Generation 1 |
1. |
JAKUB1 FORAL was born in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic. He died in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic. He met MARIE KAFRDA. She was born in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic. She died in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic.
Jakub Foral and Marie Kafrda had the following child: |
2. |
i. |
MATEJ2 FORAL was born about 1824 in Babice, Moravia (Boehmen Koenigreich, Austria). He died date Unknown in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic. He met MARIE MIKSIK. She was born in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic. She died date Unknown in Bohemia.
Generation 2 |
2. |
MATEJ2 FORAL (Jakub1) was born about 1824 in Babice, Moravia (Boehmen Koenigreich, Austria). He died date Unknown in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic. He met MARIE MIKSIK. She was born in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic. She died date Unknown in Bohemia.

Matej Foral and Marie Miksik had the following children: |
i. |
FRANTISEK3 FORAL was born on 18 Jul 1856 in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic. He died on 21 Jul 1938.
ii. |
AUGUST FORAL was born in 1858 in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic. He met MARIE SUCHY. Notes for August Foral: Farmers assistant. In 1930 he was living in Rheinlander Wisconsin
iii. |
JAN FORAL was born on 08 Oct 1860 in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic. He died on 24 Oct 1861 in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic.
3. |
iv. |
JOSEPH JOHN FORAL was born on 18 Aug 1862 in Brno, Maehren Kroenlande, Austria. He died on 06 Oct 1904 in Lena, Oconto, Wisconsin, USA. He married Marguerite Stefl, daughter of Joseph Wenzel Stefl and Mary Katherine Kadlec, on 25 Jul 1883 in Oconto , WI. She was born in Apr 1868 in Klatovy, Bohemia. She died in 1944 in Spruce, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States of America.
Here is young Joseph Foral.
Left Bohemia, age 19, settled in Town of Spruce, Wiscosnsin.
He married Maguerite Stefl daughter of Joseph Stefl, Shawano
v. |
JAKUB FORAL was born on 15 Jul 1865 in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic. He died on 18 Nov 1953 in Ostrava 5.
vi. |
ANTONIN FORAL was born on 03 Jun 1867 in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic. She died on 17 Oct 1867 in Babice, Moravia, Czech Republic.
Generation 3 |
3. |
JOSEPH JOHN3 FORAL (Matej2, Jakub1) was born on 18 Aug 1862 in Brno, Maehren Kroenlande, Austria. He died on 06 Oct 1904 in Lena, Oconto, Wisconsin, USA. He married Marguerite Stefl, daughter of Joseph Wenzel Stefl and Mary Katherine Kadlec, on 25 Jul 1883 in Oconto , WI. She was born in Apr 1868 in Klatovy, Bohemia. She died in 1944 in Spruce, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States of America. Notes for Joseph John Foral: According to family history, the FORALS were from Bohemia. Young Josef Forel, age 19, left Havre France on board the SS France on Aug 13th 1881 arriving New York on 25 August 1881. On the passenger list he was listed as a merchant. He died in an accident. He fell from a wagon and suffered a brain concussion. Newspaper Article: JOSEPH FORAL KILLED Fell From Wagon and Wheels Passed Over Him Happened Near Lena Taken to Dr Grant's Office - Thought at First Nor Serious- Leaves Family of Wife and Nine Children "Joseph Foral, a Bohemian farmer of Spruce, drove to Lena with a grist. He left home at about 5 o'clock. When two miles west of Lena he was seen by Wenzel Windrash to fall from his wagon striking on his head and shoulder. Mr Windrash immediately summoned help and the injured was taken to Dr Grant's Office. Upon examination it was found that the wheels had passed over both legs, but breaking no bones and nothing to indicate more serious injury. He was removed to LeBoef's Hotel where he died at 9:30 of internal injuries. His family was notified, who arrived at midnight. Mr Foral was 45 years old and leaves a wife and nine children, the oldest 18 years old and the yougest 8 months."
Joseph John Foral and Marguerite Stefl had the following children: |
Starting with the girl on the
right and go clockwise: Anna Foral Sevcik, Anton Foral, Willon Foral, Edmond
Foral, Margeurite Stefl Foral, Albert Foral, Mamie Foral Kuschel, Emma
Foral Steffeck, George Foral, Joseph Foral, Jr. and Joseph Foral Sr.
i. |
GEORGE H4 FORAL was born on 19 Oct 1886 in Spruce, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States of America. He died on 16 Jan 1915 in Townsend, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States of America. He married Emma Toupal, daughter of John Toupal and Mary Roniller, on 10 Sep 1912 in Oconto, Wisconsin, USA. She was born in Jul 1891 in Wisconsin, USA. She died on 21 Sep 1921. Notes for George H Foral: Union Farmer Herald - Oconto Falls Jan 22, 1915 KILLED BY A LOGGING TRAIN Foral, Of Spruce Run Over Saturday Night Coming Back From Lakewood During Blizzard and Failed To See Logging Train Lakewood - George Foral of Spruce logging company met with a violent death during the blizzard near Lakewood last Saturday night. He left Lakewood where he had been on business and walked west on the trail for about four miles, intending to catch the logging train of the Holt Lumber Co. at a sput, but the darkness and raging snow storm made it difficult for him to see his way. He stopped in McCurdy's camp and borrowed a lantern, after which he took the spur track, it is supposed with the intention of making the road to the spur logging railroad ahead of the train. The train, however, had reached the junction and was backing some empty flat cars down on the spur and it is conjuectured that Mr. Foral, owing to the blizzard, did not see or hear the train until he was struck. The trainmen knew nothing of the accident until the discovery of the body of Mr. Foral next morning lying alongside the track. One leg had been amputated and several severe contusions were observed on his face and head and had been given apparently with sufficient force to render him unconcious. His body was forzen when found. A coroner's jury was impaneled by Coroner Geroge Jones of Oconto and this body rendered a verdict of accidental death. The body was brought to his home in Spruce and buried in the Behemian(sic) burial ground in that town Tuesday. There were 175 teams in the funeral cortege, which formed in a line one and a half miles along - the largest ever held in Oconto county. Mr. Foral was about 29 years of age and was a hardworking industrious man and this winter was putting in logs under a contract from the Oconto Lumber Company. He is survived by a wife and his aged mother. He was highly regarded by his lifelong neighbors and friends.
