Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Collected and posted by BILL
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Researched and edited for the Oconto County WIGenWeb Site by Cathe Ziereis

The reporting of births was haphazard at best in the early years. Not all issues of past newspapers have been saved to microfilm, however, every effort is being made to research what is available for this collection. Our goal is to help in researching ancestors and add a sense of history. This page is a continuing effort and will be added to, often, as more research is completed.


Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 10, 1880

Three little strangers of the masculine persuasion took up their abode with the Rev. Macmurry, Daniel O'Keef and Robert Thompson respectively during the past week. There is great rejoicing in consequence.

We saw neighbor Donaldson of Pulcifer, last week and he seemed extra happy, but we found the reason of his happiness - a boy, weight 16 pounds avoirdupois.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 31, 1880
An eleven pound new masculine infant accounts for a Hank Plucker strutting around as though he had struck a gold mine.
Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 7, 1880

One more Lince to swell the next census. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lince are happy possessors of a brand new girl. Take the lead Jacob and keep it until someone does better.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 31, 1880

Not an Ordinary Tramp

A stranger called at the residence of T. H. Phelps at an early hour on Tuesday morning last. He couldn't speak a word of english and appeared to be in very destitute circumstances- his clothes altogether to thin for this rigorous climate. Mrs. Phelps ordered him to be kindly cared for. She didn't palm off any of her husband's old clothes on him but gave him a new suit throughout. He has been staying there since, and it is said that Mrs. P. pays more attention to him then she does her husband, that she has been seen by the neighbors with her arm around his neck etc. Such conduct on the part of a lady towards a stranger might make trouble in some families, but T. H. isn't a bit jealous, and says the fellow can stay as long as he likes. He is a quiet well-behaved lad and weighed nine pounds. The REPORTER extends a hearty congratulations.

Oconto County Reporter
April 3, 1880
Little Suamico
 Will Wedgewood smiled on us too, one day last week and we almost
forgot what it was that made Willie Willis look so meek and “kinder” fatherly like. 
It is because they a a new daughter.  Of course, Will Lucia, thinks his baby girl
bests all the rest.  Maybe it does.
Oconto County Reporter
April 10, 1880

 Mr. Burnette wears his hat a little to one side, just now.  Cause, a “baby
girl’s” at his home.

 Ed Davis is proud in the possession of a young son.

Oconto County Reporter
April 17, 1880

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Totman are happy in the possession of a new daughter. 
They have our congratulations.

Oconto County Reporter
April 24, 1880

 It is a girl this time, and came to the house of Amos Holgate on
Wednesday morning last. As this is his first daughter, Amos feels as happy as a
brand new father; and why shouldn’t he. 

Oconto County Reporter
May 15, 1880

Joy in the house of Conniff.  It’s a girl.

 A heller of  a “feller,” is Heller cause why?  It’s a girl at his house and he
feels proud.  We congratulate him.

Oconto County Reporter
May 22, 1880

New Arrivals
 On Wednesday last, Mr. Ed Casson became the proud and happy father
of a boy; Mrs. Joseph Labbe also presented her husband with a boy and the
family of Patrick Duffy was increased by the advent of a brand new girl baby. 

Oconto County Reporter
June 5, 1880

 Mr. Thomas Milea is th happy father of a bouncing boy.  We notice that
he “braces up” considerably since this new dignity is confered upon him.


Oconto County Reporter
June 12, 1880


 But the re-union is of little importance as it regards the interest of certain
individuals when compared with an event which occured June the 6th, at 7 p.m. 
Young Dr. Beebe Jr., assumed his lawful position in his grandfather Lince’s
house.  Mother and son are doing finely.  We hope the young  M.D. will live to be
as old as his great great garndmother, who is now in her 95th year.

Oconto County Reporter
June 12, 1880

 Barrister Trudell received an addition to his family on Monday.  It is a
girl and the Barrister looks much more dignified than formerly.

 Dr. Beebe is a happy Father now.  The little stranger arrived on Sunday
last, and was warmly welcomed.  It is of the same sex as its happy Father.

 That “Bouncing Boy” of Tom. Millea’s proves to be a “Lovely Girl” and
from the present indications Miss Milea will be the “Belle” of the city in about 18
years from this date.  Tom don’t “brace up” quite so much as he did.


Oconto County Reporter
July 10, 1880
transcribed by Ron Renquin

 A new girl baby is stopping with Mr. and Mrs. N. Chase.

 Miss Ida Jones, census enumerater for the East and South wards, informs us that she  found twenty five infants in the East, and Seventy-five in the South Ward, which were born during the month of June 1880.  Dr. Bentz reports thirty five, making a total of 135 births for the month of June.

Oconto County Reporter
July 17, 1880

 Everything in the way of joy entered the house (a few weeks ago) of Mr. Edwin Murphy, of Whittlesville, it was a 10 lb., girl.  They have named the prize Florence.

Oconto County Reporter 
July 24, 1880

New Deputy

 Jailer Call made up his mind several months ago that it would be a nice thing to have a Deputy, who might in a measure relive him from some of the care and responsibility of his position.  He accordingly made the usual application which the law requires in such cases.  His petition was favorably received and the new Deputy arrived on Friday of last week.  It is in the shape of a remarably find boy and we congratulate Deputy Call, and his lady, upon this valuable addition to their family.
Oconto County Reporter
September 18, 1880


If any body wonders why “Nat” Gilkey has “braced up” son wonderfully of late, let them wonder no longer.   A brand new girl at his house accounts for the transmognification.  It arrived on Saturday last and mother and daughter are doing fine.
Oconto County Reporter
December 4, 1880

WILL  HAGERSON’S family was increased on Wednesday last by the arrival of a bouncing boy. Of course, the youthful citizen is a Democrat.

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