.St. Paul's Evangelical
513 Superior Avenue city of Oconto built 1901 ![]()
photo 1906
St Paul's Evangelical
Church in Oconto grew out of the migration of St. Paulus
Evangelical Church in Menominee, Michigan, to Oconto County in
Wisconsin. Membership was small, but substantial enough to
build an attractive combination chapel and residence building in
1901. Often, Oconto County marriages were performed in the
Menominee St. Paulus Church parsonage to have the celebration
near family members in Michigan.In later years the Oconto St. Pauls Evangelical Church became a mission church served by the pastor of St. Paulus Evangelical Church in Menominee, Michigan. As membership dwindled, the church building in the city of Oconto was eventually sold and became the Masonic Temple on Superior Avenue. Oconto County Reporter May 31, 1901 Last Sunday afternoon the St. Paul Evangelical church of Oconto laid the cornerstone of the new church edifice which is now in course of construction. Oconto County Reporter February 6 1902 Mrs. Emma Rohrlock died at St. Joseph's hospital, Menominee, Mich., on last Friday of Bright's disease and stomach trouble, aged 36 years. Deceased was married in this city to Charles Rohrlock July 4,1885. Her remains were brought here (Oconto) last Friday evening and the funeral, in charge of the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul's church, Royal neighbors and the Legion, was held from St. Paul Evangelical church Sunday, the Rev. Breitenbach officiating, with interment in Evergreen cemetery. Oconto
County Reporter, Oconto, Wisconsin, Oconto County Reporter April 10, 1903
After two years instruction
the following class of nine was confirmed at St. Paul's
Evangelical Church by Rev.
Breitenbach last Sunday: Clara
Becker, Edith Rusch, Nelly Koeppen, Myrtle C. Zipple, Ella
Warsco, Hubert Fingel, William Werth, Carl Koeppen and Paul
Prahl.Oconto County Reporter April 16, 1908 The little son of Mr. and Mrs. William Yudes passed away Tuesday aged fifteen months. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from St. Paul’s Evangelical church, Rev. Schuh officiating, with internment in Evergreen cemetery. (note: Couples who wanted a quiet, private wedding often eloped by train to Menominee, Michigan, early in the morning with their wedding party and frequently their pastor, in this case Rev. Schuh, for the ceremony. There was no wait for obtaining a marriage license in Menominee and no news publication ahead of time for application of license at the courthouse in Oconto County. The license, ceremony [either with their own pastor or the local Justice of the Peace], dinner and trip back to Oconto County could take place all in one day. After returning, the official announcement was often released to the newspapers.)
Oconto County
Reporter Miss Marie Reimer, daughter of Mrs. Carl Reimer of the south ward, and Mr. Albert Gillis, on of our enterprising young businessmen were married in Menominee yesterday at high noon by Rev. Schuh, pastor of the St. Paul's Evangelical church of this city (Oconto).
Oconto County
Reporter Married in Menominee Oconto County Reporter Sep. 17, 1908 Married in Menominee Oconto County Reporter August 13, 1914 Miss Mae Ahlborg and Joseph Sucharda were married Wednesday afternoon at three at St. Paul's Evangelical church. Oconto County Reporter