4. |
ii. |
EMMA G. FORAL was born on 16 Jun 1888 in Spruce, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States of America. She died on 10 Mar 1968 in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States of America. She married James Joe Steffeck, son of Simon M. Steffeck and Agnes Schlais, about 1911 in Wisconsin. He was born on 30 Mar 1885 in Wisconsin. He died in 1939. She met (2) JOHN STEPHEN BRILL. He was born on 26 Dec 1889 in Poland. He died on 16 May 1969 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
5. |
iii. |
JOSEPH JOHN FORAL was born on 15 Nov 1891 in Spruce Township Oconto County. He died on 28 Apr 1965 in Mountain, Oconto, Wisconsin, USA. He married Bertha Louise Sasman, daughter of Johannes Ludwig (Henry) Sassmannshausen and Katharine Elisabeth Lueckel, on 15 May 1912 in Menominee, Menominee, Michigan, USA. She was born in Nov 1886 in Wisconsin. She died on 24 Aug 1964 in Wisconsin.
6. |
iv. |
MAYME MARGARET FORAL was born in Feb 1893 in Spruce, Oconto County, WI. She died on 12 Aug 1970 in Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, USA. She met HERMAN KUSCHEL. He was born on 14 Oct 1886 in Wisconsin, USA. He died on 06 Oct 1967 in Appleton, Wisconsin.
7. |
v. |
DELIA ANNA FORAL was born on 15 Jun 1895 in Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States of America. She died on 28 Mar 1987 in Green Bay, Brown, Wisconsin, USA. She married Joseph James Sevcik, son of Adolph Sevcik and Mary Kozina, in 1918. He was born on 12 Feb 1893 in Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin. He died on 20 Dec 1973 in Spruce, WI.
8. |
vi. |
ANTON M FORAL was born on 18 Jun 1897 in Spruce, Oconto County, Wisconsin, USA. He died on 27 Aug 1979 in Oconto Falls, Oconto County, Wisconsin, USA. He married Emma Strnad, daughter of Joseph Strnad and Maria Duffeck, on 21 Nov 1922 in Town of Little River, WI. She was born on 04 Feb 1902 in Town of Oconto. She died on 03 Mar 2001 in Lena, Oconto County, Wisconsin, USA.
vii. |
SERVIUS ALBERT SYLVESTER FORAL was born on 16 Jul 1899 in Town of Spruce, Oconto Co., Wis.. He died on 18 Jan 1987 in Town of Spruce, Oconto Co., Wis.. He married Barbara Kobes, daughter of James Kobes and Mary Valeska, on 14 Sep 1925 in Menominee, Menominee, Michigan, USA. She was born on 28 Feb 1909 in Town of Spruce, Oconto Co., Wis.. She died on 24 Aug 1980 in Community Memorial Hospital, Oconto Falls, WI. Notes for Servius Albert Sylvester Foral: Both Albert and Barbara operated the Foral Resort located at White and Pecor Lakes. They are buried in the Pine Hill Cemetery, Spruce, WI.
9. |
viii. |
EDMOND E. FORAL was born on 16 Aug 1901 in Oconto, Wisconsin. He died on 24 Nov 1988 in Suring, Oconto County, WI. He married Elma Buege, daughter of Gustaf Buege and Augusta Handt, on 29 Nov 1921 in Menomonee Co, MI. She was born on 12 Aug 1903 in Grover, Marinette, Wisconsin. She died on 03 Dec 1989 in Chicago, Cook County, IL. He married Viola Monfort, daughter of Jospeh Monfort and Katherine Looze, on 23 Jun 1936 in Waukegan, Il. She was born on 17 Mar 1911 in Lincoln, WI. She died on 17 Mar 2003 in Kelly Lake, Oconto Co, WI.
10. |
ix. |
WILLON ELDON FORAL was born on 28 Dec 1903 in Town of Spruce, Oconto Co., Wis.. He died on 09 Oct 1998 in Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona, United States of America. He met (1) EVELYN SCHAEFFER. She was born on 24 Oct 1907. She died in Apr 1980 in Reeseville, Dodge County, WI. He married Imelda Mary Taylor, daughter of Fannie May Taylor, about 1933 in Milwaukee, WI. She was born about 1908 in Columbus, Mississippi. She died on 02 Jun 2001.
Generation 4 |
4. |
EMMA G.4 FORAL (Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1) was born on 16 Jun 1888 in Spruce, Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States of America. She died on 10 Mar 1968 in Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, United States of America. She married James Joe Steffeck, son of Simon M. Steffeck and Agnes Schlais, about 1911 in Wisconsin. He was born on 30 Mar 1885 in Wisconsin. He died in 1939. She met (2) JOHN STEPHEN BRILL. He was born on 26 Dec 1889 in Poland. He died on 16 May 1969 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Notes for Emma G. Foral:
Notes for James Joe Steffeck: In 1930 he was listed as a farmer.
James Joe Steffeck and Emma G. Foral had the following child: |
i. |
EVELYN L5 STEFFECK was born about 1913 in Wisconsin.
Notes for John Stephen Brill:
5. |
JOSEPH JOHN4 FORAL (Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1) was born on 15 Nov 1891 in Spruce Township Oconto County. He died on 28 Apr 1965 in Mountain, Oconto, Wisconsin, USA. He married Bertha Louise Sasman, daughter of Johannes Ludwig (Henry) Sassmannshausen and Katharine Elisabeth Lueckel, on 15 May 1912 in Menominee, Menominee, Michigan, USA. She was born in Nov 1886 in Wisconsin. She died on 24 Aug 1964 in Wisconsin. Notes for Joseph John Foral: Joseph was a man of many occupations. He was a cheesemaker, a politician and a lawman. He served as a federal marshall on the Menomonee Indian Reservation and Oconto County Sheriff both as a Democrate and a Republican candidate. He grew up in the Town of Spruce. He lived in the Breed Cheese Factory and after retiring from the Sheriffs Department lived in Mountain, Town of Armstrong. He loved to fish. Especially trout fishing in the smaller streams around Mountain. He also loved to ice fish in the winter time. He loved the outdoors. He picked berries for his wifes pies. He hunted. According to the 1920 census, the family lived in the Township of Little River, Oconto County, WI
Here is a re-election poster of my Grandfather Joseph Foral. He was
elected sheriff of Oconto County both as a Republican and Democratic
Candidate. He was born in Town of Spruce and was a cheesemaker in Breed
and Mountain. He also owned a hotel and meat market in Mountain. After
he retired he and his wife Bertha Louise Sasman Foral lived in
Mountain. He was active in politics all his life. He also loved to
Notes for Bertha Louise Sasman: "Bert" was a fine woman and great cook. She had to be to put up with Joe. You could find her in the kitchen always cooking up some delicious treats; pies, cakes, kolatchies, roleekies. She had been in a terrible auto accident in Suring. Her leg had been crushed and she had to walk with a brace on her leg and a cane. But it didn't slow her down. She was one of the biggest Green Bay Packer fans. On Sunday she was always in front of the TV rooting for her team. And if things weren't going well, that cane got a good workout on her hassock.
