Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Obituary Editor and Historic Family News Researcher.- Cathe Ziereis
Jan. 6, 1877


The terrible Rail Road accident and the loss of life at Ashtabula, Ohio,
on the evening of Friday the 29th ult, thrilled with inexpressible
horror every heart in the land, and the result has filled a thousand
homes with the gloom of grief. The electric spark that conveyed the
message of horror over the land, left hear and there a word loaded with
a sorrow that was well high crushing. To more than a hundred homes this
silent messenger came and left a shadow that no future sunshine can

This dire calamity has brought sorrow and grief to a large circle of
relatives and friends in this vicinity. Captain LEVI W. HART of Akron
Ohio, formerly of this city, brother of the Editor of this paper, and
second son of Edwin Hart Esq. Of this city, was a passenger on the fatal
train and was taken from the wreck a corpse.

Capt. Hart's career, though not a long one, was somewhat
checkered and full of incidents. Born at Green Bay Brown County Wis., on
the 22nd of December 1835, he spent the first 19 years of his life in
Brown and Oconto Counties. He, in 1874 removed to Chicago, where he was
for sometime engaged in a Lumber Yard, which business he finally
exchanged for the mercantile, which he continued  until the fierce storm
of civil war broke, in all it's fury, over our country when he, animated
by a patriotism which his subsequent record as a soldier, marked with a
proud emphasis, enrolled himself with "Taylor's Chicago Battery," of
which he was elected 2d Lieutenant He, with his Battery, was assigned to
service with the forces which shortly after fought the battle of
"Belmont," on which engagement Lieut. Hart entered with one gun and came
out with three, receiving for his gallantly in this his battle, a
handsome compliment from his commander. He was  with his battery at the
sieges of Fort Henry and Donaldson, on the Tennessee River, and at the
latter place was in command of the Battery, and at which place he was
conspicuous for his gallantry. The enemy charge on the Taylor Battery
and succeed in capturing one of the guns, Lieut. Hart called on his men
to charge for the recapture of the gun, which at large loss, and with
fearful hazard, was handsomely done; with a rope fastened to the "tail"
of the gun they actually dragged it away from the enemy. His gallantry
on this occasion  was rewarded by Gen. Sherman prompting him, on the
field, to a First Lieutenancy. He commanded his Battery at "Bloody
Shilo" where it had the honor of opening the first fire on the enemy,
and where it did credible and gallant service throughout the entire 
engagement. He, with his Battery was engaged in various engagements,
skirmishes, marches and counter marches, which finally resulted in the
investment, siege and capture, of the stronghold, Vicksburg by Gen.
Grant. At Vicksburg he was detached from Taylor's Battery and put in
command of a siege battery, which he commanded until the capitulation,
after which he participated in the Battle of Black River, and in the
capture of Jackson, Miss. By this time the hurrying  and fatiguing
duties of campaigning  together with sever injury received in battle, so
undermined his health, that rest was a necessity and he was furloughed.
Under the influence of a healthful climate and the ministration of kind
friends his health soon sufficiently restored to enable him to return to
duty, which he did, and was assigned to the command of the "Silverspear
Battery", with which he remained until his final Muster out; with it he
was at Arkansas Post, and in numerous other engagements of minor
importance, and before leaving it he was appointed to a captaincy.

After leaving the army Capt. Hart engaged in the furniture business
under the firm name of Wm. Hart & Co. at Cleveland, Ohio. After
following this business for a time he sold his interest and embarked
extensively in the oil refining business in the same city. Here
misfortune overtook him, and he was obliged to succumb to the pressure
of depressed markets. After this he was engaged in the drug business for
several years, at the same place, which business he disposed of in 1872
and came to Oconto, where he engaged in the manufacture of shingles and
the mercantile business. But misfortune seemed to have set its seal on
all his enterprises; financial embarrassment came upon the country, and
he and ten thousand others was involved in the ruin that came with it.

Though beaten he was not discouraged.- He bravely took up the gauntlet
thrown down by misfortune, and again waged battle for the mastery.
Receiving an offer for his services from the mercantile house in Green
bay he at once accepted it and remained with the house until he received
an offer from a house in Akron Ohio, at an increased salary, which he
accepted. He remained with the last named house for one year, when he
received, and accepted a lucrative offer from a wholesale firm in Toledo
Ohio, in whose interest he was traveling at the time his life went out
in the fearful crash at Ashtabula.

Capt. Hart leaves a wife and two children; to them he was a kind husband
and indulgent father, to his parents he was a kind dutiful son, to his
brothers and sisters he was all that the word brother implies. - To
those with whom he was brought in business, or social contact he was
proverbially kind, coitus and considerate. His gentile qualities
endearing him to a large circle of friends in every locality in which he

He had gone. For more than three years he passed unscathed through the
turmoil, the uncertainties; the deadly strife and dangers of a terrible
war, in which all the most approved engineer's of destruction which has
been devised by the ingenuity man was employed; a war in which all the
elements of human passion, of human hatred, of human vindictiveness were
united with the hurling shot, the bruising shells, the shock of the
charge and the multitude of unseen dangers that are incident to war for
the extermination of the soldier. Through all this crash of destroying
elements he passed only to at last go down in death in one of natures
most terrifying storms, and amid the terrific crash of one of the works
of man's ingenuity, reared in the interest of peace, and for the
advancement of civilizing and humanizing influences. "In the midst of
life we are in death."

