Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Transcribed by Maxine Nichols
Researched by Cathe Ziereis
except where other wise noted.

Oconto County Reporter
1 January 1892

We regret to announce the death of Norma, only child of Mr. and Mrs. P. Keef, which occurred at Chicago Tuesday.  Norma was almost five years old and was with her mother who was visiting relatives in Chicago.  The remains were brought to this city Wednesday night and buried yesterday afternoon from St. Joseph’s church.  The bereaved parents have the sympathy of many friends in their affliction.


At her home in Morgan, Oconto County, Wisconsin, Friday, December 18, 1891, after a long and painful illness Hannah Dean, wife of Rev. John Banta, aged sixty-eight years, and nine months.
The deceased came to Wisconsin from Chicago with her husband in 1869, and has since resided in Oconto, Brown and Outagamie counties, where her husband labored as a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  She was a remarkable gentle and kind disposition, patient and hopeful to the end.  An invalid husband, three sons and two daughters and a wide circle of friends believe their great loss to be her gain.

The funeral and burial occurred Sunday December 20th.

Oconto Reporter
8 January 1892

Mrs. Huff Jones received a telegram Sunday evening announcing the death, that morning, of her eldest brother, Mr. Turner.  The deceased resided near Connorsville, Ind. and was for years before his death a prominent Odd Fellow, having occupied the highest office in the jurisdiction of Indiana.


Died, in the Town of Little River, Jan. 13th 1892, Joseph LaCourt of pneumonia, after an illness of only six days.

Deceased was 60 years of age, and his sudden and untimely death is a severe blow to his relatives and numerous friends.  He was born in Grez, Belgium, Jan. 26th 1832.  He moved with his family, consisting of his wife, baby, and father and mother, to America in 1855, landing at Green Bay, proceeding directly to Kewaunee, where he resided for nearly ten years.  In the fall of 1864 he removed to the City of Oconto which became his home for the next two years.  In the meantime he bought some land in the Town of Little River, three miles north of Oconto.  Here he removed his family in 1866 and began the work of making a farm, where he has resided ever since, a period of about 26 years. He was the father of 11 children, four dead, seven living—those living are Mrs. Mary Exford, Town of Stiles, Alfred LaCourt, Sagola, Michigan, Mrs. Josephine Couillard and Mrs. Lucy Matravers, Town of Oconto, Henry, Julia and Joseph LaCourt, jr. Town of Little River.  He was buried from the Presbyterian church of Little River, of which he had long been a member.  Mr. Burdick of Oconto preached the funeral sermon.  He was a man who was generally liked by all of the community, as was shown by the large attendance at church and by the friends that followed his remains to their final resting place in Oconto cemetery.

Oconto Reporter
22 January 1892

A message was received at this office recently, from Stiles, Wis. announcing the sudden death of Mrs. Hattie Macy Rodolf, wife of C.C. Rodolf and daughter of Mr. and Mrs.  J.P. Macy, of Stiles, Wis., which occurred in Spokane Falls, Washington, on Thursday.  No further particulars have yet been received by the family.  Mrs. Rodolf was a teacher in the public schools of this city before her marriage and made her home in Green Bay as a scholar and teacher for a number of years.  – Green Bay Gazette.

Shawano County Journal
North Angelica, Jan. 25, 1892.
Transcribed andResearched by Cathe Ziereis

DIED: At her home in Angelica, on Wednesday, Jan. 20th, of pneumonia, Mrs. CATHARINE LaSHAY, aged 72 years. Aunt Katie LaShay, as she was most commonly called by her friends, was one of the pioneer residents of our place, having settled here when the town was naught but a mere wilderness.