Joseph John Foral and Bertha Louise Sasman had the following children: |

11. |
i. |
ROMAINE MAIME5 FORAL was born on 06 Apr 1913 in Black Creek, WI. She died on 24 May 2011 in Mountain, Oconto County, Wisconsin. She married David William McKinley Urban, son of Charles Louis Urban and Zora Ashworth, on 31 Dec 1931 in Waukegan IL. He was born on 13 Jun 1900 in Greenup, Kentucky. He died on 23 Aug 1984 in Mountain, WI. She married an unknown spouse on 31 Dec 1931.
12. |
ii. |
MARVIN JOSEPH FORAL was born on 02 Dec 1915 in How, Wisconsin. He died on 03 Aug 2012 in Lansdale, PA. He married Mayme Julia O'Connor, daughter of Martin O'Connor and Clara Louise (Dolly) Griebeler, on 31 Jan 1936 in Gillette, WI. She was born on 02 Jan 1916 in Wisconsin. She died on 27 Nov 2010 in Doylestown, Bucks, Pennsylvania.
13. |
iii. |
MARGARET BERTHA FORAL was born on 09 Mar 1918 in Town of Little River, Oconto Co., WI. She died on 14 Aug 2007 in Bellin Hospital, Green Bay, WI. She married Casper Joseph Fonferek, son of Valentine Fonferek and Caroline Lena Smith, on 15 Nov 1934 in Oconto, Wi. He was born on 23 Jun 1906 in Brown, Wisconsin. He died on 07 Sep 1991 in Town of Breed, Oconto Co. WI.
14. |
iv. |
AUDREY MAE SYLVIA FORAL was born on 11 Sep 1928 in Wabeno, WI. She died on 01 May 2019 in Mountain, Oconto County, Wisconsin, USA (Death). She married Wayne Ralph Locke, son of Ralph Barker Locke and Ruth M, in Breed, WI. He was born on 28 Aug 1919 in Elseworth, FL. He died on 10 May 1987 in Omro, Winnebago County, Wisconsin, USA. She met (2) RICHARD DANA WALDO. He was born on 22 Feb 1921 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died on 07 Sep 2001 in Mountain, Wisconsin.
6. |
MAYME MARGARET4 FORAL (Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1) was born in Feb 1893 in Spruce, Oconto County, WI. She died on 12 Aug 1970 in Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, USA. She met HERMAN KUSCHEL. He was born on 14 Oct 1886 in Wisconsin, USA. He died on 06 Oct 1967 in Appleton, Wisconsin.
Notes for Herman Kuschel: Social Security #: 396-22-4816 SS# issued in: Wisconsin Birth date: Oct 14, 1886 Death date: Oct 1967 ZIP Code of last known residence: 54911 Primary location associated with this ZIP Code:
Herman Kuschel and Mayme Margaret Foral had the following children: |
15. |
i. |
LAVERNA MARGERET5 KUSCHEL was born on 16 Jan 1918 in Pound, Wis.. She died on 24 Apr 2000 in Watertown, Dodge County, Wisconsin, USA. She married Rev. H. Marcus Schwartz, son of John H Schwartz and Clara B Feyerherm, on 01 Sep 1941. He was born on 22 Jul 1913 in Menomonie, Dunn County, Wisconsin, USA. He died on 10 Nov 2004 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, USA.
ii. |
JEROME JOSEPH KUSCHEL was born on 19 Mar 1924 in Appleton, WI. He died on 06 Jul 1997 in Appleton, WI. Notes for Jerome Joseph Kuschel: according to the SSDI his SSN was 397-18-8476
iii. |
7. |
DELIA ANNA4 FORAL (Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1) was born on 15 Jun 1895 in Oconto County, Wisconsin, United States of America. She died on 28 Mar 1987 in Green Bay, Brown, Wisconsin, USA. She married Joseph James Sevcik, son of Adolph Sevcik and Mary Kozina, in 1918. He was born on 12 Feb 1893 in Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin. He died on 20 Dec 1973 in Spruce, WI. Notes for Delia Anna Foral: Buried in Allouez Cemetery
Notes for Joseph James Sevcik: According to the 1920 census, Joseph and his wife lived in the Township of Little River, Oconto County, WI.
Joseph James Sevcik and Delia Anna Foral had the following children: |
i. |
ii. |
8. |
ANTON M4 FORAL (Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1) was born on 18 Jun 1897 in Spruce, Oconto County, Wisconsin, USA. He died on 27 Aug 1979 in Oconto Falls, Oconto County, Wisconsin, USA. He married Emma Strnad, daughter of Joseph Strnad and Maria Duffeck, on 21 Nov 1922 in Town of Little River, WI. She was born on 04 Feb 1902 in Town of Oconto. She died on 03 Mar 2001 in Lena, Oconto County, Wisconsin, USA. Notes for Anton M Foral: He lived in Little River, WI, until 1929. He moved to Lena where he own the Foral Motors, Ford Dealership. He belonged to the West Bohemia Fraternal Assoc. and St Charles Catholic Church
Notes for Emma Strnad: Emma was secretary and bookkeeper for 50 years at the Ford Dealership until retiring in 1979. She was a member of the Western Fraternal Life Association, American Legion Auxiliary, and the Holy Cross Catholic Church. She enjoyed playing cards, being with family, her flowers and friends. She is buried in St Charles Cemetery, Lena, WI Survivors include her children Elaine (Robert) LeFebre, Lena; Kenneth (Phyllis) Foral, Lena, and Loryce (Timothy) Heisel, Penn-Laird, VA; 16 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; 12 great-great-grandchildren, many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by one grandchild, two great-grandsons, one sister and three brothers. Friends called at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Lena on Tuesday, March 6 from 9:30 a.m. until time of the funeral. Mass of Christian Burial was 11 a.m. at the church with Father Frank Schrage officiating. Burial will be at St. Charles Cemetery, Lena. Rhodes-Charapata Funeral Home, Lena assisting the family with arrangements.
