Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Researched and edited for the Oconto County WIGenWeb Site by Cathe Ziereis



Not all issues of past newspapers have been saved to microfilm, however, every effort is being made to research what is available for this collection. Our goal is to help in researching ancestors and add a sense of history. This page is a continuing effort and will be added to, often, as more research is completed.

Transcribed by Ron Renquin (unless otherwise noted)

Oconto County Reporter
14 January 1888

By F. Deimer, justice of the peace, on Monday, Jan. 2, 1888, at the residence of Jacob Marita, Joseph Burse and Miss Anna Huscha, both of Oconto.

By F. Deimer, justice of the peace, at his residence, on Monday, January 9, 1888, Henry Gierke, of Little Suamico, and Miss Annie R. Ross, of Pensaukee.

Oconto County Reporter
21 January 1888

Married, at St. Joseph’s church, in this city, on Tuesday, Jan. 17, 1888, by Rev. Fr. Sweibach, Mr. John Hays and Mrs. Thomas Welch, both of this city. The happy couple left on the evening train for Chicago and other southern points, and will spend a week or so enjoying a bridal trip. We extend our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hays and entertain for them only the best wishes for their future welfare.

Cards are out announcing the approaching marriage of Mr. Frank Hoeffel, of Hoeffel Bros., this city, and Miss Adelaide Doolittle, of Whitewater, at the residence of the bride’s parents, on Wednesday evening, the 25th inst. The bride is a most estimable young lady and was for some time a teacher in this city, and during her residence here formed a number of acquaintances who all unite in tending her sincere congratulations, and entertain for her only the best wishes in the new relations which she is about to assume. Mr. Hoeffel is one of our most prominent young business men, and is liberally endowed with those qualities of character which are essential to domestic felicity. Accept our congratulations, Frank.

Oconto County Reporter
11 February 1888

Married, at St. Joseph’s church, in this city on Thursday, Feb 9, 1888, by Rev. Fr. Schwebach, Paul Greetans to Mrs. Chas. Lippert.

Oconto County Reporter
25 February 1888

At the residence of the bride’s parents, on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1888, by Rev. E. Savage, Mr. Charles E. Good, of Eden Prairie, Minn., and Miss Emma Trecartin of Maple Valley, this county. The bride, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trecartin, is a most estimable and accomplished young lady, who counts her friends and admirers by the score. The groom is a nephew of Mr. Geo.
Good, of this city, and was a number of years a resident of Oconto. He is now a prosperous farmer at Eden Prairie, Minn., for which place the happy couple left shortly after the marriage ceremony. A number of valuable presents testified the sincere regards which their friends held for them. THE REPORTER extends congratulations.

Oconto County Reporter
3 March 1888

Married, at the residence of Capt. Soyer, in this city, on Wednesday, Feb. 29, 1888, by the Rev. Mr. Drafter, of Marinette, Mr. Will Judkins and Miss Thorne, all of Marinette.

On Wednesday last, as the Rev. Mr. Dafter, of Marinette, was about to take the train for this city where he was to deliver a lecture that night, he was requested by Mr. Will Judkins to perform a marriage ceremony which should make one flesh of himself and his affianced, Miss Thorne. Not having time to comply with the request before the train left, the reverend gentlemen told Mr. Judkins that if he couldn’t wait until next day he should get Miss Thorne and come with him to Oconto. This Mr. J. readily assented to, and the happy couple arrived here on the same train as Mr. Dafter - the 12:22 p.m. Taking the ‘bus the party proceeded at once to the residence of Capt. Soyer, an acquaintance of the groom, where the marriage ceremony was performed, congratulations hurried through with, the happy groom and blushing bride took the 1:38 p.m. train back to their home at Marinette.

Oconto County Reporter
31 March 1888

Married, by F. Deimer, justice of the Peace, at his residence, on March 24, 1888, Charles Lalumiere, of Marinette, Wis., and Miss Mary Wescott, of this city.

Oconto County Reporter
14 April 1888

Married, in this city, on Thursday, April 12th, by Judge F. W. Wilcox, Louis White, of Pensaukee to Miss Eleanor Davis, of How. Ed. Millidge and Dell Wilcox were the bridesmaids on the occasion.


At St. Peter’s church, Sunday, April 8th, by Rev. Fr. Vaillant, Peter Lefebvre and Miss Mary Laionde.

