.Dr. Hamilton Allan.

contributor: Richard Leigh Andrews , great grandson


Oconto County resident 1873 - 1889

Educator, medical physician, community leader; Dr. Hamilton Allan was one of the early county settlers to deeply influence and shape the early history of Oconto County in the 1800's. Arriving from his native Canada at the age of 29 years, Dr. Allan had already established himself in education by receiving top honors in both his teaching degree, of mathematics and the classics, and later in his medical studies at McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

Two years later, he married Oconto County native Mary Ann Leigh, daughter of  Judge John Leigh and Esther Durgan Leigh, a local pioneering family.  Dr. Allen initially practiced medicine in the city of Oconto, and continued during his entire stay with the exception if several months spent in Milwaukee in the late 1870's. He was tapped for his considerable background in education as Superintendant of Schools and in support of the establishment of a county public library system., his medical knowledge and experience as City Physician, and freely gave countless hours of his time to establish and improve the lives of county residents.

Dr. Allan and his family moved to Tacoma, Washington in 1889 where he continued to practice medicine until his retirement in 1907. He and his wife later lived in San Diego, California. Dr. Allan passed away in 1929 at age 85. His wife, Mary Ann Leigh Allan followed him in 1936. They are buried in Tacoma, Washington.

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             The city of Oconto was incorporated under chapter 449, P. and L. L.
             1869, March 11. It is divided into four wards, the North, South, East
             and West, and its system of government is in accord with that of other
             cities. Its municipal officers for 1881 are: Mayor, William H. Young;
             Clerk, A. M. Martineau; Treasurer, S. W. Ford; Assessor, Peter Don
             Levy; Superintendent of Schools and City Physician, Dr. H. Allan;
             Marshal, Frank Leroy.

             Oconto's educational system consists, as is usual, of a School Board
             and a City Superintendent, composed as follows - School Board -
             President, W. J. McGee - 0. A. Eilis, James Don Levy and George
             Beyer. Superintendent, Dr. Hamilton Allan. J. H. Gould is President of
             the Free High-school. There are five schools and ten departments. The
             Jefferson school building was built of brick in 1879, at a cost, with
             site, of $5,500.  It is proposed this Fall to erect a new school edifice at a
             cost of $6,000. Of the 7,239 children of school age residing in the city
             of Oconto in 1880, 678 attended the public institutions; 329 patronized
             private and parochial schools.



County and City Superintendent of Schools, was born in Ottawa, Canada, Nov. 8, 1844, the son of James and Jane Allan. He received his preliminary education in the public schools and the Kemptville Grammar School. In 1862, he became principal of one of the ward institutions. He then entered the Ottawa Collegiate Institute, graduating in June, 1865, with the honor of being awarded the Brough gold medal, for superiority in classics and mathematics. Being appointed a teacher of the classics, he remained in that capacity until January 1868, when he entered the office of Dr.  James A. Grant, as a medical student. Removing to Montreal, he entered McGill University. and, taking the full four years' course, graduated in the spring of 1872. Dr. Allan retired with the highest  honors, receiving The Holmes gold medal for the best examination in all the branches, both primary and final. Having  obtained his  diploma,  he  settled  in  Smith's  Falls,  near  Brockville,  Central  Canada, and took charge  of  Dr. Anderson's  practice,  that  gentleman  being absent  in  the  Old  Country, After  practicing  his  profession successfully  one  year, in  the  Spring  of  1873, he came  to  Oconto.  He  first  formed  a  partnership   with  Dr.  I.  S.  Johnson,  and  remained  with  him  one  year.  He  then  bought  his  partner's  interest  in  the  business,  and  established  himself  alone.n Dr. Allan has since resided in Oconto, with the  exception of nine months in 1877-78, which he spent in Milwaukee. He has not only built up a  successful practice, but has established a reputation as an efficient educator. This is his   third year as City Physician, also as City Superintendent of Schools. He has been Countv Superintendent since 1879; is  one of the foremost   in the formation and maintenance of a library; is,  in fact, what his education has made him, an  intelligent, clear-headed, popular and successful gentleman. Dr. Allan was married in 1875, to Mary, daughter of Hon. John Leigh, of Leighton, Oconto County (Wisconsin). They have one son.

Oconto County postcards from the collection of Dr. Hamilton Allan.

Main Street, city of Oconto, looking east

St Mark's Church, city of Oconto

First Presbyterian Church, city of Oconto

Sunset On Green Bay, at Oconto, Wisconsin