Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Collected and posted by BILL
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.Researched and contributed by:Alan Schafer.

Index of Surnames

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Feyock Veyock Fyack 

Kildoo Guildoo

Lear Lehr


First Generation


1. Jacob Feyock/Veyock/Fyack. Jacob died on 14 Feb 1792 in Plainfield, Northampton, Pennsylvania. Buried on 14 Feb 1792 in Somewhere on his own

Research: Pennsylvania Archive Series V - pg. 143

Jacob Fyoike is listed as part of First Company, Second Battalion under command of Colonel Roup - entry dated 22 May 1781.

Oaths of Allegiance Northampton County 1777-1784

Jacob Frock - 5 August 1777

Research: The earliest record of the Fye Family is found in tax records, church records, and possibly Revolutionary War records for a Jacob Feyock of Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Although we know our family name at this time to be Fye, there is significant proof that it was not always so, but
rather Feyock, and that Jacob Feyock is indeed our distant ancestor. This can be proven quite conclusively by examining the will of Jacob Feyock,
Orphan Court Records (which list his widow and children), church records (in which the names of the children are given as Fey), land records (which
identify his son Michael as Michael Fey and Michael Fiock), and tax and land records (which give us the history of David Fiock from 1811 to 1829 in
which we identify a name change from Fiock to Fyack to Fey to Fye).

As to the origins of Jacob Feyock, we do not have a lot of information. His name appears as Jacob Veyock, Jacob Fayok, Jacob Fyock, and Jacob
Viock (the "V" and "F" sounds being interchangeable in the German language used in that day) in some early church records for Nazareth Township.
We know these to be the same individual since the last names are cognate names, the list of his children consist of John Michael, David, and Elizabeth
in several deeds and court records, and there is no other individual with a similarly sounding name in Plainfield Township, Northampton County,
Pennsylvania, or for that anywhere else in Pennsylvania at the time. So whether the original name was Veyock or Feyock needs to be researched, but
most likely was Veyock as the "V" sound shifted to an "F" sound in English. There is a record of a Jacob Feiock arriving from Rotterdam on the ship
Sarah on 20 September 1764. This may be our Jacob Feyock, but at this time no further proof is available to definitively make this connection. In the
Pennsylvania Archive Series we find a Jacob Fiock of Northampton County listed under the command of Col. Daniel Broadhead for the year 1776.
Although not proven, this is very likely our Jacob Feyock as Col. Daniel Broadhead commanded the Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment from Northampton
County. There is a record of another Jacob Feyock in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, so research will be required to determine which one is which.  However, it is most likely the case that Jacob Feyock was in Northampton County in 1776 and participated in the Revolutionary War.

Jacob next appears in the 1788 tax record for Plainfield Township, and in the 1790 census for Northampton County, Plainfield Township, as Jacob
Fiack. He is listed with two sons, both under sixteen, one male (himself) and one female (Christina). Schoeneck church records from Northampton
County give us the names of two of his children. John Michael was born 13 July 1785 and Elizabeth was born 13 September 1790. The birth record for
David has not been found yet, but his birth year has been identified to be about 1787/1788. By the way, this would explain why Elizabeth was not on the
1790 census, as she had not yet been born.

Schoeneck church records also give us the account of the death of Jacob Fayok. A record dated 14 February 1792 states that Jacob died of an apparent  heart attack (apoplexy), and was buried in a grave on his own land in Plainfield Township. The actual, translated record is as follows

February 14th, 1792 - Our neighbor Fayok, who had worked in the village, in Gnadenthal and Christian Spring as day-laborer for many years, was found this afternoon, not far from Gnadenthal on the meadow dead in the snow. At once a jury of brethren from the village and from Gnadenthal besides our
doctor were called together, and it was found by the investigation of the body, that probably apoplexy had killed him. A day before he had been in
Christian Spring and Gnadenthal, and he had lamented, that he did not feel well. Towards 4 o'clock he went home, and he found near to Gnadenthal his
end. The brethren Schnall and Steinmann buried him on his property, and Br. Schnall sang, when the body was lowered into the grave, a few hymns. He leaves behind a widow with 3 children, who are baptized by the brethren.

A will, dated 9 March 1792 corroborates this account, and lists his wife, Christina, and three minor children, Michael, David, and Elizabeth. As Jacob
died intestate, the land remained in limbo until 1807 when John Michael, having become 21 years of age, petitioned the court and had the land sold to
a George Butz. Land records list this sale and describe the property as consisting of 63 acres and a log cabin in Plainfield Township. In the deed
describing this sale, we find that Jacob originally received this land in the form of a land patent dated 4 June 1790.

The actual will of Jacob Feyock gives us a glimpse into the life of the average family in Northampton County in 1792. Since Jacob died intestate, there
is no actual will from him, but we do have letters of administration for a Michael Knows (the actual name is Knausse) signed by Jacob's widow
Christina. The text of the letter of administration is as follows:

Know all men by these presents that I Christina Feyock widow relief of Jacob Feyock, late of Moore Township in the County of Northampton &
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania deceased. Whereas the said Jacob Feyock died intestate leaving the said Christina and three minor children, and the
said Christina being willing that the Estate of the said deceased be well and faithfully administered and disposed of according to Law, Do Hereby
require and empower Michael Knows of the said County Yeoman for me and my place to take upon him the administration of the said Estate according
to Law. And I do hereby request John Arnot Esq Requiter ?? to grant letters of administration to the said Michael Knows for the purposes aforesaid.
In Witness whereof I have hereto put my hand & seal this seventh day of March Anno Domini 1792. Catharina X Feyock (her mark) Sealed and
delivered in the presence of Willis Henry.

We also have a list of the property owned by Jacob Feyock at the time of his death written in old German script using both English and German words.
We were able to get most of the itemized list translated, and the results are as follows:

First Page:

One furnace
A small box with old iron
A "dengel??" with 2 whetstones
2 Pliers and a rasp
2 small boxes with old iron
three boxes
four old "biger??"
An old bread pliers and a circle
An old bricklayer hammer and spoon pliers
Four jugs
Four old scythes
Four "earthly china" (probably made of loam)
Four tin china
A friction iron and a can
A piece of iron
A gun

Second Page:

Four ???
Four old ??? and a box
A bundle of flax
A ????
A cupboard
A ??? china
One "dig-chops" and two hoes
A pitchfork and two hayforks
A ???
A pitchfork and a hoe
A whetstone and a ???
An iron spoon and a meat fork
2 water buckets and a ???
A ??? (could be "a windmill")
3 sheep
6 pigs
A cow
Another cow

Third Page:

A school ????
The man's cloth
16 spoons
A little bag

From an examination of the will and the list of property, we led to believe that Jacob and Christina were far from being wealthy. They appeared to have
the bare necessities required to live in that part of the country. They were obviously farmers, although the possession of many of the listed tools would
lead one to believe that carpentry was a possible secondary source of income. In the church records we find that Jacob's occupation is listed as laborer
and day worker, which would fit with this conclusion. We do know that David Feyock/Fey, son of Jacob, was a carpenter and joiner as that is what is
listed in the tax records for Lower and Upper Nazareth.

After Jacob's death, the family seemingly split up, or most likely, was absorbed into the Moravian Community in Nazareth Township. We have no real
further record of Christina at this point except a couple of references in the Moravian Church records of Nazareth and a hint that she was apparently
still alive in 1807, as a Mortgage record from Northampton Deed Records, Book 2, page 93, states that Christina was to receive a yearly sum of £6.9.2
half-penny during her natural life, which would imply she was still alive at the time of that record. The two church record references are dated 11
August 1793 and 14 December 1793. In the first record it is recorded that the widow Anna Christina Feyin was received into the Nazareth
congregation, and in the second that she received her first communion as a member of the Moravian Church.

As to her death, and place of burial, we have no further record at this time. A search of all burial records for the Moravian Church in Nazareth, as well
as civil death and burial records, give us no information as to her death, or the death of Elizabeth, David, and Michael. Interestingly, however, we do
have an account of the death of her sister. A record from the Nazareth Moravian Church Diary dated 26 February 1788 states that "neighbor Fayok"
found the sister of his wife dead in the woods of apparent apoplexy. Christina's sister is not named, but apparently she suffered from epilepsy or some
other form of mental illness and so her death was not surprising. Because of some reluctance on the part of the Moravian brethren in that area, she
was not permitted to be buried in the churchyard, so she was buried quietly on the land owned by Jacob and Christina Feyock in Plainfield Township.

Since Christina was apparently unable to provide for her children (they were of ages 1, 4, and 6), John Michael (Michael), David, and Elizabeth were
put in the care of a Christian Frederick Steinman (Orphan's Court Record dated 10 April 1792). Christian Steinman was the caretaker, or steward, of
Gnadenthal, a Moravian Community in Nazareth Township, and which today is the site of a home for the aged. On 14 January 1800, John Schnall, the
new steward of Gnadenthal, is named guardian of Michael (now over age 14), David, and Elizabeth, the latter two being less than 14 years old. On 22
August 1806, David is appointed a new guardian, Mathais Miller, and Elizabeth is appointed a new guardian, Frederick Beitel. Michael is not listed, as
he would have been 21 years of age at this time and apparently lived on his own. One final Orphan Court record, dated 21 November 1806, lists
Michael as receiving the property of his father Jacob, and listed in the record are David, Elizabeth, and Christina.  Census records confirm this as we
find an 1800 census entry for John Schnall, and an 1810 census entry for Frederick Beitel and Mathaias Miller.

Examining all of this material allows us to draw some further conclusions about our ancestor Jacob Feyock. The first of these is that apparently there
were no relatives of Jacob in Northampton County, and most likely in the rest of Pennsylvania as well. The reason for this is that we cannot find any
census records of other Feyocks (including all cognate spellings of the name) in the Northampton area for the years 1790, 1800, and 1810, and the fact
that the children were sent to foster homes, orphanages, or were absorbed into the Moravian community after the death of Jacob. If there had been
any other family, they would have most likely found a home with them. This also applies to Christina. We do know of a sister, but other than that, there
is no record of any of her extended family in the area. If there was some extended family there, then most likely she would have been able to stay with
them along with her children. Another piece of data that would support this conclusion is the fact there is no mention of any other relatives of Jacob in
the probate records surrounding his will. The only family mentioned in the will, and in the Orphan Court Records, is Christina, Michael, David, and

So, after the death of Jacob Feyock, Michael, David, and Elizabeth were remanded to the care of Christian Steinman. Of course, we can never know
the real reason Christina placed the children in other homes. Michael would have been about 7 years of age, David 5, and Elizabeth 2 when their father
died. Perhaps Christina had no way to provide for the children and no one to run the farm on which she lived. Having three small children with no
source of income would have made the raising of a family impossible in those days.

Since we have no record of any siblings or parents of Jacob and Christina, we can safely say, at this time, that they were first generation immigrants to
Northampton County. They apparently spoke German, were part of the Moravian community and hence Pennsylvania Dutch, and had no other family
members living close to them. Unless some record can be found giving us the marriage of Jacob and Christina, all we can say is that they arrived in
Northampton some time prior to 1785 (1776 if the information about Jacob Fiock belongs to our Jacob Feyock). As to any other children they may
have had who died in infancy, we have no record at this time.

Jacob married Anna Christina.

Research: Nazareth Moravian Church Book - page 69

August 11, 1793, the widow Anna Christina Feyin was received into the Nazareth congregation.

Nazareth Moravian Church Book - page 109

December 14, 1793, Anna Christina Feyin received her first communion as a member of the Moravian Church.

They had the following children:
 2 i. Michael (1785-)
 3 ii. David (~1787-~1829)
 4 iii. Maria Elizabeth (1790-)

Second Generation

2. Michael Fey. Born on 13 Jul 1785 in Plainfield, Northampton, Pennsylvania.

Research: Nazareth Moravian Church Book - page 245

Johann Michael Fey, b. 14 Jul. 1785, bap. 19 Jul. 1785 in Plainfield Township, son of day worker Jacob and Anna Christina Fey.  Witnesses: Wenzel
Bernhard, Johann Jacbo Eyerly and David Zeisberger.

Research: NOTE - 1 Perch is a length of measure 5-1/2 yards in length - or in area 30-1/4 square yards.

Deed Dated 9 January 1828 - Michael Fey to George Butz

This indenture made the tenth day of April Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seven between Michael Feyock of the Borough of Easton in
the County of Northampton and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Blacksmith of the one part and George Butz of Bethlehem Township in the County of
Northampton and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania aforesaid Innkeeper of the other part.  Whereas Jacob Feock, father of the above named Michael
Fiok late of Plainfield Township Northampton County and Commonwealth aforesaid Yeoman became in his lifetime lawfully seized in his desmesne as
of Fee of and in unto a certain one small messuage and tract of land situate and lying and being in Plainfield Township aforesaid bounded and described
as followeth, viz. Beginning at a post thence by Land of Jonas Harzell south Ten Degrees East Forty five Perches to a post south eighty degrees West
fifty four Perches to a Post south Ten Degrees East twenty five Perches to a post North eighty degrees East seventy Perches to a Chestnut and south
Ten degrees East twenty two Perches to a Post thence by vacant land North forty six degrees East seventy five Perches and a half to a stone North
eighty six degrees East sixty nine Perches to a stone North sixty Perches to a stone South eighty six degrees West thirty four Perches to a stone and
South eighty degrees West One Hundred and fifteen perches to the Place of Beginning Containing sixty three acres and ninety Perches and allowance
of six prct for roads. ?? Which the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by Patent bearing date the fourth day of June Anno Domini 1790 Inrolled in the
Rolls Office for the State of Pennsylvania in Pat. Book No 15 Page 301. ?? Granted unto the said Jacob Fiok deceased.  And the said Jacob Fiok being
so thereof seized died Intestate leaving issue three children and also a widow to whom the same by Laws of Pennsylvania relating to the Intestate
Estate did descend and come allowing to the said Michael Fiok eldest son of the said Intestate a double share.  And Whereas at an orphans court held
at Easton in and for the County of Northampton the Twenty first day of November in the Year One Thousand eight Hundred and six upon the Petition
of Michael Fiock eldest son and heir at Law of the said Jacob Fiock Deceased (in August last past Praying the Court to award an Inquest to make
Partition of the Real Estate of the said Intestate in the said petition mentioned to and amont the Children and Representationed in such manner and
such proportions as the Laws of Pennsylvania is directed and appointed if such partition could be made without prejudice to or spoiling the whole
otherwise to value & appraise the same the said inquest was awarded by the Court according to the prayer of the said petitioner.  Whereupon a write
of Partition or valuation Issued out of the said Courty an Inquisition was held of the partition or valuation of the said Real Estate the thirteenth day of
October last past before Henry Jarrett Esq. Sheriff of the said County and thereupon it appears by the Inquest upon oaths and affirmations that He??
have appraised the same for the valuable consideration sum therein mentioned, and on which return and valuation of the Twenty first day of November
last past were on motion confirmed by the said Court.  And Thereupon it was considered and adjudged by the said Court that the said Michael Fiock
eldest son and heir at law of the said Intestate should hold and enjoy the Real Estate aforesaid valued at aforesaid to him his heirs and Assigns for ever
as fully and freely as the said intestate had and hold the same in his lifetime agreeably to the act of Assembly in such case made and Provided as by the
Records as Proceedings of the said Court relation being thereunto had more fully and at ???? appears.  Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said
Michael Fiock for and in consideration of the sum of Three Hundred and eighty three Pounds seven shillings and six pence of Lawful money of
Pennsylvania unto him the said Michael Fiock well and truly Paid by the above named George Butz at and before the sealing and delivery of these
Presents the receipt and Payment whereof he the said Michael Fiock does hereby acknowledge and therefore and thereof doth forever acquit and
discharge him the said George Butz his heirs Executors Administators and Assigns by these presents the said Michael Fiock Have Granted bargained
sold released bargained sold and confirmed and by these Presents Do fully freely and absolutely Grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said
George Butz and to his heirs and Assigns all that above described Tract or Pieces of Land containing sixty three acres and allowance as above said
Together with all and singular the Buildings Improvements ways wood waters water courses rights privileges Hereditaments and appurtenances
whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversions and remainders rents Issues and Profits these of and all the Estate
rights Title Interest ??? Property claim and demand whatsoever of them the said Michael Fiock of in and to the hereby granted deed and Premises and
every part and Parcel thereof herein or thereto To Have and to Hold all and singular the above mentioned Tract Pieces of Land so bounded and
described as above ??? forth Herediments and premises hereby granted or mentioned to be granted with the appurtenances unto the said George
Butz his heirs and assigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said George Butz his heirs and Assigns for ever.  And the said Michale
Fiock for himself and his Heirs do Covenant promise and Grant to and with him the said George Butz his Heirs and Assigns in manner following viz.
That he the said Michael Fiock the hereby tract or pieces of land with the appurtenances against him the said Michael Fiock and his heirs and against
all and every other person and persons whatsoever lawfully claiming or to claim any Estate rights or Title to the same or any Part by from or under him
or any one under him shall and will warrant and forever defend by these Presents - In Witness whereof he the said Michale Fiock have hereunto set
his hand & seal the day & Year first above written - Michale Fay (SEAL) Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us William Hutchins - L. Geiger -
383-7-6 Received on the day of the date of the above written Indenture of the above named George Butz the sum of Three Hundred and Eighty Three
Pounds seven shillings and six pence Lawfull Money it being the full consideration sum above mentioned.  I say recd the same in full per me Michael
Fay - Northampton County.  On the eighteenth day of April Anno Domini 1807 Personally appeared the within named Michael Fiock Before me the
subscriber one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the said County and acknowledged the within written Indenture as his ?? and Deed and desired
the same may be taken on Records as such in the form of Law - In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Day and Year first
above mentioned - William Hutchkind (SEAL) - Recorded this tenth day of January AD 1828.

Research: Michael Feyock/Fey is first found in the records of the Schoeneck Moravian church. In a record dated 19 July 1785 we are told that Jacob
Veyock requested that someone baptize his son who was born 13 July 1785. A record in the actual Nazareth Moravian Church Record written in old
German lists a Johann Michael Fey son of Jacob and Anna Christina Fey of Plainfield Township as having been born 14 July 1785 and baptized 19 July
1785. Orphan Court records tell us that after his father's death, Michael was first assigned Christian Steinman as a guardian, then later John Schnall.
He next appears in some deeds dated 1807 where he was given the land first patented by his father, Jacob, then sold that same property to a George
Butz. The property description is for the 63 acres of land and log cabin in Plainfield Township mentioned above. The most important thing that this
particular deed does is show that Michael Fey was also known as Fyock, Feyock, and Fiok. This proves that at this time we have a transition from the
Feyock to Fey surname. After 1807, we find no other record anywhere in Northampton for Michael Fey. He does not appear in any tax lists, nor does
he appear in any deeds or census records. Where he went, or what happened to him, is unknown at this time.

3. David Fey. Born abt 1787 in Plainfield, Northampton, Pennsylvania. David died in Upper Nazareth, Northampton, Pennsylvania, abt 1829; he was 42.

Research: 1800 Census - Nazareth, Northampton

John Schall, Steward of Gnadenthal (a Moravian Community Home)

    1-0-3-0-5 : 4-3-4-3-3

Most likely David and Michael are two of the males 16-26 and Elizabeth is one of the females 0-10.  Christina may be one of the females 26-45 as it is
most likely she stayed there in the home with her children although we have no proof of this at this time.

1810 Census - Moore, Northampton, Pennsylvania

Matthias Miller

    3-2-1-1-0: 2-1-0-1-0

David may be one of the males listed here, but this brings up the question as to where Polly is at this time.  Our research seems to indicate David and
Polly married about 1808 or thereabouts, so we have a question as to where David is in 1810 as no separate census entry exists for him, and he does
not show up in tax records until 1811.  The possibility exists that he and Polly are married at this time, but living with another family, or in one of the
Moravian communities in Northampton County.  A deed record for 1874 in which Mary Fye leaves her land to her daughter Catherine Schoneaberger
indicates that the land she left her daughter came into her possession in 1810.

1820 Census - Lower Nazareth, Northampton, Pennsylvania, Page 254

Fyack, David

    3m 0-10 (Thomas, Elias, George)
    1m 26-45 (David)
    2f 0-10 (Catherine, Unknown)
    1f 10-16 (Unknown)
    1f 26-45 (Mary)

Research: David Fey, unfortunately, does not appear in any church records that have been examined to date except for one reference dated 14
February 1792 in which it is said that the Moravian Brethren had baptized all three children of the deceased Jacob Fyock. Records searched include
the Schoeneck Church Records, Moravian Church Archives in Nazareth, and the Moravian Church Diary translated into English in 1933. Orphan
Court Records, however, list David as being the son of Jacob and Christina Feyock and give the names of his guardians as first being Christian
Steinman then John Schnall. David is also mentioned in the Deed dated 24 January 1807 in which he is listed with his sister Elizabeth. It is possible
that David lived with a family that was not closely connected to the Moravian Community in Nazareth Township, and as a result did not appear in those
church records. Even though we do not have church records for David, we know of his existence and relationship through Court and Deed records.

Connecting David Fey to David Feyock and thence to Jacob Feyock is not too difficult. Church records and court records appear to favor the name Fey
after the death of Jacob Feyock. An examination of tax records for Lower and Upper Nazareth Townships in Northampton County list a David
Feyock/Fyock/Fyack/Friock/Fiack/Frock/Fiock/Fey. The actual list for all of the Feys listed between 1811 and 1860 are as follows:

Lower Nazareth Township

1811 David Feyock
1813 David Feyock, farmer
1814 David Fyock, farmer
1815 David Fyock
1816 David Fyock
1817 David Fyock
1819 David Fyack
1820 David Friock, joiner
1821 David Friock, joiner
1822 David Friock, joiner
1823 David Fiack, joiner
1824 David Frock, joiner

Upper Nazareth Township

1825 David Fiock, carpenter
1826 David Fey, carpenter
1827 David Fey, carpenter
1828 David Fey, carpenter - also listed is George Fey age 11, Catharine age 9 and Joseph age 6
1829 David Fey entry is crossed off Tomes Fey (first appears here) Children of David and Maria Fey: George Fey, 11, Chatarina 9
1830 Thomas Fey, laborer
1831 Thomas Fey, laborer Children of the widow Fey listed, unnamed son and daughter
1836 Elias Fey, laborer
1837 Elias Fey, laborer
1838 Elias Fye, laborer
1839 Elias Fey, laborer
1840 Elias Fey, laborer
1841 Polly Fi
1842 Polly Fey, spinster
1843 Polly Fey, widow
1844 Polly Fey, widow
1845 Polly Fey, widow
1845 Ely Fey, laborer
1846 Polly Fey, widow
1846 Ely Fey, laborer
1847 Polly Fey, widow
1847 Joseph Fey, laborer
1848 Polly Fey, widow
1848 Joseph Fey, laborer
1848 George Fey, laborer
1848 Charles Fey, laborer
1849 Polly Fey, widow
1849 Joseph Fey, laborer
1849 George Fey, laborer
1849 Charles Fey, laborer
1850 Polly Fey, widow
1850 George Fey, laborer
1850 Charles Fey, laborer
1851 Polly Fey, widow
1851 George Fey, laborer
1851 Charles Fey, laborer
1852 Polly Fey
1852 George Fey, laborer
1853 Polly Fey, widow
1853 Joseph Fey, laborer
1854 Polly Fey, widow
1854 Joseph Fey, laborer
1855 Polly Fey, widow
1855 Joseph Fey, laborer
1856 Polly Fey, widow
1856 Joseph Fey, laborer
1857 Polly Fey
1858 Polly Fey
1859 Polly Fey
1860 Polly Fey

Several notes can be made about the above lists as it relates to David Fey. After 1826, the name appears to stabilize as Fey whereas earlier we can find
seven different spellings of the name. An 1820 Census record also exists for a David Fyack (the tax record lists David's last name as Fyack for 1819),
and lists three sons, ages 0-10, 2 daughters, age 0-10, one daughter age 10-16, one male, age 26-45, and one female, age 26-45. No doubt, this is the
census entry for David Fey.

David last appears in the tax list in 1829, where his name has been crossed off. Apparently, this is because he had died just prior to that time, probably
early 1829. In 1831, we have an entry for a widow Fey and two un-named children of school age. Since Maria is mentioned in 1829, then apparently
changes to Polly in 1841, we have a strong hint that Mary and Polly are the same person. This is strengthened by the fact that there is no other Fey's
listed in the tax records with which to get confused.

Tax records fill in a bit more information on David Fye. He has children listed in the tax records of the name George (1828, 1829), Chaterina (1828,
1829), and Joseph (1828). An un-named daughter and son are also listed for 1831 with ages that would not fit the above children. This gives us five
listed children of David and Maria from tax records. However, we may be able to identify two additional children of David and Maria. In 1829 we have a
Tomes Fey listed, who also appears as Thomas Fey in 1830 and 1831. Once a young man reached the age of 21 he would start appearing in the tax
records, so this would imply a birth date for Thomas around 1808. In 1836 we next find an Elias Fey listed, who also is found to live with a Polly Fye in
the 1850 Census. Elias would then have been born about 1815 or so, which matches what we know of his birthday. In 1848 we find the names of
Joseph, George, and Charles Fey in the tax records, and in the 1850 census we do indeed find the same individuals in Northampton County.

The only problem at this time in identifying Elias and Thomas as sons of David and Mary Fye is the fact that we do not have any positive record stating
their relationship. We have not yet uncovered any church records or birth record that would positively link them as sons. The fact that they are related
to David and Mary is a near certainty. There are no other families in Northampton with the name Fey to which they could belong. The only remote
possibility is that they are the children of John Michael Fey, but the problem with this is that we cannot find any records anywhere of John Michael Fey
in Northampton after 1807. If he was there, we would find him somewhere in the tax records, and at this time we have not. Also, if Thomas and Elias
were sons of Michael Fey, then where is Michael in 1810? There are no census records in all of Pennsylvania that list anyone close to that name.
Additionally, if Thomas and Elias were orphans of Michael, then we would have records of them in the Orphan's court as there would have had to be
some record of their new guardians. The bottom line about Michael is this, we can't find him anywhere in Pennsylvania after 1807. The likelihood of
him being the father of Thomas and Elias is pretty slim.

In spite of the fact we have no positive proof identifying Thomas and Elias as children of David and Mary, we have significant circumstantial evidence
that would point that way. First of all, Elias is seen living with Polly Fye in 1850. We can identify Polly as Mary, Polly being a nickname or short name
for possibly Appolonia. This would, of course, imply a relationship between Elias and Polly. Secondly, Elias named his first three children Mary, John,
and David, and a last daughter Lydia. Mary and David would fit with the names of his alleged parents David and Mary, and John and Lydia were the
names of Eliza Lear Fye's parents. Additionally, David Fye's parents were John Jacob and Christian, so John could be a reference to David's father.
Also, Elias' first son who had children, David, named his three sons David, John, and Charles. As noted above, David and Mary had a son named
Charles, which may be where David got the name for his son. No proof here, but strong evidence.

Thirdly, Thomas named three of his sons John, Jacob David, and George, and his oldest daughter Mary. All four names belong to the Fey nameset.
Fourthly, Thomas disappears from Northampton County after 1831, but then re-appears in Mercer County in 1840. Sometime in the 1850s, Elias Fye
moves across the state of Pennsylvania and takes up residence less than two miles from where Thomas resided in Mercer County. We find his
daughter Adeline staying in a home with a David Reeher according to the 1860 census for Mercer County. Louisa Fye, a daughter of Thomas, married
George W. Reeher, David’s brother. In 1880, Elias is seen living next to Thomas Fye's son, John, in Wayne County, Ohio, and in the 1890's, Elias'
son William purchases John Fye's property after John's death. The bottom line is that there are significant linkages between Elias and Thomas, as
apparently Elias followed Thomas and his family across the nation.

Fifthly, and a little more tenuously, we find in 1850 that Joseph Fye, a suspected brother of Elias, is living one dwelling from John and Lydia Lehr in
Allen Township. John and Lydia were the parents of Eliza, the wife of Elias. Other evidence found in the will of Mary Fye, wife of John Fye, son of
Thomas, would seem to indicate that Mary's maiden name was Lear. This is all somewhat circumstantial, but names and locations suggest these
connections as a possibility.

Now we come to the question of Polly Fye. In 1840 we have a Polly Fey listed in Northampton County, Upper Nazareth Township, and in 1850 her
name is given as Polly Fye. Tax lists, starting in 1841, list Polly Fey who appears in the tax records all the way through 1860. So, what we have is this
person Polly Fye, and at the same time we note that Mary Fye seems to disappear. Could they be the same person? Well, a careful examination of land
records fills this in for us. A deed dated 10 August 1868 records the transfer of land from Mary Fye to Catherine Schoneberger, the daughter of Mary
Fye. A quick look at census records identifies Catherine Schoneberger with Chaterine Fey mentioned in the tax records for 1828 and 1829. The
description of the land states that Mary Fye had lived on this land over 50 years, and a list of adjoining properties include names of individuals that
appear next to Polly Fye on both the 1840 and 1850 censuses. A quick examination of the ages for Polly and Mary show a close match. We therefore
conclude positively that Polly Fye and Mary Fye is the same individual. Another deed, dated 22 December 1827, records the sale of land from David
and Mary Fey to a John Stengor. Again, the description of the property includes names that appear right next to Polly Fye on the 1840 and 1850
censuses. Final proof is seen in that one of the daughters of Catherine Fye Schoneberger is named Maria, but on the census records she appears as
Polly. Polly Fye is Mary Fye!

One more item of interest can be discovered regarding Mary Fye. An International Genealogical Index (IGI) record for Joseph Fye lists his parents as
David Fye and Mary Schwartz. An examination of census records lists several Schwartz families in Northampton County. One in particular lists a
daughter of the exact age necessary to be the wife of David Fye, and places the family in Upper Nazareth Township. At this time, we have no proof that
Mary's maiden name was Schwartz, but apparently someone thought it sufficiently plausible to put it into the IGI.

David married Maria “Polly” Schwartz. Born on 10 Dec 1786 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Maria “Polly” died in Northampton, Pennsylvania, on 28
Jun 1879; she was 92.