At St. Peter’s church, Monday, April 9th, by Rev. Fr. Vaillant, John Connerton and Miss Mary Lapensie, and Frank Courtois to Miss Alice Farrell, and Thos. Proulx to Miss Josephine Copt.

A wedding took place at the residence of Mr. James Young, at Gillett, on April 4th, the contracting parties being Mr. Albert W. Gillett and Miss Emma Young, Rev. E. Savage officiating. A most pleasant time was spent.

Oconto County Reporter
21 April 1888

Married, April 19th, at the M.E. Church by Rev. Wm. Moyle, Frank E. Mott to Miss Maggie Cheffings, of Maple Valley.

Little River
A wedding always caused more or less excitement, especially among young people who are themselves looking forward to such an event in the future. This time the fortunate ones are Mr. Phillip Belonga and Miss Ellen Carriveau, at St. Peter’s church, on Monday, April 16, 1888, Rev. Fr. Valliant officiating. Both of the young people are well and favorably known here, and a host of friends join in wishing them a pleasant voyage on the sea of life.

Oconto County Reporter
28 April 1888

“Will L. Edmonds, Alice C. Pierce, married Thursday, the twenty-sixth of April, eighteen hundred and eighty eight. Chicago. At home after the tenth of May, Oconto, Wisconsin.” The foregoing legend was borne to us yesterday on a beautifully lithographed folder, and satisfies us that our conjectures concerning Wills mysterious trips to Chicago were correct. Well, he has our permission; in fact, were real glad of it, and take pleasures, in unison with a host of his friends in this city, in extending to the happy couple our heartfelt wishes for future bliss and prosperity.

Married, April 19th, 1888, by F. Deimer, justice of the peace, at the residence of Joe Buresh, James Blasek and Miss Anna Buresh, all of this city.

Frank George, of our town, and Miss Pauline Prue, were married the 24th by J. C. Banta. The groom is an estimable young farmer, and the bride one of our most popular young ladies. A great amount of happiness and bliss is wished them.

Oconto County Reporter
5 May 1888

Wedding Bells

Edmonds - Pierce - At Grace church, Chicago, Thursday, April 26th, 2 o’clock p.m. by Bishop Cheney, Mr. W. L. Edmonds of Oconto Falls, Wis., and Miss A. C. Pierce, of Chicago.

The contracting parties are well known in our local social circles, the groom having been for several years a resident in the employ of the Marinette and Menominee Paper Co., having charge of their books. Upon the establishment of the Falls Manufacturing Co., at Oconto Falls, in 1885, he became one of the stockholders; and, though a young man, assumed entire management of this business, which he has since maintained, to the entire satisfaction of the stockholders. Mr. Edmonds is a young man possessing a well-balanced mind, and is notably firm and unswerving in his adherence to honest practices.

The bride - well, out lumbago hesitates, because of its inability to do the subject justice. For two years she exercised the prerogatives of a teacher in our public schools, leaving here, in 1885, to accept a better situation in the Chicago city schools, which position she has since retained. During her stay here she endeared herself to a large circle of friends - among whom “the chiefest of all” seems to have been Mr. Edmonds. Miss Pierce was loved by all who knew her for her charms of face, manner, and intellect; and Mrs. Edmonds, with added graces, will yet have a position in the hearts of those who knew Miss Pierce.

The ceremony was performed before a small gathering of the immediate friends of the contracting parties. The bride and groom were attired in traveling suits - in which they looked their best - and went direct to the Michigan Central depot from the church. They will sojourn briefly in Michigan, and “will be at home at Oconto, Wis., after May 10th.” - Star, Marinette

Oconto County Reporter
2 June 1888

Miss Nellie Page left Wednesday evening for Boston, Mass., where she will be united in marriage with her cousin, Mr. Edwin Page. They will make their home at Bangor, Maine, in which city Mr. Page is engaged in business. Miss Nellie’s numerous friends in this city unite in wishing here bon voyage, and a happy future. May the history of her life have many bright and entertaining pages.

Oconto County Reporter
16 June 1888

Phillip Allie and Mary Burbee, of Maple Valley, were married at St. Patrick’s church Tuesday morning. Rev. Hoogsteel officiating.

Oconto County Reporter
23 June 1888

Married - at the residence of the groom, in this city, June 17, 1888, by F. Deimer, justice of the peace, Chas. W. Oleson and Miss Anna Brand, of this city.

