Dougald Thompson  

contributor: Pat Drees

March 15, 1936

Survivor Of Fire
Passes On Sunday

Dougald Thompson, French street, passed away at 8 o'clock on Sunday evening at the family home on French street. Mr Thompson, highly esteemed pioneer resident, was born in Canada over 90 years ago, having been a resident of this vivinity for over sixty-seven years, being a survivor of the Peshtigo Fire. He was a retired camp foreman for the Peshtigo Lumber company.

He is survived by his wife, daughter, Miss Anna Thompson, teacher in the city school at Madison, son Leo Thompson of Detroit, Mich., and adopted son, John Phalen of Chicago.

Descedent had been an invalid for the past few years, since he fell and broke his hip, being forced to use crutches, although he had enjoyed good health, being cared for by his faithful wife.

The remains were removed to the Harper Funeral home and taken to the family home yesterday. The casket was covered and surrounded by a profusion of beautiful flowers and there were a number of spiritual offerings.

Funeral services were held at 8:30 o'clock this morning from the home and at 9 o'clock from St Mary's Catholic church. The requiem mass was offered by the Rev. Fr. J Szupryt, pastor.

The casket was carried to and from the funeral car by Pete Gallinger, Ed. Thompson, Wm Dolan, Alex McDonald, Albert Cartier and D C Northrup.

The remains were places in the Mausoleum at Riverside cemetery and in the spring will be interred in the family plot. The obsewuies were largely attended by relatives and older time friends, includeing Misses Anna Thompson of Madison, Mr and Mrs Leo Thompson of Detroit, Mich., and Mr and Mrs John Phalen of Chicago and Mrs Wm Rossiter of Marinette. k W. II, rhelan wnUorn ll«*nry Photon. knr>wn city employe, off 1S07 Fifty-Hftvonth attwt. died at the Konoalm hospital Saturday morning following n loriflr nn«*M. ITe \vjib born nt drover Townnhlp, Mnrlnttte county, Wla., June 28, 1R74, the son or tho lato Mr, and Mrn. Jfttnon Phflnn. I To npcnt th« ftrvntvr part of hU llfft In -Marlnette count >% cnmlnK to Kenonlia 15 ycnrs ngo. an alnr<* thitt Umo. On Mny 28, 1D01,, h« wn* united In mari-lapo to Mlns Jono-rhino Riiiolph. Ilo hAw^bccn In Iho ornploymont of tho olty for tlio r>n«t t^n y«irn. IT« wjvb a irombor of St Jnmo* Calhollo churi-h nrvrl a member of th* Kn^kd. Ho In *urvh-*vt by ono Miss Mary PK:«'tnn of Konrmlm, hy two hrotbcni nnd f no *lnicr; .Tjim^« Pholnn of .^pokrxn^. TVnuh.; Pftirlok rholan of Marln^tio, \Vls.. ftnd Mrs. KlUn Hrr\v of TUrhlnni! Ccntnr. T\'!«, Tho bo