Anton M Foral and Emma Strnad had the following children: |
i. |
CLARINE5 FORAL was born about 1924 in Wisconsin.
16. |
ii. |
KENNETH FORAL was born on 06 Apr 1927 in Wisconsin. He died on 01 Jun 2014. He married PHYLLIS. She was born in 1929. She died in 2002.
iii. |
LOYCE FORAL was born about 1934 in Wisconsin.
17. |
iv. |
ELAINE FORAL was born in Lena, Wisconsin. She met ROBERT LEFEBRE.
v. |
ELOISE FORAL. She met TIMOTHY HEISEL. Notes for Timothy Heisel: New Jersy
9. |
EDMOND E.4 FORAL (Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1) was born on 16 Aug 1901 in Oconto, Wisconsin. He died on 24 Nov 1988 in Suring, Oconto County, WI. He married Elma Buege, daughter of Gustaf Buege and Augusta Handt, on 29 Nov 1921 in Menomonee Co, MI. She was born on 12 Aug 1903 in Grover, Marinette, Wisconsin. She died on 03 Dec 1989 in Chicago, Cook County, IL. He married Viola Monfort, daughter of Jospeh Monfort and Katherine Looze, on 23 Jun 1936 in Waukegan, Il. She was born on 17 Mar 1911 in Lincoln, WI. She died on 17 Mar 2003 in Kelly Lake, Oconto Co, WI. Notes for Edmond E. Foral: [Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1 A-L, Ed. 5, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Sep 18, 1998, Internal Ref. #] Individual: Foral, Edmond Social Security #: 399-34-7600 SS# issued in: Wisconsin Birth date: Aug 16, 1901 Death date: Nov 24, 1988 ZIP Code of last known residence: 54174 Primary location associated with this ZIP Code: Suring, Wisconsin
Edmond E. Foral and Elma Buege had the following children: |
18. |
i. |
VERLAND5 FORAL was born on 31 Jul 1925 in Marinette, WI. He died on 04 May 1999 in Berwyn, Ill. He met DOROTHY MILLER.
19. |
ii. |
Notes for Viola Monfort: Her and her husband owned the Kelly Lake cheese Factory until 1945 and farmed until 1965 in the Town of Spruce. She was a member of St Michael Catholic Church in Suring
Edmond E. Foral and Viola Monfort had the following children: |
iii. |
iv. |
v. |
10. |
WILLON ELDON4 FORAL (Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1) was born on 28 Dec 1903 in Town of Spruce, Oconto Co., Wis.. He died on 09 Oct 1998 in Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona, United States of America. He met (1) EVELYN SCHAEFFER. She was born on 24 Oct 1907. She died in Apr 1980 in Reeseville, Dodge County, WI. He married Imelda Mary Taylor, daughter of Fannie May Taylor, about 1933 in Milwaukee, WI. She was born about 1908 in Columbus, Mississippi. She died on 02 Jun 2001. Notes for Willon Eldon Foral: In the 1930's, Bill ran the Eleven Eleven Bar at 1111 West Welss St. The tavern had a stage at one end of the bar. After graduating from Oconto Falls High School he traveled to Milwaukee to join a band. During the roaring 20's he made a living with various jazz groups in Milwaukee and Chicago night clubs. In the early 1930's, he met a piano player named Imelda Taylor, who had taken a train from Mississippi for a gig in Chicago. They married in 1933. Bill got a job with the City Health Department and had a redeemable stamp business on the side. But his first love was always the old standards from the 20's and 30's. When he retired they moved to Venice, Florida, and joined up with old friend and band member Ralph Seeman. They performed regularly until Bill was 84. Bill and Imelda moved to Mesa, Arizona in 1993. According to the WWII US Navy Muster roles he servd aboard the USS Saratoga (CV-3) from June 1944-April 1946.
Willon Eldon Foral and Evelyn Schaeffer had the following children: |
i. |
WILLON5 FORAL JR was born on 07 May 1926 in Mil Mil, Wisconsin. He died on 28 Oct 1990 in Wisconsin, Dodge. Notes for Willon Foral Jr: SSDI info for birth and death, SSN 388-20-3180. [Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1 A-L, Ed. 5, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Sep 18, 1998, Internal Ref. #] Individual: Foral, Willon Social Security #: 388-20-3180 SS# issued in: Wisconsin Birth date: May 7, 1926 Death date: Oct 28, 1990 [Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1 A-L, Ed. 5, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Sep 18, 1998, Internal Ref. #] Individual: Foral, Willon Social Security #: 388-20-3180 SS# issued in: Wisconsin Birth date: May 7, 1926 Death date: Oct 28, 1990
ii. |
iii. |
iv. |
Willon Eldon Foral and Imelda Mary Taylor had the following children: |
v. |
MARTIN W FORAL was born on 05 Nov 1949.
vi. |
MARGARET FORAL. She married ??? Hayward in Mesa, Arizona.
Generation 5 |
11. |
ROMAINE MAIME5 FORAL (Joseph John4, Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1) was born on 06 Apr 1913 in Black Creek, WI. She died on 24 May 2011 in Mountain, Oconto County, Wisconsin. She married David William McKinley Urban, son of Charles Louis Urban and Zora Ashworth, on 31 Dec 1931 in Waukegan IL. He was born on 13 Jun 1900 in Greenup, Kentucky. He died on 23 Aug 1984 in Mountain, WI. She married an unknown spouse on 31 Dec 1931.