Married, at St. Peter’s church, on Tuesday, June 19th, by the Rev. Fr. Vaillant, Mr. Phillip Ducoteau, of Oconto, and Miss Mary Paquin of Three Rivers, Que.

We clip the following from the Bangor (Maine) Daily Commercial of June 13: The many friends in Bangor of Mr. Edwin J. Page were very pleased to learn of his marriage and congratulations have been fairly showered down upon him, to which he has made a graceful response. The happy event occurred on Monday afternoon at eleven o’clock at the residence of the bride’s uncle in Stoneham Mass., and Rev. Mr. McGregor of that town officiated. The bride is Miss Nellie M. Page, a charming lady belonging in Oconto, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Page arrived in this city yesterday afternoon on the steamer Lewiston and will reside here. They have the kindliest wishes of a large circle of friends.
The bride, Miss Page, was a native of this city where she has resided most of her life. Possessed of excellent traits of character and a gentle disposition she naturally made many friends, all of whom unite with the REPORTER in wishing her unalloyed happiness on her journey though life.

Oconto County Reporter
30 June 1888

Married by the Rev. Wm. Moyle at the residence of Mr. Patrick Shannon, the brides father, Mr. Joseph Bennyhoff, of Vandalis, Ill., and Miss Mary Shannon of Oconto. We congratulate Mr. Bennyhoff in that he has been able to secure one of the fair daughters of Oconto to grace and adorn his future home. May the sunshine of her heart that shines through her eyes never grow less but more.

Married. At St. Mark’s church, Oconto, Wis., by the Rev. Lucius D. Hopkins, B. D., William Gilkey Links, to Angelina Rost, all of this city. A breakfast at eleven o’clock, a drive to the church and a hasty departure on the 12:22 train, were events that so rapidly transpired that many of the friends of the young couple were scarcely aware of their intentions before the bridal trip had begun, but though the vows were plighted without ostentation or the sounding of trumpets, yet are the expressions of a legion of friends none the less sincere or emphatic. The bride is a young lady of prepossessing manners, whose many excellent qualities of head and heart have made her deservedly popular among a large circle of acquaintances, and she is eminently endowed with those attributes that are essential to domestic happiness. The groom is one of our successful young business men whose name is a synonym of industry and integrity, and who numbers all who know him as friends. His popularity among the young men was evidenced by his unanimous election to the position of commanding officer of the Oconto Light Guards. The REPORTER heartily joins in the general expression of well wishes for their future, and trusts their chain of life may be composed of many bright links.

Oconto County Reporter
7 July 1888

Married on Tuesday, July 3, 1888, at St. Joseph’s church, Appleton, by Rev. Fr. Garisnur, Mr. Frank Merline to Miss Mittie Barbeau, both of Oconto. The bride is a quiet, unassuming young lady, who is greatly esteemed by those who enjoy the pleasures of her acquaintance, and is in very fact “a prize to the winner.” Frank, the groom, is well known to most of our citizens as a jolly, whole-souled young man, and made of the right kind of timber to make a wife happy. The REPORTER has great pleasure in extending its hearty congratulations to the happy couple.
A pleasant event which caused a rustle of interest in this vicinity was the wedding last week Monday evening, the 18th inst., at the home of the bride. On that occasion, Miss Libbie H. Banta was married to Mr. Geo. Ritter, of Stephen, Minn., Rev. J. R. Edwards, of Fort Howard, officiating. It was quite an affair. No invitations being issued outside of the family with a single exception. The newly wedded pair departed next morning for their new home in Minnesota, expecting to visit friends on the way. The bride has been a resident here for a number of years, and while she will be missed from a wide circle of friends her place at home with invalid parents will indeed be a void difficult to fill. The groom is favorably known by a number of our people who knew him in former years.

Oconto County Reporter
14 July 1888

Mr. Joseph Kassner and Miss Mary Heed were united in marriage by Rev. Hoogsted on the evening of July 3rd.

Oconto County Reporter
4 August 1888

Married, August 2nd, at the residence of the bride’s parents, in Pensaukee Township, by Rev. Wm. Moyle, Mr. E. H. Percy, to Miss Mary E. Couillard.

Oconto County Reporter
11 August 1888

Married by the Rev. Fr. Schweibach at his residence, Wednesday evening, Aug. 8th, Miss Mary E. Davis of Oconto Falls, to Mr. John Lowery, of Brockway Center, Mich. After the marriage ceremony they were entertained at the residence of Mr. John Slattery, where with a few of their relatives they enjoyed a hearty repast, after which they took their departure on the evening train for a trip of a few days, when they will settle down and make their future home in Michigan. The bride is well known and has a host of friends in Oconto who wish them happiness and prosperity.

