Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Researched and edited for the Oconto County WIGenWeb Site by Cathe Ziereis



Not all issues of past newspapers have been saved to microfilm, however, every effort is being made to research what is available for this collection. Our goal is to help in researching ancestors and add a sense of history. This page is a continuing effort and will be added to, often, as more research is completed.
Oconto County Reporter
January 5, 1895
researched by Cathe Ziereis
transcribed by Ron Renquin


H.M. Lord and Miss Lizzie Brophy Wedded

At High Noon

Again the peal of the marriage bell and two of society’s favorite members pledge to each other vows of life-long constancy and never ending devotion and assume the relationship of husband and wife.

Wednesday morning, after a repast at the home of the bride’s parents - Mr. and Mrs. Barney Brophy, in the East ward - the wedding party proceeded to the residence of Rev. P. I. Lochman, where the sacred ceremony of marriage was pronounced and the nuptial know was cemented.

The bride was attired in a handsome traveling dress and carried a bouquet of white roses; the groom in conventual’s black with lapel bouquet of blue violets. Miss Ella Regan was bridesmaid and J. B. Grunert best man. After the ceremony the party returned to the bride’s
home where congratulations of friends were tendered and at 12:58 the couple departed for Milwaukee for a week’s sojourn when they will return and enter upon the new life in the town of Maple Valley, where Mr. Lord is engaged in the general merchandize business.

The bride has resided in Oconto since childhood, always prominent in social circles, of unwavering friendship a lovable disposition, and the groom is known to every resident of city, and county as an upright young man and capable tradesman, and the kindest wishes of all are extended to the happy couple.

Married at Timme P. O., December 30, 1894, Orin Stapleford and Miss Louise Kelsey, both of Pound, Wisc. P. S. Olson  officiating.
Oconto County Reporter
19 January 1895


The evening of January 9th was especially bright and beautiful. The man in the moon looked down with wistful eyes across the hills  of Hickory. Harry Lord had just returned with his charming bride, and neighbors and friends were gathered at the home of Mr. And Mrs. L.S. Lord to receive them. The occasion was one of cheerful greeting, good wishes and a bountiful supper for the guests and others and thus was inaugurated another happy Hickory home.

Kelly Brook

Married, Sunday, in the Lutheran church at Maple Valley, Peter Hanson of Oconto and Miss Mathilda Peterson of this vicinity, by Rev. Madson of Marinette.
Oconto County Reporter
26 January 1895

Marriage of Mrs. Rebecca Ellis and G. B. Michael in the East.

Oconto friends will be interested in the announcement of the marriage of Mrs. Rebecca A. Ellis to G. B. Michael, ‘away down in Maine." The Bangor Commercial gives and account of the happy event.

Granville B. Michael, of Stillwater, and Mrs. Rebecca A. Ellis, of Oconto, Wis., were quietly married at the Methodist Parsonage in Oconto, Thursday afternoon, January 16, at 3 o’clock, by Rev. W. F. Holmes. Mr. Michael is one of the leading citizens of Stillwater and has an extensive acquaintance in Pentecost county. He has long been in the mercantile business in Stillwater, and is now postmaster of the place. Mr. Michael is an affable gentleman, very popular with his friends, and commands the esteem of all who know him. Mrs. Ellis is a native of Stillwater, but has lived in the west for many years. Her eastern friends are delighted that through this pleasant alliance her future home will be among them. After the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Michael went directly to their residence, where they received general and hearty congratulations.

Mrs. Ellis has resided in this city many years, and in taking her departure for a new home she carries with her the friendship of an extended acquaintance which shall never grow dim. To Mr. and Mrs. Michael, Oconto people extend well wishes for enduring

Oconto County Reporter
26 January 1895

At Hickory, January 23, Dr. J. W. Pinch and Miss Nellie Watts, of Gillett, by Rev. G. C. Carmichael. The REPORTER joins in congratulations.


A. Peterson of Millard, Wis., and Miss Laura Larson, were married Wednesday evening, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Larson, Rev. Upson, of Oconto Falls officiating. They took their departure Thursday noon for Millard, where they will make their further home. We extend congratulations.
Oconto County Reporter
Feb., 1895

Marriage of William A. Hay and Miss
Anna Farnsworth at Chicago.