She has lived only to be loved by her large circle of friends and acquaintances. She was a kind and loving mother, was always cheerful and happy, ready at all times to sympathize with those in trouble, especially kind in sickness, and was never known to speak ill of any one, the above traits of character endearing her to the hearts of all who knew her. She leaves two sons, Messrs. John and Emmet LaShay of Angelica, and one daughter, Mrs. Sarah Dunne of Minnesota. besides four sisters, Mrs. Lydia Fink of Shawano, Mrs. Clara Richmond of Gillett, Mrs. Lavina Swane of New York, and Mrs. Susan Winton, of Dagit, Michigan; also 3 brothers, Messrs. Hiram and Chas. Wescott of Richmond, and Mr. William Wescott of Maple Valley. The heartfelt sympathies of the entire community is extended to the grief stricken relatives, and especially to the daughter and son E. H. LaShay, who was prostrated by sickness so as to be unable to attend the last sad rites of their loving mother. Rev. Mr. Oleson, together with a corps of Angelica's people, escorted the mourners and the remains of their loved one last Saturday to the Shawano cemetery, where the body was assigned its final resting place. The bearers were Messrs. Robert and Wm. Black, G. A, and Jas, McKenna, Win. Ainsworth and Wm, Dredge, Funeral services were held yesterday at the M. E. church, the text being the 24th chap, and 44th verse of S. Matthew, "Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh." The subject was forcibly illustrated by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Oleson, and all should be benefited thereby.

Oconto Reporter
29 January 1892

Died at Ontonagon, Mich., on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 21 1892, Jeremiah O’Keliher was temporarily sojourning at Ontonagon, being employed as scaler by the Diamond Match Co., and general bookkeepers for Francis Bros. and through exposure contracted a cold which developed into pneumonia, which in a week’s time ended in his death.  His wife, in this city was notified by wire, of his condition on Tuesday, and the same night started for Green Bay, where her son Ambrose was attending the Business College.  Wednesday morning mother and son started for Ontonagon, where they arrived the same afternoon and were thus enabled to spend a brief time with their husband and father before his demise.  The stricken relatives arrived in this city Saturday with the remains of their dead, and on Monday last all that was mortal of Jere. O’Keliher was laid away in the “silent city,” funeral services being held at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic church.
The deceased was a native of Ireland but came to this country when quite a young man and settled at Stiles, where for years he was employed by the Eldred Lumber Co., as a bookkeeper, filling at the same time the position of town treasurer.  In 1872 he moved to this city and became deputy county treasurer for Dr. Coleman. The position he filled for six years, serving through the terms of Dr. Coleman and James McGee. For years past he was a scaler for the Eldred Lumber Co., Fort Howard and the Oconto Company in this city. Being capable, industrious and frugal, he had acquired a fair portion of the world’s goods, and leaves his family, which consists of a wife, two daughters and two sons in comfortable circumstances.

Oconto County Reporter
5 February 1892

Michael Martin, a young man aged about 25 years died at the hospital in this city last Saturday evening.  The deceased was a native of the Maritime Provinces and cam here a few years ago.  He was employed in one of the Oconto Company’s camps, where he met with a bad accident last week.  He was brought down, but blood poisoning had set in and medical skill was powerless to aid him.


Died in this city, Saturday, Jan 30, 1892, Frazer McDonald, aged 76 years.  The deceased was a native of Macadavy, New Brunswick, but came with his family to this city about 20 years ago, and has resided in the South ward.  He was a quiet and industrious citizen and enjoyed the esteem of all who knew him.  The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon from St. Mark’s Episcopal church, service being conducted by Rev. L.D. Hopkins.  The deceased is survived by a wife and seven children—three daughters and four sons, as follows:  Mrs. Chas. Johnson, of this city: Mrs. L.E. Folsom and Mrs. J.H. LaClaire, of Gladstone, Mich.; George, Paul, Mellon and Hibbard McDonald, of this city.


At the hospital in this city, on Sunday, Jan. 31, 1892, Chas. Peters, aged 29 years, 31 days.
Death was the result of an accident which befell Mr. Peters in one of Cook Bro.’s camps nearly three weeks before.  The funeral occurred at Brookside on Wednesday, services being held at the Lutheran church by Rev. Hayes of Peshtigo.  Deceased was a steady, industrious young man, and was highly respected in the community in which he lived.  He leaves a sorrowing young wife to who he was married only last May.