Killed in the Woods.

On Monday of this week, James Carlin, who was in the employ of Gilkey &
Chamberlin on the Peshtigo 
River was instantly killed. He was helping to saw a tree that lay on a
side hill, when the log on which he was at work became detached from the
tree, very suddenly rolled down hill, crushing him to death between it
and another tree, or stump. Mr. Carlin was a resident of Oconto County
for more than twenty years, and leaves a large circle of relatives
here.- he also leaves a wife and five children, we believe. He was a
good soldier in the late war, having served three years in the battery
commanded by Charles Bagley. 

Jan. 27, 1877

Sudden Death.-
On Monday of this week Mr. F. Raiskey, a well known German music teacher
of this city, was taken ill, and on Tuesday died.

February 03, 1877

FATAL ACCIDENT AT MARINETTE.  We see by the Eagle that an accident
resulting the death of Mr. Joseph PARENT occurred between three and four o¹clock
Thursday afternoon of last week. 

February 10, 1877

DIED.  BARLOW-- On Monday 29th 1877 at Neenah, of congestion of the lungs
infant som of Mrs. Jennie BARLOW, wife of the late Henry L. BARLOW. The remains were taken to Janesville for interment.

Shawano County Journal
Saturday, Feb. 10, 1877
DIED - In this city, at the residence of J. Jacobs, Feb. 9th, 1877, Mrs. ELECTA H BUTLER, wife of William Butler, of the town of How, aged 36 years.
March 17, 1877

DIED.--In this city, Friday March 6th at 9 o¹clock William BRANSFIELD.

April 28, 1877

In this city April 10 1877 Willfred Ross, Infant son of Nath¹l & Christina M. INGHRAM.

May 19, 1877

     On Sunday afternoon last a seven year old son of Joseph PECOR, fell
into the river at the Brunquest dam and was drowned.

May 26, 1877

     President STRONG of the First National Bank of Green Bay is in the
receipt of a dispatch this morning, announcing the death in Paris of M.D.
PEAK, Esq., for many years cashier of the bank.  Less than a year ago he
went to Europe with his wife, hoping that rest from business and breathing
the Continental air would restore him to health, but he died on Saturday in
Paris.  He was one of the most prominent and enterprsing citizens of this
section, aside from his connection with the bank, having for years been
Vice President of the Green Bay Hide and Leather Company, and stockholder in
various other industrial concerns.  He had life insurance for $25,000 in
the Equitable, Mutual life, Phoeniz and Universal.  His estate will amount to
$100,000, and his widow and one daughter probably the sole legatees

     Wm. B. Smith, who died in this city on Friday of last week, was a
resident of this place for nineteen years. 

June 02, 1877

Louis SCHUTTA, of Pensaukee,  poisoned by eating of wild

     J.S. FISK, for many years a resident of Brown County, and widely known
throughout the state by reason of his extensive business connections, died
at the residence of his son in Depere on Sunday moring last.  Mr. FISK¹s
admirable social qualities, and his strict integrity as a business man, and
his unswerving observance of the honorable in all relations of life
endeared him to all with whom he came in contact.  A large circle of his friends
will mourn his death.

     One week ago last Saturday a shabbily dressed and care worn traveler
with satchel in hand, called a CORORAN's mill about 8 miles from this city
and asked permission to stop there stating that he was sick and unable to
travel further.  He was told that there was no room for him, and started on
his lonely journey towards this city.  When about half way here, overcome
by fatique and sickness, he fell by the wayside and remained in an unconscious
condition until discovered by some good samaritans a few hours afterwards,
who procured a hand car and removed him to the house of Geo. W. HUGG.
Medical aid was summoned but too late to avail, for he died on the
following Wednesday, and was burried at the expense of the County.  He gave his name as Andrew HOVERS, is a native of Germany and has no relatives in this

June 09, 1877

     On Saturday the 2d inst., Alexander J. McDONALD, after a painful
illness of many years duration died at the residence of Mr. Daniel CHARLES
near this city. And though no relative was near, his remains were followed to their last
resting place by warm friends, whose hearts were and at the final parting.

     McDONALD--At the resience of Mr. Daniel CHARLES in the town of Oconto,
June 2nd 1877.  Mr. Alexander McDONALD.  Aged 45 years.

Green Bay Advocate
June 23, 1877

     A severe case is reported from the town of Glenmore, where three
childran and a brother-in-law, of Mrs. PETERSON, were poisoned by eating
wild parsnips on Thursday of last week.  One of the children, a boy of six
years, died; and the lives of the others were in doubt at last

June 30, 1877

     A little son of David VAN ALSTEIN aged 7 years, while playing on some
logs near the Anson ELDRED mill last Monday, fell into the river and was
drowned.  The body was recovered about ten minutes after the accident.  The
funeral took place the next day at the Presbyterian church.