Not all issues of past newspapers
have been saved to microfilm, however, every effort is being made to research
what is available for this collection. Our goal is to help in researching
ancestors and add a sense of history. This page is a continuing effort
and will be added to, often, as more research is completed.
Oconto County Reporter
February 11, 1909 Miss Amanda Folk and Mr. Gustav Boettcher of Chase were married in Green Bay Monday. Rev. C.H. Guenther tied the nuptial knot. The many friends of Miss Lulu Runkel in this city will
be pleased to hear of her marriage to Mr. Arthur J. Davenport in Chicago
Tuesday, January 26.
Oconto County Reporter
March 18, 1909 researched by Richard LaBrosse Miss Clara Nerenhausen,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nerenhausen of Little River and Mr. W. H.
Oconto County Reporter
August 26, 1909 researched by Richard LaBrosse Marriage licenses—John
H. Merline to Mary Desjarlais, both of this city;
Oconto County Reporter
September 2, 1909 A very pretty wedding took place Tuesday morning at
St. Peters church at seven, Rev. Father Vanier officiating when Mr. John
H. Merline, second son of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Merline of 221 Adams street,
and Miss Mary Desjarlais were the contracting parties.
Oconto County Reporter
October 28, 1909 A very pretty wedding was solemnized last Tuesday morning
at St. Josephs Catholic church, when Miss Clara Farley, of Pensaukee, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farley and Mr. John Van Dyke of Aurora, Ill., were
united in marriage, Rev. Fr. Selbach officiating.
Oconto County Reporter
November 4, 1909 Miss Alma Pfeiffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pfeiffer, of the east ward and Mr. George Weaver of Columbus, Ohio, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at Menominee, Mich., today by Rev. Schuh, pastor of the German Evangelical church. Francis Presl of this city and Miss Christine Kershek
of Spruce were united in holy bonds of matrimony at nine last week Wednesday
morning at St. Josephs church by Rev. Fr. Selbach.
Oconto County Reporter
November 18, 1909 Mr. Edward Kazda and Miss Mary Mlnarik, both of Little River, were married at high noon Tuesday by county judge Jones in his office. Two Oconto Falls couples were married in Menominee this morning. The couples were Fred Dorn and Mamie Quinn and Louis Hanby and Lulu Wilton. A pretty romance culminated last night when Sergeant
Charles Werth of the Third U.S. Cavalry, stationed at San Antonio, Texas
was married to Miss Margaret Barribeau by Justice Van Den Berg, Menominee.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Barribeau, and the groom
is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Werth of this city.
Oconto County Reporter
November 25, 1909 A pretty but quiet wedding ceremony was performed at
St. Peters church at nine Tuesday morning by the Rev. Vanier which joined
in holy bonds of matrimony Miss Emma Brabant of Little River and John Younger
of Ashland.
Oconto County Reporter
December 2, 1909 A pretty wedding took place at St. Joseph’s church this morning at nine when Miss Lena Pahnke of Green Bay and Mr. Melvin Roy of this city were united in marriage by Rev. Fr. Selbach. The friends of Miss Lena Johnson and Mr. William Olsen
of the town of Little River are extending congratulations and good wishes
on account of their marriage which was solemnized at Menominee Saturday,
November 20
Oconto County Reporter
December 23, 1909 submitted by Richard La Brosse Invitations are out announcing the coming marriage of Miss Jennie E. Korotev to Julius Cayo to be solemnized next Wednesday at Gillett, where Miss Korotev’s parents reside. The following marriage licenses were issued by county
clerk Leigh this week;