At his home in the East ward, Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1892, Joseph Urwan, aged 43 years, 3 month and 3 days.
Deceased was a native of Bavaria, but came to this country when quite a young man and for eighteen years past has been employed in the lumber yard of J. Spies, for many years as yardmaster.  A man of quiet manners and industrious habits, he naturally commanded the respect and esteem of many friends.  He leaves a wife and several children.


Leo John aged 4 years, 8 months and 12 days son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Don Levy, died at the residence of his parents on Superior street on Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1892.  The little fellow had been a sufferer from some internal ailment for some months.  The funeral occurred Thursday afternoon from St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic church, Rev. Fr. Lochmana officiating.

Oconto County Reporter
12 February 1892


Died in this city, on Monday, Feb. 8, 1892, at 2:10 p.m., Mr. Augustus Cole, in the 62nd year of his age.

The deceased had been a resident of Oconto for nearly thirty years, and was one of the most widely known men in both city and county, and was held in the highest respect by all classes.  A man of sterling worth and unblemished character, strong in friendship and genial in disposition, high-minded and industrious, he was an example of business integrity, to be emulated by young men.  As a citizen, from both a social and business standpoint, he occupied a foremost position, and by his death Oconto loses one whose place it will be hard to supply.

Mr. Cole was a native of Oxford, N.Y. where he spent the earlier years of his life, receiving his education at the academy in that town.  In 1851 he obtained his first experience in the lumbering business when he went to Cooper’s Plains, N.Y. and entered the employment of his uncle, Colonel Uri Balcom, now of Chicago, with who he remained five years as superintendent.  In 1856 he came west and settled at Stiles, and for a year looked after the lumbering interests of Eldred & Balcom.  He left Stiles the next year and went to Eau Claire, where he remained for a short time. From there he went to Illinois, returning to Stiles in 1858, and once more entered the employment of Eldred & Balcom.  In 1863 he came to Oconto and cast his fortunes with the firm of Holt & Calkins, which afterwards became the firm of Holt & Balcom, and was general superintendent of the milling and logging operations of this firm, in which he owned an interest, up to 1887 when Col. Balcom retired from the business and the property passed into the hands of the Holt Lumber Co.  Shortly after the time Mr. Cole fitted up and stocked an extensive coal yard, which business he successfully conducted up to the time of his death.

When a young man, in 1853, Mr. Cole slipped and fell while helping a lady from a carriage and received a slight injury to his right knee.  The wound appeared so trifling that little attention was paid to it until inflammation had set in which resulted in a serious case of hip disease, from which he subsequently recovered, not however, until a slight deformity had resulted to the affected limb.  At various times since his accident occurred Mr. Cole has suffered more or less, but nothing beyond than temporary inconvenience was experienced until about two years ago, when he was afflicted with an attack of erysipelas.  Before thoroughly recovering from this malady he caught a cold which wound up in a case of typhoid fever.  As usual with this fever, it made its most virulent attack on the weakest part of the system, and as it passed away left the injured limb in a weakened condition that caused Mr. Cole much pain and anxiety.  He continued under medical treatment, but not recovering as fast as he desired, he visited Hot Springs, Ark., but received little or no benefit from the celebrated waters at that place.  Shortly after coming home he placed himself under the care of Dr. O’Keef, who found an abscess had formed in the limb of Mr. Cole which it was necessary to relieve by making an incision through the flesh.  Temporary relief only was obtained by this means, and as his case continued to assume a more serious phase, several surgical operations were made necessary but all to no purpose, and on Monday evening, last, at 6:10 o’clock, after making a heroic and manly struggle against the destroyer, his weary body gave up the fight and he peacefully and quietly breathed his last surrounded by sorrowing and loving friends.
In 1856 Mr. Cole was married, at Poughkeepsie, N.Y. to Miss Frances F. Davis, who has been his wise counselor and loving helpmeet up to his dissolution, and who remains, in sorrow and grief, to mourn her loss of a loving and considerate husband.  Only one child blessed this union, Mr. H. U. Cole, our respected townsman, who with his mother and uncle, Mr. Henry C. Cole, of Omaha, Neb. are the only surviving near relatives of the deceased.

