicants. (Their home had been his home during those years.) Following congratulations friends enjoyed their call in social intercourse, in feasting, and in viewing.

The Beautiful Gifts

Displayed for their admiration - the latter all so appropriate. One was a floral ship, lettered on the sail with a 50 representing the safe voyage through the fifty years of their wedded life. There were gold coins arranged upon cardboard in the design of a star, surrounded by the names of those who had presented the gift. There were various sized gold spoons, most elaborately carved, gold spectacles, a gold ring, gold coins of various denominations, choice books and pictures - besides from friends in this city, gifts coming from Aurora, Canton and Chicago in Illinois, Detroit, Mich., Rochester, N.Y., San Diego, Cal., and from New Jersey. Numerous regrets also came from the far off cities, as well as from friends of other days. The value of gold coin received was

An Unbroken Family.

It is quite remarkable that all the children of Mr. and Mrs. Snover are today living, in good health, married and have families of their own. Their oldest daughter, Mrs. J. R. Underwood of Aurora, is spending the winter with her parents; the next daughter, Mrs. S. R. Smith of Waterloo, New Jersey came west to be present upon this occasion. Mrs. Emily T. Hubbell, now residing in Chicago, was unable to be present, which was the only cloud overcastting this pleasant occasion. Mrs. C. S. Hart, the youngest daughter, is residing in this city. The three last named daughters were all married in Oconto, the same clergyman - the Rev. G. A. Little, Paster then of the Presbyterian church. Each one of these daughters have been called upon to give up to the silent messenger one or more of her dear ones - a sorrow their parents have never experienced.

This occasion - the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Snover - will ever remain a bright spot in the social history of Oconto and memory will oft linger upon the anniversary day which placed it there.