Not all issues of past newspapers have been saved
to microfilm, however, every effort is being made to research what is available
for this collection. Our goal is to help in researching ancestors and add
a sense of history. This page is a continuing effort and will be added
to, often, as more research is completed.
County Reporter
Jan 2, 1886 On Sunday last, Miss Emily Gonyou of this city was married
to Mr. Jorden of Minneapolis Minn. Rev. Father Vailliant officiated. The
happy couple took their departure on the evening train for their future
home, on Monday evening. We wish them joy.
Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 9, 1886 Married at the residence of the bride's father, in town of Maple Valley, January 1st, 1886. Mr. Ormus D Halstead to Miss Alice R Daily, by Rev S H Couch. Mr. Ed. Hines has taken to himself a better half, and we wish him
and his lady much joy and prosperity.
Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 16, 1886 |
Oocnto County Reporter
Jan 23, 1886 NETZER—BURABY
Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 13, 1886 Mamie McDermid and Charley Richer were united Sunday eve., last.
Oconto County Reporter
March 13, 1886 Winfred Parkenson and Mrs. Orsie, of Marinette, are to be married
last of this month.
Oconto County Reporter
March 20, 1886 Quite a number of Gillettonians attend the Krake - Umphrey wedding
at Pulcifer, last Wednesday.
Oconto County Reporter
April 3, 1886 We have the pleasure of recording the marriage of our eminent townsmen,
Mr. A. C. Frost, on Sunday last. The bride, Miss Mary Hansen is a very
estimable young lady, and a resident of this town. The affair took place
at the residence of the groom, the Rev. Mr. Couch tying the knot. we wish
them success and much happiness in their new relation.
Oconto County Reporter
May 29, 1886 Mr. Frank Lenz, of Bessemer, and Miss Lizzie Strack of this city, were married at the St. Joseph's Catholic church, on Tuesday afternoon, at 5 p.m. They have the well wishes of the Reporter in their new home. Mr. Joseph Beaudeau and Miss Anna Buckley, of this city, were united in wedlock, on Tuesday afternoon at the St. Joseph's Catholic church, May 25th. The contracting parties have the best wishes of the Reporter for their future happiness. William Esliger and Maggie Maloney, daughter of Patrick Maloney,
Esq., our enterprising Section Street grocer, were married Monday evening
last, at the Roman Catholic church, this city, Rev. Father Sweibach, officiating.
The contracting parties have the congratulations of the Reporter.
Oconto County Reporter
June 5, 1886 Fred Byng and Meta Mehrman, were married a few days ago, and the wedding guests enjoyed the supper and dance, last Saturday. How The many friends of Mrs. David Wilton will be pleased to notice that
she has joined hands and fortune with Mr. Patrick Quinn, of Oconto. the
marriage ceremony being performed by Squire Folsom. We sincerely hope she
may enjoy many years of wedded bliss.
Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 14, 1886 Miss Emma Barker of this city, and Fred Miller of Marinette, were married at the Presbyterian church, Tuesday Eve., at 7 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Kerr officiating. Mr. Frank Brown, son of B. J. Brown, of Menominee, was married at
Oshkosh the first of the week, to Miss Lottie Ault. Miss Ault is a young
lady well known in Oshkosh, where she has graduated from The high school
and has attend the Normal. The young couple will take up their residence
in Menominee.
Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 14, 1886 How One wedding yesterday and another today. Mr. Herman Elva to Miss
Mary Schulpeltz yesterday and Gust Hearky to Miss Huldah Petkey today by
Rev. Mr. Dickie of the town of Washington. All the parties are residents
of our town and they have our best wishes for their health, wealth, happiness
and prosperity.
Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 11, 1886 Mr. Edward Angle and Miss Hattie Waters were married Monday evening
at the Presbyterian church, by Rev. J. H. Kerr. Mr. John Runkel and Miss
Mary Fisher were the groomsman and brides-maid. The presents were numerous
and very pretty.