Marriages and Deaths - Northampton County 1871-1884, Volume II p. 487

Fey, Mrs. Polly - Widow of David Fey.  Died 28 June 1879, at Bath.  Aged 92 years, 6 months, 18 days.  (Argus)

Research: Polly is identified as Elias’ mother via the 1850 census, in which Elias is shown living with her, and according to family history.  Additional
proof is obtained by analyzing tax records and land records from Northampton County which identifies Polly with Maria Fey, wife of a David Fey.  Final
proof is obtained from family history passed down from Mary Ann Fye Bacon, in which it was stated that Elias’ mother was Polly.

Her last name is found in an IGI record for Joseph Fye, in which his parents are listed as David Fye and Maria Schwartz.

They had the following children:
 5 i. Thomas (~1808-~1865)
 6 ii. Elizabeth (~1810-)
 7 iii. John Elias “Ayle” (~1814-1895)
 8 iv. George (~1816-)
 9 v. Catherine (1820-1889)
 10 vi. Joseph (1824-1894)
 11 vii. William (~1825-)
 12 viii. Charles (~1826-)

4. Maria Elizabeth Fey. Born on 13 Sep 1790 in Plainfield, Northampton, Pennsylvania.

Research: Nazareth Moravian Church Book - page 245

Maria Elisabeth Feyin, b. 13 Sep. 1790, bapt. 19 Sep. 1790 in Plainfield Township, daughter of Jacob and Anna Christina Fey.  Witnesses: Peter
Pfeiffer and wife and Andreas Busse.

Nazareth Moravian Church Book - page 73

Elizabeth appears with several other girls in a list of those accepted into the girls choir.

Nazareth Moravian Church Book - page 115

March 19, 1808, Elisabeth Fey was confirmed by Abraham Reinke.

Research: 1810 Census - Upper Nazareth, Northampton, Pennsylvania

Frederick Beitel

    1-2-1-1-1: 0-1-2-0-1

Orphan court records indicate Elizabeth was staying with Frederick Beitel as her guardian.  If so, she would be one of the girls listed here, age 16-26.

Research: Maria Elisabetha Fey first appears in the birth and christening records for the Schoeneck Moravian Church in Upper Nazareth. A record
dated 13 September 1790 lists her christening and the names of her parents, Johann Jacob and Christina Veiok. She next appears in several Orphan
Court Records, all mentioned above, as well as several entries in the Moravian Church Diary where her name appears as Elizabeth Feyock (4 June
1802), and Elizabeth Fey (4 May 1808). She is also mentioned in the Deed dated 24 Jan 1807 as being the sister of Michael Fey of Nazareth Township.
Further research revealed a record in the Moravian Church Archives in Nazareth dated 21 March 1804 in which she is listed, along with several other
females, as part of a girl's choir, and another record dated 19 March 1808 in which she was confirmed by Abraham Reinke. One final record, dated 13
September 1790, lists her baptism and states she was the daughter of Jacob and Anna Christina Fey. After 1808, however, we have no further record
of Elizabeth at this time. Most likely she married, but until we can find a marriage record, we cannot draw any further conclusions.

Third Generation

5. Thomas Fye. Born abt 1808 in Plainfield, Northampton, Pennsylvania. Thomas died in Mercer, Pennsylvania, abt 1865; he was 57.

Research: The earliest, identifiable, ancestor in the Mercer County, Pennsylvania, area is that of Thomas Fye. I will use the last name of Fye, although
in the 1840 Census his name is given as Fey/Fay, in 1850 as Frye, and in 1860 as Fye. We know this is the same person by comparing the list of
children given in each census. The census records for Thomas Fye are listed as follows with birthdates derived from the census data:

1840 Thom Fey [Fay?]

  1 male – 0-5 - (?)
  2 males – 5-10 - (George, Reuben)
  2 males – 10-15 - (John, ?)
  1 male 30-40 - (Thomas)
  1 female – 0-5 - (Sarah)
  2 females – 5-10 - (Mary, ?)
  1 female 30-40 - (Mary)

1850  Thomas Frye - b. 1800

  Mary Frye - b. 1800
  John - b. 1829
  Reuben - b. 1831
  Mary - b. 1833
  George - b. 1834
  Sarah - b. 1838
  David - b. 1840
  Louise - b. 1845
  Alice - b. 1847

1860  Thomas Fye - b. 1806

  Mary Fye - b. 1807
  George - b. 1833
  David - b. 1839
  Louisa - b. 1843
  Alice - b. 1847

Note that the names of the children on the 1850 census are the same as those on the 1860 census. This identifies these two families as the same
family. Additionally, if you compare the ages of the children in the 1850 census with the 1840 census, we have a close match.

Now, the question remains, how is this Thomas connected to our line? We know that we have a John and Jacob David who were brothers (we find this
from the will of Mary Fye, wife of John, dated 1896 – WOMF), and our speculation was that Elias Fye was also their brother since his two sons, David
and William, are listed as nephews (WOMF). However, this does not make sense given the age differences between these three supposed brothers.
Elias was born about 1814, John 1829, and Jacob David 1843. The 29-year span between Jacob David and Elias is too large to be attributed to the
same parents (although the father could have remarried). Still, even if that was the case, we know that often Elias Fye went by the name of John Elias
Fye or Ayle (according to Ora Kasten). There would be no way he could be John, and have a brother John. So, the best explanation is that Elias and
John are not brothers. However, the question of the relationship of Elias to Thomas is answered by using the information we find in the Northampton
County tax records. Elias and Thomas were almost certainly brothers. This makes much more sense, as their ages are much closer. It would also
explain the close affinity the family of Elias had with the family of Thomas. That would make John and Jacob David nephews of Elias.

However, the will of Mary Fye is still confusing. In her will she specifically mentions that Jacob David Fye is her brother-in-law, and that David and
William Fye (sons of Elias) are her nephews along with a Samuel Siegfried, and that a Susannah Siegfried is her niece. The reason this is confusing is
that at first glance, for David and William to be nephews of Mary, it would imply that John was a brother to Elias. This is very unlikely given the age
differences between Elias and John as mentioned above. So how can David and William be Mary's nephews if John is not Elias' brother? Simple! Mary
was the sister of Eliza Fye, wife of Elias. We know that the names of the parents of Samuel and Susannah Siegfried were Isaac and Lovina Lear. The
death certificate of Samuel Siegfried confirms this. The only way for Samuel, Susannah, David, and William to all be Mary's nephews and niece is that
Mary be a Lear. An examination of the 1850 Census for John and Lydia Lehr in Northampton County list a daughter, Mary, who is the exact age of
Mary, the wife of John as found in her death record in 1893. In fact, in the will of Mary Fye she lists a sister, Elizabeth, which most likely is Eliza Fye,
wife of Elias. So, if this is true, then we have a double connection between Thomas Fye's family and Elias Fye's family. Elias and Thomas are brothers,
and the wife of Elias and the wife of Thomas' son John are sisters!

So, having established the connection between Thomas and Elias, let us get back to the family of Thomas Fye. John, Jacob David (known as David),
Reuben, and George are all brothers. We have census records from Lawrence County for a David Fye and Reuben Fye. If we compare these names
with the records for Thomas, we can identify these men as brothers. Their last names are the same, they share a common set of names for their
children, and they are buried about 80 feet apart in the Clinton Cemetery in Lawrence County, and their birth dates match when comparing the Census
records from Lawrence Country with that of Thomas Fye in Mercer County. In the Clinton Cemetery, we find a tombstone for Fye with the
inscriptions: Ruben – son, Thomas – son, Ruben – father, Anna – mother. There are no dates, but a 1900 census lists a Ruben Fye, Jennie Fye, and
children Frances, Thomas, Viola, Ruben, George F, Charles E, and Howard. There is also a death record for a Ruben Fye killed in a mining accident
with parents Ruben and Annie. His age is given as 16, which matches exactly with the Ruben Fye listed as the child of Ruben and Jennie on the
census. Thus, the grave in Clinton Cemetery is that of Ruben and Anna, along with two of their sons, Thomas and Ruben. This, then, is the connection
between Jacob David and Ruben.

Another interesting connection between Jacob David and Reuben exist when census records for 1860 are examined. There we find a record for a
Reuben Fie and Rachel, and living with them is a Leonard Ziegler, age 22. Leonard Ziegler (Sigler) is the father of Emma Sigler who married Jacob
David Fye’s son Samuel. Undoubtedly, Samuel Fye was introduced to his future wife through his uncle who was a close friend of Leonard Sigler.

In Hickory Township, there is a tombstone for a George W. Fye. The actual tombstone reads: Father George W. 1831-1906, Mother Nancy J.
1841-1913, son Charles 1869-1912, son Harry E. 1879-1917, daughter Isabel 1883-1935, daughter Mary F. 1877-1953, and grandmother Hannah J.
Glass. This would have to be the brother of Jacob David and John. The birth date matches exactly to that of George, the son of Thomas, and the
location, Hickory Township, is the same. There is also a census record for 1870, which lists George, Nancy, Charlie, and Hannah that links all four
together, and again gives us the birth date needed to identify him as the brother of Jacob David and John.

Now, how is John Fye from Wayne County related? Well, he is the brother of Jacob David according to the WOMF. She specifically mentions J. D. Fye
from Clinton Township as her brother-in-law, which would make him the brother of John. Examining the death record for John Fye in Wayne County
gives us a birth date of 1829, which matches the birth date of John Fye, brother of Jacob David and son of Thomas Fye.

Louisa Fye, daughter of Thomas, married George W. Reeher in Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Information from descendants of Louisa Fye as well as
census records fills out that family line.  George and Louisa lived in Wampum Borough, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania.  They appear there on the
1880 census with several of their children.

Alice Fye, another daughter of Thomas, married Christopher Deal and lived first in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, then Butler County,
Pennsylvania.  Information from descendents of Alice Fye Deal fills in that family line, and a death certificate for Alice gives us her parents as being a
Thomas Fye and Mary.

Information from other descendants of Louisa Fye fills in the missing information for Sarah and Mary Fye.  Sarah married a William Seaburn, and Mary
Fye married Henry Seaburn, William’s brother.  Sarah and William appear in the 1870, 1880, and 1910 Censuses as living in Lawrence County,

So, what we have at this point is the record of four brothers, John, Jacob David, Ruben, and George, and four sisters, Sarah, Mary, Louisa and Alice.
The only person who has all eight listed as children is Thomas. In all cases, the children list their birth location as Pennsylvania, and in the case of
Jacob David, it is listed as Mercer County. Also, we find a Mary Fye living with Jacob David in 1870 and 1880. Her age there matches the age of
Mary, the wife of Thomas, which lends additional support to our conclusions. We also have a possible grave for Thomas Fye in Hickory Township,
which is right next to a grave for a J. E. Fye. Whether this is our Thomas Fye or not remains to be determined but evidence strongly suggests that it

Before we continue, we need to note that the ages given on the censuses in many cases do not match. I don’t think that is a cause for concern, as quite
honestly all census ages are suspect. For example, in 1850 Thomas Fye’s age is given as 50, whereas in 1860 it is 54. In some cases, the census
takers rounded the ages, and in others they may have gotten the ages from other family members that did not know the actual age. My father-in-law
was born in 1921 or 1923. The Porter Family Bible lists his birth year as 1923, but other records list 1921. Jacob David’s birth year is given as 1843 on
his tombstone, 1839 in the 1860 census, 1840 in the 1850 census, 1842/43 in the 1880 census, and 1842/3 in the 1900 census. Elias Fye’s age is 10
years off in the 1860 census where he is listed as Eli Fye living in Mercer County. The bottom line is that we can’t always trust the Census birth dates,
but there are plenty of other clues that enable us to link the families together. In this particular case, all of the evidence points to Jacob David, John,
Ruben, and George as being all brothers, their parents being Thomas and Mary Fye of Mercer County.

Thomas married Mary. Born in 1809 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Mary died in Lawrence, Pennsylvania, aft 1880; she was 71.

Research: We identify Mary by comparing the census records for Thomas with those of Jacob David.  In 1880, Jacob David has his mother, Mary Fye,
living with him which presupposes that his father had died at that time.

They had the following children:
 13 i. Reuben (1826-1916)
 14 ii. John (1829-1893)
 15 iii. George W. (1831-1906)
 16 iv. Mary (1833-)
 17 v. Sarah (1838-1916)
 18 vi. Jacob David (1843-1901)
 19 vii. Louisa (1846-1909)
 20 viii. Alice (~1847-)

6. Elizabeth Fey. Born abt 1810 in Northampton, Pennsylvania.

Research: The connection of Elisabeth Fey to our line is established by the following lines of evidence.  One, we have knowledge of a daughter of
David and Maria Fey, born about 1810, who is unlisted by name in census records but is listed statistically in the 1820 census for David Fyack.  Two,
the name of Elizabeth would fit our Fye nameset, perhaps she was named after David’s sister Maria Elisabeth.  Three, we have a record in The Whig,
dated 13 November 1839, which gives us the marriage of an Elizabeth Fye to a George Walter.  The actual record reads, “Married - On Thursday
evening last by J. Wetgandt, Esq., Mr. George Walter to Miss Elizabeth Fye, both of Forks Township.”  Four, Forks township is right next to Upper
Nazareth Township which locates this Elizabeth Fey next to our Fey line.  They lived, quite literally, only a few miles apart.  Five, there is no other Fey
family in all of Northampton County with the exception of ours that she could be part of.  And six, an examination of census records list a George
Walter in the 1840 census, and an Elizabeth Walter herself as head of household in 1850.  Close by, in 1850, is a George Walter that is age 20, which is
most likely the son of George Walter and probably a first wife.  Since Elizabeth is listed as head of household, we would have to assume that George
Walter died between 1840 and 1850.  The age of Elizabeth Walter (Fye) is given as 40 on the 1850 census, which would give us a birthdate of around
1810.  And again, there is no other possible family in all of that area of Pennsylvania to which she could belong.

Research: 1840 Census - Forks, Northampton, Pennsylvania

George Walter - 2males 0-5, 1 male 20-30, 1 female 20-30.

1850 Census - Forks, Northampton, Pennsylvania, page 79

Elizabeth Walter - a40 head
William Walter - a17
Edward Walter - a10

1850 Census - Forks, Northampton, Pennsylvania, page 76

George Walter - a20, tailor

Abt 13 Nov 1839 when Elizabeth was 29, she married George Walter, in Forks, Northampton, Pennsylvania.

They had the following children:
 21 i. George (~1840-)
 22 ii. William (~1843-)
 23 iii. Edward (~1840-)

7. John Elias “Ayle” Fye. Born abt 1814 in Upper Nazareth, Northampton, Pennsylvania. John Elias “Ayle” died in Oconto Falls,
Wisconsin, on 16 Jan 1895; he was 81. Buried on 19 Jan 1895 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.

The following notes are from Ora Kasten, g-granddaughter of Elias Fye.

Oconto County Reporter (Wisconsin)—1895
Died: At Oconto Falls, Wednesday, January 16, John E. Fye in the eighty third year of his age.

(I believe this was “Ayle,” or, Elias Fye, father of Arabella (grandmother) and Mary Ann Bacon (grandmother’s sister).
“Elias” name was entered “John Elias” on various legal documents in Oconto County, WI, especially wedding information for some children.

Another record obtained from the Oconto County Website:

Oconto Falls
Elias Fye, an old resident of this place, passed peacefully away on Wednesday morning at the age of 83 years. He had not been well for some time but
was only seriously sick for a few days.
Oconto County Reporter
26 January 1895

Research: The date for Elias’ birth is given as 1824 in the IGI Ancestral File, 1814 on the 1850 Census, and as 1812 according to his obituary.

Research: 1850 Census - Upper Nazareth, Northampton, Pennsylvania, Visit 7

Polly Fye a. 62
Elias Fye a. 36 Miller
Elizabeth a. 32
Mary Ann a. 8
John a. 7
David a. 5
Adaline a. 3
William a. 2
Arabella a. 1/12

1860 Census - Delaware, Mercer, Pennsylvania, Visit 1055

Eli Fie a. 35 Laborer PA
Eliza Fie a. 30 PA
Mary J. a. 19 PA
Jesse a. 17 PA
David a. 13(15?) PA
Adeline a. 14 PA
William a. 12 PA
Arabella a. 5 PA
Lizzie a. 2 PA

1870 Census - Hubbard, Trumbull, Ohio, Visit 113

Fye, Elias a. 58 PA
Fye, Elizabeth a. 54 PA
Fye, William a. 21 PA
Fye, Arabella a. 15 PA
Fye, Lydia a. 12 PA
Fye, George a. 7 PA

1880 Census - Plain, Wayne, Ohio - Page 11 ED 235

Fye, Elias a. 67 Farmer PA PA PA
Fye, Elizabeth a. 64 PA PA PA
Fye, George a. 18 PA PA PA

Research: Alan, I don't know for sure back this was you want me to go but, I will start and you let me know when you don't want any more. Thanks.

Elias Fye - we have him born in Pa in 1824 we don't know where he died.It was some where between Ohio and Wis.It could also be in southern Wis.

Eliza Elizabeth Lair  was born 1811 we don't know what day or month. She died Nov 7,1899 at age 88 in Oconto, Wi

William Henry Fye-was born in Bath, Pa April 27,1846 he married Mary Ann  In Wardell Hubbard Ohio in 1879 Mary was born in
Nottingham, England in 1859. They farmed in Oconto Falls. In his younger days he was known as a violinist of ability in Pa, Ohio and Wis.

George Washington Fye- was born in Clarkvile, Green Cty, Pa on March 3,1862 He married Rosa Evertt in Oconto on Aug 23,1900.He was a jeweler
and a musician. he died April 19,1926

Adeline Fye-was born in 1848 She married Samuel Kiner Adline died in Oconto in 1934. We believe she stayed in Ohio when parents moved to Wis.

Arabella Fye- was born in 1856. She died in 1928 in Oconto. It is believe she stayed in Ohio when parents moved to Wis. She married a man by the
name of Fuller. We found 3 children born to her in Oconto.But it is said she had a large family.

John Elias Fye- we have nothing on him. It is believed he stayed in Ohio.

Mary Ann Fye- We don't have any thing on her. It is believed she stayed in Ohio and married a man by the name of Lambert Bacon.

David Fye- We know have him Thank You

Lydia Fye-We have nothing on her, but it is believed she stayed in Ohio and married a man by the name of Oudean in Ohio.

From: Geraldine Thede

From: gerri [gerri@tcei.com]
Subject: Fye History Page 2

William Henry and Mary Ann Wardell children

George Lawerence - was born 2 March 20,1879. He never married. He died June 4,1903. in Oconto, Wis.

William Henry-was born in Ohio Nov 18,1885.He married Olga Emma Louise Seling Haag on Sept 21,1910. They lived in Hilbert where he was a
blacksmith.They were divorced in 1915.After that William moved out of the area he died in a cabin fire somewhere but we haven't been able to find
him yet.

Charles Fye - was born in Cleveland Ohio Dec 28,1889. We have found him listed as Charles Edward, Edward Charles, Charles Edgar. But we think his
real name was Charles Edward. He married Emily Hubbard in .  May 20,1913. they were divorced. He then married EvaKeirkoff 1-23-1918 Eva
was born in Gillett Wis. They farmed in Abrams Wi for 20 years until they were both killed in an auto accident with 2 of there 18 children.

Cynthia Fye - was born in Ohio June 15,1892 she married Fred Austras in Oconto April 12,1912 they divorced She married George Garnier Nov
24, 1925 in Oconto.She died Dec 19,1955. George was born 1889 died 1936.

James Pete- was born in Ohio Sept 23,1896. He married Grace Anna Zimmerman Sept 20,1919. Grace was born Feb 16, 1900. James was a WW1 veteran. He died Sept 4, 1964 Grace died May 26,1985

Catherine Fye-was born in Ohio ? unknown. She married a Victor Johnson

Hulda Fye- was born in Ohio year unknown. She married a man named Frank Rush and lived in Ohio.

Arcanda Fye- was born in Ohio. She married a GilbertGrismer   in Oconto Falls. We are looking for more information.

Glen M Fye- was born in Oconto Cty, Wis July 23,1904. He worked for the city. Never married died June 29,1961

If you would like there children yet, let me know I have most of them.  You should have a very good start now. All the family was born in Ohio

Let me know if you want more
From: Gerri Thede

Research: Dear Gerri,

I am sending you a lot of information on the Fye surname that I have gathered up over the past several years. My grandmother was Arabella Fye, daughter of John "Elias" Fye.

If you want to review the information, or just talk about the Fye surname, my e-mail address is ora@mailbag.com

Paternal Grandmother

Material relating to Arabella Fye Fuller, wife of Christopher H. Fuller

This is the obituary for Grandma Arabella's sister

Mrs. Mary Ann Bacon
Female White Widowed

D.O.B. 2 February 1840
Age: 81 years 11mo. 21d

Usual occupation: housewife
Residence: Oconto Falls, WI Oconto County

Birthplace: Pennsylvania

Name of father: A. Fye
Birthplace of father: Pennsylvania

Doctor Krahn treated this patient from 1-30-1914 to 1-10-1921.

Cause of death: natural cessation of vital function due to old age

Informant: Mrs. Joseph Spice , Oconto Falls, WI

Place of burial: Oconto Falls, WI
Flatley Funeral Home

Date of burial: 13 January 1921


The Oconto County, Wisconsin Enquirer,
Friday, January 4, 1895

L.C. Bacon died on December 18, 1894

Oconto County Reporter (Wisconsin)-1895

Died: At Oconto Falls, Wednesday, January 16, John E. Fye in the eighty third year of his age.

(I believe this was "Ayle," or, Elias Fye, father of Arabella (grandmother) and Mary Ann Bacon (grandmother's sister). "Elias" name was entered "John Elias" on various legal documents in Oconto County, WI, especially wedding information for some children.

Level 7, back shelf SHS
Butler Co. Ohio Cemetery Records
F892 B9 S925
Fyes in Scipio Cemetery. Rte's 126/129 Junction
Ohio Indiana State Line
Butler Co., Ohio

Look for book on Ohio Cemeteries. David Fye Born December XX, 1845 in Pennsylvania and died at West Salem, Ohio. Buried in Hazard Cemetery, West Salem, Ohio

J.E. Fye served in the Civil War with Co. G, 57th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment.
(Still to be done 26 February 2000)
Was this John Elias Fye who was the father of Arabella Fye Fuller? Check Civil War veterans Pension List;

The list was reprinted by the Genealogical Publishing Company of Baltimore, Maryland. Ohio listing is in Volume 3, pages 3-367 F 490 P48 1987

Check roster in
Samuel Bates; Stack Floor 11; E 527 B32

Mrs. Adeline Kiner
Female White Married Wife of Samuel Kiner

Residence: 1st Ward, Green Bay Avenue
Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Occupation: Housewife

D.O.B. _________________
D.O.D. 18 December 1934 88 yrs 6 mos 3 days

Time of Death: 2:40 p.m.
Cause of Death: Senility, Cerebral hemorrhages

Birthplace: Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Father: Elie Fye Birthplace: Germany
Mother: Eliza Lair Birthplace: Germany

Informant: Sam Kiner, Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Burial at Woodlawn Cemetery, Oconto Falls
20 December 1934
W.A. Flatley Funeral Home

Dr. Oshwaldt attended deceased from 18 March 1934 through 18 December 1934

Adeline Fye married Samuel Kiner of Ashland County Ohio on 18 March 1878.

F 148 P55 1973
Fye, Frederick
Sailed from Port of London
Indentured to James McConaghy and his assigns

1790 Federal Census
Franklin County
John Fye
1 Free White Male 16 and up
2 Free White males 16 and down
2 Free White Females


Mrs. Eliza Elizabeth Blair Fye, age 86 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bacon, just west of this village, on Tuesday, November 7, 1899.
The deceased was a most estimable lady and was highly regarded by a large number of friends. She was born at Northampton, Penn., where she resided
most of her life. With her husband she came to Oconto Falls seven years ago, and two years later, Mr. Fye answered the summons of the angel of
death. Mrs. Fye was the mother of eleven children-six daughters and five sons, but of these two daughters and two sons have preceded her to the next
world. The burial occurred on Thursday afternoon, funeral services being conducted at the Methodist Church by the Rev. W.J. Perry. Four
generations were present to mourn the departure of
their aged relative.

Oconto Falls Herald - 3 February 1927
Sam Kiner Has Flock of Profitable Hens
Sam Kiner who resides in the First Ward, has one of the most profitable flocks of hens of which we have any record. They are all Rhode Island Reds,
and during the month of January the flock, consisting of 49 hens, laid 746 eggs. These eggs Mr. Kiner sold at 38¢ a dozen, totaling him $23.56. The
cost of feeding was just $4.85, leaving him a net profit for the month of $18.71. The flock is kept in a large, warm, well lighted hen house.

Fye, John E. Private Mustered in 2 January 1864
Discharged by General Order 2 June 1865

Company C, 57th Pennsylvania Regiment. Recruited in Allegheny and Mercer Counties, 3 years. Fought at Spottsylvania to the James River. (E527
B32 1993 v.3)

Information taken from a Fye Family genealogy:

"Elias (Ayle) and Elizabeth (Liza) (Sear) (Lair) Fye

As of 1968, they are the first known generation of the Fye Family that came to the United States. According to tradition, by the William Fye Family,
Ayle came from Holland.

An excerpt from a letter written by Mrs. Wall , a granddaughter, who was 87 years of age in 1967. "My sister says my grandma Fye was born over est
of the Mountains.  She used to talk about the Allegheny Mountains, and my Granddad Fye came from Alsace Lorraine. Think he was from Swiss
parents, as he could yodel, and he was short, dark hair and blue eyes, and all his family were real musical, and it rubbed off onto my family."

They came from Pennsylvania, then moved to Ohio (probably Cleveland), and went to Oconto Falls, Wisconsin about 1890 - 1891.

Hannah Fye Keen , a granddaughter, said Liza smoked a clay pipe, that she was bedfast -- her legs were swollen -- and they they painted them with

Hannah also said that her grandmother had strange sayings. For instance, when her home made bread happened to rise up over the pan, she would say
"My risen walked over".

Hannah's parents, Dave Fye's Family, lived in the same house as did Ayle and Liza Fye when they lived in Cleveland, Ohio, where they watched a boat
being built and launched in Lake Erie.

Liza died about November 7, 1899, and Ayle died a few years later (according to Joseph Spice). (John Elias Fye died on 16 January 1895.) They are
buried at Oconto Falls, Wisconsin in Woodlawn Cemetery. Ayle was buried where they later wished to put a walk. They dug up the body to move it,
and opened the coffin.  He (Joe Spice) said the face had caved in, but he still had his hair, and the clothing was moldy. Joseph Jr. could not eat for three
days after. (Joseph was about 9 or 10 years old at the time.)


Mary Ann (Fye) Bacon
Born February 2, 1840 in Pennsylvania
Died January 10 1921
Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Oconto Falls, WI

David Fye
Born in December 1845 in Pennsylvania
Died at West Salem, Ohio
Buried in Hazard Cemetery, West Salem, Ohio

William Fye

Addie (Fye) Kiner
Born about 1846
Died 18 December 1934 88 yrs 6 mos 3 days
Addie was married to Samuel Kiner on March 18, 1878 in Ashland County, Ohio by Rev. Paul H. Mueller. They were farmers before moving into town
(Oconto Falls, Wisconsin)

George Fye
Born 1862
Died 1928

Arabella (Fye) Fuller
Born January 1, 1850 in Pennsylvania, according to the 1850 census of Upper Nazareth Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania.  Died in 1928 at
Oconto Falls, Wisconsin. She was married to Christopher Fuller in Cleveland, Ohio. Christopher Fuller and Arabella Fye Fuller were my grandparents.

Lydia (Fye) Oudean
Born January 28, 1852 at Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania. Mauch Chunk is now called Jim Thorp, PA.  Married October 25, 1875

I hope some of this helps.
Ora Fuller Kasten

Research: John Elias Fye first appears in the United States Census Records for 1850 in the Northampton County, Upper Nazareth Township
enumeration. There he is living with a Polly Fye, who we have identified as Mary Fye, wife of David. His wife, Eliza, is listed there as well along with
several children. An examination of tax records for Upper Nazareth Township shows that he first appeared there in the records in 1836. That would
make his birth date to be sometime in 1814 or 1815, which matches further records we have of him.

Early on in our investigation we were faced with some confusion as to the origin of Elias Fye.  One of the branches of the family, the William Henry Fye
line, seemed to believe he was a first-generation immigrant to the United States from the Alsace-Lorraine area of Europe. In fact, this is so noted on
the 1900 Census for Wayne County, Ohio, where William indicates his parents were both born in Germany.  Samuel Kiner, the husband of Adeline Fye,
daughter of Elias, indicates that Adeline’s parents were both born in Germany on Adeline’s death certificate.

However, every other source of information indicates otherwise.  For example, on all of Elias’ census records he indicates that both he and his wife
were born in Pennsylvania.  On the 1880 census, he further indicates that both of his parents were born in Pennsylvania as well, and every other
census record from his children, with the exception of the one mentioned above, indicate Elias and Eliza were born in Pennsylvania.  In short, we have
no substantiated evidence telling us anything other than the fact that Elias and Eliza were born in Pennsylvania.

Finally, when we take into consideration the evidence linking Elias to Polly “Maria” Fye, we are left with the only plausible explanation regarding the
origin of Elias, and that is he was born in the United States, in Pennsylvania, in Northampton County.  Now, it is very possible that the Fye line came
from Germany, and in fact the evidence uncovered regarding Elias’ grandfather Jacob Feyock would bear this out.  The Moravian’s in Northampton
County were Pennsylvania Dutch, and the will of Jacob Feyock was written in old German and English.  Perhaps what the line of William Henry Fye
remembered was the original origin of the Fye line, and not that of just Elias.

The next event we know in the life of Elias Fye is that sometime in the 1850s, Elias moved with his family from Northampton County to Mercer
County, Pennsylvania. There we find him in Delaware Township living with a James Hopper. An examination of Plat Maps located the residence of a
James Hopper about one mile west of the Pymatuning/Delaware Township line. Today, the road that goes by this residence is known as Hopper Road.
On the same census we find Thomas Fye, his brother, living in Pymatuning Township. Examining Plat Maps in this case does not help as much, since
we cannot locate a Thomas Fye on the map as he apparently did not own his own residence, but we can locate some of his neighbors on the Plat Map
from the census record for 1860. When we do this, we find him living about one to two miles west of the Pymatuning/Delaware township line, or about 2
to 3 miles from Elias. No doubt, Elias chose Mercer County because Thomas lived there.  In fact, there were only three known Fye families in Mercer
County at that time, Thomas, Elias, and a George Fye.  George Fye was married to a Sarah, and apparently had no children.  He does not appear to be
connected to our line in any way at this time, as we can find no record of a George Fye, born in 1829, in our line.

