Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Collected and posted by  Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Collected and posted by RITA
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Researched and edited for the Oconto County WIGenWeb Site by Cathe Ziereis

The reporting of births was haphazard at best in the early years. Not all issues of past newspapers have been saved to microfilm, however, every effort is being made to research what is available for this collection. Our goal is to help in researching ancestors and add a sense of history. This page is a continuing effort and will be added to, often, as more research is completed.


The following entries were transcribed by  Ron Renquin

Oconto County Reporter
4 February 1888

A daughter made her appearance in the family of Mr. Jos. Hosking last Sunday, greatly to the delight of the parents. Mother and child doing well.

Oconto County Reporter
11 February 1888

North Branch - A little stranger, of the feminine gender, came to the residence of Mr. George Hoffman a short time since. Mr. H.’s mother and a married sister from Marinette are stopping with him this winter.

Oconto County Reporter
18 February 1888

The most acceptable Valentine was that received by Mr. and Mrs. August Zipple last Tuesday - a youthful addition to the family. He will be a voter in 1909

Oconto County Reporter
25 February 1888

We believe the Abrams correspondents failed to make a note of the new arrival in town some weeks ago, in the family of Chas. Mootell - a son.

If Will Alexander seems to carry his head higher than usual, and appears to “take on airs,” you may attribute his conduct tot he fact that on Monday morning last a son was added to his family.

Oconto County Reporter
3 March 1888

Born, at Maple Valley, on Friday morning, March 2nd, 1888, to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hubbell, a daughter. Mother and child are doing well.

A bright young son was presented to her liege lord by Mrs. David Doty on Monday, and David is correspondingly happy. Mother and son progressing finely.

Oconto County Reporter
10 March 1888

Oconto Falls - Mrs. A. Thereon presented her husband with a young daughter the first of last week, and Mrs. Nelson followed suit with twin girls on Tuesday Mar. 6th.

How - Mrs. A. Chapman presented her husband with a 9 3/4 lbs of boy a few days since. Hurrah for Am.

How - Mrs. Louise Suring has a young girl.

Brookside - Mrs. John Beckendorf made her husband a present of a find baby boy last Thursday.

Oconto County Reporter
14 April 1888

North Branch
Mr. Edwin Finley is the father of a young daughter that has lately made her appearance in his family.

Mr. Arthur Breed has lately become the happy father of a 12 ½ pound stranger of the masculine gender.

Oconto County Reporter
21 April 1888

Mr. and Mrs. Berkemeyer are rejoicing over the advent of a young daughter. The little one put in her appearance last Thursday.

Our merchant, L. C. Warner, smiles more than ever - he says it is a boy.

Oconto County Reporter
28 April 1888

A son and heir was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cole, Thursday morning, whereat the paternal parent is pardonably proud.

The population of Stiles has been increased by the addition of a son in the family of Mr. and Mrs. P. Ryan

J. S. Gifford’s folks are rejoicing over the advent of another daughter, also Louis Wilson and family.

Oconto County Reporter
19 May 1888

The happiest of grandfathers we have to recognize the latter part of he week, was T. H. Phelps. He had the privilege of shaking hands with a probably future conductor. Mother and child doing well.

Oconto County Reporter
26 May 1888

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harteau rejoice in the advent of a son, which came a week ago last Sunday.

A very young lady - in fact, about as young as it is possible to be - made her appearance at the residence of Mr. J. J. Porter Tuesday morning, and so ingratiated herself in the affections of Mr. and Mrs. Porter that they have concluded she may make her home there just as long as she pleases. Mother and child are doing well, and papa’s friends smoke fragrant Havanas.

Oconto County Reporter
9 June 1888

A son and heir came to abide with the family of J. S. Ford, Thursday, whereat Mr. F. is considerably elated, and properly so. Mother and child doing finely.

Oconto County Reporter
23 June 1888

Little River
Mrs. Fred Krueger presented her husband with a fine little girl last Saturday morning. So our population increases. Both mother and child doing well.

Oconto County Reporter
30 June 1888

Geo. Delano and O. Johnson are among the “smilingest” ones; both sons and mothers are doing well.

Oconto County Reporter
7 July 1888
Page 5, Col
Contributed by Ron Renquin

Mrs. Geo. A. Delano is quite indignant that her baby was reported to be a boy. George says it is a girl and “mouthy” like the generality of her sex.

Mrs. Bundy’s serious illness resulted in a fine girl baby. Jim says he will name it Finis.

Mrs. John Moody presented her husband with a bouncing girl last week. Verily the Brookside matrons are adhering to the scriptural injunction.

Oconto County Reporter
25 August 1888

Mr. and Mrs. D. Ryan are rejoicing over the birth of another son.

Oconto County Reporter
2 November 1888

Mrs. Hattie Sargent is the proud mother of a baby boy.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schleep are happy over the arrival of a daughter.

Oconto County Reporter
8 December 1888

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hanson last week. Mother and child are doing well and Chris is delighted, as he ought to be.

A young son this week made his appearance in the family of Conductor T. J. Kelly, and now that the family circle is complete, joy has full sway.

Oconto County Reporter
15 December 1888

An addition was made to the family circle of Mr. John Reid last Sunday evening by the appearance of a brand new fifteen pound boy, which makes Jack smile from ear to ear with happiness. Mother and son are both doing well.

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