Yesterday Oconto friends received cards announcing the marriage of William A. Hay, of New York, to Miss Anna Farnsworth, in the city of Chicago, on Tuesday, 5th inst. Mr. Hay is a retired capitalist, a man of much influence and popular in business and social circles. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Farnsworth, and Oconto was for several years her home. The most sincere congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hay by the people of this city.
Oconto County Reporter
10 May 1895


On Monday morning, at 9 o’clock, Mr. Joseph Pevlick and Miss Paulina Wandross, of Lena, attended by James Paschek and Miss Annie Pavlick, were married at St. Joseph’s church by Rev. Fr. Lochman. 
At Gillett, May 3, by Rev. J. G. Oepke, pastor of the Lutheran church, Louis Hanstedt to Miss Louise Klemp.
Friends are congratulating Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carney (nee Miss Hannah Kennedy) who have returned to the city from their wedding trip.
Oconto County Reporter
17 May 1895


At St. Joseph’s church, Wednesday morning, May 15, by Fr. Lochman, Mr. Simon Schuh and Miss Julia Young. They left that evening for their home at Freedom, Wis.

Married, Thursday afternoon, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Temple, Miss Evelyn Temple to Myron Schaal, Rev. Upson officiating. The many friends of the young couple wish them much joy and a long and useful life.

Oconto County Reporter
31 May 1895

Elmer Riffenberg and Miss Lizzie Poppy were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heman Poppy, May 20. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends, who immediately afterward repaired the dining room, where a sumptuous supper was waiting. The happy couple took the evening train for a short wedding tour, from which they will return and take up their residence in Abrams. They have the kindest wishes of the entire community for their future welfare.

Oconto County Reporter
June 20, 1895


On Monday next, at the home of the lady’s parents in Neenah, Mr. H. Jerslid of Oconto will wed Miss Tena Pedersen, they will remain a week or more with friends in that city, when they will come to Oconto and occupy the James Larsen house in the North ward. The Reporter joins with others friends in advance congratulations.


Miss Julia McKeever and Mr. Tulford were married at St. Joseph’s church on Wednesday.

Oconto County Reporter
6 April 1895
All seems Bright on the Morn of the 
Marriage Day.
George Duncan and Mrs. Jennie Nelligan were married at the residence of Mrs. Margaret Jackson, mother of the bride, in the town of Little River, Wednesday, April 3, in the presence of immediate relatives, by Rev. G. Bossard. Her brother Benjamin and sister Lizzie stood up with them. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan are to reside in this city at the Richard House which they will conduct in the future. Oconto friends extend congratulations.

J.J. Hof of Milwaukee and Mrs. J. A. Burtis of Okauchee, Wis., were married at Washington D. C. Mr. Hof is president of J. J. Hof Land Company of Milwaukee which owns about 60,000 acres of land in central and eastern Wisconsin, including a large acreage in Oconto county upon a portion of which is located the village of Sobieski. Mrs. Burtis is well known all over the United States as the successful and genial proprietress of that beautiful summer resort, Spring Bank, along the shore of Oconomowoc lake.

Carl Mueller and Miss Augusta Grade were quietly married by Rev. H. Eisenbach on Thursday, 28th ult.

By T. Uplegger, pastor of the Lutheran church at Gillett, August Buhsandt and Joanna Polzin.

J. A. Sharpley and Miss Amelia Hanop were united in wedlock by Rev. G. C. Carmichael. Mr. Sharpley resides at Sagola, Mich.

Oconto County Reporter
20 April 1895

Destinies Linked for Life - Vows Sealed 
With the Wedding Ring.

At the Presbyterian manse, by the Rev. G. Bossard, on April 15, John Neville and Miss Constance Vandenack, both of Pensaukee.

Louis Menge and Mrs. Charlotte Muman were married on Tuesday by Rev. Fr. Lochman; both residents of this city. 

On Thursday by the same priest, George Burnett of Antigo and Miss Adelaide Williams of Oconto - W. J. Evans officiating as groomsman and Miss Mary Williams as bridesmaid.

Oconto County Reporter
27 April 1895


At the Methodist Parsonage, this morning, George Runkel and Miss Lillian Reed were married by Rev. G. C. Carmichael, Barney Brophy officiating as groomsman and Miss Minnie Runkel as bridesmaid. After the ceremony they took the 12:58 train for Oshkosh, where they will remain a few days with relatives of Mr. Runkel, thence to the new home at Oconto Falls where Mr. Runkel is engaged in business. Friends in Oconto, among whom the young couple have always lived, with them all the joy there is in this life and a most prosperous future in substantial blessings.