The funeral took place yesterday (Thursday) afternoon from his late residence on Main Street, service being conducted by the Rev. G. Bossard, pastor of the Presbyterian church, and an immense throng of friends and sympathizers of the deceased testified to their friendship by following his remains on his last earthly journey to their place of rest in the public cemetery.
Thus closes a busy and useful life, and an eternal rest has come to one whose active and honest industry in this life has entitled him to the crown of peace.
Out of respect for the memory of the departed flags were carried at half mast on the Holt Lumber Co;s. mill and on Goodrich & Martineau’s business block during the funeral yesterday afternoon.

Oconto County Reporter
12 February 1892

Stiles - John P Macy, Jr., only son of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Macy, of this place, died at Kansas City, Feb. 4th.  His remains were brought to Green Bay for burial, the funeral taking place last Saturday.  His mother was with him when he passed away.


Death of Richard L. Hall

Died suddenly, in this city, of acute pneumonia, on Monday morning, Feb. 15, 1892, Mr. Richard L. Hall, aged 58 years, 6 months and 8 days.

The news of the sudden death of Mr. Hall last Monday morning spread rapidly over the city, evoking in the passage deep and heartfelt regrets at the termination of a useful life and removal of one who has been identified with the history of Oconto’s growth and development for nearly thirty-five years past. Few of our citizens enjoyed a more extended acquaintanceship or were held in higher esteem, and the sympathy of scores of sincere friends goes out to the afflicted family who have been thus suddenly deprived of an affectionate husband and indulgent parent.  It is a loss not only to the family but to the community as well, for Mr. Hall represented the fullest degree the manly man.  Courteous in his dealing with men and generous almost to a fault, were qualities that brought him into close touch with humanity and endeared him to all.

For a year or two past it has been evident to the friends of the deceased that the harrowing worry of his earlier business ventures were beginning to have their effect on a constitution not overly strong and robust, and that a few years at most would terminate his earthly career, but few were prepared for the suddenness with which the summons came.  Last winter Mr. Hall was afflicted with a sever attack of pneumonia since which time he has had to take the utmost care of himself to prevent a recurrence of the dread disease.  On the morning of his death his son drove him to Antone Sharrow’s barber shop to be shaved preparatory to assuming his duties as clerk of the circuit court which was to convene that day in a special session.  On leaving the barber shop, Mr. Sharrow cautioned the deceased to cover his face as much as possible with his muffler and thus avoid breathing the cold air, as the mercury was eight or ten degrees below zero.  The caution was to late, however, for Mr. Hall already inhaled the intensely cold air and commenced to stagger from the effect of a sudden pain in his lungs.  He was helped back into the shop and Dr. Lawrence hastily summoned.  Restoratives applied by the doctor somewhat relieved his pain but it was evident to all present that he was rapidly sinking and it was deemed best to take him to his home.  A hack was summoned, and, carefully wrapped up; Mr. Hall was placed therein and rapidly driven home where he expired a few minutes after his arrival.

Mr. Hall was born Aug. 7, 1833, at Spencer, Thompkins County, N.Y. In 1844 his father, the late Dr. J.C. Hall moved to Marinette, then a part of Oconto County, and there the deceased remained until 1857, when he came to this city and followed his profession of civil engineering.  During his early residence here he engaged extensively in the lumbering industry, operating a saw mill at Hart’s switch, a few miles north of the city, and a large sash, door and planning mill in the city.  He had at various times been elected to, and successfully filled, the offices of county clerk, county treasurer and county surveyor.  He was elected clerk of the court in 1881 and has held that office up to the present time.  In 1881 he was appointed U.S. Deputy Surveyor, continuing in that position until his death.

In 1876  he wrote the “History of Oconto County” a voluminous a carefully compiled record of the principal events that have taken place in this county, containing also a minute description of the geographical limits and timber products of the vast territory that was at one time embraced within the incorporate limits of Oconto County.  This history was published at the time in the Oconto County Reporter, running through several months publication of this journal.  During the terrible Peshtigo fire of 1871 Mr. Hall was one of the first of the several relief parties on the ground, and aided largely in ameliorating the suffering of the distressed people.