Married at the residence of the bride’s parents on Monday, August 6th. Mr. Fred Brown and Miss Edwidge Carriveau. The young couple are deservedly popular, and a host of friends join us in wishing them bon voyage on the sea of life.

Oconto County Marriages
August 11, 1888
Josephine Dubrencz 11 Aug 1888 (DuBrucq) wife, Erwin Duffano 11 Aug 1888  husband Information provided by  Stephanie DuBruq .

Oconto County Reporter
18 August 1888

Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Royce, and Mrs. Ella Beebe left Wednesday morning for Escanaba, Mich., to be present at the wedding of Miss Allie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Royce, to Mr. Edward Naugle, of Omaha, Neb.

At the residence of the bride’s parents, Gillett, Wednesday, August 15, 1888, by Rev. L. P. Norcross, Ella, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Runkel, to Frank R. Pendleton, of this city. The bride is a young lady who was for several years a resident of this city, and during that time her affectionate disposition coupled with a sprightliness of manner made for her many warm friends and admirers, all of whom entertain toward here the best wishes. The groom who is the third son of our respected fellow citizen, Mr. Chas. T. Pendleton, is one of the most popular young men in the city, and to his genial disposition adds business qualifications of the first order. Immediately after the wedding dinner the happy couple too, the west bound train on the M.L.S. & W R’y for a bridal tour of a weeks duration when they will settle down in this city to what their many friends ardently hope may be a prosperous life as free from care and sorrows as it is permitted mortal to enjoy. The REPORTER extends congratulations.

Oconto County Reporter
25 August 1888

Married at the residence of the bride’s parents at Leighton, on Thursday, August 23, 1888, by the Rev. Wm. Moyle, Mr. Quincy McQueen to Miss Mary Shores, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Shores. A large throng of guests assembled to do honor to the happy couple, who start out on the sea of matrimony under the most favorable circumstances. The bride was handsome and radiant, and is by nature endowed with those qualities of character which will enable her to become a fitting helpmate to her manly consort. The guests were royally entertained, and after presenting numerous presents as tokens of esteem, departed with the expressed wish that long life and happiness may be the portion of the newly wedded ones.

Oconto County Reporter
1 September 1888

Married on Thursday, Aug. 23rd, at 4:30 p.m., at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. Mr. Moyle, Mr. Quincy McQueen to Miss Mary Shores, both of this town. Among the invited friends were Mr. and Mrs. Watson, of Chicago, and Miss May Mitchell, of Oconto. After the ceremony the guests participated in a bounteous repast. May their life be long and prosperous are the best wishes of their many friends here.

Oconto County Reporter
8 September 1888

At Christ (C.S.) Church, in this city, Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1888, by the Rev. L. P. Norcross, Mr. Will A. McDonald of Fort Howard, to Miss Minnie Sargent. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sargent, and is one of our most popular young ladies. From her early infancy she has lived in Oconto, and is loved and respected by know her. Endowed by nature with a bright intellect and gentle disposition, she has grown up amidst those surroundings which have tended to develop in her the truest womanhood, and have eminently fitted her to occupy with dignity the position in life which she has just assumed. The groom is the son of Mr. Hugh McDonald, of Fort Howard, formerly a resident of this city. He is a young man of irreproachable character and excellent business qualifications, and is every way worthy of the excellent helpmeet it has been his good fortune to secure. The church was more than comfortably filled with the friends who gathered to witness the ceremony, many of whom enjoyed an excellent wedding supper at the residence of the bride’s parents, at six o’clock. The happy couple took the eight o’clock train for the south, and will spend a week or ten days on a bridal tour. The wedding gifts were numerous and in many instances costly. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald start out in life under most auspicious circumstances and are followed by the hearty well wishes of a legion of friends, among the warmest may be reckoned the REPORTER.

Oconto County Reporter
15 September 1888

Married on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 1888, at St. Joseph’s church by the Rev. Fr. Schweibach, Mr. Patrick O’Neil and Miss Susan Donovan, both of this city.

Oconto County Reporter
29 September 1888
Miss Leila Richer and Geo. Windross were married at Green Bay last Monday. We are very sorry to loose Leila, as she was one of our finest young ladies.

