Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Collected and posted by  Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Collected and posted by RITA
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Researched and edited for the Oconto County WIGenWeb Site by Cathe Ziereis

The reporting of births was haphazard at best in the early years. Not all issues of past newspapers have been saved to microfilm, however, every effort is being made to research what is available for this collection. Our goal is to help in researching ancestors and add a sense of history. This page is a continuing effort and will be added to, often, as more research is completed.


January 6, 1883

**WILL WAGGONER got a nice present in his stocking New Years eve.  It
was a fine healthy ten pound boy, and he is pleased with the little
bald-headed embryo merchant.

Oconto County Reporter
February 17, 1883

**SATURDAY last, Mrs. Ed. Lyannais presented her husband with a 13 pound
boy.  Mother and child have done well, and Ed is tickled nigh unto death.


Oconto County Reporter
March 17, 1883

**LAST SUNDAY night, a cry was heard in the house of James B.
Archibald.  It came from a little boy who had recently made his
appearance.  Mother and child are doing nicely, and J. B. will be
tickled nigh unto death when he hears the news.

Oconto County Reporter
March 24, 1883

**ALEX. ZELLER, was recently the happy recipient of a much prized
present, it was a little girl.

Oconto County Reporter 
April 28, 1883

**MR. JOHNNIE MOODY has a little boy installed in his family, and he is
named “so quick.”

**MR. AUGUST JAHNKE, one of our new citizens, also had a present of a
nice little daughter, weighing nine pounds at its first appearance.

**MANY in this city have, during the past few days noticed quite a
change in Mr. George Smith.  He walked more erect, seemed happier, and
would, when no one was looking at him, stop and smile audiably to
himself.  Being interviewed as to the cause of the change noticed, he
simply whispered Grandfather.  Mrs. May England and the little boy are
doing nicely, and Mrs. E. will manage to pull through, his age being in
his favor.


Oconto County Reporter
May 12, 1883

MRS. A. H. GRIFFITH, of Waupun, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. G. W. Wilcox of
this city, presented her husband with a boy baby last Saturday evening.
Mother and child doing well.

LAST TUESDAY afternoon, a little barefooted, bald-headed and naked tramp
made his appearance in Samuel Henderson’s family, and was at once
adopted, declared an American citizen, and will in time be given a
name.  The little fellow and his mother are doing nicely, and when
Samuel comes down to the city he will speak for himself.

** THE most smiling face I have seen this spring was “grandpa” Wilson’s,
and on inquiring found the cause of it was the advent of a bran new
eight pound girl at his son’s, Geo. Wilson.

**A LITTLE girl made her appearance in the family of Patrick Regan, a
week ago Friday night.

Oconto County Reporter
May 26, 1883

** JOHN Gifford looks as sweet as a peach.  What is the cause?  Oh! I
know a barefoot infant made its appearance there a few days since.


Oconto CountyReporter
June 2, 1883

** THERE has been an increase in the family of James Collins.  We cannot
give sex and weight because James has not been around as yet.  Mother
and child are doing well we understand.

**THE GIRL Emma Peterson, who so mysteriously disappeared from her home
in Fort Howard, a week ago Thursday, has been found.  She was in
Chicago, where it is supposed that she was enticed for immoral purposes.

Oconto County Reporter
June 16, 1883

**A BRAND new boy made his appearance in Byron Perry’s family Thursday
morning.  It being the first, Byron has a right to feel good over the
advent of the little chap and will accept our congratulations.

Oconto County Reporter
June 23, 1883

**MR. Chesley is the happy father of another son.

July 7, 1883

**MRS. GEORGE LEVISEE celebrated the fourth by presenting her husband
with a daughter.  George and his wife are patriotic.

Oconto County Reporter
August 4, 1883

MRS. CLARENCE M. BOSS, nee Aggie Mitchell, of Ypsilanti, Mich., has
presented her husband with an heir.  It is the Boss baby and the
parent’s many friends in this city and vicinity rejoice with them over
the advent of the little stranger in their family.

Oconto County Reporter
August 18, 1883

**R. B.  TAYLOR, one of our prosperous cedar post dealers, was made
happy by the recent addition to his family of a son.

Oconto County Reporter
August 25, 1883

**A LITTLE stranger of the female persuasion made her appearance in the
family of John Sheridan Thursday morning.  Mother and child doing nicely
and the father ready to receive the congratulations of his friends.

**A LITTLE nine pound theologian made his appearance in the household of
the Rev. J. H. Kerr Thursday forenoon.  In the year of 1910, he will be
a candidate for the Western Theological Union, the school where his
father was graduated.

Oconto County Reporter
September 1, 1883

**A LITTLE boy made his appearance at the home of J. Carr Tuesday
night.  Mother and child doing well, and father tickled all over.

Oconto County Reporter
September 8, 1883

H. G. MORGAN, of Pensaukee, is the latest “proud Man.” Cause—nine pounds
of feminine juvenile humanity added to the familycircle, on Saturday,

**FRIDAY morning of last week, a little girl made her appearance in the
family of Matt Finnegan, of Gillett.  The little stranger was at once
adopted by Mr. And Mrs. F. who desired a daughter as sister for their
two little boys.

November 10, 1883

**A LITTLE STRANGER of the male gender made his appearance in the family
of J. H. LaClaire last Saturday night.  Mother and child doing well and
father happy.

**A LITTLE bald-headed chap, put in an appearance at the residence of
Mr. Wilton Wilcox, Wednesday night.  He fills the bill and all his
relatives both old and young are pleased with him.  Congratulations are
in order.  Accept ours, father and mother.

November 24, 1883

A LITTLE BOY came to the family of C. S. Hart Sunday night, and was
adopted at once.  The mother has done nicely since the little fellow’s
appearance and the father laughs every time he thinks of his boy baby.

December 15, 1883
A LITTLE BOY made his appearance in William Luby’s family Thursday
night.  The REPORTER extends its congratulations.
December 29, 1883

**WILLIAM HUEBNER was happy Saturday.  His happiness was caused by the
advent of a $5,000 boy in his family early that morning.

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