Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Obituary Editor and Historic Family News Researcher.- Cathe Ziereis
Jan. 12, 1878

DIED.- RODNEY - At the residence of E. W. FLANDERS in this city, Dec. 24th, 1877. Mrs. Elzia Rodney, in her 76th year. Remains taken to Rosehill Cemetery, Ill.

Her peace is sealed, her rest assure
Within that better home,
As while we weep and linger here,
Then follow to the tomb.
And though no vision'd dream of bliss,
Nor trance of rapture show, 
Where on the bosom of her God.
She rests from human woe.

Jan. 26, 1878

Killed in the Woods.- 

A sad accident occurred at the camp of James Conniff, on the Peshtigo river, 
about 3 o'clock  on Wednesday afternoon, resulting in instant
death to a young man about 21 years of age, named John Morrison whose parents 
lived about 2 miles from West Depere, and a nephew of Wm. Morrison of this city. 
He was brought to town, arriving Thursday afternoon,  when W. B. Mitchell, 
as undertaker prepared the remains for burial. Wm. Morrison accompanied them 
by freight train Friday morning to the father's home near Depere. 

A little girl of  Mr. Lars Hanson died Thursday morning.
Dr. Smith pronounced the disease to be spinal meningitis.

Died.- SHANBROOK- In this city, at mid-night Tuesday night, Jan. 22nd
1878, Michael Shanbrook aged about 70 years.


Since my last communication we have lost by the death of Mr. Edison
Barker and Mr. R. L. Rice, two highly respected and much esteemed
citizens from our midst. 

Mr. Edison Barker, who died at 2p.m.on Friday the 11th inst., was the only 
remaining child of E. W. Barker, who settled at Brookside when Edison was
quite young. With the growing years he had grown more and more into the
respect of his acquaintances and his somewhat unexpected death has cast 
a gloom over the entire community. He leaves a wife and four children, who 
have the sympathy of all, in their bereavement.

Mr. Ransom L Rice, whose death occurred early on the morning of
Wednesday the 15th inst., was one of the earliest settlers in this part
of the country, and has done much by his personal efforts in bringing
the place to it's present state of development. By his sterling
qualities and genial disposition he had won the esteem of all who knew
him. He leaves a wife and brother and quite a few grown children.

Killed in the Woods.- 

A sad accident occurred at the camp of James Conniff, on the Peshtigo
river, about 3 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, resulting in instant
death to a young man about 21 years of age, named John Morrison whose
parents lived about 2 miles from West Depere, and a nephew of Wm.
Morrison of this city. It appears the deceased was trying to roll a log
that laid a little in the road, out of the way. It being on uneven
ground, it was necessary to roll the log uphill, which he was trying to
do with a cant hook, standing on the lower side. The hook slipped, and
he commenced running backwards down before the log, as it came toward
him, his heel struck a stub, he fell on his back, his head striking
another log, and the first one rolled down over him from his feet to his
head. The deathblow fractured the skull, which looked as if done in the
fall, killing him instantly. He was brought to town, arriving Thursday
afternoon, when W. B. Mitchell, as undertaker prepared the remains for
burial. Wm. Morrison accompanied them by freight train Friday morning to
the father's home near Depere. 

A little girl of Mr. Lars Hanson died Thursday morning. Dr. Smith
pronounced the disease to be spinal meningitis.

Feb. 16, 1878

KENNEY. - In this city, Feb. 15th 1878, of dropsy, Michael Kenney, aged
25 years.

Feb. 23, 1878


McDOUGALL.- In the town of Gillett, Tuesday Feb. 12th 1878, Melvin, son
of James and Ann McDougall. Aged 15 years and 4 months.

McRae.- On the morning of the 22d inst., at the residence of her father,
Mary I McRae, second daughter of Thomas Huston.
The funeral will take place from the house, 2 o'clock, P.M. Sabbath,
24th inst. Funeral sermon, Sabbath evening in M.E. Church, at 7 o'clock.

DIED. - 
St Ores - At Gardener City, Douglas Co. Oregon, Feb. 9th, 1878 of
inflammation of the stomach, Mrs. Laura St. Ores, wife of Capt. Albert
St. Ores, formerly of this city. Aged forty-two years.