Oconto County Reporter
13 October 1888

Married at the Presbyterian church in this city, by the Rev. G. W. Luther, on Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1888, Mr. D. C. Calkins, of Eau Claire, Wis., and Miss Lina E., second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. High of this city.

Oconto County Reporter
10 November 1888

Miss Sophia Cain and Mr. James Purcell were united in marriage by Justice Robinson last week. Mr. Purcell has accepted a position in a depot further north on this road, but Mr. Purcell continues to reside at Mr. Bovee’s.

Oconto County Reporter
24 November 1888

A wedding took place at St. Patrick’s church, Monday morning. The contracting parties were Mr. Louis Plouff and Miss Mary Noel. J. E. Lofus, organist rendered and inspiring march.

Mr. Purcell, of Coleman, and Miss Sophia Kane, of Abrams, were recently married at the former place, by Rev. Fr. Hoogsteel.

Miss Julia Noel, of Brookside and Poly Ploof of Abrams, were married at the Catholic Church, Stiles, Monday, Nov. 19th, Rev. Fr. Hoogsteel officiating. The wedding festivities were observed at the residence of F. Noel, father of the bride, Brookside. About two hundred guests were invited and nearly all invitations were accepted. The refreshments were composed of everything that could be wished for, and all report a very enjoyable time.

Mr. Poly Plouf of Suamico, and Miss Julia Noel, of this place were united in marriage on Monday, Nov. 19th, at Stiles. Rev. Fr. Hoogsteel officiating.

We clip the following account of the marriage of Miss Jennie Eddy, a former resident of this city, from the Waupaca Post
On Wednesday evening, Nov. 14th, at the residence of S. A. Oakes, Mr. W. H. Beardmore, of Sheridan, and Miss Jennie F. Eddy, of this city were united in marriage, Rev. Perry Miller performing the ceremony. The young couple are well known in this city and have hosts of friends who join the Post in wishing them a full measure of happiness and prosperity. Mr. Beardmore is a prosperous young farmer, a hard worker and of excellent character. Miss Eddy has resided in this city for the past five years and by her amiable disposition has made a multitude of friends.

Oconto County Reporter
8 December 1888

At Marinette, Wednesday, Dec. 5, 1888, by the Rev. Wm. Dafter, Mr. W. H. Overton, of Oshkosh, to Miss Mina Tibbetts. The bride is a native of Oconto, and is the daughter of Mr. H. L. Tibbetts, for many years a resident of this city. She is a young lady of prepossessing appearance, bright and vivacious, and richly endowed by nature with common sense and affectionate disposition. With the fortunate gentleman who has secured so amiable a bride we are unacquainted, but are informed that he is an industrious young man of good character, and is very way worthy of the woman of his choice. The REPORTER joins the numerous friends of the young couple in extending congratulations.


Wedding bells still ring.
At the bride’s residence, Nov. 21, Miss Frankie Leonard and Mr. Perve Wells of Abrams. Mr. and Mrs. Wells will settle at once in their residence at Abrams.

Nov. 29, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Miss Nettie Chase and Ruben Moody; Rev. Robertson officiating.

At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. R. C. Moody and Miss Nellie Chase, both of Brookside, were united in Holy Matrimony on Thanksgiving day; Rev. F. Robinson officiating, assisted by Rev. J. Wills of DePere. The pleasure of the occasion was heightened by a beautiful Thanksgiving repast to which all were heartily invited. After dinner, a short time was spent in social and friendly conversation made pleasant by song and music; the bride presiding at the organ. The Reverend gentlemen retired early in the afternoon, after invoking God's blessing upon the young couple and extending to them, as do all their acquaintances, hearty congratulations.

Oconto County Reporter
15 December 1888

Mr. Frank Jones and Ida Huntington were married Wednesday, Dec. 5th, by Justice Lane.

Oconto Falls
The wedding of Mr. Joseph Sterling and Miss Etta Temple at the church Sunday evening was witnessed by a large audience, and the good wishes of a host of friends and relatives follows the young couple on their matrimonial journey. The bride received her friends at her home during the week, and was the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents. The sermon of Mr. Moyle after the wedding ceremony was appropriate and beautiful. The subject was “Mother and Home,” and the strength, beauty and faithfulness of mother love, and the power of home influences were finely portrayed.

Oconto County Reporter
22 December 1888

A. C. Frost, of the town of How, was married last week to a young lady in that town, but whose name we did not learn.