Wednesday evening, by the same clergyman, Edward Links and Miss Della Hollopeier. It was a quiet wedding, and although planned to be kept from their friends for a time the secret was of brief duration, yet congratulations are just as cordial because of the unsuccessful ruse. The newly wedded couple have gone to housekeeping in their own home which they had leisurely prepared in anticipation of the event. Both have lived long among us and their friends are legion.

On Sunday evening, April 14, By Rev. Fr. Vaillant, Mrs. Virginia Classon to Fred Coature, late of the town of Brazeau. 

Oconto County Reporter
June 28, 1895


Mr. Herman Rosenfeldt and Miss Augutsa L. Boercket were married yesterday in this city, and their many friends showed congratulations upon them and danced to their future happiness at the home of the groom’s mother until an early hour Friday morning, the city cornet band discoursing music on the occasion. The Reporter joins in good wishes.


On Monday, at Green Bay, Miller Elliot and Miss Bessie Clapp of Maple Valley were united in wedlock. 

Oconto County Reporter
5 July 1895


 The marriage at Oshkosh of John B. Martineau and Miss Gertrude Roche was an event held in pleasant anticipation by their many friends in Oconto who were cognizant of the state of affairs, and the marriage vows were spoken in the presence of intimate friends and relatives at the hous of 6 in the morning of Tuesday, July 2.  The OSHKOSH TIMES thus mentions the even:
 Yesterday moning in St. Vincent de Paul’s church, occurred the marriage of Miss Gertrude Roche, of this city and Mr. John B. Marineau, of Oconto.  Rev. Father Morrissey officiated.  The bride wore an elegant and becoming traveling costume and carried white roses.  Miss Franc Phelps of Oconto was bridesmaid and carried pink roses.  Miss Nellie Roche, the little sister of the bride, acted as maid of honor.  Mr. Julius Grunert of Oconto was best man.  The bride was given away by her father.  At the close of the ceremony a dainty wedding breakfast of four courses was served at the residence of the brides parents and Mr. and Mrs. Martineau took th early train via the Chicago & Northwestern road for Chicago, St. Louis and other points.
 The bride in this event is the daughter of Assistant Chief Roche of the fire department and an amiable young and attractive lady.  She graduated from the Oshkosh Normal in 1893.  Mr. Martineau is an enterprising young businessman of Oconto.
 The guests from out of town were:  Mrs. Eleanor Martineau, mother of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Martineau, Master Guy and Miss Lulu Martineau, all of Oconto, and Miss Margaret Williams, of LaCrosse.
 Mr. and Mrs. Martineau will be “at home” in the Capt. Freeman residence in the South ward after July 10, and congratulations will be showered upon the popular young couple by their myriad of friends.
 The bride, since her residence in Oconto, as teacher in the public schools, has endeared herself to all fortuneate in her acquaintance, and the groom is one of our most popular young businessmen and prominent in social circles.


 One of the pleasant events in the city’s social circles was the marriage of Miss Laura Robinson to Mr. James McFarlane, which occurred at the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening, July 3.  Promply at 7:30 o’clock, the church being completely filled by the many friends of the contracting parties, the organ pealed forth beautiful strains of Mendelssohn’s Wedding March and the pastor of the church, Rev. G. Bossard, took his position in front of the pulpit.  Meanwhile the bridal party consisting of the ushers - Messrs. W. A. Reinhard and F. W. Ford, the bridesmaid, Miss Gertrude Robinson, withe the best man, Mr. John Bryce.  Friends of the bride had decorated the pulpit platform with handsome flowers, presenting a very beautiful appearance. 
 At the conclusion of the ceremony at church a reception was held at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. John Robinson, on First street, where a large number of guests were handsomely entertained.  The presents were numberous and beautiful, testifying to the esteem in which the couple are held in the community.
 The bride has grown to womanhood in our city, is most highly esteemed and loved and held a prominent place in social circles and in church and charitable work.
 The groom has made Oconto his home for several years past and is a man of sterling qualities.
 After the reception the couple departed on the 11 o’clock train for an extended wedding tour.  They will visit Boston and attend the great interntional Y.P.S.C.E. convention; thence they go to New Brunswick, and in September they expect to return to Oconto, which they will make their home.  A very large circle of friends and acquaintances extend hearty congratulations and wish Mr. and Mrs. McFarlane long life and abundance of happiness. 