In July, 1859, Mr. Hall was married to Miss Abbie J. Hill, at Rosemond, Ill., who has been a faithful and loving sharer of his joys and sorrows ever since, and who with five sons, survives him.
The deceased was owner of the abstract office of this county, a property which has become valuable through his untiring efforts in securing correct transcripts of titles and exchanges in realty since the first settlement of the white race in this great state.

The funeral occurred  Wednesday afternoon from the Presbyterian church, services being conducted by the pastor, Rev. G. Bossard, and was very largely attended, many old settlers from various parts of the county being present to pay respect to the memory of their old and cherished friend.  The pall bearers were Messrs. Geo. Beyer, Huff Jones, O. A. Ellis, W. H. Young, H. M. Royce and G.J. Flanders.

Aside from his own family, Mr. Hall is survived by only none near relative, a brother Mr. Benj. Hall, of Marinette.

From Monday morning to Wednesday night flags were carried at half mast on the county property and the Armory of Co. M. of which deceased was an honorary member.

Oconto County Reporter
26 February 1892
Mrs. T.J. Lindsay died at her home in this city, on Wednesday last.  She was a lady about 51 years of age, and leaves a husband, two daughters and one son to mourn her death.  The funeral services were conducted from the house by Mrs. DeLong, Christian Scientist of Oconto – Menominee Democrat.

The deceased was for many years a resident of this city, where she was well and favorably known.  She was a sister of Jacob Dunton of this city, and Lacey Dunton, of Abrams.


In this city, on Saturday, Feb. 20, 1892, Nelson Hazen, aged 73 years.

The deceased had been a resident of Oconto for seventeen or eighteen years past, having brought his family here from the East.  He was known as an industrious, honest man, who bore and excellent reputation and was highly esteemed in the community.  He is survived by a wife and six children—three daughters and three sons.  The funeral occurred Monday from St. Peter’s church, Mass being celebrated by Rev. Fr. Valliant, and was largely attended by sorrowing friends.

Oconto County Reporter
March 4, 1892

Gillett -- With the greatest of sorrow we are called upon to announce the demise of one of the most respected members of our community,  Mrs. Rebecka Watts, wife of H.J. Watts, which occurred Friday morning, Feb 26, 1892 at three o’clock.  She leaves a husband and seven children to mourn their loss.  All her children were present at her death but the oldest son, Frank, who is in Oregon.  The funeral occurred Sunday from the Methodist church of this place, Rev. James Robinson, of Maple Valley, officiating.  Her remains were laid to rest in the Gillett Cemetery.  The deceased was born in Vermont in 1852, and at the time of her death was 39 years. 1 month and 20 days old.  The pall bearers were Joe. Kurtz, Matt Lang, Peter Gonber, Ed. Monahan, Joe. Swan and W. Scott.


Abrams – We are sorry to chronicle the death of old Mr. Tuttle, of Brookside, which took place Saturday morning.  Mr. Tuttle settled in Pensaukee in the early days, and by industry and frugality reared him to a comfortable home.  He leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his departure.  Though he reached the ripe old age of 3 score and fourteen, yet we cannot suppress the anguish of the thought that a kind husband and father has left a place vacant for aye.
(Another obituary is listed under March 11, 1892)


At his home on his farm just north of the city limits, on Saturday, February 27, 1892, Charles Zuehl, aged 58 years.

The deceased was a farmer in comfortable circumstances, and had been a resident of the town of Oconto for many years, and was highly esteemed by many friends in both city and country.  He leaves a wife and six children to mourn their loss.  The funeral occurred Monday afternoon, the service being held at the Lutheran church, of which the deceased was a member.



Lizzie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cain, died Thursday, Feb. 25, 1892, aged about 15 years.

The deceased had some time previous to her death eaten prune stones which lodged in her intestines and necessitated a surgical operation, which, however, proved unavailing, and after more than a week of suffering death ensued.  Her burial took place Saturday from St Peter’s Roman Catholic church.



Nicholas Lorin, an old resident of this city, died at his home one Superior street last Saturday, at an advanced age.  The funeral took place Monday from St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic church.