Between 1860 and 1870, Elias then moved to Trumbull County, Hubbard Township, Ohio. This is only a few miles from where he lived in 1860, in fact,
it is just across the state line. Also listed separately on the 1870 census is David Fye, son of Elias. He is living in Hubbard Township next to Elias, and
the death certificate for Charles Fye, son of David, says he was born in Sharon Pennsylvania. Sharon is just across the border from Hubbard Township.
Between 1870 and 1880, Elias next moved to Wayne County, Ohio, where he lived only a few miles from the farm of John Fye, son of Thomas. In 1893,
John Fye died and shortly after that, or just before that, Elias moved with most of his children to Oconto County, Wisconsin. There he died in 1895.
Staying behind was his two sons David and William. Both were in Wayne County in 1900 as that is where we find them in the census. Then, sometime
after 1900 William moved to Oconto County, Wisconsin, and David became the only child of Elias and Eliza living in Ohio.

John Elias “Ayle” married Eliza Lear, daughter of John Lear/Lehr (~1792-) & Lydia Spangler (~1796-). Born abt 1816 in Upper Nazareth,
Northampton, Pennsylvania. Eliza died in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, on 7 Nov 1899; she was 83. Buried on 9 Nov 1899 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Oconto
Falls, Wisconsin.

Oconto County Reporter

Mrs. Eliza Elizabeth Blair Fye, age 86 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bacon, just west of this village on Tuesday, November 7, 1899.
The deceased was a most estimable lady and was highly regarded by a large number of friends.  She was born at Northampton, Penn., where she
resided most of her life.  With her husband she came to Oconto Falls seven years ago, and two years later, Mr. Fye answered the summons of the
angel of death.  Mrs. Fye was the mother of eleven children-six daughters and five sons, but of these two daughters and two sons have preceded her to
the next world.  The burial occurred on Thursday afternoon, funeral services being conducted at the Methodist Church by the Rev. W. M. Perry.  Four
generations were present to mourn the departure of their aged relative.

Research: The death record for Eliza Fye is as follows:

Full Name: Eliza Elizabeth Fye
Maiden Name: Eliza Elizabeth Laer
Color: White
Sex: Female
Race: Caucasian
Occupation: None
Age: 88 yrs, exact age unknown
Name of father: John Laer
Birthplace of father: Northampton Co. Penn.
Name of mother: Lydia Spangler
Birthplace of mother: Northampton Co. Penn.
Birthplace of deceased: Northampton Co. Penn.
Name of husband of deceased: Elias Fye deceased
Date of birth: unknown
Condition: widowed
Date of death: Nov 7, 1899
Residence at death: Oconto Falls
Cause of death: paralysis
Place of death: Oconto Falls
Duration of disease: 5 years

Research: According to the International Genealogical Index and her death record, Eliza’s parents were John Lear/Lair and Lydia Spangler. There is
significant evidence that points to John Lear as being John Lehr, the last name being phonetically spelled by the census takers as the Lehrs and Fyes
were, for the most part, illiterate. There is some record of the lineage of some of the Lehr's in Northampton/Lehigh County, tracing their lineage back
to a Peter Lehr who came from Germany in the late 1700's. Most likely, that is where our John Lehr traces his lineage, as there is a Peter and John
Lehr in the 1800, 1810, and 1820 censuses. We need to do more work to track this line down and prove the parental lineage of John Lehr. No work at
this time has been done on the Spangler line although there is a record of a George Spangler in Northampton County in 1790, and a Jacob Lear there
as well.

They had the following children:
 24 i. Mary Ann (1839-1921)
 25 ii. John Elias (1843-1867)
 26 iii. David (1844-1915)
 27 iv. William Henry (1846-1941)
 28 v. Arabella (1850-<1855)
 29 vi. Lydia May (1857-1921)
 30 vii. Adaline (1848-1934)
 31 viii. Arabella (1856-1928)
 32 ix. George W. (1862-1926)

8. George Fye. Born abt 1816.

Research: The only reference to George Fye we have at this time, apart from the Tax Records, is the 1850 census, in which he appears in Upper
Nazareth as a tailor living in a public house. His age is given as 27, which would given him a birth date of 1822 or so. This does not match the birth year
of 1817 which would be implied in the 1828 tax record for David and Mary Fye, so whether this is the same George, or a different one, remains to be
researched.  However, it is important to note that George was living in a public house at this time, and that the census enumerator listed the ages of
four of the 7 occupants at 27.  Most likely then, this is our George and the census taker just guessed at his age as he was not there at the time of the

A search was made of all 1880 Census records for a George Fye to no avail.  No one matching the birth date of 1817 plus or minus 10 years was found.
Whether he will be found in the 1860 or 1870 censuses remain to be seen, but a thorough search of Northampton County for those years failed to find
reference to this George Fye.

1850 Census – East Allen Township, Northampton County, Visit 130

Fye, Geo – 27 b. Penn

9. Catherine Fye. Born on 20 Sep 1820 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Catherine died in Northampton, Pennsylvania, on 1 Apr 1889; she was 68.
Buried on 3 Apr 1889 in Green Mount Cemetery, Bath, Northampton, Pennsylvania.

Research: From a genealogy.com bulletin board posting:

Looking for info. on an Isaac Schoeneberger b.10/25/1816 d. 5/25/1878 in Bath, Northampton Co., PA he was married to a Catherine Fye b. 9/26/1820
d. 4/1/1889 in Bath, Northampton Co., PA.

Isaac was found in GeneologyLibrary.com under James Schellenbuyer and Catherines' mother resided with them Mary (nee?) Fye b. abt. 1791. Isaac
and Catherine had the following children: (this info provided by Anita)

Sarah Ann b. 4/3/1842
Maria b. 9/22/1843
Harrison William b. 8/20/1845 (my Subj.)
George b. 1846
Susan b. 6/19/1850
( I believe Isaac and Catherine to be her parents since she is buried along side them in Green Mount Cemetery, Bath, PA along with her husband
Lovene Bender son of Jacob and Mary Ann (Hahn) Bender; all six Bender and Schoenebergers are buried together)
Stephen Augustus b. 1852
Rebecca b. 1857

Research: From a genealogy.com bulletin board posting:

I am searching for info on an Isaac Schoeneberger b. 10-25-1816 in PA who married a Catharine Fry(Fye) (he was listed in the 1850 Census of
Northampton Co., Allen Twp., PA as James Schellenbuyer for some unknown reason) he had a Brother Charles b. 6-1-1812.

Isaac died in Bath, East Allen Twp.,Northampton CO., PA on 5-28-1875 he had the following children:

Sarah Ann b. 4-3-1842
Maria b. 9-22-1843 married Joseph Bray
Harrison WIlliam b. 8-20-1845 mar. Rufina Bender this is my ancestor
George W. b. 1847
Susan b. 1850 he married Lovene Bender brother to Rufina Bender
Stephen Augustus b. 1852
James b. August 1856
Rebecca b. 1857
Amanda b. 1861

I am searching for the parents of Isaac and any other siblings. There are several Schoeneberger families in PA 85% lived in Northampton Co. and are
descendants of Freiderick Schoeneberger need help on Isaac. The others lived in Lehigh Co.

Research: From Kim at Gskvh5@aol.com dated 6 March 2002:

Hi Alan,

Is her maiden name Fye and married name Schoeneberger ? †In one record it gives her maiden name as Figel and in another as Fye. †I have that she
was born 9/26/1820 place is unknown she died 4/1/1889. †I have no clue where her and her husband are buried, I assume it would be in Bath.

This line is a round about way to my line. †My grandmothers' mother was married to Sylvester Palmer Schoeneberger, son of Harrison and Rufina
(Bender) Schoeneberger, he (Sylvester) was in some kind of accident and placed in a home (which is now the Weaversville Boys Home) he never gave
Lucinda nee Seyfried a divorce they had 5 children together. †Lucinda met another man who raised Sylvester and her children, his name was Herbert
Ebert. †Herbert and Lucinda never married, of course and they had 9 children together. †The Schoeneberger children are my grandmother Eberts'
half brothers and sisters.

I am tracing this line to make everything fit properly and to know where did they come from.

If you are interested in what I have on her children, I will share what I have with you.


Research: Hi Alan,

Isaac Schoeneberger (james Schellenbuyer in 1850 Census) and Catherine had the following children:

1) †Sarah Ann Schoeneberger b. 4/3/1842 in Bath, Northampton Co., PA
2) †Maria Schoeneberger b. 9/22/1843 in Bath, Northampton Co., PA she married Jospeh Bray
3) †George W. Schoeneberger b. 1847 in Bath Northampton Co., PA as of March 23, 1921 he was alive and residing in Easton, PA
4) †Harrison "Harry" William Schoeneberger b. 8/20/1845 in Bath, PA †died 3/23/1921 in West Catasauqua, Lehigh Co., PA he is buried in Fairview
Cemetery, West Catasauqua, PA he married Rufina Bender b. 6/20/1850 in Bath, PA died 6/5/1943 in West Catasauqua, Lehigh Co., PA buried with
her husband
5) †Susanna Schoeneberger b. 6/19/1850 in Bath, PA †died 7/3/1905 married Lovene Bender b. 9/16/1847 d. 7/22/1927 in the home of his sister Rufina
Schoeneberger Susanna and Lovene had a daughter Ada b. September 1883 she married Jeremiah L. Wentz and they died in Passaic, NJ
6) †Stephen Augustus Schoeneberger b. 1852 in Bath, PA d. 4/19/1891 in Bath, PA married Amelia Grube they had Daisy S. b. 11/1/1875 Catasauqua,
Lehigh Co., PA d. 1/21/1913 and Sarah A. b. July 1877 she married Herbert Clause b. March 1879
7) †James M. Schoeneberger b. 8/1856 †d. 2/20/1919 in Almshouse, Northampton Co., PA he married Amanda Bishop b. May 1854 d. 1907 they had
the follwing children Cora S. b. 1877 d. December 1935 in Northampton, Northampton Co., PA she married George S. Miller they had Roy Miller;
Katie M. b. February 1880 married David O'Brein and then Emma B. February 1884 she died before her father James M. Schoeneberger
8) †Rebecca Schoeneberger b. 1857 married a ?Fritz
9) †Amanda Schoeneberger b. 1861

There may have been more children but this was all that I could find at this time. †I will send you the children of Harrison and Rufina next they had 6.


Research: Catherine Fye Schoneberger appears in several significant records. Two of these, land records, show that Mary Fye left her property in
Upper Nazareth Township to her daughter, Catherine Schoneberger, wife of Isaac Schoneberger. We also have a census for 1870, which lists Mary
Fye, age 79, as living with Isaac and Catherine Schoneberger in East Allen Township. Children listed on that census are Gustus? and Rebecca. Mary's
relationship is given as Mother-in-law, so we have another piece of evidence that proves she is indeed the mother of Catherine. Additionally,
Catherine's age as listed on the census positively identifies her as the Chaterina Fye listed in the 1828 and 1829 tax records.

Examining the 1850, 1860, and 1870 Census records for Northampton County also help us in finally and positively identifying the Maria Fye in land
records with the Polly Fye in the Census and Tax Records.  In 1850, Catherine Fye is listed with her husband, I. Shellenburger, in East Allen
Township, Northampton County, visit 72.  Four children are listed: Sarah, age 9, Polly, age 7, Harrison age 5, and George W., age 3.  In 1870 we have
the second daughter, Polly, enumerated in the Moore Township Census, visit 576, as living in the home of a Reuben Danner as servant.  Her age
there is given as 16.  What is so important about this is that according to descendants of Isaac and Catherine Schoneberger, their second daughter who
was born in 1844 was named Maria and later married a Joseph Bray.  This means we have a daughter of Catherine whose formal name was Maria, but
whose known name was Polly.  This is just too great a coincidence to ignore.  This pretty much proves our prior conclusion about Catherine’s mother,
Maria Schwartz Fye, namely that she was often called and known as Polly although her formal name was Maria.

One more connection can be made as well.  In 1850, the listed occupation for Isaac is that of a Miller.  This is the same as the listed occupation for
Elias Fye who was living with Polly at that time.

1850 Census – East Allen Township, Northampton County, Visit 72

Shellenburger, I. – 33 Miller b. Penn
Shellenburger, Cath – 28 b. Penn
Shellenburger, Sarah – a 9 b. Penn
Shellenburger, Polly – a 7 b. Penn
Shellenburger, Harrison – a 5 b. Penn
Shellenburger, George W. – a 3 b. Penn

1860 Census – Moore Township, Northampton County, Page 877, Visit 577

Schoeneberger, Sarah – a 18 Servant b. Penn

1860 Census – Moore Township, Northampton County, Page 877, Visit 578

Schoenaberger, Isaac – a 45 Day Laborer b. Penn
Schoenaberger, Catherine – a 40 b. Penn
Schoenaberger, Susanna – a 9 b. Penn
Schoenaberger, Augustus – a 7 b. Penn
Schoenaberger, James – a 4 b. Penn
Schoenaberger, Rebecca – a 3 b. Penn

1860 Census – Moore Township, Northampton County, Page 884, Visit 576

Shoenaberger, Polly – a 16 Servant b. Penn

1870 Census – East Allen Township, Northampton County, Visit 217

Shanaberger, Isaac – a 54 Laborer b. Penn
Shanaberger, Catherine – a 58 b. Penn
Shanaberger, Gustus – a 18 b. Penn
Shanaberger, Rebecca – a 13 b. Penn
Fye, Mary – a 79 b. Penn

Catherine married Isaac Schoeneberger, son of Schoeneberger. Born on 25 Oct 1816 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Isaac died in Northampton,
Pennsylvania, on 25 Aug 1878; he was 61. Buried on 27 Aug 1878 in Green Mount Cemetery, Bath, Northampton, Pennsylvania.

They had the following children:
 33 i. Sarah Ann (1842-)
 34 ii. Maria “Polly” (1843-)
 35 iii. Harrison William (1845-1921)
 36 iv. George W. (1847-)
 37 v. Susan (1850-1905)
 38 vi. Stephen Augustus (1852-1891)
 39 vii. James (1856-1919)
 40 viii. Rebecca (1857-)
 41 ix. Amanda (1861-)

10. Joseph Fye. Born on 9 Jul 1824 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Joseph died in Lehigh, Pennsylvania, on 22 Feb 1894; he was 69. Buried on 23 Feb
1894 in UCC Cemetery, Egypt, Lehigh, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1860 Census - Moore, Northampton, Pennsylvania, Visit 57

Fye, Joseph - 37 Day Laborer Penn
Fye, Lydia - 34 Penn
Fye, Amandus - 14 Penn
Fye, Augustus - 12 Penn
Fye, Samuel - 10 Penn
Fye, Ellenaor - 7 Penn
Fye, Mary Ann - 4 Penn

1880 Census - North Whitehall, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, Visit 270

Fye, Joseph - 59 Laborer Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Lidia - 57 Penn Penn Penn

Research: Joseph Fye first appears in the tax records for Upper Nazareth Township in 1843 as the son of Polly/Maria Fye. This would place his birth
date around 1821, which is substantiated by the 1850, 1860, and 1870 census records for Northampton County. In 1850, we find Joseph living in
Moore Township, two entries from a John Lehr and Lydia. John and Lydia were the parents of Eliza Lear, wife of Elias Fye. Joseph is listed there as
having a wife named Lydia, and children Amanda, August, and Samuel H. In 1860, Joseph is listed in Moore Township with wife Lydia and children
Amandus, Augustus, Samuel, Ellnora, and Mary Ann. In 1870 the list of children is Amandus, Ellnora, and Hannah. After 1880, Joseph Fye disappears
from the census records for Northampton County.

1850 Census – Moore Township, Northampton County, Visit 444

Fye, Joseph – 29 laborer b. Penn
Fye, Lydia – 25 b. Penn
Fye, Amanda – 3 b. Penn
Fye, Aug – 2 b. Penn
Fye, Samuel H. – 8m b. Penn

1860 Census – Moore Township, Northampton County, Visit 57

Fye, Joseph – 37 Day Laborer b. Penn
Fye, Lydia – 34 b. Penn
Fye, Amandus – 14 b. Penn
Fye, Augustus – 12 b. Penn
Fye, Samuel – 10 b. Penn
Fye, Ellanora – 7 b. Penn
Fye, Mary Ann – 4 b. Penn

1870 Census – East Allen Township, Northampton County, Visit 227

Fye, Joseph – 49 laborer b. Penn
Fye, Lydia – 45 b. Penn
Fye, Amandus – 24 b. Penn
Fye, Ellanora – 17 b. Penn
Fye, Hannah M – 15 b. Penn

According to information supplied to genealogical bulletin boards by the descendants of Joseph Fye, he and Lydia moved to Lehigh County towards
the end of their life and died there.  They are buried in the UCC Cemetery in Egypt, Pennsylvania.  We also find from these descendants that the
maiden name of Lydia was Stahler.  On both the 1860 and 1870 censuses we find an Abraham and Catherine Stahler living next door to Joseph, which
would tend to make us believe that they are Lydia’s parents.

Joseph married Lydia Stahler. Born on 24 Jun 1826 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Lydia died in Lehigh, Pennsylvania, on 24 Oct 1900; she was 74.
Buried on 25 Oct 1900 in UCC Cemetery, Egypt, Lehigh, Pennsylvania.

They had the following children:
 42 i. Amanda
 43 ii. August
 44 iii. Samuel H. (1850-1924)
 45 iv. Ellnora
 46 v. Mary Ann
 47 vi. Hannah (~1856-)

11. William Fey. Born abt 1825 in Upper Nazareth, Northampton, Pennsylvania.

Research: The only record we have of William Fye at this time is an 1850 Census record for East Allen Township, Northampton County.  The actual
entry is for a William Fye, age 24, living in a public house.  His listed occupation is tailor.

Again, the question we need to answer is if he is actually connected to our family.  In response, we note that his name certainly fits with the other
family names we have, and that he is listed only a few entries from Catherine Schoneberger in this census.  Also, if he is not connected to our family,
then where did he come from?  There is no other known Fye family in the entire Northampton County area with the exception of David and Mary Fye.

Unfortunately, William seems to disappear from the census records, as we cannot find him in Pennsylvania after 1850.  So the ultimate answer as to
whether he is connected to our line or not awaits further proof.

1850 Census – East Allen Township, Northampton County, Visit 79

Fye, Wm. – 24, tailor b. Penn

12. Charles Fye. Born abt 1826.

Research: 1850 Census – Mauch Chunk Borough, Carbon County, Visit 379

Fey, Chas. – 25 Laborer b. Penn

1860 Census – Hanover Township, Northampton County, Visit 632

Fye, Charles – 35 Laborer b. Penn
Fye, Elizabeth – 29 b. Penn
Fye, William H. – 9 b. Penn
Fye, Thomas – 7 b. Penn
Fye, George – 5 b. Penn

1870 Census – East Allen Township, Northampton County, Visit 222

 Fye, George – 15 Farm Laborer b. Penn

Research: Charles Fye appears in two census records, 1850 and 1860. In 1850, he appears in Carbon County, which is situated about ten to twenty
miles north of Upper Nazareth Township, as a laborer. His age is given as 25, which would match his appearance in 1848 in the Upper Nazareth Tax
Records, and would also possibly identify him as the un-named son, age seven, which appears in the 1831 tax record. In 1860 we find him in Hanover
Township, Northampton County, at a given age of 35. There he is listed with a wife, Elizabeth, age 29, and children William H. age 9, Thomas age 7,
and George W. age 5.

Some question may arise as to whether this is our Charles Fye; the one listed in the tax records as the son of David and Maria Fye.  In response, we
note that his age would match exactly the age of Charles as given in the tax records, there is no other Charles in Northampton County, or for that
matter the rest of Pennsylvania that would fit the data we have, and finally, the names of his three children are all mirrored in the rest of the Fye family.
William H. is most likely William Henry, which would match the name of one of Elias’ children, and George W. matches the name of one of Thomas
Fye’s sons who is also named George W.  We also have a son of David Fye, Charles, who may have been named after one of David Fye’s uncles, this

One final connection can possibly be made when we look at the 1870 Census for East Allen Township.  On page 28, visit 222, we have a George Fye
listed as living in a home as a hired farm laborer.  His age is given as 15, which would match exactly the age of George, the son of Charles, mentioned
above.  Since there is no other Fye family in Northampton County with a son named George, this is very likely the son of Charles.  What makes the
connection even stronger is that Joseph Fye appears three entries later on the same page in this census.  This establishes, almost certainly, a
connection between George and Joseph.  Most likely, George’s parents died sometime before 1870 and he went to live with his uncle Joseph.  Since it
is common for children to be working at an early age in the mid 1800’s, he probably went to live and work on a farm near his uncle where we find him in
the 1870 enumeration.

Further research shows that George apparently stayed in Northampton.  In 1890, the census lists him as George Frye age 35, with his wife Emma, age
34, Calvin, age 12, Herbert, age 8, and Florence, age 6.

Charles married Elizabeth.

They had the following children:
 48 i. William H. (~1851-)
 49 ii. Thomas (~1853-)
 50 iii. George W. (~1855-)

Fourth Generation

13. Reuben Fye. Born in Feb 1826 in Mercer, Pennsylvania. Reuben died in Ellwood City, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, on 4 Apr 1916; he was 90. Buried
on 7 Apr 1916 in Clinton Cemetery, Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

New Castle Courant - 17 November 1873

FYE-WHITAKER - On Aug. 19th, by Alderman J. P. Leslie, Mr. Reuben Fye to Miss Sarah Whitaker; both of Clinton, Pa.

New Castle News - 5 April 1916

Reuben Fye, 92 years of age, probably the oldest resident of Ellwood City, died at his home on Beaver avenue Tuesday afternoon, after an illness of
some time.  He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Anna Fye and two sons H. D. and George of Ellwood, also a daughter, Fannie of Albion, O.  A service is to
be held Thursday at 2:30 o’clock at the Clinton church on the Beaver road and interment will be made in Clinton cemetery.

Research: 1910 Census - Ellwood City Borough, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, Visit 54

Fye, Reuben - 85 m2 29 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Annie - 52 m2 29 9ch 7liv Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Fannie - Step Daughter - 29 Penn Ohio Penn
Fye, Thomas - 27 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, George - 21 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Charles E - 19 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Howard - 17 Penn Penn Penn

1910 Census - Ellwood City, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, ED 77 Visit 531

Fye, Anna - 61 Wid Penn Germ Ireland
Fye, Charles - 28 Penn Penn Penn

Reuben first married Rachel.

On 19 Aug 1873 when Reuben was 47, he second married Sarah Whitaker, in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

Abt 1879 when Reuben was 52, he third married Anna Bartrim, in Lawrence, Pennsylvania. Born in Oct 1856.

They had the following children:
 51 i. Frances “Fannie” (1879-)
 52 ii. Thomas (1882-)
 53 iii. Viola (1884-)
 54 iv. Reuben (1886-1950)
 55 v. George F. (1889-1959)
 56 vi. Charles E. (1892-1982)
 57 vii. Howard D. (1894-)

14. John Fye. Born on 8 May 1829 in Mercer, Pennsylvania. John died in Clinton, Wayne, Ohio, on 13 May 1893; he was 64.1 Buried on 15 May 1893
in Clinton, Wayne, Ohio.

Research: 1870 - Clinton, Wayne, Ohio

Fye, John a. 41, day laborer, Penn
Fye, Mary a. 29, House Keeper, Penn
Emeline, a. 11, Penn

1880 Census - Clinton Township, Wayne County, Ohio

Fye, John a. 57 Farmer Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Mary a. 40 Penn Penn Penn
Comstock, Emaline a. 20 servant Penn Penn Penn

John married Mary Lear, daughter of John Lear/Lehr (~1792-) & Lydia Spangler (~1796-). Born on 25 Mar 1830 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Mary
died in Clinton, Wayne, Ohio, on 9 Oct 1893; she was 63.2 Buried on 10 Oct 1893 in Clinton, Wayne, Ohio.

Research: Identifying Mary as a Lear is the result of an extensive amount of research.  Her will specifically lists David and William Fye, along with a
Samuel and Susannah Seigfried as her only surviving relatives in the State of Ohio.  All four are listed as her nephews and niece.  This can mean only
one of two things.  First, John Fye and Elias are brothers, and she is Isaac Seigfried’s sister, or the sister of Isaac Seigfried’s wife.  Since Elias and
John CANNOT be brothers, and we have pretty much conclusively shown that John is the son of Thomas Fye of Mercer County who is about the same
age as Elias, that eliminates this possibility.  The second option is that she is a Lear, in which case she would be Eliza’s sister.  That would almost
certainly mean that Samuel and Susannah’s mother would have to be a Lear as well, and that is exactly what we find when examining the death
certificate for Samuel Seigfried.  On that, his mother is named as Lovina Lear.  Thus, Lovina, Elize, and Mary are sisters.  David and William are
nephews by her sister Eliza, and Samuel and Susannah are nephew and niece by her other sister Lovina.

They had one child:
 58 i. Emaline

15. George W. Fye. Born in 1831 in Mercer, Pennsylvania. George W. died in Mercer, Pennsylvania, in 1906; he was 75. Buried in 1906 in Riverside
Cemetery, Mercer, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1910 Census - Sharpsville Borough, Mercer, Pennsylvania, ED 130 Visit 784

Fye, Nancy - 65 m 45 6ch 6liv Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Mary - 30 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Harry - 35 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Belle - ?? Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Rhuben - ?? Penn Penn Penn
Fye, John - grandson 15 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Samuel - grandson 13 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Charley - grandson 12 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Fred - grandson 11 Penn Penn Penn

George W. married Nancy Jane Glass, daughter of Hannah. Born in 1841 in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania. Nancy Jane died in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania, in
1913; she was 72. Buried in 1913 in Riverside Cemetery, Mercer, Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Nancy Fye, widow of G. W. Fye, 72 years old, a well known and highly respected resident of Sharpsville died at her home on First Street, that
place, Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock following a stoke of paralysis.  News of her demise came as a distinct shock to her many friends and
She was born and raised in Sharpsville and lived there all her life.  She is survived by the following children: Harry, Ruby, Mary, Bella and Mrs.
Edward Ague.
The funeral services will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock from her late residence, Rev. Mr. Weaver officating.  Interment will follow in
Riverside Cemetery.

They had the following children:
 59 i. Charles (1869-1912)
 60 ii. Harry E. (1879-1917)
 61 iii. Isabel (1883-1935)
 62 iv. Mary E. (1877-1953)
 63 v. Ruby
 64 vi. Frederick (1899-1945)
 65 vii. Julia A. (1873-1951)

16. Mary Fye. Born in 1833 in Mercer, Pennsylvania.

Mary married Henry Seaburn.

They had the following children:
 66 i. Alice
 67 ii. Richard
 68 iii. Mandy
 69 iv. Lois

17. Sarah Fye. Born in 1838 in Mercer, Pennsylvania. Sarah died in 1916; she was 78.

I don’t know if the following Sarah is this Sarah, but she would be the only one that would fit the date.  Further research seems to suggest this may be
the divorced wife of Reuben Fye?

New Castle Courant - 20 October 1882

TAYLOR - FYE - On Wednesday, Oct. 18th 1882, by Alderman J. P. Leslie, Thomas Taylor and Mrs. Sarah Fye, both of Wampum, Pa.

Research: 1870 Census - Big Beaver, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, Visit 148

Sebern, William - 35 Miner Penn
Sebern, Sarah - 35 Penn
Sebern, Mary J - 13 Penn
Sebern, Matilda - 11 Penn
Sebern, Amelia - 8 Penn
Sebern, Louisa - 4 Penn
Sebern, Julia - 2 Penn

1880 Census - Wampum Borough, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, Visits 269 and 270

Seburn, William - 57 Miner Penn Penn Penn
Seburn, Sarah - 47 Penn Penn Penn
Seburn, Julia A - 11 Penn Penn Penn
Seburn, Benjamin F - 9 Penn Penn Penn
Seburn, David A - 7 Penn Penn Penn
Seburn, Nettie M - 3 Penn Penn Penn
Seburn, William T - 1 Penn Penn Penn

Seburn, Minnie - 18 Penn Penn Penn
Seburn, Louisa - 15 Penn Penn Penn

1910 Census - Big Beaver, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, Visit 61

Seaburn, William - 87 m1 60 Penn Penn Penn
Seaburn, Sarah - 76 m1 60 Penn Penn Penn
Seaburn, William T - 28 Penn Penn Penn

Sarah married William Seaburn. Born in 1823. William died in 1914; he was 91.

They had the following children:
 70 i. Mary (~1857-)
 71 ii. Matilda (~1858-)
 72 iii. Minnie (1862-)
 73 iv. Louisa (1865-)
 74 v. Julia A. (1869-)
 75 vi. Benjamin F. (1871-)
 76 vii. David A. (1873-)
 77 viii. Nettie M. (1877-)
 78 ix. William T. (1879-)
 79 x. Jane
 80 xi. Lizzie
 81 xii. Tillie
 82 xiii. George

18. Jacob David Fye. Born on 13 Mar 1843 in Mercer, Pennsylvania. Jacob David died in Big Beaver, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, on 10 Sep 1901; he
was 58. Buried on 12 Sep 1901 in Clinton Cemetery, Wampum, Pennsylvania.

Jacob David Fye was named the sole inheritor of the estate of Mary Fye.  In her will, she lists a J. D. Fye as her sole heir, and later documentation
refers to J. David Fye and Jacob Fye who was the administrator of the will.  We also find in the will that David Fye lived in Lawrence County,
Pennsylvania, at the time the will was administered, since a document dated three months before the death of Mary is specifically mentioned as being
filed in Clinton, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1870 Census - Big Beaver Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania - Page 19

Fye, David a. 26 Miner Ireland
Fye, Mary a. 18 Ireland
Fye, Frank a. 1 Penn
Fye, Saml a. 3/12 Penn
Fye, Mary a. 63 Penn

1880 Census - Wampum Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania - Page 36 ED 209

Fye, David a. 37 Miner Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Hettie a. 29 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Frank a. 8 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Samuel a. 10 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Mary a. 8 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Sarah a. 6 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Willis H. a. 2 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Johny a. 3/12 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Mary a. 71 Mother Penn Penn Penn

1900 Census - Big Beaver Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania - ED 93 Page 4

Fye, David b. Mar 1843 a. 57 m. 32yrs Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Mary E. b. Dec 1851 a. 48 10 ch 8 living Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Mary J. b. May 1872 a. 28 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, John S. b. Feb 1884 a. 20 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Maud May b. Apr 1884 a. 16 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Alfretta S. b. Oct 1886 a. 13 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Elmer b. Jul 1889 a. 11 Penn Penn Penn

On 12 Mar 1868 when Jacob David was 24, he married Mary Esther Long, daughter of Samuel Long & Mary Jane Owrey, in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.
Born on 18 Sep 1851 in New Castle, Lawrence, Pennsylvania. Mary Esther died in Wampum, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, on 5 Nov 1934; she was 83.
Buried on 7 Nov 1934 in Clinton Cemetery, Wampum, Pennsylvania.

