Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Obituary Editor and Historic Family News Researcher.- Cathe Ziereis
 Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 2, 1886

Ida Scripture, died from the effects of an over dose of morphine, Wednesday night, between 12 and 1 o'clock, at the house of Geo. Barlament, south side of the river, where she was staying. The burial took place Friday afternoon at two o'clock.

Perry— In this city,  on Friday, ; Dec. 25th   (Christmas) Grover Manville, youngest child of  Byron and Kmma Perry, aged 9 months and 21 days.

" Sleep little baby! Sleep!
Not in thy cradle bed,
 Not on thy mother's breast, 
but with the quiet dead.".

HANSCON — In this city Saturday Morning, Dec. 26th, 1885, Charles Hanscom, aged 81 years. 


Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 9, 1886

The friends of Joseph Dickie will regret to lear of his death, which occurred in Washington Territory, recently, he having left this city for that place in April last.

We regret to learn of the death of Andrew Couillard, of Couillaredville, on Monday, the son of Mr. Thom. Couillard, and about 20 years of age. He died of quick consumption not having been sick more than four weeks. His parents have the sympathy of their many friends in this their deep affliction.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 16, 1886

The 11th inst. at East Liberty (Pittsburg) Pennsylvania, Mrs Eliza A. Orr in the 75th years of age. Mrs Orr was the widow of a brother of Hunter Orr, of Abrams.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan 23, 1886

In this city, at 4  o'clock p. m. Sunday, Jan. 17, 1886, at the residence of her brother George Beyer Esq., of consnmption, Elisabeth Beyer, aged 38 years and 9 months. 

Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 30, 1886

Albert Zoetton of this city 21 years of age, the;oldest son and principal support of his mother, a widow, living on the road to the water-mill, was killed by a falling tree. 

Williams - In this city, Friday morning, Jan 29, 1886, Mrs Eliza Williamd relict of John Williams, age 60 years.

 Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 13, 1886

E. C. Whitney, returned home from LaCrosse, on Wednesday, where he has been for the past ten days attending at the death and burial of his father, who died Feb. 4th.

Mrs. Benton Crockford of Gillette who has been seriously ill ever since the sudden death of her husband, died Thursday night of last week. Three children are thus left orphans.

Oconto County Reporter
March 20, 1886

We are sorry to note the death of F. C. Schewe's little girl, who was buried from the schoolhouse in Dist. No. 1, on Tuesday. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. The funeral sermon was preached by the Presiding Elder of the German M. E. Church.

Oconto County Reporter
May 29, 1886

* Another old settler gone to his final home beyond the tomb. Fred Ellmann, died Monday, May 24th, 1886, at his residence in this city, of paralysis, after of an illness of only two days. His funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon, under the auspices of the Odd Fellows society. Mr. Ellmann was born at Rock, Germany, and was 53 years and 8 months of age, at the time of his death.

Oconto County Reporter
June 5, 1886

North Branch

Mr. Henry Raby, of the same place, whose family have been sick with the measles, are all well, except the baby, a child a year old, that died.


Mr. Joe Bozer, of Manitowoc, who it will be remembered, met with a painful accident two months ago while at work near Ellis Jc't, died from the effects of his injury on Monday last. His remains were interned in St. Patrick’s cemetery at Stiles today, and were accompanied to their final resting place by a large concourse of sympathizing friends.

Oconto County Reporter
June 12, 1886

Maple Valley

Since my last communication, our citizens have been called upon to pay their last respect to our honored and respected neighbor, H. H. Woodmansee. He has been a long and patient sufferer, from that much dreaded disease, consumption; but his trials of life are past and he is gone to reap christian's reward. As the supreme hour of his dissolution drew near, a desire to live seemed to possess him. He felt that his mission of life had not been fully accomplished; but the Master ordained otherwise, and he passed away without a groan or a struggle, to that borne from whence no traveler ever yet returned.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 11, 1886

Charles Pappenfuss of Pensaukee lost a little boy on Sunday last by death. He was buried on Tuesday.