Margaret, wife of F.K. Mott, died at her home in this city on Sunday, Feb. 28, 1892, aged 22 years.  The remains were taken to the home of her father. Mr. George Chefflings, in Maple Valley, and on Tuesday the funeral occurred in that town.


Levi Thomas Isabell died at his father’s home, in Brookside, on the 25th, of Bright’s disease.  Age 27 years and 7 months.  He was buried in Brookside cemetery on Saturday last.  Rev. W.D. Cox officiating.

Oconto County Reporter
March 11, 1892

In this city, March 6, 1892, Catherine, beloved wife of Edward Fitzgerald, aged 42 years, 2 months and 12 days.

The deceased was a native of New Brunswick but came to this city more than twenty years ago with her parents.  She was an affectionate wife and mother and was held in high esteem by many friends and neighbors.  She suffered from an attack of grippe more than a month ago, and an exposure before her complete recovery gave her a relapse, out of which grew other complications which ended in her death.  A husband and eight children—four daughters and four sons—are left to mourn their loss.  The funeral occurred Tuesday, the services being held at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic church, of which the deceased was a communicant.


At Brookside, Oconto Co., Wis., Feb. 27th, 1892, Schuyler Tuttle aged 73 years, 9 mo. And 28 days.

He was born in Freeton, Courtland Co. N.Y., April 29th, 1818.  When about 16 years of age he removed with his father to Alleghany Co., N.Y., where he was married in 1845 to Miss Lois Kent, who survives him.  There were born to them 7 children—5 boys and 2 girls, 5 of whom survive him to mourn their loss.  They are Mrs.H.L. Colson, of Mills Centre; Mrs. Ida Rufenberg, of Brookside; Lewis Tuttle of Brookside; E.C. Tuttle, of Abrams, and Chas. M. of Brookside.  Two boys, Schuyler and Frankie, died in infancy.

In 1856 he immigrated to Wisconsin and settled at Stiles, as foreman for the lumber company of Holt & Balcom.  About 22 years ago he removed his family to the farm in Brookside, where he resided till the time of his death.  While a young man Mr. Tuttle traveled extensively in the West, having visited all the Western States with the exception of California.  In belief he was a Universalist.  His parents were of the Baptist faith.  In politics, during his early life, he was a member of the Whig Party, but when the Republican Party was organized, he joined the party, and remained a stanch advocate of those principles during life; he served his town a number of times on the County Board, and held various other positions of honor in the county.  In Character he was above reproach.  His honesty of purpose, his devotion to his family, his patriotism, his tendency to cherish the bright side of life, were traits of character that went with him through life and remained with him until the end.  It is noticeable that during his last sickness, but a few hours before his death his love for his family, and genuine love of fun manifested itself more strongly than ever.  Surely we can say a good man has left us, his loss will be felt around the family hearthstone.   How lonesome the old homestead has become, how we miss the dear familiar face and how we cherish the memory of the dear departed form.  Grandpa is gone, father is gone, husband is gone.  But we trust that our loss is his gain that the poor, tired, worn, suffering body is at rest and that somewhere we shall meet with him never to part again.  The funeral took place on Monday from the residence.  The Rev. Bossard, of Oconto, Pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating.  The family desire to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends, and especially to Mrs. Lemir Chase, for their kind assistance and sympathy during their sad affliction.


Rev. Fr. Schwebach, for nearly twenty-three years past pastor of St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic church in this city, died at the priest’s house on Monday morning, March 7, 1892, aged 73.

Fr. Schwebach was born in Luxemburg, near the Belgium border, where he grew to manhood, was educated and ordained priest.  Thirty years ago he came to this country and settled at Stevens Point and was pastor of a church at that place for seven years, when he resigned his pastorate and came to this city and took charge of St. Joseph’s church, in which latter position he continued to officiate until early last fall when failing health made the appointment of another priest a necessity, and Fr. Lochman was accordingly chosen to succeed him.  Since last summer Fr. Schwebach was steadily declined in health, and recently dropsy set in which hastened his death.  He was an affable gentleman and a faithful friend who will be sadly missed by those to whom he was ministered for nearly a quarter of a century, and who entertain for his memory deep love and reverence.