They had the following children:
 83 i. Reuben Frank (1868-1895)
 84 ii. Samuel F. (1870-1918)
 85 iii. Mary J. (1872-1950)
 86 iv. Sarah A. (1874-1968)
 87 v. Willis Henry (1877-1968)
 88 vi. John S. (1880-)
 89 vii. Maud May (1884-1959)
 90 viii. Alfretta S. (1886-)
 91 ix. Elmer D. (1889-)

19. Louisa Fye. Born on 9 Jun 1846 in Mercer, Pennsylvania. Louisa died in Mercer, Pennsylvania, on 15 Sep 1909; she was 63.

Research: 1880 Census - Wampum, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, Visit 285

Reeher, George - 35 Miner Penn Penn Penn
Reeher, Louisa - 24 Penn Penn Penn
Reeher, Mary E - 16 Penn Penn Penn
Reeher, Frank - 13 Penn Penn Penn
Reeher, Eddie - 11 Penn Penn Penn
Reeher, Charles - 10 Penn Penn Penn
Reeher, Lizzie - 9 Penn Penn Penn
Reeher, David - 6 Penn Penn Penn
Reeher, Lodema - 4 Penn Penn Penn
Reeher, Samuel - 1 Penn Penn Penn

1910 Census - Big Beaver, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, ED 16 Visit 16

Reeher, George W - 72 Wid Penn Penn Penn
Reeher, William - 21 Penn Penn Penn
Davis, Tillie A - 28 m1 13 3ch 3liv Penn Penn Penn
Davis, Frank - 7 Penn Penn Penn
Davis, Loretta N - 4 Ohio Penn Penn
Davis, Ernest P - 2 Ohio Penn Penn

On 30 May 1863 when Louisa was 16, she married George Washington Reeher, in Mercer, Pennsylvania. Born in 1837 in Mercer, Pennsylvania.
George Washington died on 9 Jul 1911; he was 74.

Research: Hello Jim  ---   I am trying to get caught up and sorry though that it has took so long to respond to your welcome message.

Wish I could help in your the DRW, but what I found does not go back far enough and just adds to the information you had sent earlier.  It covers the

Isaac Reeher, Private - Co I in the 83 Regiment and was recruited in Erie, PA and mustered in on 8/28/61 and mustered out on 9/20/1864,

David Reeher, Private -  Fifty Seventh Regiment Co. B.  Mustered in at Mercer Co., PA on 2/23/1864.  Discharged on Surgery Certificate on
2/23/1865.  He was on a 3 year term.

John Reeger, Private - 39th Regiment Co., H.  recruited at Warren, P A.  Mustered in on 6/22/1861 for 3 years.  Then transferred to the 190th
Regiment on June 1, 1864.

Reuben Reeger, Private - 211 Regiment Co., E.  Mustered in on 9/6/1864 and then transferred to Co. I.  Captured at Bermuda Hundred, Virginia on
11/17/1864.  Died 1/19/1865 at Salisbury, North Carolina.

Hope this helps in your other research.

Regards:  Paul

They had the following children:
 92 i. Mary E. (1864-)
 93 ii. George Frank (1867-1948)
 94 iii. Edward (1869-)
 95 iv. Charles M. (1870-)
 96 v. Elizabeth (1871-)
 97 vi. David (1874-)
 98 vii. Rachel Lodema (1876-1961)
 99 viii. Samuel (1878-1954)
 100 ix. Matilda (1881-)
 101 x. Irene (1883-)
 102 xi. Nellie (1886-)
 103 xii. William (1890-1987)

20. Alice Fye. Born abt 1847.

Research: 1880 Census - Newport, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, Visit 460

Deal, Christopher - 34 Miner Wurtemberg Prussia Prussia
Deal, Alice - 32 Penn Penn Penn
Deal, George W - 13 Miner Penn Wurt Penn
Deal, Mary E - 11 School Penn Wurt Penn
Deal, Franklin - 8 Penn Wurt Penn
Deal, Louis E - 6 Penn Wurt Penn
Deal, Calvin - 6 Penn Wurt Penn
Deal, Charles - 3 Penn Wurt Penn
Deal, Albert - 5m Penn Wurt Penn

Alice married Christopher Deal. Born abt 1845 in Wurtenberg.

They had the following children:
 104 i. George W (1866-)
 105 ii. Mary E (~1869-)
 106 iii. Franklin (~1872-)
 107 iv. Louis E (~1874-)
 108 v. Calvin (~1874-)
 109 vi. Charles (~1877-)
 110 vii. Albert (1880-)

21. George Walter. Born abt 1840 in Forks, Northampton, Pennsylvania.

22. William Walter. Born abt 1843 in Forks, Northampton, Pennsylvania.

23. Edward Walter. Born abt 1840 in Forks, Northampton, Pennsylvania.

24. Mary Ann Fye. Born on 2 Feb 1839 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Mary Ann died on 10 Jan 1921; she was 81. Buried on 13 Jan 1921 in
Woodlawn Cemetery, Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.

Most of the information on the line of Mary Ann Fye Bacon comes from a g-granddaughter, Judy Elens who researched this line extensively.

Research: 1900 Census - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Bacon, Mrs. Mary b. Feb 1838 a. 62 Widowed m. 39 years 9 ch 8 living PA PA PA
Bacon, George b. Jan 1872 a. 28 OH NY PA
Bacon, Andrew b. Aug 1875 a. 24 OH NY PA
Bacon, Adolf b. Oct 1878 a. 21 OH NY PA
Bacon, Bert b. Nov 1882 a. 18 OH NY PA

1910 Census - ED 110 Sheet 16A Visit 1 - Oconto Falls Twp. Wisconsin

Bacon, Mary head a70y Wd 9ch 7liv Penn Penn Penn
Bacon, Adolf son a30y Div Ohio NY Penn

1920 Census - ED 175 Sheet 10B Visit 191 - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Bacon, Mary MIL a79y Wid Penn Penn Penn

Research: Mrs. Mary Ann Bacon
Female White Widowed
D.O.B. 2 February 1840
Age: 81 years 11mo. 21d
Usual occupation: housewife
Residence: Oconto Falls, WI Oconto County
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Name of father: A. Fye
Birthplace of father: Pennsylvania
Doctor Krahn treated this patient from 1-30-1914 to 1-10-1921.
Cause of death: natural cessation of vital function due to old age
Informant: Mrs. Joseph Spice, Oconto Falls, WI
Place of burial: Oconto Falls, WI
Flatley Funeral Home
Date of burial: 13 January 1921

Mary Ann married Lambert Camron Bacon. Born in 1826 in New York. Lambert Camron died in Oconto County, Wisconsin, on 18 Dec 1894; he was
68. Buried on 21 Jan 1894 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.

Oconto Falls
Died, on Friday eve. December 28, L. C. Bacon, the funeral occurring on Sunday, December 30. Rev. A. B. Soule, of Hickory conducted the services.
Oconto County Reporter
12 January 1895

Research: The Oconto County, Wisconsin Enquirer,
Friday, January 4, 1895
L.C. Bacon died on December 28, 1894.

Research: 1860 Census - Pymatuning, Mercer, Pennsylvania, Visit 600

Cameron Bacon - 24 Farm Laborer b. Ohio

1870 - Wayne County, Ohio, Clinton Township, page 117 - enumerated 5 July 1870

Bacon, Camron - a. 45 b. NY
Bacon, Mary - a. 29 b. PA
Bacon, I. M. - a. 8 F. b. PA
Bacon, M. E. - a. 5 F b. PA
Bacon, W. H. - a. 4 b. PA
Bacon, J. L. - a. 1 b. OH

1880 - Ashland County, Ohio, Lake Township, ED 83 Sheet 20 Line 30 - enumerated 12 June 1880

Bacon, Camron - a. 54 b. NY
Bacon, Margrate A. - a. 38 b. PA
Bacon, William - a. 15 b. PA
Bacon, John - a. 11 b. OH
Bacon, George - a. 8 b. OH
Bacon, Charles - a. 8 b. OH
Bacon, Adolphus - a. 2 b. OH

Research: We have the record of a Lambert C Bacon purchasing property from a Mary R. Lawrence in Ashland County.  The date of the record is 10
December 1877 and the property is located in Township 20 Range 15.  This places Lambert and Mary Ann in Ashland County in time for the 1880
census on which he is listed as a Camron Bacon.

They had the following children:
 111 i. Ida “Idy” M. (1862-1932)
 112 ii. Mary Etta (1865-)
 113 iii. William H. (1866-)
 114 iv. John Lambert (1869-1934)
 115 v. George (1872-)
 116 vi. Charles (1872-1921)
 117 vii. Andrew (1875-)
 118 viii. Eliza A. (1876-)
 119 ix. Adolphus “Farmer Jones” (1878-1948)
 120 x. Bert (1882-1919)

25. John Elias Fye. Born in 1843 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. John Elias died in Hubbard, Trumbull, Ohio, on 2 Mar 1867; he was 24. Buried on 4
Mar 1867 in Glenwood Cemetery, Mercer, Pennsylvania.

The New Castle Law Journal - 9 March 1867

SUICIDE - The Sharon Herald, of the 2d inst, states that a young man named John Fye, about twenty-two years of age employed in chopping, near the
Depot in Hubbard, was discovered, at about 3 o'clock pm on Saturday last, hanging to a tree by his suspenders, near the place where he had been at
work.  A coroner's inquest returned a verdict of death by hanging.  We have not learned the supposed cause of the suicide.

Research: We have no information on John Fye after the census of 1860.  That would tend to make us believe that he either died between 1860 and
1870, or he moved away from his parents and lived elsewhere.  We have no information of the latter, so most likely he died.  There is a tombstone in
the Glenwood Cemetery located near Sharon Pennylvania for a J. E. Fye right next to one for Thomas Fye.  As outlined elsewhere, we believe Thomas
was the brother of Elias Fye, and was buried in Glenwood Cemetery as he too disappears from the census after 1860.  Until we can either prove or
disprove the whereabouts of John Fye, our assumption and belief is that he is buried in Glenwood Cemetery, which is further proven by a possible
obituary for a John Fye of the exact age to be this John Elias Fye.

One more note on this, and that is the obituary for Mary Lear, John’s mother, states she had eleven children of whom two sons and two daughters died
prior to her.  We know of a daughter, Arabella, that died between 1850 and 1855, which leaves two sons and one daughter.  Since David, William and
George were alive in 1899, that would mean one of the sons who died was John.

Research: Fye, John E. Private Mustered in 2 January 1864
Discharged by General Order 2 June 1865

Company C, 57th Pennsylvania Regiment. Recruited in Allegheny and Mercer Counties, 3 years. Fought at Spottsylvania to the James River. (E527
B32 1993 v.3)

Research: eMail sent to Fye Researchers from Alan Schafer

Here is something very interesting.  When I went to Mercer County, I copies of lots of obituaries.  Here is one for 3 March 1867 for a John Fye:

SUICIDE - The Sharon Herald, of the 2d inst, states that a young man named John Fye, about twenty-two years of age employed in chopping, near the
Depot in Hubbard, was discovered, at about 3 o'clock pm on Saturday last, hanging to a tree by his suspenders, near the place where he had been at
work.  A coroner's inquest returned a verdict of death by hanging.  We have not learned the supposed cause of the suicide.

I am betting real money this is the son of Elias and Eliza.  Why?

1.  We know that Elias Fye was living in Hubbard in 1870 according to census records.

2. Elias is the ONLY Fye in that area according to the census.

3. John Fye disappears from the census after 1860.  In 1860 he is listed with his father and mother in Delaware Township, Mercer County, about 7 or 8
miles from Hubbard.

4. John Fye, son of Elias, would have been about 22-23 at the time.

5. We know John died after 1865, as we have a discharge record for him from the Army.  So he must have "died" or "disappeared" after 1865 and
before 1870.

6. The name John matches our missing relative.

7. The existence of a tombstone in Glenwood Cemetery next to Thomas is most likely his final resting place.

8. Both John AND Thomas disappear from records about the same time, that is, between 1865 and 1870.

So, what are the chances there is another John Fye, age 22, living in Hubbard, who died in the late 1860's, that would fit???


26. David Fye. Born in Jun 1844 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. David died in West Salem, Congress, Wayne, Ohio, on 27 Feb 1915; he was 70.3
Buried on 1 Mar 1915 in Hazzard Cemetery, West Salem, Ohio. Occupation: Basket Weaver.

Research: 1870 Census - Hubbard Township, Trumbull County, Ohio

Fye, David a. 25 Penn
Fye, Elizabeth a. 25 Penn
Johnson, Eliza a. 4 Penn
Johnson, William a. 3 Penn
Fye, David a. 1 Penn

1880 Census - Wayne County, Plain Township, Ohio

Fye, David a. 37 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Elizabeth a. 36 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Eliza a. 13 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, William a. 12 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, David a. 11 Ohio Penn Penn
Fye, Charles a. 9 Ohio Penn Penn
Fye, John a. 6 Ohio Penn Penn
Fye, Nancy a. 5 Ohio Penn Penn
Fye, Arabella a. 3 Ohio Penn Penn
Fye, Adaline a. 1/12 Ohio Penn Penn

1900 Jackson, Ashland, Ohio

Fye, David a. 55 b. June 1844, m. 32, Penn Verm Verm
Fye, Mary E. a. 56 b. Dec 1843 13ch/10living Penn Penn Penn
Fye, John E., son, a. 26, b. Jul 1873 Ohio Penn Penn
Fye, Clara A., daughter, a. 13, b. Feb 1887 Ohio Penn Penn

1910 Congress, Wayne, Ohio, Visit 169

Fye, David a. 68, widowed, Penn Penn Penn
Fye, John E., son, a. 39, Ohio Penn Penn
Fye, Clara, daughter, a. 20 Ohio Penn Penn

Research: The following document was written by Marie Fye Halliwell, grand-daughter of David and Mary Fye:

Grandma Fye was married twice.  Her first husband was a Carlin.  2 children by this marriage William and Ellen.

David Fye and Mary Fye Pennsylvania Dutch.  Brothers and sisters:

David Fye married Clara Ford.  3 children were born.
John G. Ford Fye married Elsie Pearce.
Ezra Dean Fye married Olive Gott.
Mercy Marie Fye married Dewey Halliwell.

John Fye was never married lived in West Salem with father David Fye till David Fye died then went to Cuyahoga where he died.

Charley Fye married Eliza Edwards 4 children:
Merritt Fye married Gladys Swartz
    3 children Hazel Fye married Bob Harp
    Marolyn Fye married Jack Graves
    Roger at home.
Effie died.

Nancy Fye married Charley Finley 2 girls
Mary married Mark Jackson
Ella married John Herman

Mina Fye married Ben Graiser 5 children I don’t know who they married: Nellie, Helen, Alta, Ben, and Howard (married Paul Yacavona second man)

Hannah Fye married Frank Keen 3 children
Ralph Keen got killed in auto accident
Herbert Keen married Mildred Fackler
Leta Keen married Roy De’Armon

Alta Fye married Dan Frazier.  I don’t know how many children but knew the oldest Jessie the only girl.  After family was grown up they were

Arabelle Fye married Geo. Hall you will have to take it from there.

Research: The following was received in an email from Judy Elens - gg-granddaughter of Elias Fye, g-granddaughter of Mary Ann Fye Bacon


We have had a little free time here as the season winds down a little;and had time to find some of the stories (actually most of the stories) that I have
on David Fye.  Also, when we first got a
computer when we had a bookstore in Phoenix, Bill entered some of the genealogy that Stella had
sent.  I have never looked at it to confirm the accuracy, but think he did well.  However, I do not
think that your genealogy is accurate in our information--in fact, I know it wasn't entered accurately.

I'll give you a little background on Stella and how I received all this--

When my children were very young, I began organizing some of my Grandfather's stories.  As I did that, I somehow came in contact with Stella (can't
remember how).  Anyway, we corresponded for many years not only as the children were growing, but as I continued finishing my college education.
However, once I started teaching (biology, ecology and earth science), I quit writing so often--children growing and trying to teach...too hard to keep
up the genealogy work at that time.  I must say that it has always been one of my regrets (and I don't have a lot) that I did not keep writing to Stella
except for Christmas cards.

She was a wonderful person.  She was one of these people that has roots in different places--for her it was Wisconsin and Ohio; and I think for her that
was a main reason in wanting to know the family of both places.  She became very involved in the all the families.  I have no idea how many people she
corresponded with; but it was considerable.  I am sure that everyone liked her as much as I did.

Now, as I do this I am going to try to write it as I want to put it in my word perfect.  It is really time to organize all of this, again.  Bits and pieces of
paper are everywhere.  My Mother has even written several pages for me about her life as a child in Wisconsin.


David, the third of eight children, born in Northhampton County, Pennsylvania, during December of 1845 was among the Fye family when they moved
westward.  He had a new wife, (Mary Hillkirk), who was a widow with two children, William Carlin and Ellen Carlin. All the children of Ayle and Liza
Fye were young adults at the time of the move, and Ayle and Liza were approaching sixty.  A very difficult time for them;  but nevertheless they made
this move after the Civil War. What was occurring after the Civil War that caused Ayle Fye's family to move along with other Fye relatives we do not

David did not go the entire way to Ohio during this move;  but chose to settle in Sharon, Pennsylvania, for reasons which we do not know.  The others,
of course, made it to Cleveland where they settled for a short time.

David Fye was an excellent basket weaver.  He was even able to create beautiful cradles--none of the cradles have survived that I know.  Truly an
expert at his craft, he was able to sell his baskets and cradles in neighboring communities when his family moved to Ohio, such as Wellington and
Wooster.  All his articles were made of split green oak and hickory.  He, of course, did this along with farm in his own farm.  Very talented man.

Of course, the Fye family was known for their huge musical family gatherings.  What laughter and fun there must have been with that family.  Ayle was
not only a wonderful fiddler; but, apparently, also had the patience to teach all his sons to play as well.  Then they went on to teach their sons--great
tradition for three generations.

David and his sons, David and John,  played the violin and the accordian, William Fye played the violin, and Chris Fuller's sons, Orin and Sam played
the violin and the banjo.  They all played for themselves, for family, and for others who may also have been extended family (the Fullers did play for
dances, though).    George Fye was also interested, of course, in music; but somehow he had some connection with the phonograph--not sure.  George
and his wife, Rose, had spent a year in Ohio living with David and his family in 1913.

As far as I know, though, none of them could yodel like Ayle--he may not have been the only one but he was certainly the one everyone talked about.

David and his brother, William, had often played the violin together.  One of the saddest family stories occurred when William took a trip from
Wisconsin to Ohio, packing his violin and planning on spending time playing the fiddles again with his brother even though they were old men by then.
He arrived in Ohio to find out that his brother, David, had been buried the day before he got there in February of 1915.

Please e-mail me your address, and I'll send that genealogy--also, could you please send copies of the documents that you have found of the Moravian
church, Pennsylvania, and the Revolution--also where they lived in Ohio--thanks

As I go through more of this, I'll send other stories on to you.

Glad you are so interested-Judy

David married Mary Elizabeth Hillkirk4, daughter of Francis “Frank” Hillkirk (~1817-) & Nancy Jane Cozadd (~1820-). Born in Dec 1843 in
Lackawonnock, Mercer, Pennsylvania. Mary Elizabeth died in West Salem, Congress, Wayne, Ohio, in 1900; she was 56. Buried in 1900 in Hazzard
Cemetery, West Salem, Ohio.

Research: Identifying the first husband of Mary Elizabeth Hillkirk was no easy task.  In 1870, we have a census which lists Mary, David Fye, and two
children, Eliza, age 4, and William, age 3, Johnson.  In 1880, we find Eliza and William living with David and Mary, but no last name given.  In 1900, we
find William living with David and Mary, but now he is listed with a last name of Carlin.  We also have several photographs with Carlin as William’s last
name, and we have recently come across a photograph of Ellen with the last name of Carlin as well.

Adding to the confusion about the last name of Mary’s first husband, is the marriage record for Eliza Ellen to James Kimber dated 19 July 1884 on
which she lists her name as Eliza Ellen Johnson.  The birth record for her two daughters, Nellie V. on 30 June 1885 and Aldy L. on 4 August 1887 also
lists her name as Eliza Johnson.  However, Ellen’s third marriage to Charles Troutman, dated 24 May 1910 lists her parents as Samuel Carlin and
Elizabeth Hillkirk.

Our best guess then, is that sometime between 1885 and 1900, Ellen and William were either told who their real father was, or Mary Elizabeth was
married to a Samuel Carlin, then an unknown Johnson, and then David Fye.  The latter is somewhat unlikely, so we are left with a minor mystery.  Did
Mary Elizabeth know the true parent of her children and hide that from them, did she not know their real father, or is there some other reason we have
the name change.  We won’t know the answer to this until we have some further information.

They had the following children:
 121 i. David Francis (1869-1943)
 122 ii. Charles (1870-1947)
 123 iii. John (1873-1930)
 124 iv. Nancy Jane (1875-1939)
 125 v. Arabella (1877-1953)
 126 vi. Mary Elizabeth (1878-<1880)
 127 vii. Adaline (1880-<1900)
 128 viii. Hannah Maybelle (1881-1973)
 129 ix. Mina Lovina (1884-1940)
 130 x. Clara Alta (1887-1950)

27. William Henry Fye. Born on 27 Apr 1846 in Bath, Northampton, Pennsylvania. William Henry died in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, on 30 Jul 1941; he
was 95. Buried on 2 Aug 1941 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Oconto, Wisconsin. Occupation: Violinist and Farmer.

Funeral services for William Fye, who passed away Wednesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Garnier will be held Friday afternoon at the
O’Neill funeral home, with burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. Elder O.R. Osman of Waupaca will officiate.

Mr. Fye was born in 1846 at Bath, Pennsylvania, and at the time of his passing had attained 95 years 3 months and 3 days. His marriage to Miss Mary
Wardell took place in 1879 at Hubbard Ohio. To this union were born nine children, six of whom survive. Mrs. Fye passed away about 37 years ago.

Survivors are three daughters, Mrs. Garnier, city, with whom he made his home; Mrs. Gilbert Grismer of West Plains, Missouri; and Mrs. Victor
Johnson of Detroit, three sons Edward of Abrams, Glen, Oconto Falls and James of Oconto. He is further mourned by 27 grandchildren, 23 great
grandchildren and 1 great great grandchild.

In his younger days, Mr. Fye was well known in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin as a violinist of ability. He will be remembered by many as an
entertainer as he played at many social gatherings.

Those from away at the rites were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Piper and family of Ashland, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rush of Loraine, Ohio and Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Johnson of Detroit.

Research: 1880 Census - Plain Township, Wayne County, Ohio

Fye, William a. 27 Laborer Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Mary A. a. 21 England England England
Fye, George a. 3/12 OH Penn England
Wardle, Elizabeth a. 62 England England England

1900 Census - Clinton Township, Wayne County, Ohio

Fye, William a.47 b. Apr 1863 m. 22yrs Penn Germany Germany
Fye, Mary a. 39 b. Jan 1861 m. 22yrs 8ch/8living England England England
Fye, William, son, a. 19 b. Nov 1881 Ohio Penn England
Fye, Hulda, daughter, a. 16 b. Apr 1884 Ohio Penn England
Fye, Edgar, son, a. 11 b. Dec 1889 Ohio Penn England
Fye, Gloscon, daughter, a. 7 b. Jun 1893 Ohio Penn England
Fye, Kansas, daughter, a. 4 b. Jun 1896 Ohio Penn England
Fye, Francis, son, a. 1 b. Jun 1899 Ohio Penn England

1920 Census - ED 175 Sheet 5B Visit 101 - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Fye, William head a75y wid Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Gloscon dau a27y Ohio Penn Penn
Fye, Glen son a15y Wis Penn Penn

1930 Census - ED 42-1 Visit 59 Abrams, Oconto, Wisconsin

Fye, William Father a87 wid mw28 Penn Penn Penn

Research: William Henry Fye was known as a violinist of great ability in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Wisconsin according to Geraldine Thiede, his

In 1879 when William Henry was 32, he married Mary Ann Wardell2, daughter of Henry Allen Wardell & Elizabeth Lewis, in Hubbard, Ohio. Born in
1859 in Nottingham, England. Mary Ann died in Morgan, Oconto, Wisconsin, on 2 Aug 1904; she was 45. Buried on 4 Aug 1904 in Oconto Falls,

They had the following children:
 131 i. George Lawrence (1879-1903)
 132 ii. Catherine (1881-)
 133 iii. William Henry (1881-)
 134 iv. Miranda May (1884-)
 135 v. Hulda (1884-)
 136 vi. Edward Charles (1889-1949)
 137 vii. Cynthia (1892-1955)
 138 viii. Arcanda “Arkansas Babe” (1896-)
 139 ix. James Peter (1896-1964)
 140 x. Francis James (1898-)
 141 xi. Glen (1904-)

28. Arabella Fye. Born in Jan 1850. Arabella died bef 1855; she was 4.

We know of two Arabellas.  The 1850 Census lists an Arabella, age several months, and an 1860 census lists Arabella, age five.  Subsequent censuses
all show Arabella’s age as being born in 1855.  Our conclusion then, is that this Arabella died in childhood and Elias named another daughter Arabella
as well.

29. Lydia May Fye. Born on 28 Jan 1857 in Mauch Chunk, Northampton, Pennsylvania. Lydia May died in Tacoma, Washington, on 16 Mar 1921; she
was 64.

There appears to be significant musical ability in the Fye line, particularly in the case of Lydia.  Her son Harry was a musician in the orchestra in
Tacoma, and a grand-daughter, Lula, is listed as a pianist in the 1930 census.

Research: 1880 Census - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, Visit 151 - ED 46

Oudejeans, John - 28 Carpenter Holl Holl Holl
Oudejeans, Lydia - 21 Penn Penn Penn
Oudejeans, John - 4 Ohio Holl Penn
Oudejeans, Elizabeth - 3 Ohio Holl Penn
Oudejeans, Mary - 1m Ohio Holl Penn

1900 Census - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Oudeans, John b. Jan 1852 a. 48 m. 25 years Holland Holland Holland im. 1870 in US 30 years Citizen Farmer
Oudeans, Lydia b. Nov 1858 a. 42 m. 25years 11 ch 9 living Penn Penn Penn
Oudeans, Mary b. May 1870 a. 30 Ohio Holland PA
Oudeans, George b. Sep 1882 a. 17 Ohio Holland PA
Oudeans, Arabella b. Jul 1888 a. 11 Wis Holland PA
Oudeans, Addie b. Sep 1892 a. 7 Wis Holland PA
Oudeans, Willie b. May 1895 a. 5 Wis Holland PA
Oudeans, Hilda b. May 1897 a. 3 Wis Holland PA
Oudeans, Baby b. May 1900 a. 1/12 Wis Holland PA

1910 Census - ED 110 Sheet 22B Visit 133 - Oconto Falls Twp. Wisconsin

Oudeans, John Sr. a58y m1 34y Holland Holland Holland
Oudeans, Lydia a 53y m1 34y Penn Penn Penn
Oudeans, WIlliam son a19y Wis Holl Penn
Oudeans, Hilda dau a12y Wis Holl Penn
Oudeans, Harry son a9y Wis Holl Penn

1920 Census - ED 307 Sheet 2B Visit 31 - Precinct 2 Tacoma Washington

Oudeans, John R. Head a68y m imm1875 Holland Holland Holland
Oudeans, Lydia wife a62y m Penn Penn Penn
Oudeans, George son a37 Ohio Holland Penn
Oudeans, William son a34 Wis Holland Penn
Oudeans, Harry son a19 Wis Holland Penn
Oudeans, Irma? granddaughter a12 Wis Holland Penn

1930 Census - ED 25 Visit 199 Tacoma City, Pierce, Washington

Oudeans, Annie head a65 Single Holland Holland Holland imm 1871
Oudeans, John brother a76 Holland Holland Holland

Research: From: Henk van Amersfoort 
Date: Mon Dec 9, 2002  11:41:48 PM US/Eastern
To: alanschafer@mac.com
Subject: Updenkelder/Fye/Oudean

Dear Alan,
You may remeber that we contact before. After a long while I have the
time again to do some research. I came across rootsweb and saw what you
have about the ancestors. I would like to make some remarks.
First about Lydia May Fye.She was born on 3 December 1857. I have a copy
of the marriagecertificate of Lydia and John, clearly stating that she
was 18 years old when she married. Further I have a picture of the
headstone of Lydia and John, indicating that she was norn in 1857 and
died in 1921. John was born in 1852 and died in 1941. I have his
About the Updenkelder's I can tell you the following. In 1847 Jan op den
Kelder, his wife Marie Haker and their four children, Jan (male)of 1831,
Antje (female) of 1837, Jantje (female) of 1839 and Roelof (male) of
1844 sailed to the USA together with Pieter Oudejans. He was not married
and stayed single. In in the same year 1847 Marie Haker died. Jan
remarried with a certain Lena (no surname). Jan died in 1885 and Lena in
1888. His son Willem died in 1850, probably unmarried. Now the puzzle
starts! I have booklet, written by Herman op den Kelder, containing the
genealogy of the Op den Kelder's, in which I find a marriage of  Roelof
op den Kelder, born 7 March 1841 in Nibbixwoud, died in 1919 in Blokker,
married to Trijntje Hoogland on 9 August 1874 in Nibbixwoud. A
translation of Trijntje Hoogland in English could be Katie Highlander.
Trijntje and Katie are shorts of Catherine. In the same booklet I find
Johannes M. op den Kelder. born 12 April 1803 in Nibbixwoud. married on
4 October 1835 to Marie Haker, widow of Klaas Bijl. They had at least
two children, Antje born on 9 September 1837 in Nibbixwoud and Roelof,
born 24 March 1844 in Nibbixwoud. I mentioned them before. What you have
on rootsweb and I have, I combined and I ended with the following
Rudolf op den Kelder married to Trijntje Hoogland (Katie Highlander).
They had the following children:
Ervin born around 1876
Annie, born around 1878, married to John Rambertus Oudeans
William, born around 1879
Gloss, born around 1880, married to Arabella Oudeans
I'm convinced that these children were born in the USA and not in the
Netherlands. Last year I did some research in our Dutch archives and
found nothing about the birth of Gloss. And Gloss is not a normal Dutch
Annie and John married in 1896. Annie died in 1899. They had two
children, Eva Lydia, born 1897 and John Leo, born 1899. John remarried
Minnie Alice Jolly. They had five children, Zelma May, born 1902, June
L., born 1905, Evelyn (?) born around 1908, Nadine E., born 1910 and
Charles Rodney, born 1914.
I have several copies of the genealogy of the Op den Kelder's. Of course
it is Dutch. If you're interested I can send you a copy. Did you know
that Op den Kelder's are orginally from Germany? Than they wrote their
name as Auf dem Keller.
I mailed a lot with Bob Updenkelder from AZ, but I knew more of his than
he did! He is a descendent of Ervin.
Let me know what you think off all this. Can you add something?
Greetings, Henk

On 25 Oct 1875 when Lydia May was 18, she married John Oudean5, in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Born on 28 Jan 1852 in Osterblocke, North Holland.
John died in 1941; he was 88.