Notes for David William McKinley Urban: He was employed by the Army as an ordinance inspector. He was amember of the Gillett American Legion Post, the Masonic Lodge. He served in the US Navy during WWI. In 1910 he was living with his parents in Wayne TWP, Scioto County, Ohio. Enlistment Date: 9 Jul 1918 Enlistment County: Recruiting Station Louisville Enlistment State: Kentucky Enlistment Division: United States Navy Reserve Forces From his enlistment papers this: Naval Training Station Great Lakes Ill 10 July 1918 to 21 Oct 1918; Receiving Ship Philadelphia Pa to 30 Oct 1918; United States Ship Carola to 11 Nov 1918. Seaman, Second Class 125 days. Released 7 Nov 1919. Recalled to active duty and transferred to regular Navy August 30, 1920, Honorable Discharge July 31, 1922, Seaman 2nd class.
David William McKinley Urban and Romaine Maime Foral had the following children: |
20. |
i. |
DAVID MARVIN6 URBAN was born on 20 Jan 1933. He married Jeanette Moffett on 06 Nov 1953 in Alameda, California, USA. She was born on 13 Apr 1933.
21. |
ii. |
SUSAN HELEN URBAN was born on 21 Nov 1934 in Mountain, WI. She met GERALD LONZO. He was born on 25 Apr 1933 in Suring, WI. He died on 29 Dec 2011.
22. |
iii. |
RICHARD C URBAN was born on 11 Jan 1938 in Mountain, WI. He met (1) VIRGINIA LEE BARTZ. She was born on 18 Nov 1938 in Mountain, WI. She died on 07 Dec 1991 in Ventura. He met (2) CAROLYN JONES BOWMAN. She was born on 29 Jul 1947.
23. |
iv. |
JAMES FORAL URBAN was born on 18 Jun 1939 in Mountain, WI. He met JOANN BECKER. She was born on 13 Jul 1948 in Appleton, WI.
24. |
v. |
ROBERT DAVID URBAN was born on 10 Feb 1942 in Mountain, WI. He met SUZANNE JOHNSON. She was born on 02 Aug 1946 in Mountain, WI.
25. |
vi. |
MICHAEL J URBAN was born on 19 Feb 1951. He married Brenda S Saffran on 02 Aug 1980 in Walworth, Wisconsin. She was born in 1960.
vii. |
DIANA URBAN was born on 18 Aug 1954. She died on 14 Aug 1955 in Portugal.
12. |
MARVIN JOSEPH5 FORAL (Joseph John4, Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1) was born on 02 Dec 1915 in How, Wisconsin. He died on 03 Aug 2012 in Lansdale, PA. He married Mayme Julia O'Connor, daughter of Martin O'Connor and Clara Louise (Dolly) Griebeler, on 31 Jan 1936 in Gillette, WI. She was born on 02 Jan 1916 in Wisconsin. She died on 27 Nov 2010 in Doylestown, Bucks, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Mayme Julia O'Connor: Foral, Mayme Julia (O'Connor) died on Nov. 27, 2010 of natural causes. Born in Northern Wisconsin on Jan. 2, 1916. Mayme and her husband Marvin moved to Doylestown in 1950. She volunteered at the Doylestown Hospital for more than 43 years. She delivered meals-on-wheels and was also a Brownie Scout leader. Most of all, she elevated homemaking to an art form. A supreme cook and baker, she also did all forms of needlework, creating crocheted tableclothes, bedspreads and quilting countless coverlets, refusing the help of a machine. As a scout leader, she once volunteered to demonstrate woodcarving, "because no one else would volunteer." She eventually became the first aid demonstrator after suffering from a nasty cut. In he mid 50's, she became a world traveler. She climbed the Great Wall, saw the Pyramids and Ayer's Rock. After visiting six continents with her Electronic Scientist husband, (they were counted by Russian spies in Moscow) she declared, "home was best." She is survived by her husband of 74 years Marvin J. Foral of New Seasons of New Britian; a son Thomas J. Foral and his partner Joseph Patton, both of Doylestown; a daughter Nancy F. Andal and son-in-law Andres H. Andal of Glenmoore; two grandsons Paul J. Andal of Boca Raton, Fla. and Michael P. Andal of Lambertville, N.J.; and a beloved great granddaughter Justine Andal, also of Boca Raton. Burial will be private. A memorial reception is being planned for Saturday, Dec. 4. In lieu of flowers, you may make contributions to our cousin's sheltered workshop, New View Industries, 222 Park St. Gillette, Wisconsin 54124. Arrangements are by Simcox-McIlvaine Funeral Home in Lansdale; 215-855-3434
Marvin Joseph Foral and Mayme Julia O'Connor had the following children: |
i. |
THOMAS JOSEPH6 FORAL was born on 30 Jul 1937 in Wisconsin. He met JOSEPH PATTON.
26. |
ii. |
NANCY ANN FORAL. She met DR ANDY ANDAL. He was born in Republic of the Phillipines.
13. |
MARGARET BERTHA5 FORAL (Joseph John4, Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1) was born on 09 Mar 1918 in Town of Little River, Oconto Co., WI. She died on 14 Aug 2007 in Bellin Hospital, Green Bay, WI. She married Casper Joseph Fonferek, son of Valentine Fonferek and Caroline Lena Smith, on 15 Nov 1934 in Oconto, Wi. He was born on 23 Jun 1906 in Brown, Wisconsin. He died on 07 Sep 1991 in Town of Breed, Oconto Co. WI. Notes for Margaret Bertha Foral: Dottie was one of the first cooks at the YMCA Camp UNA-Li-YA on Chute Pond before they had electricity. Her and her husband Casper managed the Oconto County park at Chute Pond from 1954 until 1966. Dottie also worked at the Oconto Falls Hospital as a therapy technician. After her retirement she was a 25-year volunteer at the Suring Woodlands Nursing Home. Like her mother she was an avid Packer fan.