 John Angus Price of Oconto and Catherine Kaufman of Maple Valley were united in the bonds of holy matrimony at St. Mark’s church on Monday evening, July 1, 1895, by Rev. Fr. Mead.  The bridal party presented a pleasing appearance, expecially the bride, who was dressed in a becoming traveling suit.  Their home and postoffice address wil be Maple Grove, Oconto Co., Wis.


 The marriage of Miss Nettie Bannon of Green Bay to Charles D. France of this city
was solemnized by the Rev. Fr. Van Sestern, at Green Bay, July 3.  They will reside in Oconto.


 Charles Avery Smith and Emma Selma Boehm, both of Oconto, at St. Mark’s church, on Saturday evening, June 29, 1895, by REv. Geo. N. Mead, priest in charge.  The bride was beautifully dressed in white satin and the bride’s maid in white silk, while the alter was tastefully decorated with white flowers.


 The marriage of Miss Gertrude Russell, of this city, to Mr. Amos Christ of Wausaukee, to take place at the home of the bride elect, on July 16, is announced.  Mr. Christ is a leading merchant of Wausaukee.



 Millard Elliot and Miss Bessie Klapp were married June 24 and are now at home on the H.H. Klapp place, two miles west of Hickory.  Here’s our hand for another happy Hickory home.


 Married, July 3, at the home of the bride’s parents in Spruce, Mr. Guy Steers to Miss May Nelson, Rev. Upson performing the ceremony.  Their many friends wish them joy.

Oconto County Reporter
19 July 1895

Marriage Solemnized at St. Joseph’s 
Church on Tuesday Morning July 16.

 St. Joseph’s church was well filled on Tuesday morning by relatives and friends desirous of witnessing the ceremony which would make Mr. Amos Christ of Wausaukee and Miss Gertrude Russell of this city husband and wife.  At 9 o’clock the Rev. Fr. Lochman pronounced the colemn words and congratulations followed.  Mr. John Kupyers of DePere, editor of the Brown County Democrat, was best man and Miss Rosetta Russell, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid.  The bride was attired in cream silk and carried cream roses, and the bridesmaid was attired in cream henrietta and carried pink roses.  Among those present from abroad were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Russell, father and mother of the bride and Miss Gertrude Nettles of Keshena, Miss Anna Wren of Milwaukee, and Mesdames Thomas Allen and H. P. Christ of Waukaukee, and Mrs. F. J. Bergman (sister of the bride), of Escanaba.  The presents were numerous and beautiful.  After a bridal tour which will include several large cities, the happy couple will be at home at Wausaukee, August 1.
 The bride has been a popular and successful teacher in Oconto schools, and carries with her into her new home the best wishes of all who know her.  The groom is a prosperous business man of Wausaukee, highly spoken of by his neighbors and acquaintances.  Long lives and unalloyed happiness for Mr. and Mrs. Christ is the sincere wish of their numerous friends.


 A daughter of Augustus Adkins of Brookside will be married to Colby Cooper, and employee of the Falls paper mill, some time in August.


 Bert Bovee and Miss Annie Bitters are to wed at Brookside during the later part of August.


 Abrams - Miss Edith Bellingham of Abrams and C. W. Orde of Wausaukee, were united in marriage at her brother’s, Henry Bellingham.  The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bellingham, and is a most estimable lady of prepossession appearance.  Not much is known of the groom here, bhough he is said to be a well to do barber, highly esteemed in Wausaukee.  Rev. Harry Down officiated.  Mrs. Orde will remain here with her brother for a few days when she will go to Wausaukee to reside permanently.  The entire community proffers congratulations to the happy couple.
Oconto County Reporter
26 July 1895

 Mr. George E. Foster of Oscoda, Mich., and Miss Margaret Carlin of Oconto, were united in wedlock at St. Joseph’s church, Wednesday morning, Mr. George Shores and Miss Amy Carlin, attendants, the ceremony performed by Fr. Lochman.  A reception followed at the home of the bride’s parents.  Miss Lena Rummel and Kittie Schoeber and Mr. Carlin were present from Green Bay.  Mr. and Mrs. Foster will reside in Oscoda.

 The marriage of W. A. Holt and Miss Lucy Rumsey, at Lake Forest, was solemnized yesterday.  Along about the first of September they will arrive in Oconto and occupy their handsome home on West Main St. 