John Oudean Sr.

John Oudean Sr., 89, died Tuesday at a local hospital.  He was a native of Holland and had lived in the United States 70 years and in Tacoma 23 years.
He made his home at 264 South 64th Street and was a former carpenter.  He leaves daughters, Mrs. Henry Wall, Mrs. John Andrews, Mrs. John
Scholl, and Mrs. Gloss Keller of Tacoma and Mrs. Harvey Quinn, Spanaway; sons, John Jr., William and George of Kelso and Henry of Tacoma; 26
grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren.  Funeral arrangements will be made by Piper.

Research: E-mail from Anna Olsen, descendant of Lydia Fye:

Alan and All
I have an Affidavit from John Oudeans.  It says:
I John Oudeans, of Tacoma, Washington, being first duly sworn, on my oath state:

I was born born at Osterblocke, North Holland, on January 28, and came to the
United States on the Steamer Nevada entering at the port of New York May -
1871 and married Lydia Fye Oct. 25, 1875.
That of said marriage eleven children were born, to-wit:

John Rambertus, born May 8, 1876, at Cleveland, Ohio.
Elizabeth, born Nov. 20, 1877, at Lakeville, Ohio.
Mary(Mammie) born May 30, 1880 at cleveland, Ohio.
George, born September 18, 1882 at Woodland Hills (Cleveland), Ohio.
Arabella, born September 18, 1884, at Cleveland, Ohio.
     Died in Cleveland in September, 1885.
Samuel, born Oct. 22, 1886, at Cleveland, Ohio, died at Blachleyville, Ohio
Arabella (second) born July 21, 1888, at Perryville, O.
Adeline, born September 3, 1892, at Oconto Falls, Wis.
William, born May 7, 1895,                 "           "       "
Hilda Oudeans, born May 1, 1898         "           "       "
Harry, born May 6, 1900                    "            "        "

                         Signed by John Oudeans

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of Feby., 1940.

                         Sign by W H S(?)ibbald
                         Notary Public for Washington,
                                      residing at Kelso.

They had the following children:
 142 i. John Rambertus (1876-1948)
 143 ii. Elizabeth (1877-1957)
 144 iii. Mary “Mamie” (1880-)
 145 iv. George (1882-1965)
 146 v. Arabella (1884-1885)
 147 vi. Samuel (1886-~1889)
 148 vii. Arabella (1888-1983)
 149 viii. Adeline (1892-)
 150 ix. William Albert (1895-)
 151 x. Lydia (1897-)
 152 xi. Hilda (1898-)
 153 xii. Harry L. (1900-)

30. Adaline Fye. Born on 15 Jun 1848 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Adaline died in Oconto County, Wisconsin, on 18 Dec 1934; she was 86. Buried
on 20 Dec 1934 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.

Mrs. Sam Kiner, one of Oconto Falls oldest women, passed away at her home on the West Side at two thirty o’clock on Tuesday afternoon.  Death was
due to a stroke, which followed eight years of ill health.  Mrs. Kiner was born on June 15th, 1848 at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, her maiden name being
Adeline Fye.  She was married to Mr. Kiner on March 18th, 1878, who survives her at Loudenville, Holmes Co., Ohio.  The Kiners came to Oconto
Falls in February 1898, and have resided her continuously.  A son, John, preceded his mother in death.  Besides her aged husband, Mrs. Kiner is
survived by a brother, Wm. Fye of Abrams.  Four sisters are deceased.  Funeral services were conducted this (Thurs.) afternoon at the M. E. church
the Rev. V. T. Nearhoof officiating.  Interment took place in Woodlawn Cemetery.  Before her marriage, Mrs. Kiner was a violinist of renown, playing
before a demanding public.  Later she and her husband were much in demand as entertainers at parties.  The bereaved companion and brother have
the sympathy of friends.

Mrs. Adeline Kiner
Female White Married Wife of Samuel Kiner
Residence: 1st Ward, Green Bay Avenue
Oconto Falls, Wisconsin
Occupation: Housewife
D.O.B. _________________
D.O.D. 18 December 1934 88 yrs 6 mos 3 days
Time of Death: 2:40 p.m.
Cause of Death: Senility, Cerebral hemorrhages
Birthplace: Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Father: Elie Fye Birthplace: Germany
Mother: Eliza Lair Birthplace: Germany
Informant: Sam Kiner, Oconto Falls, Wisconsin
Burial at Woodlawn Cemetery, Oconto Falls 20 December 1934 W.A. Flatley Funeral Home
Dr. Oshwaldt attended deceased from 18 March 1934 through 18 December 1934

Research: 1880 Census - Monroe, Richland, Ohio, Visit 298

Kiner, Samuel - 27 Works by the Day Ohio Penn Ohio
Kiner, Adaline - 28 Penn Penn Penn

1900 Census - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin - ED 145 Sheet 2A Line 38

Kiner, Samuel - b. Feb 1854 a. 46 m. 22yrs Ohio Penn Ohio Farmer
Kiner, Adaline - b. June 1852 a. 47 m 22yrs 1 ch 0 living Penn Penn Penn

1910 Census - ED 110 Sheet 10A Visit 231 - Oconto Falls Twp. Wisconsin

Kiner, Samuel a56y m1 33y Ohio Holl Ohio
Kiner, Adeline a57y m2 33y Penn Penn Penn

1920 Census - ED 175 Sheet 4B Visit 83 - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Kiner, Samuel a69y m Ohio Germ Ohio
Kiner, Adeline a70 m Penn Penn Penn

1930 Census - ED 42-29 Visit 51 Oconto Falls, Oconto, Wisconsin

Kiner, Sam head a77 mw29 Ohio Canada Canada
Kiner, Adeline wife a83 mw31 Penn NewY NewY
Fye, Ruth servant a44 Wisc Wisc Wisc

Research: Sam Kiner and his wife, Adeline Fye Kiner moved to the west side of Oconto Falls when he quit farming. He has been described to me as a
big, strong man. Sam is said to have donated the land for the building of Busy Nook School out on the Town Line Road that runs between the Township
of Oconto Falls and the Township of Stiles. Christopher Fuller and his wife Arabella Fye Fuller lived on a farm near Sam Kiner. Christopher and his
wife also moved to the west side of Oconto Falls in their later years.

On 18 Mar 1878 when Adaline was 29, she married Samuel B. Kiner, in Ashland, Ohio. Born on 2 Feb 1852 in Mansfield, Richland, Ohio. Samuel B.
died aft 1939; he was 86.

Research: Oconto Falls
September 25, 1939
Members of Older Generation Still active at Oconto Falls.††

S.B. Kiner, 87 years old, is another old resident of Oconto Falls, having lived here 47 years.† He was the oldest man attending the Progressive picnic
held at Gillett three years ago when representatives from Brown, Door, Calumet, Kewaunee, Forest, Florence, Lincoln, Langlade, Manitowoc,
Marinette, Oconto, Oneida, Outagamie, Shawano and Winnebago counties were at the picnic.†† Mr. Kiner was born at Mansfield City, Ohio, February
2, 1852, and came to Oconto County where he has resided since.† He farmed until 12 years ago when he retired and came to line in the city of Oconto
Falls.† Mr. Kiner lives in his own home and is enjoying good health.†

They had one child:
 154 i. John

31. Arabella Fye.6 Born on 1 Jan 1856 in Upper Nazareth, Northampton, Pennsylvania. Arabella died in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, on 10 Nov 1928; she
was 72. Buried on 12 Nov 1928 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.

Research: Family Bulletin Board Posting by Dawn

I have a very old picture of Christopher Fuller and his wife Arabella. My grandmother told me these people were her gramma and grandpa. there are
also two little girls in the picture,her mother Matilda Fuller Milheiser Coopman.  She lived to be very old and outlived each of these men. I believe
she had one more husband. I save every little scrap of paper concerning geneology so my records are really crazy. I bought the computer to try to
organize everything

Also in this same picture is Elizabeth, Matilda's sister. Matilda is my greatgrandmother and Elizabeth is my great aunt.

Christopher Fuller was born 19 Dec 1855 in Armstrong' Penn.He married Arabella Fye, born Jan 1856 in Northhampton,Penn. They were married 31
Mar. 1874 in Cuyahoga, Ohio. Christophers father was Henry Fuller and his mother was Mary Ann Rose. Arabella's father was Elias Fye and her
mother was Elizabeth Laer or Lair.

I have a tin type portrait of Kris or Christopher Fuller and the group picture of Kris and Arabella and the two youngest children, Matilda and Elizabeth.

There were three other children. In order of birth with dates and birthplaces:

1. Samual b.Jan 1885 in Ohio He was a mill employee in 1900 census. It would take me some time to reverify this but I'm pretty sure the mill was in
Oconto County.

2. Harry b.July1890 in Wis

3. Arnold b. July 1892 in Wis

4. Matilda b. Aug 1894 in Wis

5. Elizabeth b. Aug 1897 in Wis

Some of this information came from my grandmother and a lot of it came from the LDS Family Research Library. I have copies of some of the census
sheets that provided my information. A small amount came from research from LDS Temple Records. The missionaries who volunteer at the library
are about the kindest most helpful people around. I'm not Mormon but without the help of these wonderful people I would have very little information.

I also have a census copy of the Rose family from Cuyahoga?I would have to look it up to tell you for sure. I found them accidently when I was looking
for Christopher. At the time of this particular census he was living either with them or in the next dwelling.

I also have information on the Milheiser branch. Matilda Fuller married Louis Milheiser. My grandmother is Fredericka Milheiser their daughter.

Also the Slaughter branch, not very much here.Just a note from my grandmother that reads,"Elizabeth Slaughter was my mothers aunt and Christ (we
spelled it Kris) Fuller my grandfather was her brother. They are the only two I know on Christ Fuller my grandfathers side" This is a direct quote from
a letter teling me who all the people were in the pictures I received from my mother.I have pictures of Elizabeth and Orin Slaughter. Most of the
pictures came from Elizabeth Slaughters album. She was very close to my grandmother and when she died she left the album to her.  My grandmother
was getting older and the album had been promised to me. I always loved the pictures from when I was a little girl. My Grandma gave it to my mom and
my mom gave it to me. I'm not sure how to go about sharing the pictures with you if this is indeed your branch but I would love to.

Research: Dear Kathy,

I appologize. The list of children I gave you were from a census sheet. I sent the census sheet to my grandmother for verification and clarification. Her
handwriting is terrible but her information is great. She has notes all over the letter she sent me and it's really confusing. On one side down in the
corner she wrote,"Christ Fuller and Arabella Fyes kids were:

Bill Fuller or William



Young Christ


Matilda (my mother)

Elizabeth married to August Pagel

Adeline married to Onnie (hard to read, Dawn) Colleir


The younger children are found in Oconto County. William was Christophers first born child and we are related!

I also have a list of Henry Fuller and Mary Ann Rose's children from the 1860 census.

Sorry for the confusion. Let me know if you can make sense of all this.


P.S. You may E-mail me at dbigelowingram@yahoo.com

Research: From a Family Bulletin Board Posting by Ora Kasten

My great grandparents were Christopher Henry Fuller and Arabella Fye. My Aunt provided me with the information that their children were: William
Henry Fuller, Samuel Franklin Fuller, Adeline Fuller Collier , John Fuller, Christopher Fuller, Mary Ann Fuller, George Harrison (Harry) Fuller (my
Grandfather), Orin Arnold Fuller, Margaret Elizabeth Fuller Pagel , Matilda Mae Fuller MilheiserCoopman . She did not provide me with any dates or
other data, but I know that my father lived east of Oconto Falls, Oconto County. Christopher Henry Fuller's parents were Henry Fuller and Mary Ann
Rose Fuller.

On 31 Mar 1874 when Arabella was 18, she married Christopher Fuller, son of Henry Fuller (1824-) & Mary Ann Rose (1827-), in Cuyahoga County,
Ohio. Born on 19 Dec 1855 in Leachbaugh, Armstrong, Allegheny, Pennsylvania. Christopher died in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, on 4 Oct 1930; he was
74. Buried on 6 Oct 1930 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.

Dear Alan,7

Thanks for correcting that. I haven't really got back to imputting the Fye's I'm still working on it. Boy you really found alot of your relatives. And
they're all over huh? Just like mine although mine are mainly in the US. I'm kind of going to wait on working on the genealogy until after Christmas at
least until I feel like I have something accomplished I am working on trying to get my Christmas cards sent to Washington.I think as soon as I get
them off I will feel better and go back to using my time on the family stuff. And yes you were thinking right I am from Tacoma, Wa. Just to let you know
how it went from what I have Christopher and Arabella went to Ohio and there first son William Henry Fuller (my ggreatgrandfather)he was born in
Cleveland, Oh. But he moved to Oconto Falls, Wisconsin. He had my grandfather Owen Fuller. They then moved to Montana because they worked for
the railroads. Then they moved to Raineer,Wa. where Owen met my grama Irene and got married my dad Jerry Fuller was born in Raineer, Wa.
William also lived in Wa. but at least one son of his Charles Kellog Fuller still lived in Montana because when William passed away he was shipped to
Montana to be buried. Owen never made it back to Montana but apparently he wanted to. He died in Tacoma, Wa. in Jan. 16, 1963. I was born in
Tacoma, Wa. on Jan. 31, 1963 so I never got to know him. And he was the last Fuller that was connected to the other Fullers in Wis. That knew family
anyway. My Grama remarried and the only Fullers I grew up with were my dad Jerry Fuller and his sister Nola Fuller. So needless to say it was very
difficult to find out my information. But I did find a connection. Just so you kind of got and idea where the Fullers traveled. I still haven't gotten any
further than 1819 in Pa. for Henry Fuller very curious on who his parents were. Well I hope this helps someone. I will email more later when I have
time but keep sending the messages and if I can help I will. Take Care, Kathy Burdge P.S I just remembered something else I have been meaning to
tell you on your list for William Henry Fuller who married Minnie her middle name is Jennie not Jean Collier.

Research: 1880 Census - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, Visit 19

Fuller, Christopher - 25 Laborer Penn Penn Penn
Fuller, Arabella - 23 Penn Penn Penn
Fuller, William - 5 Ohio Penn Penn
Fuller, John - 3 Ohio Penn Penn
Fuller, Adaline - 1 Ohio Penn Penn

1900 Census - Oconto Falls, WI - ED 142 Sheet 7 Line 59

Fuller, Christopher b. Dec 1855 a. 44 m. 26yrs Penn Penn Penn Farmer
Fuller, Arabella b. Jan 1856 a. 44 10 ch 8 living Penn Penn Penn
Fuller, Samuel b. Jan 1885 a. 15 Ohio Penn Penn
Fuller, Harry b. Jul 1890 a. 10 Wis Penn Penn
Fuller, Matilda b. Aug 1894 a. 6 Wis Penn Penn
Fuller, Elisabeth b. Aug 1897 a. 3 Wis Penn Penn

1910 Census - ED 110 Sheet 19B Visit 74 - Oconto Falls Twp. Wisconsin

Fuller, Christ a52y m1 36y Penn Penn Penn
Fuller, Arabella a54y m1 36y 10ch 8liv Penn Penn Penn
Fuller, Arnold son a18y Wis Penn Penn
Fuller, Tillie? dau a16y Wis Penn Penn
Fuller, Elizabeth dau a12y Wis Penn Penn

They had the following children:
 155 i. William Henry (1874-1954)
 156 ii. John (1877-1955)
 157 iii. Adaline (1878-1962)
 158 iv. Samuel Franklin (1886-1971)
 159 v. George Harrison (1889-1961)
 160 vi. Orin Arnold (1891-1961)
 161 vii. Matilda Mae (1893-)
 162 viii. Margaret Elizabeth (1897-1958)
 163 ix. Christopher Henry
 164 x. Mary Ann

32. George W. Fye. Born on 3 Mar 1862 in Clarksville, Mercer, Pennsylvania. George W. died in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, on 19 Apr 1926; he was 64.
Buried on 22 Apr 1926 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Oconto, Wisconsin. Occupation: Jeweler and Musician.

Research: 1900 Census - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin - ED 142 Page 8A Line 44

Fye, George Boarder b. Dec 1863 a. 36 Penn Penn Penn

1910 Census - ED 110 Sheet 10B Visit 213 - Oconto Falls Village, Wisconsin

Fye, George head a48y m1 8y Penn Penn Penn Watchmaker
Fye, Rosa wife a27y m1 8y 0ch 0liv Wis France France

1920 Census - ED 175 Sheet 3A Visit 49 - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Fye, George head a57y m Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Rosa wife a36y m Wis Belgium Belgium

On 23 Aug 1900 when George W. was 38, he married Rosa Evretts, daughter of Joseph Evretts & Rosa Lawrence, in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.2 Born
in 1883 in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.

33. Sarah Ann Schoeneberger. Born on 3 Apr 1842 in Northampton, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1860 Census - Moore, Northampton, Pennsylvania, Visit 517

Schoenaberger, Sarah - 18 Servant Penn

34. Maria “Polly” Schoeneberger. Born on 22 Sep 1843 in Northampton, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1860 Census - Moore, Northampton, Pennsylvania, Visit 576

Shoenaberger, Polly - 16 Servant Penn

Maria “Polly” married Joseph Bray.

Research: 1920 Census - ED 154 Ben Argyle Borough, Northampton, Pennsylvania

Bray, Joseph boarder a65 wid England England England

35. Harrison William Schoeneberger. Born on 20 Aug 1845 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Harrison William died in West Catasaqua, Lehigh,
Pennsylvania, on 23 Mar 1921; he was 75. Buried on 26 Mar 1921 in Fairview Cemetery, West Catasauqua, Lehigh, Pennsylvania.

Research: Hi Alan,

Here is Harrison and Rufina nee Bender Schoeneberger line:

Harrison William Schoeneberger b. 8/20/1845 in Bath, PA †d. 3/23/1921 in West Catsauqua, Lehigh Co. PA married 6/14/1868 Rufina Bender b.
6/20/1850 in Bath, PA d. 6/5/1943 in West Catasauqua, PA they had the following children:

1) ††Sylvester Palmer Schoeneberger b. 6/2/1869 in Bath, PA d. 1954 married Emma B. Seyfried b. 3/28/1876 d. 6/19/1920 in West Catasauqua, PA
†they had the following :

Elizabeth "Lizzie " Schoeneberger she married †? Barry (first name unknown) it is said she got involved with a group and disappeared in New York
none of the siblings apparently know what ever happened to her.

Thomas M. A. Schoeneberger b. 5/6/1893 West Catasauqua, PA d. 9/11/1932 he married Amelia Kleckner

Edward Schoeneberger b. 6/17/1894 West Catasauqua, PA d. 1956 he married Catharine Keller

Lillian Mae Schoeneberger b. 9/26/1895 Wrest Catasauqua, PA d. 11/21/1988 Nazareth, PA she married Henry Hillegass

Herbert Schoeneberger b. 5/10/1898 West Catasauqua, PA d. 10/2/1935 West Catasauqua, PA he married Bertha Krause †

2) †Henry F. Schoeneberger b. 3/12/1871 d. 1/22/1911/married Elizabeth Seyfried ( Elizabeth and Emma are sisters)

3) †Minnie Schoeneberger b. 9/1874 married James Dougherty

4) †Charles J. Schoeneberger b. 2/26/1883 d. 8/1966 married Emma Snyder

5) †Thomas Daniel Schoeneberger b. 7/20/1885 d. 1968 Married Florence Loper

6) †Mabel Schoeneberger b. 6/17/1889 married William Charles Balliet

This is all that I have on this line.


Research: 1860 Census - Upper Nazareth, Northampton, Pennsylvania, Visit 781

Schoeneberger, Harrison - 14 Penn

On 13 Jun 1868 when Harrison William was 22, he married Rufina Bender, in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Born on 20 Jun 1850 in Bath, Pennsylvania.
Rufina died in West Catasqugua, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, on 5 Jun 1943; she was 92. Buried on 8 Jun 1943 in Fairview Cemetery, West Catasauqua,
Lehigh, Pennsylvania.

36. George W. Schoeneberger. Born in 1847 in Northampton, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1880 Census - Allen, Northampton, Pennsylvania, Visit 440

Shoenerberger, George - 34 InnKeeper Penn Penn Penn
Shoenerberger, Lehma - 32 Penn Penn Penn
Shoenerberger, Morris - 5 Penn Penn Penn
Shoenerberger, Charles - 3 Penn Penn Penn

George W. married Lehma. Born in 1858 in Northampton, Pennsylvania.

They had the following children:
 165 i. Morris (1875-)
 166 ii. Charles (1877-)

37. Susan Schoeneberger. Born on 19 Jun 1850 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Susan died in Northampton, Pennsylvania, on 3 Jul 1905; she was 55.
Buried on 5 Jul 1905 in Green Mount Cemetery, Bath, Northampton, Pennsylvania.

On 7 Nov 1868 when Susan was 18, she married Lovene Bender, in Bath, Northampton, Pennsylvania. Born on 16 Sep 1847. Lovene died in West
Catasaqua, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, on 22 Jul 1927; he was 79.

Research: 1870 Census - Pennsylvania, Northampton, Bath, Visit 68

Bender, Levin - a22 Penn
Bender, Susannah - a19 Penn

They had one child:
 167 i. Ada (1883-)

38. Stephen Augustus Schoeneberger. Born in 1852 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Stephen Augustus died in Bath, Pennsylvania, on 19 Apr 1891; he
was 39. Buried on 22 Apr 1891 in Bath, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1880 Census - East Allen, Northampton, Pennsylvania, Visit 52

Schoenerberger, S. A. - 27 Laborer Sick Penn Penn Penn
Schoenerberger, Amelia - 27 Penn Penn Penn
Schoenerberger, Dasier S - F 4 Penn Penn Penn
Schoenerberger, Sarah A - F 3 Penn Penn Penn

Stephen Augustus married Amelia Grube. Born in 1852 in Pennsylvania.

They had the following children:
 168 i. Daisy S (1875-1913)
 169 ii. Sarah A (1877-)

39. James Schoeneberger. Born in Aug 1856 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. James died in Almshouse, Northampton, Pennsylvania, on 20 Feb 1919;
he was 62.

Research: 1880 Census - Upper Nazareth, Northampton, Pennsylvania, Visit 65

Schoenenberger, James - 25 Laborer Penn Penn Penn
Schoenenberger, Amanda - 23 Penn Penn Penn
Schoenenberger, Cora - 3 Penn Penn Penn

James married Amanda Bishop. Born in May 1854 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Amanda died in 1907; she was 52.

They had the following children:
 170 i. Cora S (1877-1935)
 171 ii. Katie M (1880-)
 172 iii. Emma B (1884-)

40. Rebecca Schoeneberger. Born in 1857 in Northampton, Pennsylvania.

Rebecca married Fritz.

41. Amanda Schoeneberger. Born in 1861 in Northampton, Pennsylvania.

42. Amanda Fye.

43. August Fye.

44. Samuel H. Fye. Born on 20 Oct 1850 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Samuel H. died in Lehigh, Pennsylvania, on 12 Nov 1924; he was 74. Buried
on 14 Nov 1924 in UCC Cemetery, Egypt, Lehigh, Pennsylvania.

Easton Express - 13 November 1923, Page 5

Samuel H. Fye - after an illness with a complication of diseases, Samuel H. Fye, a well known resident of Coplay, died yesterday morning at 10:30
o’clock at his home, at that place, aged 74 years and 22 days.  He was born at Bath, a son of Joseph and Lydia Fye.  In his early life he worked in the
state quarries of this section but later was railroading.  He retired some years ago.  he is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Charles Reppert of
Coplay; Mrs. Clyde Fried, of Nazareth, and Mrs. Eli Miller, of Allentown, and one son Warren of this city.  One sister, Hannah Fye, of Complay,
eighteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren also survive.

Research: 1880 Census - North Whitehall, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, Visit 221

Fye, Samuel - 31 Laborer Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Leanna - 27 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Cerney S - 5 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Maggie S - 4 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Persey D - 2 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Darley H - 10m Penn Penn Penn

1910 Census - North Whitehall, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, ED 185 Visit 147

Fye, Samuel - 62 m1 20 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Lena - 52 m1 20 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Warren - 19 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Ada - granddaughter - 10 Penn Penn Penn

Samuel H. married Lena Keiser. Born in 1852 in Pennsylvania.

They had the following children:
 173 i. Cerney (1875-)
 174 ii. Maggie S (1876-)
 175 iii. Pursey D (1878-)
 176 iv. Darley H (1879-)

45. Ellnora Fye.

46. Mary Ann Fye.

47. Hannah Fye. Born abt 1856 in Northampton, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1920 Census - Whitehall, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, ED 252 Visit 324

Fye, Hannah H - single 64 Penn Penn Penn

48. William H. Fye. Born abt 1851.

Possible Obit

Easton Express, 14 May 1918, page 4.

William H. Fye, of Bethlehem, died last evening at St. Luke’s Hospital, aged 65 years.  He was born near Bath, this county.  His wife also survives
with one son, Edward.

Research: 1910 Pennsylvania Miracode Index

William H Fye
†  Age:  58  State:  PA
†  Color:  W  Enumeration District:  0062
†  Birth Place:  Pennsylvania  Visit:  0039
†  County:  Northampton, Bethlehem
†  Relation:  Head of Household
†  Other Residents:
Relation Name Age Birth Place
Wife Mary 54 Pennsylvania
Grandchild William S 09 Pennsylvania
1 non-relative

49. Thomas Fye. Born abt 1853.

Research: 1880 Census - Allen, Northampton, Pennsylvania, Visit 512

Fey, Thomas - 26 works in car shop Penn Penn Penn
Fey, Mary - 22 Penn Penn Penn

50. George W. Fye. Born abt 1855.

George W. married Emma.

They had the following children:
 177 i. Calvin (~1878-<1920)
 178 ii. Herbert R. (~1882-)
 179 iii. Florence (~1884-)

Fifth Generation

51. Frances “Fannie” Fye. Born in Dec 1879.

Frances “Fannie” married Huston.

52. Thomas Fye. Born in May 1882.

53. Viola Fye. Born in Aug 1884.

54. Reuben Fye. Born in Sep 1886. Reuben died in Mercer, Pennsylvania, on 20 Feb 1950; he was 63. Buried on 23 Feb 1950 in Glenwood Cemetery,
Mercer, Pennsylvania.

On 10 Aug 1915 when Reuben was 28, he married Ethel Mae Clark, in Mercer, Pennsylvania. Born on 6 Jun 1898 in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania. Ethel
Mae died in Mercer, Pennsylvania, on 5 Feb 1953; she was 54. Buried on 8 Feb 1953 in Glenwood Cemetery, Mercer, Pennsylvania.

Sharon Herald Feb 6 1953

Mrs Ethel Mae Fye, 141 West Ridge Ave. Sharpsville, a life long resident of that town, died at 11:55 last night in Sharon General Hospital. She was 54
Mrs Fye was a daughter of Elmer E. and Louiza Seeley Clark and was born June 6, 1898 in Sharpsville. She was member of First Methodist Church in
that town. Her husband, Reuben Fye, died on Feb. 20, 1950.
Surviving are two daughters. Mrs Charles Bell, Transfer, and Mrs Gerald Stamm, Fredonia; two sons George R, R. D. 1 Sharpsville, and Robert A., at
home; seven granddaughters and three sisters. Mrs George Masters, Detroit; Mrs David Cusick, Clarksville; and Mrs Eva Emerick, Mercer;

They had the following children:
  i. Robert A. (1930-1985)
  ii. George R.
  iii. Louella
  iv. Alice

55. George F. Fye. Born on 21 May 1889 in Hoytdale, Lawrence, Pennsylvania. George F. died in Lawrence, Pennsylvania, on 3 Oct 1959; he was 70.
Buried on 6 Oct 1959 in Clinton Cemetery, Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

New Castle News - 3 October 1959

George F. Fye Dies In Ellport Home

George F. Fye, 70, Connoquenessing Ave., Ellport, died at 8:30 a.m. today in his home following a one-year illness.  Born in Hoytdale, May 21, 1889,
he was the son of the late Rhuben and Anna Bartrim Fye.  He resided in this area throughout his lifetime.
Prior to his retirement in 1954, he worked as a painter for area contractors.  He was a local Moose Lodge member for 40 years.
Anna Kirchner Fye, his wife, survives him in addition to a sister, Mrs. Fannie Huston, Vanport, Pa., and two brothers, Charles of Ellwood City and
Howard D. Fye of Frisco.
Last rites in a local funeral home are on Monday at 2 p.m. with Rev. Robert J. Magee, pastor of the Free Methodist Church in charge.  Interment will
follow in Clinton Cemetery, Hoytdale.