Notes for Casper Joseph Fonferek: Baptised Castorem Faferek on June 25 1903. His god parents were Castor and Magdalena Castor. He was named after his god parent. Casper was raised on a farm with his brothers and sisters in Breed. He was single until age 31 when he married his wife Dottie who lived with her parents done the road from the Fonferek farm. He played firstbase on the Breed Baseball Team. As a young man he was also a lumberjack in Lakewood and Wabeno. After they married, they were caretakers at the YMCA camp on Chute Pond. He owned and operated a gas station/tavern in Breed. Then, he moved to the Cheese factory owned by his father-in-law, Joseph Foral, across from the Breed Central elementary school. They purchased properties and constructed numerous vacation homes. He drove school bus for the Mountain and Suring Public Schools for 20 years before obtaining a job with Oconto County as a manager of the Chute Pond Park. Bothhe and his wife Dottie operated the reservoir dam, managed the camp grounds and cabins, and also were responsible for park upkeep and maintenance. They lived there from 1954 to 1966. Cass was an avid sportsman. He hunted deer, bear and moose. He trapped mink, muskrat and beaver. He hunted ducks, squirrel and pheasant. He loved to fish. He especially liked to fish for "muskie". In the fall when most tourist activities closed for the winter season, the whole family would hunt or fish together.
Casper Joseph Fonferek and Margaret Bertha Foral had the following children: |
27. |
i. |
MARY ANN6 FONFEREK was born on 14 Apr 1943 in Oconto Hospital, Oconto, Wi.. She married Noel Thomas Black, son of Edward Thomas Black and Fern Anna Catherine Haeger, on 08 Jun 1963 in Carson City, Nev.. He was born on 24 Dec 1941 in Cook Cty Hospital, Chicago, Ill..
ii. |
WILLIAM JOSEPH FONFEREK was born on 09 Mar 1948 in Oconto, Oconto County, WI. He married Linda Diane McGuire, daughter of Richard Joseph McGuire and Kathleen Marian Smith, on 10 Jun 1987 in Springfield, Robertson, Tennessee, USA. She was born on 17 Jan 1948 in Savannah, Chatham Co, GA.
14. |
AUDREY MAE SYLVIA5 FORAL (Joseph John4, Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1) was born on 11 Sep 1928 in Wabeno, WI. She died on 01 May 2019 in Mountain, Oconto County, Wisconsin, USA (Death). She married Wayne Ralph Locke, son of Ralph Barker Locke and Ruth M, in Breed, WI. He was born on 28 Aug 1919 in Elseworth, FL. He died on 10 May 1987 in Omro, Winnebago County, Wisconsin, USA. She met (2) RICHARD DANA WALDO. He was born on 22 Feb 1921 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died on 07 Sep 2001 in Mountain, Wisconsin.
Wayne Ralph Locke and Audrey Mae Sylvia Foral had the following children: |
i. |
TERRIANN6 LOCKE was born on 29 Oct 1949. She met JOHN VAN BLADEREN.
28. |
ii. |
VIRGINIA LOCKE was born on 18 Feb 1951. She married GARY USSEL.
29. |
iii. |
MURRY WAYNE LOCKE was born on 20 Jul 1952. He married Tere Jo Hill on 31 Dec 1985 in Oconto, Wisconsin. She was born on 07 Feb 1950.
30. |
iv. |
LARRY R LOCKE was born on 10 Sep 1954. He married Teresa A Larkin on 11 Oct 1980 in Columbia, Wisconsin. She was born in 1957.
Richard Dana Waldo and Audrey Mae Sylvia Foral had the following children: |
i. |
LISA6 WALDO was born on 09 May 1967. Notes for Lisa Waldo: Adopted
ii. |
JOSEPH WALDO was born on 12 Feb 1968.
15. |
LAVERNA MARGERET5 KUSCHEL (Mayme Margaret4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 16 Jan 1918 in Pound, Wis.. She died on 24 Apr 2000 in Watertown, Dodge County, Wisconsin, USA. She married Rev. H. Marcus Schwartz, son of John H Schwartz and Clara B Feyerherm, on 01 Sep 1941. He was born on 22 Jul 1913 in Menomonie, Dunn County, Wisconsin, USA. He died on 10 Nov 2004 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, USA. Notes for Laverna Margeret Kuschel: LaVerna M. Schwartz, age 82, 1035 Hill St., Watertown, died Monday, April 24, 2000, at Marquardt Memorial Manor. She was born Jan. 16, 1918, in Pound, the daughter of Herman and Mayme (Foral) Kuschel. She taught elementary school for several years after graduating from Coleman High School and Milwaukee Teachers College. On Sept. 1, 1941, she married the Rev. H. Marcus Schwartz in Coleman. She was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church in Watertown and various Lutheran societies. She is survived by her husband, the Rev. H. Marcus Schwartz; three daughters, Susan (Craig) Halverson of East Lansing, Mich., Margaret Hoeft of Stowe, Vt., and Paula Schwartz of La Crosse; three sons, the Rev. Martin L. (Helen) Schwartz of St. Paul Park, Minn., Armin (Linda) Schwartz of Waterloo, and Steve (Nancy) Schwartz of the Town of Delafield; 15 grandchildren; one brother, the Rev. Bernard Kuschel of South Milwaukee; nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents and one brother, Jerome. Funeral services are 2 p.m. Friday, April 28, 2000, at St. Paul s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1100 Ninth St. E., Menomonie, with the Rev. Steve Schmeling officiating. Burial will be in St. Paul s Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery in Menomonie. Visitation is from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday at the Hafemeister Funeral Home in Watertown, and from 1 p.m. until time of services Friday at the church. Memorials are suggested to the Schwartz Scholarship Fund for Future Pastors at Luther Preparatory School in Watertown. Hafemeister Funeral Home in Watertown is in charge of arrangements.
Rev. H. Marcus Schwartz and Laverna Margeret Kuschel had the following children: |
i. |
PAULA6 SCHWARTZ was born on 23 Nov 1947 in USA. Notes for Paula Schwartz: At the time of her mothers obituary she was living in LaCrosse Wis.
ii. |
SUSAN SCHWARTZ. She met CRAIG HALVERSON. Notes for Susan Schwartz: At the time of her mothers obituary she and her husband were living in East Lansing Michigan.
iii. |
MARGARET SCHWARTZ. She met ??? HOEFT. Notes for Margaret Schwartz: At the time of her mothers obituary she was living in Stowe VT.
iv. |
STEVE SCHWARTZ. He met NANCY. Notes for Steve Schwartz: At the time of his mothers obituary he was living in Town of Delafield.
v. |
MARTIN L. SCHWARTZ. He met HELEN. Notes for Martin L. Schwartz: At the time of his mothers obituary he was living in St Paul Park, MN
vi. |
ARMIN SCHWARTZ. He met LINDA. Notes for Armin Schwartz: At the time of his mothers obituary he was living in Waterloo, Iowa.