Deceased removed from this city to her late home, about twelve years
ago, and her death will be sincerely mourned by a large number of
friends and relatives here. Three years ago she was called upon to mourn
the loss of her husband, Capt. Albert St. Ores, well known among the
citizens of Oconto. Three days later she followed her mother, an aged
lady of seventy-seven years, to her grave, and six months later her
father, was consigned to his resting place. Three of her children have
gone to heaven before her, and nine more are left to mourn her loss; the
youngest only three years old.

They have gone to their home over there,
Where the city is glorious and bright;
And the crowns of the victors they wear;
And our God and the Lamb is their light.


BURKE - In this city, on the morning of 16th inst. Mary, wife of Robert
Burke Esq. Aged thirty-seven years. The deceased leaves a husband and
four small children to mourn their great loss. The funeral took place on
Sunday afternoon last, from St. Joseph's Catholic Church, and was widely
attended by the friends of the deceased. The sincere sympathy of a large
portion of the community, in this their irreparable loss, is not wanting
for the husband and now motherless children. 

March 30, 1878

Died.- McCONNELL - At 6 p.m. Tuesday at his residence in the village of
Peshtigo, George McCONNELL, in the 60th year of his age.
Mr. McConnell has been some 12 years resident of this county. Formerly
of Stiles, removing to this city in 1868, where he has since lived until
a few weeks ago when he removed to Peshtigo where he was about to enter
in the hotel business. His remains were brought here to the residence of
Mr. Geo. Lamkey, a brother-in-law, from whence he was buried on
Thursday. He leaves a wife to mourn his loss.

April 6, 1878


PERRIGO - At Oconto Falls, Oconto County, Wisconsin March 15th 1878,
after a long and painful illness, LUCY A. beloved wife of D.S. Perrigo,
Esq. Aged fifty years. The deceased leaves a husband and two children to
mourn her loss.

TOURTLIIOTT - At her residence in the town of Sublette, Ill. March 19th
1878. Hannah, wife of Thomas Tourtillott Sr. in the 80th year of her


COOK.- At her home in the town of Oconto, on Sabbath morning, April 14th
1878, of hemorrhage of the lungs, Lucretia, wife of O. C. Cook, in the
54th year of her age. 
The deceased, though a sufferer from consumption for some years, was in
her usual health the day before her death. She passed away, apparently
in sleep, very early in the morning, without making any sign, and
unknown to other members of the family.- She leaves a husband and six

May 4, 1878

Peshtigo Items

Dr. Kelsey died on Wednesday of that dreaded disease consumption.

June 15, 1878

** Shawano County

Seven funerals were celebrated last Sabbath at the M. E. Church, all in
one service.

July, 12, 1878


On Sunday last at Oconto Falls, a young man named Amos Manning aged 22
years and a resident of the neighborhood was drowned in the Oconto

Aug. 3, 1878

DIED.- HANSEN - In this city on Saturday evening July 27, 1878 after a
short illness. 
Charlie J. Hansen, son of Charles Hansen aged 13 yrs., two months, and 3
days. Charlie will be remembered as a general favorite on Main Street, and  an
office boy for Dr. Oliver, for a number of years. His parents have the
sympathy of the public in their affliction.

Aug. 17, 1878


A sad case of drowning occurred on Sunday afternoon last, in the river,
in the vicinity of Comstock's mill, in which a young women named Jane
Morrisey, daughter of Mr. John Morrisey, of this city, and Charles Cook,
a young man, son of O. C. Cook, living near Comstock, lost their lives.

Aug. 24, 1878

DIED - At Comstock's mill, August 19th, 1878, of Scarlet fever, Florence
Isabella, only daughter of Thomas and Mary McCurdy. Aged 5 years and 9

A second explosion of nitro- glycerine, a short notice of which we gave
last week, occurred at Negunee at eighteen minutes past nine o'clock, on
Wednesday morning of last week, sending four men to their long home,
making 11 since January, from the same cause, at the same place. The
names of the illated  men were, H. E. Huber, John Scanion, Dayton L.
Brown, Samuel Cooper, all unmarried.