Monday afternoon his remains were carried to the church and service for the dead held with Rev. C.L. Nau of Green Bay, as celebrant, Fr. A. Belle, of Clintonville, deacon, Fr. P. Pele, of Coleman, sub-deacon; and assisted by Fr. J.F. Durin, of DePere, Fr. Vaillant, of St. Peter’s church, and Fr. Lochman, of St. Joseph’s church.  Tuesday morning Requiem Mass was celebrated at 7:45, with Fr. J.J. Fox, of Marinette, as celebrant, Fr. A. O’Connor, of Peshtigo, as deacon, Fr. A. Belle of Clintonville, as sub-deacon, and Fr. Lochman as master of ceremonies.  Fr. Vaillant presided at the organ.  There were present in the sanctuary Fr. Hens, of So. Kaukauna and Fr. Pele, of Coleman.  After Mass Fr. O’Connor made some remarks pertinent to the occasion after which the remains were taken to the C. & N.W. R’y, followed by a long train of sorrowing friends.  The pall-bearers were E. Davis, D. Davis, B. Mulvaney, B. Brophy, D. O’Keef and John Merline.  The body was conveyed to Stockton, near Stevens Point, where it remained among relatives of the deceased priest until Thursday, when it was taken to Stevens Point and laid in the final resting place.

Oconto County Reporter
March 18, 1892


“A fair affliction—peace.  We cannot hold mortality’s strong hand,  Heaven has an end to all.”

On Friday morning, March 12, 1892, at 8:50, Mrs. Phillipps departed this life surrounded by all her sorrowing family and immediate friends.  She was born in the state of New York, and died at the young age of 36 years and 8 months.  She leaves, to mourn their loss, two affectionate daughters and a bereaved husband.
“Weep not for her! Her memory is the shrine
 Of pleasant thoughts, soft as the scent of flowers,
 Calm as on windless eve the sun’s decline.
 Sweet as the song of birds among the bowers,
 Rich as a rainbow with its hues of light,
 Pure as the moonlight: Weep not for her!

 Weep not for her! There is no cause of woe,
 But rather nerve the spirit that it walk
 Unshrinking o’er the thorny path below
 And from earth’s defilements keep thee back,
 She’ll meet thee at heaven’s gate—and lead thee on:
 Weep not for her!”

A bright leaf, having withered on the tree, has fallen to the ground: such is death.  Short was the duration on this earth of the best of wives, the most loving of mothers.  Nothing is more certain that the fading of the leaf, bright in it’s summer tide; nothing more certain than death, even to the most just, as young wife was:  she had her summer time, and quickly faded in a season.

 “And oh! Like them as they come in Spring,
 And with Summer’s late decay,
 She passed with the sun’s last parting smile,
 From life’s rough path away.”


A six-year old son of Edward Goff, of Marinette, was killed by a street car in that city last Tuesday.  The little fellow was playing on the street and fell in front of the car, and the wheels passing over his body killed him instantly.


GREENWOOD—Died:  Paul Kreugar, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kreugar, age 16 years, 9 months and 18 days, at Dr. O’Keefe hospital, February 20, 1892.  The funeral service was held at the school house Wednesday, March 2, 1892.  The pall bearers were Antone Thome, Jule DeKaster, Louis Beyers, John Couillard, Manders Hennings and Bryon Minnick.  He was buried in the Brookside cemetery.  The deceased had been sick for about two months.  His injuries were received in the woods.  He left a father, mother, two sisters and two brothers to mourn his departure.  His presence will be missed in the circle of his many friends.

Oconto County Reporter
March 25, 1892

Word was received here during the week of the death at Pittsburgh of the father of Rev. J.H. Kerr, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian Church in this city.  Mr. Kerr has a large number of friends in Oconto who deeply sympathize with him in his affliction.


Mr. and Mrs. Huff Jones, who have been in Green Bay for two weeks past attending Mrs. Mary Jones during her sickness and burial, returned home Monday night.