16. |
KENNETH5 FORAL (Anton M4, Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1) was born on 06 Apr 1927 in Wisconsin. He died on 01 Jun 2014. He married PHYLLIS. She was born in 1929. She died in 2002.
Kenneth Foral and Phyllis had the following child: |
i. |
TIMOTHY E.6 FORAL was born in 1957. He died in 1958.
17. |
ELAINE5 FORAL (Anton M4, Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1) was born in Lena, Wisconsin. She met ROBERT LEFEBRE.
Robert LeFebre and Elaine Foral had the following children: |
31. |
i. |
ROBERT JOHN6 LEFEBRE JR was born on 14 Jul 1944 in Lena, Wisconsin. He died on 25 Apr 2001 in Lena, Wisconsin. He married Sharon Gagnon on 23 Nov 1963 in Lena, Wisconsin. She was born on 28 May 1946.
ii. |
ROBERTA LEFEBRE was born in Lena, Wisconsin. She met JOE WAGNER.
iii. |
SHARON LEFEBRE was born in Lena, Wisconsin. She met ALLEN VALENTA.
iv. |
JOSEPH LEFEBRE was born in Lena, Wisconsin. He met LYNN.
v. |
CRAIG LEFEBRE was born in Lena, Wisconsin. He met DIANE.
vi. |
vii. |
TONY LEFEBRE was born in Lena, Wisconsin. He met KRIS.
18. |
VERLAND5 FORAL (Edmond E.4, Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1) was born on 31 Jul 1925 in Marinette, WI. He died on 04 May 1999 in Berwyn, Ill. He met DOROTHY MILLER. Notes for Verland Foral: Oconto County Reporter Obituary Verland "Fuzzy' Foral, 73, died Tuesday May 4, 1999 at Pershing Convalescent Center in Berwyn. He was born to the late Edmund and Elma (Buege) Foral July 31,,1925 in Marinette, Wi. Verland and his siblings were then raised by their stepmother Vi Foral. Verland is survived by his wife, Dorothy (Miller); three sons, Douglas, Oconto Falls; Dwight, Gillett; and Robert (Joann), Chicago; one daughter, Pamela Foral, Chicago; one stepdaughter, Sharon Nattdziunus, Chicago; one stepson, John Miller, Chicago; two brothers, Harland, Suring; Eddie, Oconto Falls; two sisters, Geraldine (Mike) Finger, Oconto; Lavone Pecor, Oconto; and five grandchildren. Friends called at the Rhodes-Charapata Funeral Home Lena. Vigil service was held. Funeral service was conducted Saturday May 8, 1999 at the funeral home with Father Harold Beerntsen officiating. Interment at Pine Hill Cemetery, Spruce.
Verland Foral and Dorothy Miller had the following children: |
i. |
ii. |
iii. |
iv. |
19. |
GERALDINE5 FORAL (Edmond E.4, Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1). She met (1) MIKE FINGER. She met (2) FRANCIS GUNDERSON.
Mike Finger and Geraldine Foral had the following children: |
i. |
ii. |
Francis Gunderson and Geraldine Foral had the following children: |
32. |
i. |
MONTE6 GUNDERSON was born on 03 Dec 1953 in Oconto, Wisconsin. He died on 19 Jun 1999 in Oconto, Wisconsin.
ii. |
Generation 6 |
20. |
DAVID MARVIN6 URBAN (Romaine Maime5 Foral, Joseph John4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 20 Jan 1933. He married Jeanette Moffett on 06 Nov 1953 in Alameda, California, USA. She was born on 13 Apr 1933.
David Marvin Urban and Jeanette Moffett had the following children: |
i. |
DAVID MARVIN7 URBAN was born on 14 Jul 1953.
ii. |
CHARLES WILLIAM URBAN was born on 16 Sep 1956 in Hennepin, Minnesota, USA.
iii. |
HEIDI LORETTA URBAN was born on 17 Feb 1958.
iv. |
CINDY ROMAINE URBAN was born on 13 May 1959.
21. |
SUSAN HELEN6 URBAN (Romaine Maime5 Foral, Joseph John4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 21 Nov 1934 in Mountain, WI. She met GERALD LONZO. He was born on 25 Apr 1933 in Suring, WI. He died on 29 Dec 2011.
Gerald Lonzo and Susan Helen Urban had the following children: |
i. |
GERALD7 LONZO JR. was born on 08 Jan 1955.
ii. |
CINDY LONZO was born on 30 Dec 1955.
iii. |
KENNETH LONZO was born on 14 Mar 1957.
iv. |
KATHERINE LONZO was born on 19 Jul 1959.
v. |
STEVEN LONZO was born on 18 Jul 1961.
vi. |
CAROLINE LONZO was born on 15 Oct 1964.
22. |
RICHARD C6 URBAN (Romaine Maime5 Foral, Joseph John4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 11 Jan 1938 in Mountain, WI. He met (1) VIRGINIA LEE BARTZ. She was born on 18 Nov 1938 in Mountain, WI. She died on 07 Dec 1991 in Ventura. He met (2) CAROLYN JONES BOWMAN. She was born on 29 Jul 1947.
Richard C Urban and Virginia Lee Bartz had the following children: |
i. |
JILL7 URBAN was born on 02 Oct 1963.
ii. |
GREG URBAN was born on 20 Apr 1966.
iii. |
KIM URBAN was born on 01 Nov 1970.
23. |
JAMES FORAL6 URBAN (Romaine Maime5 Foral, Joseph John4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 18 Jun 1939 in Mountain, WI. He met JOANN BECKER. She was born on 13 Jul 1948 in Appleton, WI.
James Foral Urban and JoAnn Becker had the following children: |
i. |
SCOTT7 URBAN was born on 07 May 1974.
ii. |
DANIEL URBAN was born on 26 Apr 1977.
