Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Collected and posted by  Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Collected and posted by RITA
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Researched and edited for the Oconto County WIGenWeb Site by Cathe Ziereis

Unless otherwise noted


The reporting of births was haphazard at best in the early years. Not all issues of past newspapers have been saved to microfilm, however, every effort is being made to research what is available for this collection. Our goal is to help in researching ancestors and add a sense of history. This page is a continuing effort and will be added to, often, as more research is completed.


Oconto County Reporter
Apr 12 1890

Born to Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Parkinson, March 29th, a son.

Oconto County Reporter
Apr 19, 1890

A young daughter made her appearance in the family of Mr. Geo. Arnold, at Marinette Monday night, and received a cordial welcome from the happy parents. Congratulations, George.

Oconto County Reporter
May 3, 1890

A young boy arrived at George Reed Jr. Saturday night.

There is a little visitor at the house of Dr. Ohswaldt, whose presence has caused the Doctor’s cigar bill to run pretty high during the past few days, however Doctor stands the experiences without a murmur, for it is a bouncing little girl.

Adam Shedore, is the proudest man in Stiles, and well may he feel proud, for it is a fat girl baby and tipped the scales at 16 pounds. Adams claims it can’t be beat.

Mrs. L. Churchill is rejoicing over the arrival of a 13 pound daughter.

Oconto County Reporter
May 10, 1890

Albert Pagel wears a very broad smile now-a-days. Cause, a bouncing boy! Mother and child are doing well.

Oconto County Reporter
May 17, 1890

Born on the 7th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Zoeller, a bouncing big daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Partlow rejoice over the birth of a son, who arrived at their residence Thursday evening.

Oconto County Reporter
May 31, 1890

Another young son became a member of C.E. Berry’s family yesterday morning. This makes three of a kind, all Kings.

Oconto County Reporter
Jun 7, 1890

Joy reigns, second in command, in the family of H.G. McFarlane. The first in command is a young son and heir who made his appearance Wednesday night, and who is responsible for the presence of so much joy. Mother and son doing well.

Oconto County Reporter
Jun 14, 1890

Any one seeing the 2X6 smile on Louis Burbey’s countenance will think he fell heir to a fortune; well he did, in the shape of a bouncing boy that arrived the first of the month.

Oconto County Reporter
Jun 21, 1890

A new baby girl arrived at the residence of James Brady’s the 13th, mother and child doing well.

A very young lady arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phiney.

Michael Exford wears a very Broad smile now-a-day. Cause, a bouncing girl. Mother and child doing well.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Greenwood are ecstasies over the arrival of a stranger, a little girl, that arrived the first part of last week. Johnnie is all smiles.

Oconto County Reporter
Jun 28, 1890

Another family, Mr. and Mrs. George Collins, made happy by the arrival of a daughter. George’s smile though usually large, has widened until it spreads all over his face.

A young daughter came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pendleton Monday. Mother and child doing finely.

A hearty, fat, young ticket agent arrived at the residence of W.H. Waggoner, at Green Bay, Sunday afternoon, and of course one more joy is added to Will’s life.

Oconto County Reporter
Jul 12, 1890


A baby boy made its appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Edmonds, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bigalow are ecstasies over the arrival of a stranger, a little girl, that arrived the first part of last week. Ed is all smiles.

Oconto County Reporter
Jul 26, 1890

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldie, Jr., are in ecstasies over the arrival at their place Thursday. Tom’s smiles, though usually large, has widened until it spreads all over his face.

A small stranger called at the home of Fred Klyver last Sunday. Mother and son doing well.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug 2, 1890

A young girl arrived at Robert McIver’s last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henderson are in ecstasies over the arrival of a stranger, a little girl, that arrived Wednesday. Sam is all smiles.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug 9, 1890

A little son and heir at the home of Ole Olsen. It makes the proud father laugh in his sleep.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Couillard on Monday, a daughter.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. King, on Tuesday, a daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Senn are in ecstasies over the arrival of a stranger, a little boy, that arrived Thursday. Mat is all smiles.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Caldie, on the 16th ult. a son.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bigelow, on the 21st, a son.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Henderson, on the 22nd, a daughter.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIver, on the 24th, a daughter.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug 16, 1890

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peters are the very happy parents of a fair little maiden who arrived at their domicile last week. She is accorded a hearty welcome both by parents and relatives. Scribe extends congratulations.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug 23, 1890

Andrew Belanger wears a 4x10 smile now days, cause why, well it is a boy, and weighs 9 pounds. Andrew says it can’t be beat. Mother and child doing well.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug 30, 1890

The birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. F. Don Levy on Tuesday evening makes a quartette of children, much to the joy of the parents.

On Wednesday of last week a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Links, and now Lieut. Links is prouder than if he commanded a whole regiment of blue coats.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept 6, 1890

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bent rejoice over the birth of a little daughter.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept 27, 1890

Mr. A. Dionne one of our town supervisors has been wearing a broad grin lately. The reason is the appearance of a young supervisor in the family. Tally two for Albert.

Dr. and Mrs. Meyers are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl, who came to town Monday.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct 4, 1890
Mrs. Chas. Merlene on Wednesday morning gave birth to triplets – all girls. The children however, lived but a short time, scarcely breathing before their infant souls returned to the Giver of Life. Mrs. Marline is doing well as could be expected under the circumstances, and will probably soon be enjoying her usual good health.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Dionne are rejoicing over the arrival of a girl baby.

Mr. G. Salchert, our village blacksmith has been wearing a broad grin lately. The reason is the appearance of a baby girl in the family.

Mr. and Mrs. Lamron are rejoicing over the arrival of a little stranger in the family.

Elias Ruelle wears a 2x7 smile these days. It’s all about a little Ruelle, the exact picture of its daddy. We were unable to learn the sex of the new arrival. Mother and child doing nicely.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct 17, 1890

Our good natured proprietor of the Maple Valley House, Dennis Dionne, has been setting em up for the boys the past week, the reason being a little girl. Dennis is all smiles.

Mr. and Mrs. August Jerrot’s happiness was completed by the arrival of a bouncing boy.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct 24, 1890

Mrs. Sylvester Borgeck is the happy mother of an infant daughter.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov 28, 1890

Mr. and Mrs. L. Cayo are rejoicing over the arrival of a little boy in the family.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec 12, 1890

Fred Wright is jubilant over the advent of a 10 ½ pound son, who made an appearance last Friday.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec 26, 1890

A tiny damsel arrived at the residence of John Grosse, Jr., Thursday and beaming countenances of the proud father together with those of the aunts and uncles, we inferred that she has a large share of their affections bestowed upon her.

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