Research: 1910 Census - Ellwood City, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, ED 77 Visit 531

Fye, George - 31 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Callie - 20 Penn Penn Penn

George F. married Anna Kirchner. Born on 8 Oct 1895 in Rochester, Beaver, Pennsylvania. Anna died in Lawrence, Pennsylvania, on 27 May 1978;
she was 82. Buried on 30 May 1978 in Clinton Cemetery, Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

New Castle News  27 May 1978

ELLWOOD CITY Mrs. Anna F. Kirchner Fye, 82, of Connoquenessing Blvd., Ellport, died at 1:50 a.m. May 27, 1978 in St. Francis Hospital in New
Castle after a two week illness.  She was born in Rochester Pa. on Oct 8, 1895 to the late Charles A. and Emma Ralston Kirchner.  her husband
George F. Fye died in 1959.
Her only survivor is a siter Mrs. Alice Dates of Gary, Ind.
Whe was preceded in death by a brother Charles C. Kirchener and two sisters Mrs. Fannie Huston and Mrs. Katherine Shaffer.
Friends will be received at the Turner Funeral Home, 500 Sixth St., from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday.  The service will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the
funeral home conducted by the Rev. Frank M. Kroll of Part Gate Baptist Church.  Burial will be in Clinton Cemetery near Wampum.

56. Charles E. Fye. Born on 21 Apr 1892 in Hoytdale, Lawrence, Pennsylvania. Charles E. died in Lawrence, Pennsylvania, on 4 Sep 1982; he was 90.
Buried on 7 Sep 1982 in Sylvania Hills Memorial Park, Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

New Castle News - 4 September 1982

NEW BRIGHTON, Pa. - Charles E. Fye, 90, of 700 Penn Avel, a former resident of Ellwood City, died at 8 a.m. Sept. 4, 1982 in Hastings Rest Home.
He was born in Hoytdale Pa., April 21, 1892 to Ruben and Anna Bartrum Fye.  He was married to the former Lottie M. Gallaugher who preceded him
in death July 13, 1982.
Prior to his retirement he was employed in the assembly department of the former Mathews Conveyer Co. of Ellwood City.  He was the oldest
member of BPOE 1356 and a life member of the Loyal Order of the Moose 93.  Mr. Fye is survived by several nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by four brothers, George S., Ruben Jr., Thomas and Howard “Peg;” and three sisters, Viola, Mrs. Fannie Huston, and
Friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday at the Turner Funeral Home of 500 Sixth St., Ellwood City.  Services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday
at the funeral home with the Rev. Frank M. Kroll, pastor emeritus of Park Gate Baptist Church officiating.  Interment will be in Sylvania Hills
Memorial Park.

Charles E. married Lottie M. Gallaugher, daughter of Daniel B. Gallaugher & Melissa A. Richardson. Born on 16 Dec 1899 in Butler, Pennsylvania.
Lottie M. died in Ellwood City, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, on 13 Jul 1983; she was 83. Buried on 15 Jul 1983 in Sylvania Hills Memorial Park,
Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

New Castle News - 14 July 1982

ELLWOOD CITY - Mrs. Lottie M. Gallaugher Fye, 82, of 700 Penn Ave., New Brighton, formerly of Ellwood City, died at 12:24 p.m. July 13, 1982, in
Ellwood City Hospital.  She was born Dec. 16, 1899, in Butler County to Daniel B. and Melissa A. Richardson Gallaugher.  She is survived by her
husband, Charles E. Fye.
Mrs. Fye was a stamping maching ooperator for the former Mathews Conveyor Co. and also worked for many years at Solomon’s Dry Cleaning Co.
She was a member of the Orange Ladies Lodge, Moose Auxiliary No. 93 and the Academy of Friendship.  She was also active in ladies bowling circles.
Also surviving is a sister, Mrs. Lillian Ross of Alexandria Va.
She was preceded in death by two sisters, Mrs. Helen Hardy and Mrs. Bessie Noel; and three brothers, Frank G. Edward K., and Carl D. Gallaugher.
Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today in Turner Funeral Home, Inc. 500 Sixth St.  A service will be conducted at 11 a.m. tomorrow in the funeral
home by the Rev. Donald C. Main, pastoer of Lillyville Church of God.  Interment will be in Sylvania Hills Memorial Park, Daughtery Township.

57. Howard D. Fye. Born in Apr 1894.

Research: 1920 Census - Ellwood City, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, ED 77 Visit 143

Fye, Howard - 25 Penn Penn Penn Barber
Fye, Matilda - 25 Penn Penn Penn

Howard D. married Matilda.

They had one child:
  i. Howard William (1930-1943)

58. Emaline Comstock.8

Apparently, Ermetine Fye was mentally handicapped as the will of Mary Fye requires that Ermetine be cared for.  Additional documentation with the
will indicates that Ermetine was committed to the mental hospital in Toledo, Ohio.

59. Charles Fye. Born in 1869 in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania. Charles died in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania, in 1912; he was 43. Buried in 1912 in Riverside
Cemetery, Mercer, Pennsylvania.

On 10 May 1894 when Charles was 25, he married Kate Brennan, in Mercer, Pennsylvania.

60. Harry E. Fye. Born in 1879 in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania. Harry E. died in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania, in 1917; he was 38. Buried in 1917 in
Riverside Cemetery, Mercer, Pennsylvania.

61. Isabel Fye. Born in 1883 in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania. Isabel died in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania, in 1935; she was 52. Buried in 1935 in Riverside
Cemetery, Mercer, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1920 Census - Hickory, Mercer, Pennsylvania, ED 88 Visit 180

Fye, Fred - 20 Penn Penn Penn Operator Auto Truck
Fye, Mary - 40 Aunt Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Sam - 24 Brother Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Belle - 34 Aunt Penn Penn Penn

62. Mary E. Fye. Born in 1877 in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania. Mary E. died in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania, in 1953; she was 76. Buried in 1953 in
Riverside Cemetery, Mercer, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1920 Census - Hickory, Mercer, Pennsylvania, ED 88 Visit 180

Fye, Fred - 20 Penn Penn Penn Operator Auto Truck
Fye, Mary - 40 Aunt Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Sam - 24 Brother Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Belle - 34 Aunt Penn Penn Penn

63. Ruby Fye.

64. Frederick Fye. Born in 1899 in Mercer, Pennsylvania. Frederick died in Mercer, Pennsylvania, in 1945; he was 46. Buried in 1945 in Riverside
Cemetery, Mercer, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1920 Census - Hickory, Mercer, Pennsylvania, ED 88 Visit 180

Fye, Fred - 20 Penn Penn Penn Operator Auto Truck
Fye, Mary - 40 Aunt Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Sam - 24 Brother Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Belle - 34 Aunt Penn Penn Penn

65. Julia A. Fye. Born in 1873 in Mercer, Pennsylvania. Julia A. died in Mercer, Pennsylvania, in 1951; she was 78. Buried in 1951 in Mercer,

On 17 May 1894 when Julia A. was 21, she married Edward Ague, in Mercer, Pennsylvania. Born in 1874. Edward died in Mercer, Pennsylvania, in
1947; he was 73. Buried in 1947 in Mercer, Pennsylvania.

66. Alice Seaburn.

67. Richard Seaburn.

68. Mandy Seaburn.

69. Lois Seaburn.

70. Mary Seaburn. Born abt 1857 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

71. Matilda Seaburn. Born abt 1858 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

72. Minnie Seaburn. Born in 1862 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

73. Louisa Seaburn. Born in 1865 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

74. Julia A. Seaburn. Born in 1869 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

Possibly Julia Bartle?? on the 1910 Census by her parents William and Sarah.

75. Benjamin F. Seaburn. Born in 1871 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1910 Census - Hazel Dell Borough, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, Visit 145

Seaburn, Benjamin F - 39 m2 12 Penn Penn Penn
Seaburn, Bertha - 30 m2 12 Penn Penn Penn
Seaburn, Florence - 11 Penn Penn Penn

Benjamin F. married Bertha. Born in 1880 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

They had one child:
  i. Florence (1899-)

76. David A. Seaburn. Born in 1873 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1910 Census - Hazel Dell Borough, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, Visit 141

Seaburn, David - 37 m1 15 Penn Penn Penn
Seaburn, Florence - 34 m1 15 6ch 4liv Ohio Ohio Ohio
Seaburn, Ethel - 10 Ohio Penn Ohio
Seaburn, John - 9 Ohio Penn Ohio
Seaburn, Alice - 5 Ohio Penn Ohio
Seaburn, Clyde - 2 Ohio Penn Ohio

David A. married Florence. Born in 1876 in Ohio.

They had the following children:
  i. Ethel (1900-)
  ii. John (1901-)
  iii. Alice (1905-)
  iv. Clyde (1908-)

77. Nettie M. Seaburn. Born in 1877 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

78. William T. Seaburn. Born in 1879 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

Research: Possibly this census record is not this William.

1910 Census - Wampum Borough, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, Visit 102

Seaburn, William T - 29 m1 8 Penn Penn Penn
Seaburn, Matilda J - 25 m1 8 4ch 2liv Penn Scot Wales
Seaburn, Edna M - 4 Penn Penn Penn
Seaburn, William R - 1 11m Penn Penn Penn
Seaburn, Aaron R - Father - 54 m1 Penn Penn Penn

79. Jane Seaburn.

80. Lizzie Seaburn.

81. Tillie Seaburn.

82. George Seaburn.

83. Reuben Frank Fye. Born on 6 Sep 1868 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania. Reuben Frank died in Lawrence, Pennsylvania, on 17 Aug 1895; he was 26.
Buried on 20 Aug 1895 in Clinton Cemetery, Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

On 8 Nov 1894 when Reuben Frank was 26, he married Jennie Brown.

84. Samuel F. Fye. Born on 9 Apr 1870 in Clinton, Lawrence, Pennsylvania. Samuel F. died in Wampum, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, on 22 Oct 1918; he
was 48. Buried on 25 Oct 1918 in Clinton Cemetery, Wampum, Pennsylvania.

New Castle News - 23 October 1918

Samuel Fye, one of the best known citizens of the community, died last night at 8 o’clock of the disease.  He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Andrew
Brophy, his wife, and the following children:  Mrs. Lila Aiken and Willis Fye of New Castle; Thomas, Vera and Ethel, at home.  Two brothers, Willis
and Jack Fye, and four sisters, Mrs. William McDaniel of Coverdale; Mrs. Fred Veon of East Palestine; Mrs. George Veon of Wampum, and Mrs.
Maude Guildoo of Smith’s Ferry, also survive.  Funeral arrangements have not been completed.

Research: 1900 Census - Big Beaver Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania - ED 93 Sheet 3

Fye, Samuel b. Apr 1870 a. 30 Penn Penn Penn Coal Miner
Fye, Emma b. May 1871 a. 29 2 ch 2 living Penn Germany Penn
Fye, Willis b. May 1893 a. 7 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Lila b. Oct 1895 a. 4 Penn Penn Penn

1910 Census - Wampum Borough, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, Visit 38

Fye, Samuel F - 40 m1 18 Penn Penn Penn Labore Tile
Fye, Emma C - 38 4ch 4liv Penn Penn Penn Lauderer Home
Fye, Willis H - 17 Penn Penn Penn Salesman Clothing Store
Fye, Lila M - 14 Penn Penn Penn Winder Saw Mill
Fye, Thomas F - 9 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Vera A - 3 Penn Penn Penn

On 18 Jan 1892 when Samuel F. was 21, he married Emma “Emmaline” Clara Sigler, daughter of Leonard Sigler & Mary Jane Glenn, in New Castle,
Lawrence, Pennsylvania. Born on 16 May 1871 in Clinton, Lawrence, Pennsylvania. Emma “Emmaline” Clara died in New Castle, Lawrence,
Pennsylvania, on 12 Nov 1959; she was 88. Buried on 15 Nov 1959 in Clinton Cemetery, Wampum, Pennsylvania.

New Castle News - 13 November 1959

Mrs. Emma Fye, 88, Neshanoock Ave. Ext., died in the Jameson Memorial Hospital at 3:45 p.m. Thursday after a short illness.  Born in Clinton, Pa.,
May 16, 1871, she was a daughter of the late Leonard and Mary Sigler.  Her husband, Samuel Fye, died in October 1918.  Mrs. Fye was formerly
employed at the Dutch Inn on East. St.
Surviving are the children: Mrs. Theodore (Vera) Kennedy, Mrs. (Ethel) Buchanan, San Bernardino, Calif.; Mrs. Thomas (Lila) Aiken, Glassport, Pa.;
WIllis Fye, New Castle; one sister, Mrs. Lila Walker Bowker, Salem, O.; one brother, Jesse Sigler, Youngstown; nine grandchildren; 12
A son, Thomas Fye, and daughter, Clara Fye; four sisters and four brothers, preceded her in death.
Friends will be received at the Robert A. Myers Home For Funerals, 208 N. Jefferson St., today from 7-9 p.m. and tomorrow from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.
Services will be held in the funeral home Sunday at 2 p.m. with Rev. Harold M. Rambo in charge.  Interment will be in Clinton Cemetery.

They had the following children:
  i. Willis Henry (1892-1987)
  ii. Lila May (1895-1987)
  iii. Thomas F. (1900-1922)
  iv. Vera Alice (1906-)
  v. Clara Alice (1910-1911)
  vi. Ethel May (1913-1998)

85. Mary J. Fye. Born on 8 May 1872. Mary J. died in 1950; she was 77. Buried in 1950 in Clinton Cemetery, Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1910 Census - Big Beaver, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, Visit 53

Veon, Fred - 34 m1 7 Penn Penn Penn
Veon, Mary - 37 m1 7 1ch 1liv Penn Penn Penn
Veon, John - 5 Penn Penn Penn

On 13 Oct 1902 when Mary J. was 30, she married Fred Veon. Born in 1875 in Pennsylvania.

They had one child:
  i. John (1906-1911)

86. Sarah A. Fye. Born on 31 Jul 1874 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania. Sarah A. died on 27 Feb 1968; she was 93.

Research: 1910 Census - Big Beaver, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, Visit 55

McDaniel, William J - 38 m1 17 Penn US US
McDaniel, Sadie - 35 m1 17 5ch 4liv Penn Penn Ohio
McDaniel, Howard - 17 Penn Penn Penn
McDaniel, Mamie - 15 Penn Penn Penn
McDaniel, Thelma - 11 Penn Penn Penn
McDaniel, Sevilla - 8 Penn Penn Penn

1920 Census - Wampum Borough, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, Visit 116

McDaniel, Sarah - 45 Penn Ohio Ohio
McDaniel, H S - 27 Penn Penn Penn
McDaniel, Thelma - 21 Penn Penn Penn

On 2 Nov 1892 when Sarah A. was 18, she married William McDaniel. Born in 1872 in Pennsylvania.

They had the following children:
  i. Howard (1893-)
  ii. Sadie (1895-)
  iii. Thelma (1899-)
  iv. Sevilla (1903-)

87. Willis Henry Fye. Born on 10 Jul 1877 in Wampum, Lawrence, Pennsylvania. Willis Henry died in New Castle, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, on 29 Sep
1968; he was 91. Buried on 1 Oct 1968 in Belmont Cemetery, Youngstown, Ohio.

Willis H. Fye, 91, of New Castle RD 2, died at 8:15 Sunday at the Dolores Rest Haven after an extended illness.  He was born in Wampum on July 10,
1877, to the late David and Mary Long Fye.  He was married to the former Katie Leonard for 65 years.  He retired from Ohio Edison in 1946 where he
was a stationary pump engineer.  After his retirement he worked as a custodian at West Side Elementary School for 12 years.  Mr. Fye was a member
of the Washington Union C & MA Church in New Castle.
Surviving are his wife, three daughters, Mrs. Bertha McIntyre of Miller Ave., Mrs Guy (Mabel) Wholf, of Lowellville, O., and Mrs. Frank (Shirley)
McCullogh; five sons, Harry of Miller Ave., Clair and Clyde of New Castle RD 2, Carl of Edinburg RD 1, and Edward of New Middletown, Ohio; and
18 grandchildren.  He was preceded in death by his parents; two sons, Keith and Leonard, four brothers and four sisters.
The family will receive friends at the Robert A. Myers Home of Funerals, 208 N. Jefferson St., today from 7 to 9 p.m. and tomorrow 2 to 4 and 7 to 9
p.m.  The service will be at 1:30 Wednesday at the funeral home conducted by the Rev. Earl Docherty, pastor of Washington Union C & MA Church
and the Rev. J.G. Allison Sr., former pastor of the Washington Union C & MA Church.  Interment will be in Belmont Park Cemetery in Youngstown.

Research: 1910 Census - Big Beaver, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, Visit 55

Fye, Willis H - 31 m1 7 Penn Penn Ohio
Fye, Katie - 24 m1 7 2ch 2liv Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Harry - 5 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Bertha L - 2m Penn Penn Penn

1920 Census - Union Township Precinct 2, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, ED 122 Visit 4

Fye, Willis - 41 m Penn Penn Penn Oiler Powerplant
Fye, Katherine - 34 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Harry - 14 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Bertha - 10 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Leonard - 4 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Mabel - 2 Penn Penn Penn

On 21 Nov 1899 when Willis Henry was 22, he married Katherine Leonard, daughter of Edward E. Leonard & Mary E. Brest. Born on 30 Oct 1885 in
Mercer, Pennsylvania. Katherine died in Lawrence, Pennsylvania, on 28 Jun 1975; she was 89. Buried on 1 Jul 1975 in Belmont Park Cemetery,
Youngstown, Ohio.

New Castle News - 23 June 1975

Mrs. Katie L. Leonard Fye, 89, of RD 2, died at 7:20 a.m. on Friday in the Jack Rees Nursing Home after an extended illness.  She was born in
Mercer, Pa., on Oct. 30, 1885, to the late Edward E. and Mary E. Brest Leonard.  Mrs. Fye was affiliated with the Christian and Missionary Alliance
Her husband Willis H. Fye died on September 8, 1968.
She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Bertha McIntire and Mrs. Guy (Mabel) Wholfe, both of New Castle, and Mrs. Franklin (Shirley) McCullough
of Ravenna, Ohio; five sons, Harry, Carl, Edward and Clyde, all four of New Castle, and Clair of Lowellville, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Edna Martin of
Linesville, and Mrs. Walter (Treva) Bowers of New Castle; a brother Charles Remley of New Castle; 18 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren, and
two great-great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by two sons, Leonard and Keith; a brother and a sister.
Friends will be received at the Robert A. Myers Home for Funerals, 208 N. Jefferson St., from 7 to 9 p.m. on Saturday and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
on Sunday.  The service will be at 1 p.m. on Monday, at the funeral home, conducted by the Rev. Malvin Dolby of Washington Union Christian and
Missionary Alliance Church and the Rev. William Peterson of the First Covenant Church of Bessemer.  Burial will be in Belmont Park Cemetery in

They had the following children:
  i. Harry Ellsworth (1905-1982)
  ii. Bertha (1909-)
  iii. Leonard (1914-1932)
  iv. Mabel (~1918-)
  v. Clair (1920-1999)
  vi. Carl (1920-1997)
  vii. Clyde Vincent (1922-1977)
  viii. Edward James (1928-1987)
  ix. Shirley
  x. Keith

88. John S. Fye. Born on 29 Feb 1880.

John S. married Mary Grinnen.

89. Maud May Fye. Born on 2 Apr 1884 in Big Beaver, Lawrence, Pennsylvania. Maud May died in Wampum, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, in 1959; she
was 74. Buried in 1959 in Clinton Cemetery, Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

On 9 Mar 1903 when Maud May was 18, she married George W. Veon. Born in 1882. George W. died in Wampum, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, in 1952;
he was 70. Buried in 1952 in Clinton Cemetery, Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

90. Alfretta S. Fye. Born on 18 Oct 1886.

On 27 Dec 1906 when Alfretta S. was 20, she married Martin Kildoo (Guildoo). Born in 1887. Martin died in Wampum, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, in
1934; he was 47. Buried in 1934 in Clinton Cemetery, Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

They had one child:
  i. Howard D. (1918-1994)

91. Elmer D. Fye. Born on 2 Jul 1889.

Elmer D. married Mabel McDaniel.

92. Mary E. Reeher. Born on 1 Apr 1864.

Mary E. married Joe Shannon.

93. George Frank Reeher. Born on 31 Oct 1867. George Frank died on 24 Feb 1948; he was 80.

George Frank married Emma Jones.

94. Edward Reeher. Born on 29 Oct 1869.

Edward married Adda James.

95. Charles M. Reeher. Born on 8 May 1870.

Charles M. married Mabel Athenranger.

96. Elizabeth Reeher. Born on 16 Apr 1871.

Elizabeth married Sam Cowen.

97. David Reeher. Born on 1 Apr 1874.

David married Margaret Herring.

98. Rachel Lodema Reeher. Born on 27 Apr 1876. Rachel Lodema died on 26 Sep 1961; she was 85.

On 26 Sep 1894 when Rachel Lodema was 18, she married Edward Hamilton Clearfoss.

99. Samuel Reeher. Born on 16 Apr 1878. Samuel died in 1954; he was 75.

Samuel married Lydia Straley.

100. Matilda Reeher. Born on 15 Nov 1881.

1910 Census - Big Beaver, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, ED 16 Visit 16

Reeher, George W - 72 Wid Penn Penn Penn
Reeher, William - 21 Penn Penn Penn
Davis, Tillie A - 28 m1 13 3ch 3liv Penn Penn Penn
Davis, Frank - 7 Penn Penn Penn
Davis, Loretta N - 4 Ohio Penn Penn
Davis, Ernest P - 2 Ohio Penn Penn

Matilda married Harry Davis.

They had the following children:
  i. Frank (~1903-)
  ii. Loretta (~1906-)
  iii. Ernest A (~1907-)

101. Irene Reeher. Born on 15 Jan 1883.

Irene married Ferral Davis.

102. Nellie Reeher. Born on 22 Sep 1886.

Nellie married William David Gill.

103. William Reeher. Born on 19 Apr 1890. William died on 22 Jan 1987; he was 96.

William married Margaret Busler.

104. George W Deal. Born in Aug 1866 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1900 Census - Cherry, Butler, Pennsylvania, Visit 169

Deal, George - May 1866 - 33 m1 9 Penn Germ Penn
Deal, Mary E - Mar 1873 - 27 m1 Penn Penn Penn
Deal, Alice E - Sep 1895 - 5 Penn Penn Penn
Deal, Edward L - Oct 1898 - 1 Penn Penn Penn

George W married Mary E. Born in Mar 1873 in Pennsylvania.

They had the following children:
  i. Alice (1895-)
  ii. Edward (1898-)

105. Mary E Deal. Born abt 1869 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1920 Census - Cherry, Butler, Pennsylvania, ED 34 Visit 79

Simpson, Thomas J - 52 Eng Eng Eng
Simpson, Mary - 51 Penn Penn Penn
Simpson, Thomas - nephew 16 Penn Penn Penn
Deal, Alice - mother-in-law - 81 Ohio Penn Penn

Mary E married Thomas J Simpson.

106. Franklin Deal. Born abt 1872 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

107. Louis E Deal . Born abt 1874 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1920 Census - Cherry, Butler, Pennsylvania, ED 34 Visit 78

Deal, Lu A. - 35 Penn Penn Penn
Deal, Clara E - Penn Eng Penn
Deal, Thomas E - 13 Penn Penn Penn
Deal, Jessie L - son Penn Penn Penn
Deal, Mollie L - 10 Penn Penn Penn
Deal, Merl A - 7 Penn Penn Penn
Deal, Violet - 5 Penn Penn Penn
Deal, Josephine G - 3 Penn Penn Penn
Deal, Ruth - 1y1m Penn Penn Penn

Louis E married Clara E.

They had the following children:
  i. Thomas E (~1907-)
  ii. Jessie L (~1908-)
  iii. Mollie L (~1910-)
  iv. Merl A (~1913-)
  v. Violet (~1915-)
  vi. Josephine (~1917-)
  vii. Ruth (~1919-)

108. Calvin Deal. Born abt 1874 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

109. Charles Deal. Born abt 1877 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

110. Albert Deal. Born in Jan 1880 in Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

111. Ida “Idy” M. Bacon. Born in 1862 in Mercer, Pennsylvania. Ida “Idy” M. died in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, in 1932; she was 70.

Research: 1880 Census - Lake, Ashland, Ohio, p 91D

Spice, John - a25 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Spice, Idea M. - a18 Penn NewY Penn

1900 Census - Oconto Falls, Oconto, Wisconsin, ED 142, Visit 1

Spice, J. W. - b. Feb 1854 a46 m20 Ohio Penn Penn
Spice, Ida M. - b. Jan 1862 a38 m20 10ch 9liv Penn NewY Penn
Spice, Ira E. - b. Dec 1880 a19 Ohio Ohio Penn
Spice, Elsie E. - b. Sep 1882 a17 Ohio Ohio Penn
Spice, Albert H. - b Jun 1886 a13 Ohio Ohio Penn
Spice, Harry - b. May 1888 a12 Ohio Ohio Penn
Spice, Carrie - b. Oct 1890 a0 Ohio Ohio Penn
Spice, Glen - b. Dec 1892 a7 Wisc Ohio Penn
Spice, Clyde - b. Dec 1892 a7 Wisc Ohio Penn
Spice, John L. - b. Nov 1896 a5 Wisc Ohio Penn
Spice, Ida M. - b Oct 1899 a6m Wisc Ohio Penn

1910 Census - Oconto Falls, Oconto, Wisconsin, ED 110 Visit 71

Spice, John W. - a56 m1 30 Ohio Penn Penn
Spice, Ida - a49 m1 30 11ch 10liv Penn NewY Penn
Spice, Harry - a22 Ohio Ohio Penn
Spice, Glen - a17 Wisc Ohio Penn
Spice, Clyde - 17 Wisc Ohio Penn
Spice, John - a14 Wisc Ohio Penn
Spice, Ida - a11 Wisc Ohio Penn
Spice, Beatrice - a2 Wisc Ohio Penn

1920 Census - Oconto Falls, Oconto, Wisconsin, ED Visit 159

Spice, John - a65 Ohio Penn Penn
Spice, Ida - a57 Penn US Penn
Spice, Beatrice - a12 Wisc US Wisc

Ida “Idy” M. married John Spice, son of Joseph Spice & Rebecca Kennady. Born in 1853 in Ohio. John died in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, in 1938; he
was 85.

They had the following children:
  i. Ira Elza (1880-)
  ii. Elsie (1882-1941)
  iii. Albert Henry (1886-)
  iv. Harry (1888-)
  v. Carrie (1890-1971)
  vi. Clyde (1892-)
  vii. Glenn (1892-)
  viii. John (1896-)
  ix. Ida (1899-)
  x. Beatrice (1907-)

112. Mary Etta Bacon. Born in 1865.

Research: The marriage of Mary Elizabeth Bacon to Joseph Spice is substantiated by the fact that Mary Ann Bacon, her mother, is said to have died at
the home of her daughter according to her obituary.  The respondent on the Death Certificate for Mary Ann Fye Bacon was Mrs. Joseph Spice.  We
find a census entry for Joseph Spice in Ashland County, Lake Township, not far from where Camron and Mary Ann Bacon lived.  His wife, Mary, is
listed at 16 years of age.  This matches with the 1910 census for Joseph and Mary Spice from Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.  Finally, the 1920 census lists
Mary Ann Bacon with Joseph Spice as Mother-in-Law.

Research: 1880 Census - Lake, Ashland, Ohio, Visit 87

Spice, Joseph - 24 Laborer Ohio Penn Penn
Spice, Mary - 16 Penn NewY Penn

1900 Census - ED 145 Sheet 2 Vising 33 - Stiles, Oconto, Wisconsin

Spice, Joseph head b Oct 1854 a45y m20 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Spice, Mary wife b Mar 1864 a36y m20 Penn NY Penn
Spice, Leroy son b Oct 1880 a19 Ohio Ohio Penn
Spice, WIlliam H. son b Sep 1882 a17y Ohio Ohio Penn
Spice, Arthur son b Aug 1884 a15y Ohio Ohio Penn
Spice, Stella M. dau b June 1886 a13y Ohio Ohio Penn
Spice, Mary A. dau b Aug 1889 a11 Ohio Ohio Penn
Spice, Joseph son b Mary 1893 a7y Wisc Ohio Penn

1910 Census - ED 110 Sheet 5 Visit 103 - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Spice, Joseph a. 55 m1 30y Ohio Penn Penn
Spice, Mary, a. 46, m1 30y 6ch 6liv Penn NewY Penn
Spice, Arthur, a. 25 Ohio Ohio Penn
Spice, Joseph Jr., a. 17 Ohio Ohio Penn
Spice, Malorna? gd, a. 7 Wis Ohio Wis

1920 Census - ED 175 Sheet 10B Visit 191 - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Spice, Joseph a66y m Ohio Ohio Ohio
Spice, Mary wife a56y m Ohio NewY Penn
Spice, Melissa gd a16y Wis Ohio Wis
Bacon, Mary MIL a79y Wid Penn Penn Penn

In 1880 when Mary Etta was 15, she married Joseph Spice, son of Joseph Spice & Rebecca Kennady, in Ohio. Born in 1854 in Wooster, Wayne, Ohio.
Joseph Spice died in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, in 1934; he was 80.

They had the following children:
  i. Leroy (1880-)
  ii. William H. (1882-)
  iii. Arthur (1885-~1946)
  iv. Stella Mae (1886-1940)
  v. Mary A. “Mayme” (1889-1958)
  vi. Joseph (1893-)
  vii. Rose (1900-1900)

113. William H. Bacon. Born in 1866.

114. John Lambert Bacon. Born on 2 Feb 1869 in Ashland, Ohio. John Lambert died in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, in 1934; he was 64. Buried in 1934 in
Woodlawn Cemetery, Oconto, Wisconsin. Occupation: Farmer.

Funeral services for John Bacon who was killed Monday in an auto accident at Coleman were held Thursday afternoon at the Flately Funeral Home,
with internment in Woodlawn Cemetery.  John Lambert Bacon was born Feb. 2, 1869, in Ohio, and came to Oconto Falls as a child with his parents.
He operated a farm until his retirement to Oconto Falls in 1931.  Since then he had accepted occasional employment and had been working at the
Coleman plant about six weeks.  He married Florence Hammond 49 years ago, and she survives along with two daughters, Mrs. Victor Bresczpennix,
Lena; and Mrs. Hans Gudwher, Pound; and two brothers, Adolph, Oconto Falls and George, Manitowoc.  The bereaved wife and daughters have the
sincere sympathy of all in this sorrow.