24. |
ROBERT DAVID6 URBAN (Romaine Maime5 Foral, Joseph John4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 10 Feb 1942 in Mountain, WI. He met SUZANNE JOHNSON. She was born on 02 Aug 1946 in Mountain, WI.
Robert David Urban and Suzanne Johnson had the following children: |
i. |
DANIELLE7 URBAN was born on 22 Jun 1967. She met DOMINIC GREEN.
ii. |
DALE URBAN was born on 29 Apr 1969.
25. |
MICHAEL J6 URBAN (Romaine Maime5 Foral, Joseph John4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 19 Feb 1951. He married Brenda S Saffran on 02 Aug 1980 in Walworth, Wisconsin. She was born in 1960.
Michael J Urban and Brenda S Saffran had the following children: |
i. |
ii. |
26. |
NANCY ANN6 FORAL (Marvin Joseph5, Joseph John4, Joseph John3, Matej2, Jakub1). She met DR ANDY ANDAL. He was born in Republic of the Phillipines. Notes for Nancy Ann Foral: She was a political activist who eventually joined the Peace Corps and served in the Phillipines. There she met her future husband.
Dr Andy Andal and Nancy Ann Foral had the following children: |
33. |
i. |
PAUL7 ANDAL was born on 01 Oct 1964 in Doylestown, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA. He died on 14 Aug 2018 in Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
ii. |
MICHAEL ANDAL was born on 15 Mar 1968.
27. |
MARY ANN6 FONFEREK (Margaret Bertha5 Foral, Joseph John4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 14 Apr 1943 in Oconto Hospital, Oconto, Wi.. She married Noel Thomas Black, son of Edward Thomas Black and Fern Anna Catherine Haeger, on 08 Jun 1963 in Carson City, Nev.. He was born on 24 Dec 1941 in Cook Cty Hospital, Chicago, Ill..
Noel Thomas Black and Mary Ann Fonferek had the following child: |
34. |
i. |
SEAN EDWARD7 BLACK was born on 31 Dec 1963 in Herrick Hospital, Berkeley, Ca.. He met JEANETTE AIDNIK.
28. |
VIRGINIA6 LOCKE (Audrey Mae Sylvia5 Foral, Joseph John4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 18 Feb 1951. She married GARY USSEL.
Gary Ussel and Virginia Locke had the following children: |
i. |
ii. |
29. |
MURRY WAYNE6 LOCKE (Audrey Mae Sylvia5 Foral, Joseph John4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 20 Jul 1952. He married Tere Jo Hill on 31 Dec 1985 in Oconto, Wisconsin. She was born on 07 Feb 1950.
Murry Wayne Locke and Tere Jo Hill had the following child: |
i. |
30. |
LARRY R6 LOCKE (Audrey Mae Sylvia5 Foral, Joseph John4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 10 Sep 1954. He married Teresa A Larkin on 11 Oct 1980 in Columbia, Wisconsin. She was born in 1957.
Larry R Locke and Teresa A Larkin had the following child: |
i. |
31. |
ROBERT JOHN6 LEFEBRE JR (Elaine5 Foral, Anton M4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 14 Jul 1944 in Lena, Wisconsin. He died on 25 Apr 2001 in Lena, Wisconsin. He married Sharon Gagnon on 23 Nov 1963 in Lena, Wisconsin. She was born on 28 May 1946. Notes for Robert John LeFebre Jr: Robert "Bob'' J. LeFebre, Jr., 56, Lena, died at his home Wednesday, April 25, 2001. He was born July 17, 1944, in Lena, to Robert, Sr. and Elaine (Foral) LeFebre. He married the former Sharon Gagnon Nov. 23, 1963, at the former St. Charles Catholic Church, Lena. Bob enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren and collecting old model Oliver tractors and Ford vehicles. Surviving are his wife, Sharon; daughter, Theresa (Victor) Alberts, Lena; three grandchildren, Giles, Alois and Sophia; parents, Robert Sr., and Elaine LeFebre, Stiles; brothers, Craig (Diane) LeFebre, Lena; Tony (Kris) LeFebre, Abrams; Louie LeFebre, Lena; Joe (Lynn) LeFebre, Pound; sisters, Roberta (Joe) Wagner, Lena; and Sharon (Allen) Valenta, Pound. He is also survived by nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Bob was preceded in death by two sons and his grandparents. Friends may call at the Rhodes-Charapata Funeral Home, Lena, Friday, April 27, 2001, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. The Funeral Mass will be held at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Lena, at 11 a.m. with Father Frank Schrage officiating. Interment at St. Charles Catholic Cemetery, Lena.
Robert John LeFebre Jr and Sharon Gagnon had the following children: |
i. |
DAVID7 LEFEBRE was born in Feb 1964. He died in Nov 1964.
35. |
ii. |
32. |
MONTE6 GUNDERSON (Geraldine5 Foral, Edmond E.4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 03 Dec 1953 in Oconto, Wisconsin. He died on 19 Jun 1999 in Oconto, Wisconsin. Notes for Monte Gunderson: He is buried in the Oconto Catholic Cemetery. He was employed at the Coleman Products before his retirement. He enjoyed deer hunting and liked to travel. He loved motorcycles and playing cards with friends.
Monte Gunderson had the following child: |
i. |
Generation 7 |
33. |
PAUL7 ANDAL (Nancy Ann6 Foral, Marvin Joseph5 Foral, Joseph John4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 01 Oct 1964 in Doylestown, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA. He died on 14 Aug 2018 in Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
Paul Andal had the following child: |
i. |
34. |
SEAN EDWARD7 BLACK (Mary Ann6 Fonferek, Margaret Bertha5 Foral, Joseph John4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral) was born on 31 Dec 1963 in Herrick Hospital, Berkeley, Ca.. He met JEANETTE AIDNIK.
Sean Edward Black and Jeanette Aidnik had the following child: |
i. |
SHANA MARIE8 AIDNIK was born on 24 Mar 1988.
35. |
THERESA7 LEFEBRE (Robert John6 Jr, Elaine5 Foral, Anton M4 Foral, Joseph John3 Foral, Matej2 Foral, Jakub1 Foral, Robert John6 Jr, Robert). She met VICTOR ALBERTS.
Victor Alberts and Theresa LeFebre had the following children: |
i. |
ii. |
iii. |