Oconto County Reporter
16 August 1895

Married, August 14, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Witham, Colby Cooper and Miss Laura Atkins, Rev. Upson speaking the words that made them husband and wife. After a bountiful repast the happy pair took the train for a short wedding tour, expecting to return on Friday evening

Oconto County Reporter
23 August 1895
C. H. Royce and Miss Agnes Burnside
Were Married on Wednesday
"Once more the chime of wedding bells." On Wednesday, August 21, in the presence of a few intimate friends and relatives, words were uttered that placed Mr. C. H. Royce and Miss Agnes Burnside in the relationship of husband and wife - the officiating clergyman, Rev. Guido Bossard, pastor of the Presbyterian church of this city, and the ceremony performed at the residence of Judge and Mrs. D. G. Classon.

The rooms were most beautifully decorated with trailing vines an fragrant flowers, and following the ceremony came congratulations and the wedding dinner, and at 1:50 the departure for a brief visit to the city of Milwaukee and other points.

Those present to witness the happiness of their young friends were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burnside of Riverside Farm, town of Stiles, parents of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Royce, parents of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Royce, Escanaba; Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Classon, Rev. and Mrs. Bossard, Mrs. F. A. Knapp, Albert Burdick and Asa Royce. The presents were numerous and beautiful and greatly admired.

These young people who have just launched their barque upon a calm sea have the wishes of many friends that the voyage may thus continue to the end of life.

The groom has always lived in this city, is a young man of sterling integrity, correct habits, was recently admitted as a partner in his father’s business, and the bride, a sister of Mrs. D. G. Classon, well known in Oconto social circles, is admired for her many graces.

When they return from their wedding trip they will at once enter upon their duties of housekeeping in the former home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Royce on Main street, where friends will give them cordial greetings.
Oconto County Reporter

Oconto County Reporter
August 30, 1895
Again the twang of the mystic bow and cupid’s dart hath performed well its mission.
News comes from Hortonville of the marriage of Mr. L.J. Pingel of this city and Miss Tillie E. Steffen of Hortonville, and the following press clipping tells of the happy ceremony:

"The marriage of Mr. J. Lawrence Pingel to Miss Tillie Steffen, daughter of Mrs. Belle Steffen, was solemnized at the home of the bride’s mother last evening at 8 p.m. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. W. Frees, of Hortonville, in the presence of a few friends and relatives. 

The bride is well and favorably known, having taught in the public schools of Hortonville for a number of years. Mr. Pingel, the groom, is a promising young lawyer of Oconto. The happy couple departed on the morning train for Milwaukee, and they will be at home in Oconto after September 1." 

To Mr. and Mrs. Pingle a most cordial welcome will be accorded.


By Rev. Fr. Lochman, at St. Joseph’s chapel, Mr. John E. Murphy and Miss Anna Drave -the groom a resident of this city and the bride’s former home at Abrams. They were attended by Mr. Frank Hinkle and Miss Lizzie Praedell. At the home of the groom’s parents refreshments were partaken of, after which they left the city for a brief trip. Returning they will occupy their home on Oconto street.


At Depere, in St. Mary’s church, Mr. John Derks of Oconto and Miss Gertie Von Vonderin were made husband and wife. Following the ceremony there was a ball given in honor of the event. The happy couple are now residing in Oconto on Fourth street and friends are tendering congratulations.


William Plucker and Miss Cora Anderson were united in marriage on the 19th instant by Judge Jones. The will reside in Oak Orchard

Pingel – Steffen

Again the twang of the mystic bow and cupid’s dart hath performed well its mission. 

News comes from Hortonville of the marriage of Mr. L. J. Pingel of this city and Miss Tillie e. Steffen of Hortonville and the following press clipping tells of the happy ceremony.


The marriage of Mr. J. Lawrence Pingel to Miss Tillie Steffens, was solemnized at the home of the bride’s mother last evening at 8 p.m. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. W. Frees, of Hortonville, in the presence of a few friends and relatives.
Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 7, 1895

At the home of Mrs. L. Fisher, Shiocton, Wis., Wednesday, September 4, by Rev. E. Gerechter, Mr. Herman Heller and Miss Rose Fisher.

Mr. Carl Hana and Miss Antonia Svitack were married by O. W. Bloch, Esq., at the home of the bride’s parents on Saturday last - September 7.

On Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock, at St. Mark’s church, Mr. Frank Brown and Miss Lillian Russell were united in wedlock, Rev. Fr. Mead officiating. Their attendants were Mr. George Russell and Miss Gertrude Russell - brother and sister of the bride. The church was prettily decorated with pink and white flowers, and Mendelssohn’s march lent inspiring strains to the occasion. Mr. Brown’s former home was in Green Bay, where his parents - who were present at the ceremony - now reside. The bride’s people are residents of Couillardville. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will make their home at Hunts Spur, Mich., where he is employed, and where the best wishes of a myriad of friends go with them.


By Justice Jones, at the residence of George Cerveney in Frenchtown, Monday evening, September 9, Mr. Joseph Pacer and Miss Josephine Slegr.

Married, Sept. 5, at the M. E. parsonage, Mr. Owen Collier to Miss Addie Fuller. Rev. Upson performed the ceremony. Their many friends wish them joy.

A very quiet wedding took place in our midst Wednesday night, the contracting parties being Miss Clara Regal and Guy Wilson
Oconto County Reporter
September 13, 1895


At the home of Mrs. L. Fisher, Shiocton, Wis., Wednesday, September 4, by Rev. E. Gerechter, Mr. Herman Heller and Miss Rose Fisher.

Mr. Carl Hana and Miss Antonia Svitack were married by O. W. Bloch, Esq., at the home of the bride’s parents on Saturday last - September 7.

On Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock, at St. Mark’s church, Mr. Frank Brown and Miss Lillian Russell were united in wedlock, Rev. Fr. Mead officiating. Their attendants were Mr. George Russell and Miss Gertrude Russell - brother and sister of the bride. The church was prettily decorated with pink and white flowers, and Mendelssohn’s march lent inspiring strains to the occasion. Mr. Brown’s former home was in Green Bay, where his parents - who were present at the ceremony - now reside. The bride’s people are residents of Couillardville. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will make their home at Hunts Spur, Mich., where he is employed, and where the best wishes of a myriad of friends go with them.

By Justice Jones, at the residence of George Cerveney in Frenchtown, Monday evening, September 9, Mr. Joseph Pacer and Miss Josephine Slegr.

Oconto County Reporter
20 September 1895


At the residence of Rev. and Mrs. S. W. Ford, Wednesday, at the hour of 12, noon, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. George Stephen Elliott and Miss Minnie Delia Ford; in the presence of a few relatives, the ceremony performed by the father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. G. C. Carmichael. 


By Rev. G. Bossard, on Wednesday evening, Mr. John Duncan and Miss Nelson were joined in holy wedlock. On Thursday evening they were serenaded by the Trombone band. To Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, THE REPORTER, with other friends, extends congratulations.


At the residence of the bride’s parents, in the South ward, Saturday evening, September 14, Miss Dora Follett and Mrs. Fred Rohlback, Rev. H. Eisenbach officiating. Congratulations from all friends.

Oconto County Reporter
September 27, 1895

Oconto County Marriages in Marinette.

Fred Baker and Miss Katherine Wezenaar.

Edward Cannon and Miss Elizabeth Pueler are to wed next Tuesday.
Oconto County Reporter
October 4, 1895


 Gillett Young People Take Upon
    Themselves the Marriage Vow.

At the residence of F. Schaal, Gillett, Wis., Monday, September 30, 1895, Mr. Guy C. Cox and Miss L. Mabel Schaal and Mr. Frank Schaal and
Miss Mame Howland were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The marriages were solemnized at 12 o'clock, Rev. E. D. Upson officiating,
after which a sumptuous repast was served to the many friends present.

The brides were attended by the Misses Estella Fitzgerald, Lucy Howland and Jennie Lucas, and the grooms by Messrs. Bert Cox, Roy Fitzgerald and
Lewis Schaal.

The many presents received attest the high esteem in which the happy couples are held, and their many friends wish them a long, prosperous
and happy life.


The marriage of Hattie Rifenbergh to W. Weiting, which took place here September 11, was not mentioned. He hope it is not to late yet. Miss
Hattie was one of our most popular young ladies. She has resided in the immediate vicinity from childhood, and having taught in the county for
the past six years makes her too well known to need further eulogy from us. We know very little of Mr. Weiting, except that he holds a lucrative
position as telegraph operator at Adell, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Weiting have gone to Adell to reside, and carry with them the best wishes of the community
for their future welfare.