Research: 1910 Census - ED 113 Sheet 9B Visit 169 - Stiles, Oconto, Wisconsin

Bacon, John L. head a40y m1 13y Ohio NewY Penn
Bacon, Florence B. wife a36y m1 13 2ch 2liv Wis NewY Illinois
Bacon, Cinderella M dau a13y Wisc Ohio Wisc
Bacon, Martha M dau a4y Wisc Ohio Wisc

1920 Census - ED 178 Sheet 3B Visit 53 - Stiles, Wisconsin

Bacon, John head a56y Ohio NewY Penn
Bacon, Florence wife a45y m Wis NewY Illinois
Bacon, Martha daughter a14y Wis Wis Wis

1930 Census - ED 42-12 Visit 81 Lena, Oconto, Wisconsin

Bacon, John L head a61 mw26 Ohio NewY Penn
Bacon, Florence B. wife a55 mw22 Wis NewY Illinois

On 2 Jul 1896 when John Lambert was 27, he married Florence Hammond, daughter of William Hammond & Hattie, in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.2
Born abt 1875 in Wisconsin.

They had the following children:
  i. Martha (1905-1999)
  ii. Cinderella (1897-)

115. George Bacon. Born in Jan 1872 in Ohio. Occupation: Common Laborer.

George married Gertrude Almy Hammond.

They had the following children:
  i. Gwendolyn Ruby2 (1906-)
  ii. Russel Everet (1902-)
  iii. William Hartley (1904-)

116. Charles Bacon. Born in 1872 in Knox, Ohio. Charles died in Ashland, Ohio, in 1921; he was 49.

Research: We know of the existence of Charles Bacon due to a letter from Stella Bacon Likes, the daughter of Charles Bacon and Jennie Richards.  In
that letter, Stella states that Charles and Nancy Jane Fye are cousins, therefore they share a common grandparent.  Nancy’s father, David, then is a
brother to Charles’ mother, who we readily identify as Mary Ann Fye Bacon.

On 3 Jul 1901 when Charles was 29, he first married Olive Barcombe, daughter of Joseph Barcombe & Mary, in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin. Born abt
May 1881 in Knolton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin. Olive died in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, on 8 Jan 1902; she was 20. Buried on 11 Jan 1902 in Oconto
Falls, Wisconsin.

They had one child:
  i. Arthur2 (1902-1902)

Charles second married Jennie Richards.

They had one child:
  i. Stella

117. Andrew Bacon. Born in Aug 1875 in Ohio.

118. Eliza A. Bacon. Born on 7 Mar 1876 in Wayne, Ohio.

119. Adolphus “Farmer Jones” Bacon. Born in Oct 1878 in Ashland, Ohio. Adolphus “Farmer Jones” died in 1948; he was 69. Occupation: Mill Hand.

Research: 1930 Census - ED 42-29 Visit 98 Oconto Falls, Oconto, Wisconsin

Spice, Harry head a41 mw28 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Spice, Josephine wife a31 mw 18 Wisc Germ Germ
Spice, Phillis daug a13 Wisc Ohio Wisc
Spice, Floyd son a2 Wisc Ohio Wisc
Bacon, Adolph roomer a52 Ohio Ohio Penn

On 10 Jan 1901 when Adolphus “Farmer Jones” was 22, he married Mary Rasmussen, daughter of John Rasmussen, in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.2
Born in Humbolt, Wisconsin.

They had one child:
  i. Angeline (1901-)

120. Bert Bacon. Born in Nov 1882 in Plain, Wayne, Ohio. Bert died in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, in 1919; he was 36.

Research: 1910 Census - ED 110 Sheet 16A Visit 1 - Oconto Falls Twp. Wisconsin

Bacon, Bert Head a25y m1 3y Ohio NewY Penn
Bacon, Josie wife a23y m1 3y 1ch 0liv Wis France Wis

On 11 Apr 1907 when Bert was 24, he married Josephine Deno, daughter of Charles Deno & Mary, in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.2 Born in Kewanee,

Research: 1920 Census - ED 175 Sheet 3A Visit 46 - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Bacon, Josephine head a30y wid Wis Belgium Belgium
Bacon, Dorothy dau a9y Wis Ohio Wis

They had the following children:
  i. Charles (-1908)
  ii. Dorothy

121. David Francis Fye. Born on 26 Feb 1869 in Hubbard, Trumbull, Ohio.9 David Francis died in Ashland, Ohio, on 5 Aug 1943; he was 74. Buried on
8 Aug 1943 in Hazzard Cemetery, West Salem, Ohio.

Research: The Wooster Daily Record - 6 August 1943

David Fye of W. Salem Dies in Ashland Today

David Fye, of West Salem, died in the Samaritan Hospital in Ashland today at 6 a.m., Friday.  He was 74 years old.  He is survived by his wife, Anna, six
daughters, Marie Halliwell, West Salem; Mary Stair, Ashland; Augusta Fortune, Sullivan; Rose Rook, Sullivan; Hilda Donaldson, Ashland; one son,
Dean of LaGrange; 28 grandchildren and one great grandchild; one brother, Charles of Wellington and three sisters, Anna Keen, West Salem; Belle
Hall, Chatham; Alta Frazier, Cuyahoga Falls.
Funeral services will be held on Monday at 2 at the Mowrey Funeral Home in West Salem.  Interment will be made in Hazard Cemetery at West Salem
with the Rev. Kreisher officiating.  Friends may call on Sunday night at the Funeral Home.

Research: Census Citations:

1900 Congress, Wayne, Ohio

Fye, David a. 31 b. Feb 1869 m. 12 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Fye, Clara E. a. 40 b. May 1860 m. 12 3ch/3living Ohio Ohio Ohio
Fye, John G. a. 9 b. Jul 1890 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Fye, Ezra Dean, son, a. 8 b. Sep 1891 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Fye, Myrtle M., daughter, a. 7 b. Nov 1892 Ohio Ohio Ohio

1920 Census - Precinct B, Norwalk City, Huron, Ohio, Visit 125

Fye, David - a50 Ohio Penn Penn
Fye, Anna - a45 Ohio Penn Penn
Fye, Mary - a12 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Fye, Thelma - a9 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Fye, Augusta - a8 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Fye, Rose - a5 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Fye, Hilda - a3 Ohio Ohio Ohio

On 3 May 1888 when David Francis was 19, he first married Clara E. Ford, daughter of John G. Ford (1808-1884) & Mercy G. (1818-1905), in Wayne,
Ohio. Born on 14 May 1860 in West Salem, Congress, Wayne, Ohio. Clara E. died in Massilon State Hospital, on 19 Mar 1908; she was 47.10 Buried
on 22 Mar 1908 in West Salem Cemetery, West Salem, Ohio.

Apparently, Clara E. Fye lost her mind towards the end of her life as she was committed to Massilon State Hospital for insanity just shortly befor her
death.  There is an entire probate court case of her insanity hearing as well as committal on file in the Wayne County Probate Court.

They had the following children:
  i. John G. Ford (1890-1937)
  ii. Ezra Dean (1891-1952)
  iii. Mercy Marie “Myrtle” (1892-1974)

David Francis second married Anna J. Lindsey. Born in 1870. Anna J. died in 1947; she was 77. Buried in Hazzard Cemetery, West Salem, Ohio.

They had the following children:
  i. Mary (~1907-)
  ii. Thelma (1911-1994)
  iii. Augusta (1911-1998)
  iv. Rose Helen Blanche (1912-1994)
  v. Hilda (~1917-)

122. Charles Fye. Born on 13 Jul 1870 in Sharon Pennsylvania.11 Charles died in Huston Rest Home, Fitchfield, Huron, Ohio, on 22 Nov 1947; he was
77. Buried on 24 Nov 1947 in Penfield Cemetery, Penfield, Lorain, Ohio. Occupation: Odd Jobs, Railroad Worker. Education: Unknown. Religion:

Elyria Chronicle Telegram, Monday, November 24, 1947

WELLINGTON - Charlie Fye, 77, died Saturday night at the Huston Rest Home in Fitchville, O.
He was a retired railroad employee of the New York Central railroad and had spent most of his life in Penfield and Wellington.
Surviving him are two daughters, Mrs. Stella Krugman of Elyria and Mrs. Ruth Schafer of Pittsfield; one son, Merritt of Rochester, O., and five
grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
Services are being held this afternoon at 2 p.m. at the Andrews Fueral home with the Rev. Mary Candy of the United church at Penfield, officiating.
Burial is being made in Penfield cemetery.

Research: References to Charles Fye in City Directories:

Lorain Rural Directory - 1915 - pg. 43 - Fye, Chas (Eliza) 4ch farmer T 72a 4h 1c R3 Wellington Pen 23

Research: 1910 Census - Penfield, Lorain, Ohio, Visit 61

Fye, Charles - 40 m1 17 Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Eliza - 34 m1 17 5ch 4liv Ohio Engl Engl
Fye, Ruth M - 15 Ohio Penn Ohio
Fye, Effa E - 12 Ohio Penn Ohio
Fye, Merrit L - 10 Ohio Penn Ohio
Fye, Setlla E - 8 Ohio Penn Ohio

On 27 Feb 1893 when Charles was 22, he married Eliza Edwards, daughter of William Edwards (1819-1895) & Ann Mills (1836-1915), in Medina
County.12,13 Born on 6 Oct 1876 in Lodi, Harrisville, Medina, Ohio. Eliza died in Penfield, Lorain, Ohio, on 20 Jun 1918; she was 41.14 Buried on 22
Jun 1918 in Penfield Cemetery, Penfield, Lorain, Ohio.

Elyria Chronicle Telegram - June 27, 1918

Mrs. Charles Fye died Thursday, June 20, of tuberculosis.  The funeral was held at the home Saturday afternoon, Rev. Corfman delivering the
sermon.  Burial in the Penfield Cemetery.  The floral offerings were many and beautiful.

Research: According to Gladys Fye, Eliza Fye contracted tuberculosis from doing the wash of the minister in Penfield who had the disease.

According to Ruth Schafer’s birthday book, Eliza’s birthdate is 6 Oct 1875.

They had the following children:
  i. William (~1894-~1894)
  ii. Ruth Maybell (1895-1971)
  iii. Effie Edith (1896-1921)
  iv. Merritt Larbe (1899-1989)
  v. Stella Elesta (1902-1991)

123. John Fye. Born on 26 Jul 1873 in West Salem, Wayne, Ohio. John died in Summit, Cuyahoga, Ohio, on 26 Jan 1930; he was 56.15 Buried on 29
Jan 1930 in Hazzard Cemetery, West Salem, Ohio. Occupation: Watchman for the Pennsylvania Railroad.

Research: According to family sources, John Fye was a bit overweight due to drinking.  After his father David died he moved to Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio,
where he lived a few doors down from his sister, Clara Fye Frazier.  Apparently, he contracted pneumonia and on his way to the door collapsed and
died.  Numa Knight remembers his was the first funeral she attended and it made quite an impression on her.  Hazel Fye Harp remembers that John
was the first one to own an automobile in the family, and this can be seen quite clearly as we have several photographs of him with his car.

Research: 1920 Census - Precinct D, Cuyahoga Falls Village, Summit, Ohio, Visit 305

Fye, John - boarder a46 Ohio Ohio Ohio Laborer Crate Factory

124. Nancy Jane Fye. Born on 6 Jul 1875 in Plain, Wayne, Ohio.4 Nancy Jane died in Congress, Wayne, Ohio, on 31 Jan 1939; she was 63.16 Buried in
1939 in West Salem Cemetery, West Salem, Ohio.

On 6 Jul 1895 when Nancy Jane was 20, she married Charles Sullivan Finley, son of Isaiah Finley & Sarah Zimmerman, in Medina County.17 Born on
6 May 1874 in Wayne, Ohio.18 Charles Sullivan died in Lodi, Medina, Ohio, on 21 Oct 1947; he was 73. Buried on 24 Oct 1947 in West Salem
Cemetery, West Salem, Ohio.

The Wooster Daily Record - 22 October 1947

Charles S. Finley, Former West Salem Marshal, Dies

Charles Sullivan Finley, aged 73, passed away last night at the Lodi hospital following a lingering illness.  Mr. Finley was a life-long resident of West
Salem and vicinity.  He served for several terms as West Salem marshal.  His wife, Nancy, preceded him in death.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Mark Jackson of West Salem and Mrs. John Herman of Akron; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held from the Addis Funeral home with the Rev. Harold Braun conducting the services on Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m.
Burial will be made in the West Salem cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral home on Wednesday evening from 7 to 9.

Research: 1910 Congress, Wayne, Ohio, Visit 74

Finley, Charles S. a. 35 m. 12 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Finley, Nancy J. a. 34 m. 12 Penn Penn Penn
Finley, Mary I., daughter, a. 13 Ohio Ohio Penn
Finley, Ella L., daughter, a. 11 Ohio Ohio Penn

1920 Congress, Wayne, Ohio

Finley, Charles a. 45 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Finley, Nancy J. a. 44 Ohio Penn Penn
Finley, Harold, adopted son, a. 9 Ohio Ohio Ohio

1930 Census - ED 85-15 Congress, Wayne, Ohio, Visit 95

Finley, Charles head a55 mw31 Ohio US US
Finley, Nancy wife a54 mw30 Penn Penn Penn

They had the following children:
  i. Mary Isabel (1896-1980)
  ii. Ella Lovina (1898-1960)

125. Arabella Fye. Born in 1877 in West Salem, Congress, Wayne, Ohio. Arabella died in Chatham, Medina, Ohio, on 8 Jan 1953; she was 76. Buried
on 10 Jan 1953 in Chatham Township Cemetery.

Unknown Newspaper

Mrs. Arabelle Hall
CHATHAM TWP. - Services for Mrs. Arabelle Hall, 75, who died Sunday in her home in Chatham Twp., will be at 2:30 p.m. Thursday in the Elliot
Funeral Home in Lodi.  She was born in Wayne County but had spent more than a half century in Medina County.
She leaves her husband George; three daughters, Mrs. Jenaette Holshue of Copley, Mrs. Hazel Britton and Mrs. Lenore Ault, both of Medina; three
sons, William of Medina, George of Spencer and David of Valley City; 45 grandchildren, 41 great-grandchildren, one one sister, Mrs. Hannah Keen of
West Salem.  Burial will be in Chatham Cemetery.  Friends may call at the funeral home Wednesday afternoon and evening.

Research: 1930 Census - ED 52-2 Chatham, Medina, Ohio, Visit 35

Hall, George J head a63 mw29 Ohio NewY NewY
Hall, Bell wife a52 mw19 Ohio Penn Penn
Hall, George Jr. son a22 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Hall, Leona adopted daug a10 Ohio Ohio Ohio

On 2 Jul 1896 when Arabella was 19, she married George Jayson Hall, son of Carmanus Hall (1821-1902) & Julia A. (1830-), in Medina County.19
Born in 1868 in Chatham, Medina, Ohio. George Jayson died in Chatham, Medina, Ohio, on 4 Mar 1961; he was 93. Buried on 7 Mar 1961 in Chatham
Township Cemetery.

Medina County Gazette - Monday, March 6, 1961

HALL - At the home of his daughter, Mrs. Russell Holshue in Sharon township on Saturday, March 4, George Hall of Chatham, aged 92 years.
Services at the Elliot Funeral Home in Lodi on Tuesday, March 7 at 1:30 p.m. conducted by Rev. Arthur Deutsch; burial at Chatham cemetery.

They had the following children:
  i. Jeannette W. “Nettie” (1898-)
  ii. George Jayson (1901-1961)
  iii. William (1901-1995)
  iv. Hazel Belle (1904-)
  v. Roy Clayton (1905-1943)
  vi. David (1911-1970)
  vii. Leona Adeline (1919-)

126. Mary Elizabeth Fye. Born on 2 Oct 1878 in Plain, Wayne, Ohio.4 Mary Elizabeth died in Plain, Wayne, Ohio, bef 1880; she was 1.

Research: Again, we have no record of Mary Elizabeth in the 1800 censuses or in any other vital records except her birth record.  Our only conclusion
is that she died sometime between her birth in 1878 and the 1880 census.

127. Adaline Fye. Born in May 1880. Adaline died bef 1900; she was 19.

Research: Adaline appears on the 1880 census, but then seems to disappear.  We can only assume she died sometime between 1880 and 1900 as
there is no family memory of an Aunt Adaline.  Also, we know from the 1900 census that Mary Elizabeth had thirteen total children, ten of whom lived.
We know that the living ones were Ellen and Bill Carlin from her first marriage, and then eight Fye children: David, John, Charles, Hannah, Minnie,
Clara Alta, Nancy Jane, and Arabella.

128. Hannah Maybelle Fye. Born on 6 Nov 1881 in Congress, Wayne, Ohio.9 Hannah Maybelle died in Tressies Nursing Home, Oberlin, Ohio, on 23
Sep 1973; she was 91. Buried on 25 Sep 1973 in Albion Cemetery, Albion, Ohio. Occupation: Housewife.

Research: 1930 Census - ED 3-9 Jackson, Ashland, Ohio, Visit 137

Keen, Frank head a59 mw22 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Keen, Hannah wife a48 mw19 Ohio Penn Penn
Keen, Herbert son a23 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Keen, Leta daug a15 Ohio Ohio Ohio

On 1 Nov 1900 when Hannah Maybelle was 18, she married Frank Keen, son of John Henry Keen (1836-1918) & Mary Rupert (1837-1915). Born on
14 Dec 1870 in Jackson, Ashland, Ohio. Frank died in Jackson, Ashland, Ohio, on 7 Jan 1959; he was 88. Buried on 10 Jan 1959 in Albion Cemetery,
Albion, Ohio.

The Wooster Daily Record - 8 Jan 1959

Frank L. Keen, 88, Of Albion

Frank L. Keen, 88, died Wednesday afternoon at his home in Jackson Twp., Medina County, of a heart ailment.
He was a son of John and Mary Rupert Keen, born Dec. 14, 1870 in Jackson Twp., where he lived all his life.  He was a retired janitor of Albion
Mr. Keen was a member and elder of the Evangelical and Reformed church in Albion, a member of the Hope Circle, retired honorary member of
Jackson Grange, and active in church and community affairs.
Surviving are his wfie, Hannah; a son, Herber of West Salem RD 3, Mrs. Lois DeArmon of LaGrange; 10 grandchildren; and seven
His first wife, Emma; a son Ralph; three brothers; and three sisters died previously.
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the E. and R. Church in Albion with the Rev. Paul Grosjean officiating.  The body will be at the
church an hour before services.  Friends will be recieved at the Matteson Funeral Home in West Salem Friday afternoon and evening.  Burial will be in
Albion Cemetery.

They had the following children:
  i. Ralph Willard (1903-1922)
  ii. Herbert (1906-1992)
  iii. Leta (1915-)

129. Mina Lovina Fye. Born on 9 May 1884 in Wayne, Ohio. Mina Lovina died in Ravenna, Ohio, on 17 May 1940; she was 56. Buried on 20 May
1940 in St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Kent, Ohio.

Research: 1900 Census - Congress, Wayne, Ohio

Fye, Mina, servant, a. 16 b. May 1884 Ohio Ohio Ohio

1920 Census - Franklin, Portage, Ohio, Visit 95

Gracer, Mina - a34 Ohio Penn Penn

Research: Akron Beacon Journal - 18 May 1940

Mina Lovina, age 55 years, passed away May 17.  Survived by husband, Paul; two sons, Ben and Howard Graser, both of Kent; three daughters, Mrs.
Lewis Alderman, Mrs. James DiPoala, both of Ravenna, and Mrs. Byron J. Walker of Strongsville, O.; one brother David Fye of West Salem, O.; three
sisters, Mrs. Frank Keen and Mrs. Charles Hall, both of West Salem, and Mrs. Alta Frazier of Stow.  Services Monday, 2 p.m. from Bissler's parlors.
Burial Kent, O.  Friends may call at the parlors (S. C. Bissler and Sons).

Abt 1902 when Mina Lovina was 17, she first married Henry Graser, son of Frederick Graser & Anna L., in Wayne, Ohio. Born in Oct 1881 in Ohio.

Research: 1900 - Wooster City - ED 166 Visit 80 Sheet 4 Page 161A

Graser, Frederick, head, b. Apr 1844, a. 55, b. New York, f. Ger, m. Ger
Graser, Anna, wife, b. Aug 1848, a. 51, married 31 yrs.
Graser, Valentine, b. May 1873 a. 27
Graser, Benjamin, b. Oct 1876, a. 23
Graser, Anna, b. Oct 1886, a. 13
Graser, Henry, b. Oct 1881, a. 28
Graser, Catherine, b. Sept 1891, a. 8

1910 - Wooster City, ED 185, Wayne, Ohio, Visit 038

Graser, Henry 27 Ohio
Graser, Mina 25 Ohio
Graser, Benjamin 07 Ohio
Graser, Helen M 05 Ohio
Graser, Nellie C 03 Ohio
Graser, Alta M 02 Ohio

They had the following children:
  i. Ben (1903-1966)
  ii. Helen F. (1905-1976)
  iii. Nellie K. (1906-)
  iv. Alta M. (1908-2000)
  v. Howard (>1910-1942)

Mina Lovina second married Paul Yacavona, son of Yacavona. Born in 1896 in Italy. Paul died in Kent, Ohio, in 1988; he was 92. Buried in 1988 in St.
Patrick’s Cemetery, Kent, Ohio.

Research: 1937 City Directory - Kent, Ohio

Yacavona Charles J (Nellie Cain) laborer 1031 Franklin
Yacavona Emedio (Martha Graser) 1110 Franklin
Yacavona Paul (Mina Fye) derrick engineer Erie 548 Franklin

1955 City Directory - Kent, Ohio

Yacavona Paul 548 Franklin Ave emp Erie RR councilman at large

1964 City Directory - Kent, Ohio

Yacavona Paul city councilmn h 548 Franklin

130. Clara Alta Fye. Born on 22 Feb 1887 in Congress, Wayne, Ohio.4,9 Clara Alta died in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, on 20 Oct 1950; she was 63. Buried
on 22 Oct 1950 in Oakwood Cemetery, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

Unknown Newspaper

FRAZIER Clara Alta, 63 years, 805 Clover av., passed away Thursday at an Akron hospital.  Survived by one daughter, Mrs. Jessie Lutz of the
residence; four sons, Daniel Frazier of Newton Falls, O.; Harry, Francis, and Frederick Frazier, all of Cuyahoga Falls; 12 grandchildren; two sisters,
Mrs. Hannah Keen, West Salem, O., Mrs. Bell Hall, Albion, O.  Friends may call after 7 p.m. Saturday at the McGowan-Reid Funeral Home where
services will be conducted Monday afternoon.  Time of service to be announced later.

Research: Akron Beacon Journal - 20 October 1950

Mrs. Alta Clara Frazier, 63 resident of Cuyahoga Falls for 34 years.

Research: It appears as though for some reason Daniel and Clara separated.  Sometime between 1928 and 1936 they separated and took residence
apart.  Daniel moved to Rose Avenue where he lived until his death in 1966.  Although the city listing for 1950 says Clara is a widow, we know that
can't be correct as the list of children in Daniel's obituary matches the children for Daniel and Clara - specifically Jessie and Daniel.  Also, note that
Clara is living with her son Frederick W. in 1950.  Thus, Daniel and Clara had four known children, Jessie, Daniel, Frederick, and Francis.  After
Clara's death in 1950, Daniel apparently remarried a Mamie Harter who had several children of her own.

This has been later affirmed by the Numa Halliwell Knight who said that Daniel Frazier drank a lot and was quite abusive.  She remembers going over
to Clara’s home in Cuyahoga Falls and as soon as Clara saw anyone coming she would run out the back door and hide in the woods, as she was so
ashamed of her home.  She really didn’t have anything.  After the children grew up, Clara divorced Daniel.  Another branch of the family on the
Edwards side relates the same information about Daniel.

On 26 Dec 1911 when Clara Alta was 24, she married Daniel Frazier, son of John Frazier & Minerva Hodge, in Wayne, Ohio.20 Born on 4 Mar 1889 in
Kent, Ohio. Daniel died in Kent, Ohio, on 20 Dec 1966; he was 77. Buried on 23 Dec 1966 in Crown Cemetery, Kent, Ohio.

Akron Beacon Journal - 20 December 1966

CUYAHOGA FALLS - Daniel Frazier, 77, a retired welder, died Monday at St. Thomas Hospital after a long illness.  Mr. Frazier of 823 Rose av. was
born in Kent and had lived in this area over 50 years.  In 1958, he retired as a welder from the Falls Stamping and Welding Co.
He leaves his wife, Mamie Harter; four sons, Daniel E. of Newton Falls, the Rev. Francis E. of Akron and Frederick W. of Cuyahoga Falls; a daughter,
Mrs. Jessie Lutz of Cuyahoga Falls; four stepchildren, Robert Harter of Cuyahoga Falls, Dwight Harter of Fort Bliss, Tex., Mrs. Joan Kissell of Stow
and Mrs. Arletta Conkright of Crawfordsville, Ind.; a sister Mrs. Bessie Myers of Cuyahoga Falls, and 15 grandchildren.
Services will be held at the Clifford Funeral Home at 11 a.m. Thursday.  Burial will be in the Crown Hill Cemetery.  Friends may call at the funeral
home from 2 to 4 and from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday.

Research: 1928 City Directory - Cuyahoga Falls Ohio

Frazier Daniel H (C Alda) wks N O P & L Co h 212 E Graham rd. Stow O

1936-37 City Directory - Cuyahoga Falls Ohio

Frazier Danl H welder h. 829 Rose ave

1939-1940 City Directory - Cuyahoga Falls Ohio

Frazier Mrs Clara A h 195 N Sanford ave (Stow)
" Danl with W P A h 829 Rose ave
" Danl jr h 195 N Sanford ave (Stow)
" Earl H (no relation)
" Ellsworth (no relation)
" Harry h 195 N Sanford ave (Stow)

1950 City Directory - Cuyahoga Falls Ohio

Frazier Mrs Clara (wid Danl) h 823 Clover ave
Dan (Nora) wks Munroe Falls Paper co h 823 Rose ave
Frances E (Audrey) wks City h 829 Clover ave
Frederick W. (Barbara J) applicator h 823 Clover

Research: 1900 Census - Franklin, Portage, Ohio, Visit 188

Bennett, Thomas - a57 b. Aug 1842 m22 NewY NewY Wisc
Bennett, Minerva - a46 b. Nov 1854 m22 8ch 7liv NewY NewY NewY
Frazier, Daniel - a11 b. Mary 1889 Ohio Ohio NewY

1910 Census - Franklin Precinct B, Portage, Ohio, Visit 14

Frazier, Daniel H bil a21 Ohio Ohio NewY

1920 Census - Precinct D, Cuyahoga Falls Village, Summit, Ohio, Visit 300

Frazier, Daniel - a32 Ohio Ohio Ohio Laborer Crate Factory
Frazier, Clara - a33 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Frazier, Jessie - a7 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Frazier, Daniel - a3y11m Ohio Ohio Ohio

They had the following children:
  i. Jessie (1913-)
  ii. Daniel E. (1917-1998)
  iii. Frederick W. (1924-1996)
  iv. Francis
  v. Harry

131. George Lawrence Fye.2 Born on 20 Mar 1879 in Shreve, Wayne, Ohio. George Lawrence died in Oconto County, Wisconsin, on 4 Jun 1903; he
was 24. Buried on 7 Jun 1903 in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.

Death was due to an accidental scalding at his place of work.

Research: 1930 Census - ED 42-29 Visit 50 Oconto Falls, Oconto, Wisconsin

Gardiner, George head a41 mw37 Wisc France France
Gardiner, Cynthia wife a27 mw 23 Ohio Penn Penn
Fye, Geo bil a26 Wisc Penn Penn

132. Catherine Fye. Born on 12 Jan 1881 in Wooster, Wayne, Ohio.

Catherine first married Victor Johnson, in Texas.

On 20 Mar 1900 when Catherine was 19, she second married David Jacobs, son of David Jacobs & Clementine Butterworth, in Warren, Trumbull,
Ohio.2 Born on 15 Nov 1878 in Wooster, Wayne, Ohio.

They had one child:
  i. Unknown Child of Victor and Cynthia

133. William Henry Fye Jr. Born on 18 Nov 1881 in Plain, Wayne, Ohio.4 Occupation: Blacksmith in Hilbert Wisconsin.

On 21 Sep 1910 when William Henry was 28, he married Olga Emma Louise Haag.

They had the following children:
  i. Leona Emma (1911-)
  ii. Lester William (1913-)

134. Miranda May Fye. Born on 12 Jan 1884 in Plain, Wayne, Ohio.4

135. Hulda Fye. Born in Apr 1884 in Clinton, Wayne, Ohio.

Research: 1910 Census - ED 110 Sheet 5 Visit 101 - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Rush, Frank a. 34y m1 6y Ohio Ohio Ohio
Rush, Hulda a. 24y m1 6y Ohio Penn England
Rush, Paul a. 4 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Rush, Wilma a. 3 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Rush, Lloyd a. 6/12 Ohio Ohio Ohio

1920 Census - ED 175 Sheet 18A Visit 237

Rush, Hulda head a32 m Ohio Penn Eng
Rush, Paul son a14 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Rush, Wilma dau a19 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Rush, Floyd son a10 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Rush, Roy son a7 Ohio Ohio Ohio

Hulda married Frank Rush. Born in 1874 in Ohio.

They had the following children:
  i. Wilma (1907-1993)
  ii. Roy (1901-1993)
  iii. Lloyd
  iv. Paul

136. Edward Charles Fye. Born on 23 Dec 1889. Edward Charles died on 10 Jun 1949; he was 59.

Research: 1920 Census - ED 175 Sheet 3A Visit 48 - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Fye, Edward head a30y m Ohio Wis Wis
Fye, Eva wife a27y m Wis Wis Wis
Fye, Ruth dau a5y Wis Ohio Wis

1930 Census - ED 42-1 Visit 59 Abrams, Oconto, Wisconsin

Fye, Edgar C head a40 mw29 Ohio Ohio England
Fye, Eva F. wife a27 mw15 Wisc Wisc Wisc
Fye, Vernon A. son a9 Wisc Ohio Wisc
Fye, Doloris G. daug a8 Wisc Ohio Wisc
Fye, Melvin C. son a7 Wisc Ohio Wisc
Fye, Norman L. son a5 Wisc Ohio Wisc
Fye, Lousina M. daug a4.2 Wisc Ohio Wisc
Fye, Marian E. daug a3 Wisc Ohio Wisc
Fye, Lloyd E son a1.2 Wisc Ohio Wisc
Fye, William Father a87 wid mw28 Penn Penn Penn

Edward Charles first married Emily Hubbard, in Ohio. Born in 1893 in Wisconsin.