Stiles - William McGuire, brother of James McGuire of this place was fatally kicked by a horse at Tacoma, Wash., last week.  He died the same day.  His body was brought to Appleton for burial.  The funeral was held from his father’s house last Tuesday.


George Phillips, of Hartland, Iowa, and Joseph Phillips, of Perry, Iowa, have been in the city for some time past, the guests of their brother, W.H., having come to attend the funeral of their sister-in-law, the late Mrs. W.H. Phillips


Shawano County Journal
North Angelica, Jan. 25, 1892.
Transcribed and Researched by Cathe Ziereis

DIED: At her home in Angelica, on Wednesday, Jan. 20th, of pneumonia, Mrs. CATHARINE LaSHAY, aged 72 years. Aunt Katie LaShay, as she was most commonly called by her friends, was one of the pioneer residents of our place, having settled here when the town was naught but a mere wilderness.

She has lived only to be loved by her large circle of friends and acquaintances. She was a kind and loving mother, was always cheerful and happy, ready at all times to sympathize with those in trouble, especially kind in sickness, and was never known to speak ill of any one, the above traits of character endearing her to the hearts of all who knew her. She leaves two sons, Messrs. John and Emmet LaShay of Angelica, and one daughter, Mrs. Sarah Dunne of Minnesota. besides four sisters, Mrs. Lydia Fink of Shawano, Mrs. Clara Richmond of Gillett, Mrs. Lavina Swane of New York, and Mrs. Susan Winton, of Dagit, Michigan; also 3 brothers, Messrs. Hiram and Chas. Wescott of Richmond, and Mr. William Wescott of Maple Valley. The heartfelt sympathies of the entire community is extended to the grief stricken relatives, and especially to the daughter and son E. H. LaShay, who was prostrated by sickness so as to be unable to attend the last sad rites of their loving mother. Rev. Mr. Oleson, together with a corps of Angelica's people, escorted the mourners and the remains of their loved one last Saturday to the Shawano cemetery, where the body was assigned its final resting place. The bearers were Messrs. Robert and Wm. Black, G. A, and Jas, McKenna, Win. Ainsworth and Wm, Dredge, Funeral services were held yesterday at the M. E. church, the text being the 24th chap, and 44th verse of S. Matthew, "Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh." The subject was forcibly illustrated by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Oleson, and all should be benefited thereby.

Shawano County Journal
Thursday, Feb. 12, 1892
Transcribed and Researched by Cathe Ziereis


The town of How shoemaker who was taken to Milwaukee some time ago for trial in the U. S. court on the charge of selling liquor to Indians hanged himself in the county jail there Tuesday morning. Grim was seen in his cell at breakfast time. About a half hour later he was found hanging to the cell door, he having taken a sheet from the bed to suspend himself. The body was cut down and taken to the morgue. Grim was 50 years of age and a shoemaker by trade. He leaves a large family in poor circumstances

Oconto County Reporter
30 December 1892

Died, Dec. 23, at her home, at Brookside, of consumption, Mrs. Lois Prudence Tuttle, aged 64 years, 1 month and 19 days.

The deceased was born in the state of Penn. Nov. 4, 1828, and on Nov. 19, 1845 was married to Schuyler Tuttle. About forth years ago they, with three young children, moved to Stiles, Wis., then to Oconto, and from there to their present home where they resided nearly twenty five years. Last winter her husband died and the shock, together with the disease, soon carried her to the happy home where she was fully prepared to meet her loved ones. Father, mother, brother, five sisters, husband, two children and four grandchildren had passed on before, yet her faith in Him never faltered and at the last she remarked, "I shall soon wear a golden crown." Patient, gentle, a loving mother and faithful Christian, she will be widely missed by her family and friends. The services were concluded by Rev. T. Austin, at the house, and she was laid beside her husband in the Brookside cemetery. She is survived by five sisters, one brother, three sons and two daughters. The children are - Mrs. J. A. Colson, of Millscenter, Ed Tuttle, of Hunts Spur, Mich., Mrs. Jno. Riffenburg, Lewis K. and Charleie M., of Brookside.