Sept. 7, 1878

Peshtigo Items

Wm. Shepherd lost a boy by death recently.

We learn that Wilbur Orr, recently of this city, now of the oil
districts of Pennsylvania, has lost, by death, his youngest boy, named
Hunter. Diphtheria was the disease.

Sept. 14, 1878

DIED - Near Beamen, Grundy County Iowa, Aug. 16, 1878 Burtie, son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Casson, of this city, aged 5 years.

CASSON - In this city, Sept. 3, 1878 Georgie, youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Casson, aged 2 years 1 month 11 days.

** Correction

In noticing the death of Mr. Casson's children last week, the REPORTER
was led to make a most aggravating error, through being misinformed.
Their oldest child, a little girl, is alive and well, it being their
oldest boy that died while visiting in Iowa.

A Tragedy.
 On Monday, of last week, a man named Michael Sagstatter, living in
Menasha, shot his wife with a carbine killing her instantly.

Sept. 28, 1878

A Sad Event

Another sad event has occurred this week, in the sudden death of Mrs.
Crosby, which occurred on Tuesday  after an illness of only three or
four days. Although in very robust health she had been able to attend to
the duties in the connection with a small retail business in which she
had engaged for the support of herself and four small children, after
the sudden death of her husband by drowning some two years ago.

Oct. 5, 1878

SOYER - In this city, September 30th, 1878, Hattie Louisa M. Soyer,
youngest child of Capt. And Mrs. L. m. Soyer. Aged nine years two months
and three weeks.

Peshtigo Items
Oct. 12, 1878

A Sad Occurrence

Last Saturday morning the sympathies of the people of the town were
aroused by the startling intelligence that a father and two children had
been burned to death, at the Harbor, early in the morning. The
unfortunate ones were, Mr. Desotell, a son - a deaf mute - and the baby.


We learn that a man named Joseph Lane, at one time a resident of this
city, but lately of Marinette, committed suicide at that place on
Tuesday night by taking arsenic.

Oct. 26 1878

DIED - GODDARD - At Brookside, Oconto County, October 15 after a short
illness, Ida I. Wife of John H. Goddard Esq. And daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Whitney of LaCrosse. She leaves two small children and a
husband, besides many friends to mourn her loss.

Nov. 9, 1878

DIED - BURDICK- Yesterday morning, Nov. 8 Oscar S. Burdick, son of Rev.
C. R. and Addie Burdick aged 4 months. Funeral from the house at four
o'clock Sabbath afternoon.

HART - In Green Bay, Monday evening November 4th, 1878, Katie, daughter
of Capt. and Mrs. H. W. hart, aged four years and six months.

Nov. 16, 1878


The hand of Death has not yet been stayed in our midst. Last Saturday
Jake and Ida Lince buried their infant child, and on Sunday afternoon
occurred the death of our most estimable young men, Alfred Bellingham,
aged 16 years. From the fear of spreading the contagion (Scarlet Fever)
the burial was attended by but few.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lynes had the misfortune to lose by death, on Tuesday
night, their oldest son, Edward, a lad of about 15 years. He had been
lying very low for some weeks. The disease at first was something like
scarlet fever.

Nov. 30, 1878

DIED - BOWERS - In this city on Sunday, November 17, 1878 of
consumption, Mrs. R. H. Bowers aged 52 years.

Dec. 7, 1878


DIED- In this city, at the residence of Hon. R. W. Hubbell at 11:00
o'clock p.m.  Monday Dec. 2nd 1878, Major Bingo, from the effects of
poison by some unknown hand administered. The circumstances of his death
were particularly painful to his friends as well as to himself. A party
of them had gathered to practice singing, when suddenly Maj. came in and
went into spasms, which lasted about an hour. Everything possible was
done to save him, but in vain. Surrounded by some of his dearest
friends, he breathed his last.

Dec. 21, 1878


Mr. Roscoe W. Gilkey, while here learned the painful news of the death
of his youngest child at his home in Green Bay on Monday. It was brought
to this city by the afternoon freight Tuesday, for internment.

The scarlet fever claimed another victim last Sunday. Hiram Haines lost
a six year old daughter.