They had one child:
  i. Ruth Zeta (1914-1976)

In 1918 when Edward Charles was 28, he second married Eva Keirkoff. Eva died on 10 Jun 1949.

They had the following children:
  i. Vernon Allen Albert (1920-1987)
  ii. Delores (1921-)
  iii. Melvin (1923-1989)
  iv. Norman Lionel (1925-1989)
  v. Lorrain Marion (1927-1985)
  vi. Marion Enola (1927-)
  vii. Lloyd (1929-)
  viii. Evelyn Irene (1930-)
  ix. Edwin Lee (1932-1949)
  x. Robert Junior (1934-1949)
  xi. Marvin Roy (1935-)
  xii. Russell (1937-)
  xiii. Donald Kenneth (1939-)
  xiv. Roy Alvin (1940-)
  xv. Allen Merlin (1941-)
  xvi. Karen Ann (1943-1991)
  xvii. Nancy Joan (1945-)

137. Cynthia Fye. Born on 15 Jun 1892 in Ohio. Cynthia died in Oconto County, Wisconsin, on 19 Dec 1955; she was 63.

Research: 1930 Census - ED 42-29 Visit 50 Oconto Falls, Oconto, Wisconsin

Gardiner, George head a41 mw37 Wisc France France
Gardiner, Cynthia wife a27 mw 23 Ohio Penn Penn
Fye, Geo bil a26 Wisc Penn Penn  (most likely Glen Fye as the birthdate matches)

Cynthia first married Fred Austras, in Oconto County, Wisconsin.

Cynthia second married George Garnier, in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin. Born in 1889. George died in 1936; he was 47.

138. Arcanda “Arkansas Babe” Fye. Born in 1896 in Clinton, Wayne, Ohio.

Research: 1910 Census - ED 110 Sheet 5 Visit 101 - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Fye, Arkandus, servant, a 14 Ohio Penn England

Arcanda “Arkansas Babe” married Gilbert Grismer.

Research: 1930 Census - District 10, Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, Visit 51

Grismer, Gilbert - a37 mw20 Wisc Ohio Ohio
Grismer, Mae - a34 mw17 Ohio Ohio Ohio
Grismer, Helen - a15 Wisc Wisc Ohio
Grismer, Doris - a13 Wisc Wisc Ohio
Grismer, Wilma - a11 Minn Wisc Wisc
Grismer, Margaret - a7 Minn Wisc Wisc

They had the following children:
  i. Wilma (~1919-)
  ii. Helen (~1915-)
  iii. William
  iv. Doris (~1917-)
  v. Margaret (~1923-)

139. James Peter Fye. Born on 23 Sep 1896 in Ohio. James Peter died in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, on 3 Sep 1964; he was 67. Buried on 6 Sep 1964 in
Evergreen Cemetery, Oconto, Wisconsin.

Research: 1920 Census - ED 175 Sheet 19A Visit 238 - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Fye, James head a23y Ohio Penn Eng
Fye, Grace wife a19y Wis Germ Germ

1930 Census - ED 42-18 Visit 83 - Oconto City, Oconto, Wisconsin

Fye, James head a33 mw23y Ohio Penn England
Fye, Grace wife a30 mw19 Wisc Germ Germ
Fye, Ida Mae daug a8 Wisc Ohio Wisc

On 30 Sep 1919 when James Peter was 23, he married Grace Zimmerman, in Oconto County, Wisconsin. Born in 1897 in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.

They had one child:
  i. Ida Mae

140. Francis James Fye.4 Born on 17 Sep 1898 in Plain, Wayne, Ohio.

141. Glen Fye. Born on 23 Jul 1904 in Oconto County, Wisconsin.2

142. John Rambertus Oudean. Born on 8 May 1876 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio. John Rambertus died in Tacoma, Washington, in 1948; he was 71.
Buried in 1948 in Tacoma, Washington. Occupation: Papermaker.

John Oudean, 71, of Kelso died Friday at his home.  He was born in Wisconsin and came to Washington 30 years ago.  He had many friends in
Tacoma.  He is survived by his wife, Minnie of Kelso; two daughters, Mrs. Ernie Day of Yakima and Mrs. June McDonald of Yakima; a son, John of
Salem, Ore.; five sisters, Mrs. Henry Wall, Mrs. John Scholl, Mrs. Bell Keller, Mrs. Harvey Quinn and Mrs. John Andrews, all of Tacoma; three
brothers, Bill and Harry of Kelso and George of Tacoma; and one grandchild.  Bitlezsen and Moore of Kelso is in charge.

Oudeans Funeral

Final rites for the late John R. Oudeans, of Kelso were held Monday afternoon in the Ditlevsen-Moore chapel with Rev. E. H. Gebart officiating.
Interment was in the Kelso IOOE Cemetery.  Pall bearers were J. R. Kondra, J. A. DePriest, Alex Weber, Roger Crandall, Buck Foster, and Helger

Research: 1910 Census - ED 110 Sheet 22A Visit 132 - Oconto Falls Township, Wisconsin

Oudeans, John a33y m1 12y Ohio Holl Penn
Oudeans, Anna a32 m1 12y 3ch 3liv Holl Holl Holl
Oudeans, John Jr. a10y Wis Ohio Holl
Oudeans, Zelma a8y Wis Ohio Holl
Oudeans, Evelyn a3mo, Wis Ohio Holl

1920 Census - ED 143 Sheet 6A Visit 118 - Pleasant Prairie Washingon

Oudeans, John a43y m Ohio Holland Penn
Oudeans, Anna a42y m imm1882 na1896 Holland Holland Holland
Oudeans, John son a18y Wis Ohio Holland
Oudeans, Zelma dau a16y Wis Ohio Holland
Oudeans, June dau a6y Wis Ohio Holland

1930 Census - ED 24-31 Fairground Precinct, Marion, Oregon, Visit 125

Oudeans, John R head a53 mw20 Ohio Holland Wisc Papermill
Oudeans, Minnia A wife a46 mw19 Nebr Illinois Mich
Oudeans, John Jr. son a30 Wisc Ohio Ohio
Oudeans, June daug a16 Wisc Ohio Ohio

On 21 May 1896 when John Rambertus was 20, he first married Anna Updenkelder, daughter of Jorg Rudolph Updenkelder (1845-) & Kate
Highlander, in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.2 Born in 1878 in Holland.

They had the following children:
  i. Eva Lydia2 (1897-1898)
  ii. John (1899-)
  iii. Zelma May (1902-)
  iv. Evelyn (1910-)
  v. June (1914-)
  vi. UNNAMED (1905-)

John Rambertus second married Minnie Allee Jolly.

Oudeans - Mrs. Minnie Alee, 75, of Ryderwood, formerly of Kelso, died Aug. 27 in a local hospital.  Born Oct. 24, 1883, in Nebraska, she was a
member of the Ryderwood Community Church and the Artist’s League of Southwest Washington.  She is survived by three sons, John O. Oudeans of
Salem, Rodney Oudeans of Lakewood, Calif. and James Quesberry of Los Angeles; three daughters, Mrs. Zelma Day of Tacoma, Mrs. June
McDonald of Portland and Mrs. Judine Hamilton of Salme; two sisters, Mrs. Hattie Barber of Ryderwood, and Mrs. Ida Jane Hopkins of Salem, a
brother Charls W. Jolly of Ryderwood; two grandchildren; and three great grandchildren.  Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Kelso
Methodist Church, the Rev. John Magoon officiating.  Interment will be in Cowlitz View Cemetery.

143. Elizabeth Oudean. Born on 20 Nov 1877 in Lakeville, Cuyahoga, Ohio. Buried in 1957 in Tacoma, Washington. Elizabeth died in Tacoma,
Washington, in 1957; she was 79.

Mrs. Elizabeth Andrews, 79, of 5439 So. Yakima Ave., died Friday at a local hospital.  She was born in Cleveland and had lived in Tacoma 38 years.
She was a member of the Jehovah Witnesses.  Survivors include two step-children, Mrs. Ed Tuttle and Layton Andrews, both of Tacoma; four sisters,
Mrs. Henry Wall, Mrs. Cleve Hubbard, Mrs. Harvey Quinn and Mrs. John Choll, all of Tacoma; and three brothers, WIlliam, Harry and George
Audean, all of Kelso.  Services will be announced by Piper Funeral Home.

On 14 Feb 1893 when Elizabeth was 15, she first married Louis Ganow, son of Peter Ganow & Rose, in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.2

On 30 Nov 1897 when Elizabeth was 20, she second married John R. Andrews, son of Rufus Andrews & Agnes Volk, in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.2

144. Mary “Mamie” Oudean. Born on 30 May 1880 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio.

Mary “Mamie” married Henry Wall.

145. George Oudean. Born on 18 Sep 1882 in Woodland Hills, Cuyahoga, Ohio. George died in Tacoma, Washington, on 2 Apr 1965; he was 82.

Oconto Daily Reporter

George W. Oudeans, 82, died on Friday. He was a native of Ohio but had lived in Oconto Falls before going out to Washington about 48 years ago. He
was a live member of the Kelso Elks Lodge and the Longview – Kelso Musicians Association.

Survivors are his wife, Esther, two daughters, Mrs. Erma Zurfluh, Tacoma and Mrs. Lou Halperin of Portland, two brothers, William and Harry, both of
Tacoma, and three sisters, Mrs. Mamie Wall, Mrs. Adeline Quinn and Mrs. Belle Hubbard, all of Tacoma.

Tacoma Newspaper

George W. Oudeans, 82, of 4217 E. T St., died Friday in a local hospital.  He was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and he lived in this state 48 years.  Mr.
Oudeans lived in Kelso and Longview besides Tacoma.  He was a life member of the Kelso Elks Lodge No. 1482 and the Longview-Kelso Musicians
Association.  Besides his wife, Esther, survivors include two daughters Mrs. Erma Zurfluh, of Tacoma, and Mrs. Lou Halperin, of Portland; two
brothers, William and Harry, both of Tacoma; three sisters, Mrs. Mamie Wall, Mrs. Adeline Quinn and Mrs. Belle Hubbard, all of Tacoma; four
grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren.  Services are announced Monday by Piper Funeral Home.

Research: 1910 Census - ED 119 Sheet 13A Visit 276 - Oconto Twp. Wisconsin

Oudeans, George a29y m1 6y Ohio Holl Penn
Oudeans, Ruth a22y m1 6y 2ch 2liv Wis France France
Oudeans, Lula dau a5y Wis Ohio Wis
Oudeans, Erma dau a2y Wis Ohio Wis

George married Ruth “Kate” Bennet.

They had the following children:
  i. Lula (1904-)
  ii. Erma (1907-)

146. Arabella Oudean. Born on 18 Sep 1884 in Cleveland, Ohio. Arabella died in Cleveland, Ohio, in Sep 1885; she was <1.

147. Samuel Oudean. Born on 22 Oct 1886 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio. Samuel died in Blachleyville, Ohio, abt 1889; he was 2.

148. Arabella Oudean. Born on 21 Jul 1888 in Perryville, Ashland, Ohio. Arabella died in Tacoma, Washington, in 1983; she was 94. Buried in 1983 in
Tacoma, Washington.

Mrs. Bell Hubbard of 1717 S. 42nd  St. died Thursday. She was 94.  She was born in O’Connell, Wis., and had resided in Tacoma the past 59 years.
Mrs. Hubbard was a Jehovah Witness.  Survivors include four daughters, Bonnie Cvitanich of Gig Harbor, Joan Trig?? of Graham and Judith Pender
and Minona Pulley, both of Olympia; two brothers William O’Dean of Longview and Harry O’Dean of Tacoma; 36 grandchildren and 65
great-grandchildren.  Mountain View Funeral Home is in charge.

Research: 1900 Census - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin - ED 142 Page 8A Line 42

Updenkelder, Jorg b. Dec 1845 a. 54 Widowed Holland Holland Holland im. 1887 13 yrs in US no cit.
Updenkelder, Gloss b. May 1882 a. 18 Holland Holland Holland

1910 Census - ED 110 Sheet 10A Visit 231 - Oconto Falls Twp. Wisconsin

Updenkelder, Gloss head a25y m1 5y Holl Holl Holl
Updenkelder, Arabella wife a21y m1 5y 2ch 2liv Ohio Holl Holl
Updenkelder, Winona dau a4y Wis Holl Ohio
Updenkelder, Adeline dau a2y Wis Holl Ohio

1920 Census - ED 175 Sheet 4B Visit 84 - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Updenkelder, Gloss head a36y m imm1889 na Holl Holl Holl
Updenkelder, Belle wife a35y m Ohio Holl Penn
Updenkelder, Adeline dau a12y Wis Holl Ohio
Updenkelder, Hilda dau a8y Wis Holl Ohio
Updenkelder, Judith dau a2y Wis Holl Ohio
Updenkelder, Leona dau a2m Wis Holl Ohio

1930 Census - ED 27-163 Tacoma City, Pierce, Washington, Visit 244

Updenkelder, Gloss head a51 mw25 Holland Holland Holland railway
Updenkelder, Bell wife a39 mw15 Ohio Holland Penn
Updenkelder, Winona daug a24 Wisc Holland Ohio
Updenkelder, Judith daug a16 Wisc Holland Ohio
Updenkelder, Leona daug a12 Wisc Holland Ohio
Updenkelder, Joan daug a7 Wash Holl Ohio

Arabella first married Gloss Updenkelder, son of Jorg Rudolph Updenkelder (1845-) & Kate Highlander. Born in May 1882 in Holland. Gloss died in
Tacoma, Washington, in 1949; he was 66. Buried in 1949 in New Tacoma Cemetery, Tacoma, Washington.

Gloss Updenkelder, 67, of 1717 South 42nd Street, died Monday at a local hospital.  He was a retired painter for the Northern Pacific railroad for which
he had been employed for 26 years.  He was a native of Amsterdam, Holland.  Survivors include his wife, Belle of the home; seven daughters, Bonnie
Jean, Mrs. Minona Pulley, Mrs. Hilda Gregory, Mrs. Joann Triggs and Mrs. Judy Pender, all of Tacoma, and Mrs. Adeline Engle of Milton and Mrs.
Leona Manning of Oregon; two brothers, Ervine of Oregon and William of Idaho, and 21 grandchildren.  Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m.
Wednesday from Piper’s chapel, the Rev. Donald Abernathy officiating. Burial will be in the New Tacoma cemetery.

They had the following children:
  i. Winona (1906-)
  ii. Adeline (1908-)
  iii. Hilda (1912-)
  iv. Judith (~1912-)
  v. Leona (~1918-)
  vi. Joann (~1923-)
  vii. Bonnie Jean

Arabella second married Cleve Hubbard.

Cleve J. Hubbard, 75, of 1717 S. 42nd St., died Monday in a local hospital.  He was born in New Lisbon, Wisl, and had lived in Tacoma for 25 years.
Mr. Hubbard was a retired foreman for the American Smelting and Refining Co., and a member of the Tacoma Congregation of Jehovah Witnesses.
He also belonged to the Modern Woodmen of America.  Survivors include his wife, Belle, of the home; one son, Conrad Hubbard and one daughter,
Mrs. Lotus Zindorf, both of New Lisbon, Wis.; five stepdaughters, Mrs. George Cvitanich, Mrs. Winona Pulley and Morice Triggs, all of Tacoma, Mrs.
Judith Pender and Mrs. Leona Manning, both of Olympia; 10 grandchildren; trhee great-grandchildren; 36 step-grandchildren; and 20
step-great-grandchildren.  Services will be announced by Piper Funeral Home.

149. Adeline Oudean. Born on 3 Sep 1892 in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.

Adeline married Harvey Quinn.

150. William Albert Oudean. Born on 7 May 1895 in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.2

Research: 1930 Census - ED 27-174 Tacoma City, Pierce, Washington, Visit 309

Oudean, William head a34 mw24 Wisc Holland Penn
Oudean, Cecilia wife a29 mw19 Wash Belgium Minn
Oudean, William C son a4y3m Wash Wisc Wash

William Albert married Cecilia Yost. Born abt 1901 in Washington.

They had one child:
  i. William C. (1926-)

151. Lydia Oudean. Born on 17 May 1897 in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.2

Lydia may actually be Hilda as listed on the census records, etc.  Lydia’s birthday is May 1897, which matches Hilda’s birthday according to the 1900

152. Hilda Oudean. Born on 1 May 1898 in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.

153. Harry L. Oudean. Born on 6 May 1900 in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.

Research: 1930 Census - ED 27-177 Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, Visit 4

Oudean, Harry L roomer a31 Wisc Holland Penn musician for orchestra

154. John Kiner.

155. William Henry Fuller. Born on 28 Sep 1874 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio. William Henry died in Olympia, Thurston, Washington, on 3 Nov 1954;
he was 80. Buried in Harlowton, Wheatland, Montana. Occupation: Mill Hand.

Research: 1900 Census - Oconto Falls, WI - ED 142 Sheet 7 Line 66

Fuller, William b. Sep 1875 a. 25 m. 3yrs Ohio Penn Penn Farmer
Fuller, Minnie b. Jun 1877 a. 23 1 ch 1 living Wis NewY NewY
Fuller, William H. b. Feb 1899 a. 2 Wis Ohio Wis

On 28 Dec 1896 when William Henry was 22, he married Minnie Jennie Collier, daughter of Charles Collier & Jenny Bennehoff, in Oconto Falls,
Wisconsin.2 Born on 14 Jun 1878 in Pensaukee, Oconto, Wisconsin. Minnie Jennie died in Olympia, Thurston, Washington, on 8 Sep 1949; she was
71. Buried in Harlowton, Wheatland, Montana.

They had the following children:
  i. William Henry (1898-)
  ii. Charley Kellogg (1900-)
  iii. Petronella (1902-)
  iv. Christopher Paul (1905-)
  v. Owen (1908-1963)

156. John Fuller. Born on 6 Sep 1877 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio. John died on 12 Apr 1955; he was 77. Occupation: Laborer.

Research: 1900 Census - Oconto Falls, Oconto, Wisconsin, ED 142 Visit 11

Fuller, John - Sept 1877 - 22 m3 Ohio Ohio Ohio Paper Finisher
Fuller, Stella - June 1880 - 19 m3 Wisc NewY NewY
Fuller, Mamie - Dec 1898 2 Wisc Ohio Wisc

On 8 Mar 1897 when John was 19, he first married Stella Collier2, daughter of Charles Collier & Jenny Bennehoff, in Abrams, Oconto, Wisconsin.2
Born on 14 Jun 1879 in Morgan, Wisconsin. Stella died in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, on 17 Feb 1903; she was 23. Buried on 20 Feb 1903 in Oconto
Falls, Wisconsin.

They had the following children:
  i. Mamie (1898-)
  ii. Owen (1902-)

On 11 Jan 1906 when John was 28, he second married Josephine Van Benenden, daughter of Joseph Van Benenden & Mary Kines, in Oconto Falls,
Wisconsin.2 Born in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

They had one child:
  i. James J. (1907-)

157. Adaline Fuller. Born on 27 Aug 1878 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio. Adaline died on 27 Sep 1962; she was 84.

Research: 1900 Census - ED 142 Sheet 7 Visit 132 - Oconto Falls, Oconto, Wisconsin

Collier, Owen b Aug 1871 a28y m5 Ill, NY, Canada
Collier, Adaline b June 1878 a22y m5 Ohio Penn Ohio

On 5 Sep 1895 when Adaline was 17, she married Owen Collier, son of Charles Collier & Jenny Bennehoff, in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.2 Born in Aug
1871 in Illinois. Owen died on 23 Feb 1953; he was 81.

158. Samuel Franklin Fuller. Born on 11 Jan 1886 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio. Samuel Franklin died on 12 Dec 1971; he was 85. Occupation: Paper

On 22 Feb 1906 when Samuel Franklin was 20, he first married Emma I. Ricker, daughter of Peter I. Ricker & Emma Westcott.2 Born in Oconto
Falls, Wisconsin. Emma I. died on 18 Aug 1955.

They had the following children:
  i. Luella Mae (1907-)
  ii. Claire
  iii. Carol
  iv. Floyd
  v. Lee
  vi. Earl
  vii. Elaine
  viii. Ivy

Samuel Franklin second married Lauretta Wagner.

They had one child:
  i. Orville

159. George Harrison Fuller. Born on 31 Jul 1889 in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.2 George Harrison died in Town of Stiles, Wisconsin, on 31 Aug 1961;
he was 72.

Research: 1920 Census - ED 178 Sheet 8B Visit 155 - Stiles, Oconto, Wisconsin

Fuller, Harry head a31y Wis Penn Ohio
Fuller, Ethel wife a21 Wis Germ Germ
Fuller, Chester son a3y Montana Wis Wis
Fuller, Eunice dau Wis Wis Wis

On 21 Jun 1909 when George Harrison was 19, he first married Helen Rice. Helen died on 4 Oct 1910.

George Harrison second married Ethel Emma Paulina Wegehaupt.

They had the following children:
  i. Chester (1917-)
  ii. Eunice (1919-)

160. Orin Arnold Fuller. Born on 8 Jul 1891 in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.2 Orin Arnold died on 18 Nov 1961; he was 70.

On 7 Sep 1911 when Orin Arnold was 20, he married Pauline Nuhlicek. Born on 18 Apr 1892. Pauline died on 19 Jul 1950; she was 58.

161. Matilda Mae Fuller. Born on 24 Aug 1893 in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.

On 16 Feb 1919 when Matilda Mae was 25, she married Frank Coopman, in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin. Born on 3 Mar 1890 in Bay Settlement, Brown,
Wisconsin. Frank died in 1953; he was 62. Buried in 1953.

Frank P. Coopman†


Frank Coopman Funeral Rites†
Held Weld Wednesday †

Oconto Falls - Funeral rites were held on Wednesday morning for Frank P. Coopman, from the John Crooks Funeral Home and St. Anthony's Catholic
Church at nine o'clock Wednesday morning, the Rev. Joseph Lahno officiating at the requiem mass. Burial took place in the Catholic Cemetery,
Messrs, Thomas Kobe’s, Martin Fonders, Harris Portier, Frank Naniot, Peter Trudell and Frank Langley carrying the casket. Robert Lemorande and
Orrie Magnin of the American Legion presented Mrs. Coopman with the American Flag from the casket. Mr. Coopman passed away at the
Community Memorial Hospital early Monday morning, after an illness of several years. Death was due to general complications. He was born on
March 3rd, 1890, in Bay Settlement, Brown County, and was 63 years of age. His marriage to the former Matilda Fuller at St. Anthony's Church on
February 16, 1919.

The deceased was a master barber operating a shop on the West Side for forty years, ill health making it necessary to stop working. He was a veteran
of World War I, an active member of St. Anthony's congregation and the Holy Name Society. The parish rosary was recited at the Funeral Home
Tuesday evening. Survivors are his wife, four daughters, May, Mrs. Ervin Renel, Oconto Falls, Adeline, Mrs. John Stoviak, and Faye, Mrs. Wendell
Wusterbarth of Milwaukee, Betty, Mrs. Joseph Beschta of Lena, four sons, Harold, Milheiser, Milwaukee, Louis Milheiser, and Kenneth Coopman of
Oconto Falls and Donald at home. He is further survived by a brother, Charles of Oconto Falls and two sisters, Mrs. David Young and Mrs. Lena Just,
Oconto Falls. twenty grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Sincere sympathy is extended to the family.

162. Margaret Elizabeth Fuller. Born on 17 Sep 1897 in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.2 Margaret Elizabeth died on 2 May 1958; she was 60. Buried on 5
May 1958 in Kelley Cemetery, Spruce, Oconto, Wisconsin.

May 2, 1958†

Pagel Service Monday at 2 P. M.

Elizabeth Pagel, 60, of Townsend, died at her home Friday noon having been in poor health for the past two years, the former Elizabeth Fuller was born
September 17, 1897 at Oconto Falls and had been a resident at Oconto County for 13 years and of Kewaunee for 20 years when they started the Pagels
Resort at Burnt Dam. She married August Pagel, May 8, 1916 at Menominee Michigan. The family is well known in the Oconto County area and
northern Friends may call at the Soulek Funeral Home at Oconto Falls after 7 p.m. this evening. Funeral services will be held at the Soulek Funeral
Home in Oconto Falls on Monday. May 5 at 2 p.m. with Rev, Richard Tremalne of Silver Lake officiating. Burial will be in the Kelly Brook, Cemetery
at Spruce.

Survivors are her husband, four daughters. (Effie Mrs. Roland Luedtke, Algoma; (Pearl) Mrs. Maynard Svuboda, Kewaunee; (Joyce) Mrs. Thos.
Kinjerski, Luxemburg; and (Lucille). Mrs. Wllliam Popp. Townsend; three sons, Carl, Kewaunee; Lester, Green Bay, and Rupert of Luxemburg. Also
surviving are brothers, Orin Fuller and Harry Puller of Oconto Falls, and Samuel Fuller, Nekoosa; sisters Mrs. Tillie Cooperman, Oconto Falls. and
Mrs. Adeline Colliar, Harlow, Mont., and 42 grandchildren.

On 18 May 1915 when Margaret Elizabeth was 17, she married August Pagel. Born on 19 Oct 1894. August died on 31 Mar 1982; he was 87.

163. Christopher Henry Fuller.

164. Mary Ann Fuller.

165. Morris Schoeneberger. Born in 1875 in Northampton, Pennsylvania.

166. Charles Schoeneberger. Born in 1877 in Northampton, Pennsylvania.

167. Ada Bender. Born in Sep 1883.

Ada married Jeremiah L. Wentz.

168. Daisy S Schoeneberger. Born on 1 Nov 1875 in Catasauqua, Lehigh, Pennsylvania. Daisy S died on 21 Jan 1913; she was 37.

169. Sarah A Schoeneberger. Born in Jul 1877 in Catasauqua, Lehigh, Pennsylvania.

Sarah A married Herbert Clause.

170. Cora S Schoeneberger. Born in 1877 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Cora S died in Northampton, Pennsylvania, in Dec 1935; she was 58.

Cora S married George S Miller.

They had one child:
  i. Roy

171. Katie M Schoeneberger. Born in Feb 1880.

Katie M married David O.Brien.

172. Emma B Schoeneberger. Born in Feb 1884.

173. Cerney Fye. Born in 1875 in Lehigh, Pennsylvania.

174. Maggie S Fye. Born in 1876 in Lehigh, Pennsylvania.

175. Pursey D Fye. Born in 1878 in Lehigh, Pennsylvania.

176. Darley H Fye. Born in Aug 1879 in Lehigh, Pennsylvania.

177. Calvin Fye. Born abt 1878 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Calvin died in Northampton, Pennsylvania, bef 1920; he was 42.

Research: 1910 Census - Northampton Borough, Northampton, Pennsylvania, ED 105 Visit 229

Fye, Calvin - 32 m1 11y Penn Penn Penn Foreman
Fye, Christiana - 32 m1 11 1ch 1liv Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Lawton W - 10 Penn Penn Penn
Beck, Wilson - father-in-law - 55 Wid Penn Penn Penn

Calvin married Christiana Beck, daughter of Wilson Beck. Born abt 1878 in Pennsylvania.

They had one child:
  i. Lawton W (~1900-)

178. Herbert R. Fye. Born abt 1882 in Northampton, Pennsylvania.

Research: 1910 Census - Northampton Borough, Northampton, Pennsylvania, ED 105 Visit 349

Fye, Herbert - 26 m1 4y Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Elsie M. - 28 m1 4y 0ch 0liv Penn Eng Penn

1920 Census - Northampton Borough, Northampton, Pennsylvania, ED 147 Visit 115

Fye, Emma L - 63 Wid servant Penn Penn Penn
Fye, Herbert R - 36 boarder Penn Penn Penn

Herbert R. first married Elsie.

Herbert R. second married Gertrude M. Rothrock. Born on 24 May 1890 in Northampton, Pennsylvania. Gertrude M. died in Lehigh, Pennsylvania,
on 18 Jan 1981; she was 90.

179. Florence Fye. Born abt 1884 in Northampton, Pennsylvania.


1. “Death Record,” 13 May 1893, Wayne County, Death Record 2, Microfilm Copy, Wayne County Probate Court.
2. “Vital Record On File.”
3. “Death Certificate,” 27 Feb 1915, Medina County, Congress Twp., 14881, 6, Microfilm Copy, Ohio Historical Society.
4. Wayne County Historical Society, Birth Records from the Wayne County Probate Court 1867-1908.
5. Anna Olsen, “Affadvit from John Oudeans,” 11/13/1999.
6. Kathy Burge, “Information Regarding Arabella Fye and children,” September 1999, Burge personal records.
7. Kathy Burdge, 10/26/1999.
8. “Will of Mary Fye,” 8610, Wayne County Probate Court.
9. “Ruth Schafer Birthday Book,” Original belonged to Stella Fye Krugman.
10. “Death Record,” 3 Mar 1908, Wayne County, Death Record 2, Microfilm Copy, Wayne County Probate Court.
11. “Death Certificate,” 22 Nov 1947, Huron County, 93:11, Microfilm Copy, Huron County Probate Court.
12. Medina County Gazette, Thursday, March 2, 1893.
13. “Marriage Certificate,” 27 Feb 1893, Medina County, 286, G, Microfilm Copy, Medina County Probate Court.
14. “Death Certificate,” 20 Jun 1918, Lorain County, Penfield Twp., 38551, Microfilm Copy, Ohio Historical Society.
15. “Death Certificate,” 26 Jan 1930, Cuyahoga Falls, Summit County, 5992, 4, Microfilm Copy, Ohio Historical Society.
16. “Death Certificate.”
17. “Marriage Certificate,” 6 Jul 1895, Medina County, Microfilm Copy, Medina County Probate Court.
18. LDS Church, www.familysearch.com.
19. “Marriage Certificate,” 30 Jun 1896, Medina County, G-486, Microfilm Copy, Medina County Probate Court.
20. “Marriage Record,” 26 Dec 1911, Wayne, Ohio, Microfilm Copy, Wayne County Probate Court.