Burt Bovee and Annie Bitters were married at Brookside; September 24


John Bovee, Jr., was recently married to Addie Lamphere of Gould City, Mich., and with his bride is visiting his parents and other relatives here.

Oconto County Reporter
25 October 1895


At St. Joseph's parsonage, Thursday morning, by Rev. Fr. Lochman, Mr. Henry Van Abel of this city and Miss Elizabeth Latterman of Gillett.
William Van Able and Miss Wittkopf were attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Van Abel will reside in Oconto.



Frank Leonard and Miss Malvina Spencer; 
Dr. E. E. Hutchinson and Miss Mary Larson; 
Roy Smead and Miss Ethel Johnson.

Oconto County Reporter
8 November 1895

Oconto Falls
Married - At Marinette, about two weeks ago, Miss Lena Harkley to Mr. Howard Macrorie. We are unable to give a date, as Mr. Macrorie has been
very successful in keeping it quiet. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Macrorie a long and happy future.


On Sunday, at St. Peter’s church, Mr. Frank Mott and Miss Felcite Lafave were united in marriage by Rev. Fr. Vaillant. They will make Oconto
their home. Friends extend congratulations.


In the town of Waupee, at the residence of H. C. Armstrong, justice of the peace, on November 3, 1895, George A. D. Cronce of Shawano and Miss
Cora E. Huntley of Waupee. John B. Armstrong, Jr., and Miss Mabel Donald were attendants.

Oconto County Reporter
15 November 1895


Mrs. F. W. Fisher of Pensaukee has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. DeLano, the past week.


At the residence of the bride’s parents on Wednesday, Nov. 6, Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Beyer, and Mr. Henry Van Boven of the town
of Oconto, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. H. J. Kohlhepp of Peshtigo. Miss Mary Van Boven, sister of the groom, and Miss
Lizzie Dodds, were bridesmaids, and Louis Beyer and Julius Kreuger acted as groomsmen. The bride is well known in this vicinity, have lived here
from childhood, and her cheerful disposition won for her a large circle of friends. The groom is a young man of upright character, industrious
and persevering. At the conclusion of the ceremony the company sat down to an elegant wedding dinner. After supper, dancing was the principal
amusement. Their many friends entertain for them the best wishes for their future welfare. The bride was the recipient of a large number of
beautiful and useful presents.


In Waupee, Nov. 10, by Justice Armstrong, Miss Cora Huntley of Waupee to George Cronce of Shawano.


Invitations are sent out for the wedding of Miss Iyne May Bandland to John Forsberg, tomorrow evening, at the residence of the bride’s
parents, in Little River.

Oconto County Reporter
22 November 1895

Mr. Rudolph Bowers and Miss Rose Williams were united in marriage on the 10th inst., by Rev. Fr. Valiant. Oconto will be their home.


At Oconto Falls, November 18, by D. C. Elliott, justice of the peace, Emil Luisler and Miss Rosie Shimek, both of Lena.

Oconto County Reporter
6 December 1895

By Rev. G. Bossard, Mr. Alex. Lerduro of this city and Miss Eliza LeFevre of Brookside. They will make Oconto their home, Mr. Lerduro
being associated with Mr. Anderson in the meat market business. THE REPORTER joins with other friends in congratulations.


Rollin A. Shoesmith of Leslie, Mich. and Miss Ida May Johnson of this city were married at the home of the Mrs. John Stewart by Rev. G. C.
Carmichael. Their home will be at Leslie.


Miss Liza LeFevre and A. Ladrow were married in Oconto last week. All wish them a pleasant voyage down the stream of life.


Married: Adelia Cook and Wallace Markel; Augusta Good and James Lawson.

Oconto County Reporter
13 December 1895

John McMahon and Miss Annie Clark were married at Oconto by Rev. Carmichael, on the 10th instant. Congratulations.


Mike Olson and Mrs. Peter Nelson were married at the home of Mrs. Nelson on Dec. 13, by P. S. Olson. Best wishes.

Oconto County Reporter
20 December 1895

Married at Oshkosh.
Mr. Bernard Brophy and Miss Minnie Runkel were married in Oshkosh on Wednesday of this week, at the residence of Thomas Ryan, by Rev. John W.


Friends in Oconto had anticipated the event for some time, and to the happy couple all extend a hearty congratulations.


The marriage of Charles Davis and Mrs. Prell occurred Thursday morning, Rev. P. J. Lochman performing the ceremony. They will spend a brief
honeymoon at Chippewa Falls.