George Foreman wrote the FIRE LETTER on
January 17, 1872 in Blue Earth City, Minnesota, to his mother and
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Blue Earth City, Faribault County, Minnesota
January 17th, 1872
Dear Father Mother
and Josie.
I wrote to you some four or five weeks ago, stating how sick Linnie
(our boy) was and
that I soon should go back to Wisconsin and leave Lucy
(Loo) here until
spring ect. and hope you receive it. Well, Linnie got
well and on Christmas
morning Lucy's sister Fanny's husband (Ves.
Varton) and I left
here for Oconto, intending to work in the finery all
winter and was at
work to Ranses (John Van Rensalear Herriman), for
$40.00 per month
but the first letter I got from Loo, she was sick abed,
and has not been
able to sit up since. It is three weeks ago today
since she was first
confined to her bed. Fanny wrote to me every day
and Loo got "very"
low and some thought dangerous, and of course I got
uneasy, and on last
Thursday I left Oconto and at 9 o'clock the next day
(Friday night) I
was at home, and on Saturday Loo had another hard day,
suffered a good deal.
The Dr. came that night again and from that time
until this morning
she has been gaining slowly, but not able to sit up
yet only as I prop
her up with pillows or lift her up while her bed is
made. I am
in hopes now she will have no more bad spells but before I
go any farther I
will tell you what ails her. She has had the worst form
of intermitant neuralgis
and fever. You will remember how Mrs. Farwell
used to suffer with
her head I suppose. Well Loo has suffered more than
she did. Dr.
says her whole nervous system is prostrated and no wonder
considering what
she has passed through. She has taken a great deal of
morphine and quinine,
besides other medine, is taking one morphine
powder a day now
and the Dr. injected morphine into her arm twice while
she was the worst.
I believe I told you before that the old folks had gone east a
visiting. They
are coming home next Saturday. Fanny attended Loo all
the time until I
came home, but had to hire a girl to help them. Fanny
was about done out
when I got here, so you can bet they were glad to see
me. Linnie
is well and getting so cunning, talks considerable, and is
such a buster for
his age. We take lots of comfort with him I tell you.
I am thankful to you both for that $10.00 you sent I got it as
soon as I got to
Oconto, but as you have sickness more or less you need
not to send us any
more. I think if we have no more bad luck we will
get along.
"The whole country" has been sending clothing, bedding ect.
to Oconto and I have
lots of clothes and Lucy has several nice dresses
her acquaintances
gave her in Wisconsin besides quite a supply af calico
dresses and other
garments to make her comfortable, and she says, tell
your mother how much
she "loves" you and would like to see you all and
you need not send
any more of your hard earnings to us, unless we need
it more than we do
at the present, and speaks of you both and Josie too
coming to live with
us when you get old or too sick to work for
yourselves, and says
if we have a bone you shall share it with us and
you "know of course"
I agree with her in it all.
We hope Father's health is better by that time, and hope to hear
from you soon as
we have never received but the one letter from you
since the fire, but
in order to relieve your minds somewhat I will give
you an account of
the most we have received. First in Oconto and in
Dodge Co. LeRoy and
Mayville where we were married and including your
ten dollars, we have
received $93.57 in cash, as wheat which I sold for
cash, almost three
bbls flour, 9 bushell potatoes over 100 pounds pork
some tea a little
sugar, 2 gallons lard, one square No. 8 cook stove, 2
pillows eleven (11)
bed quilts some quite new, others a little ragged,
but all very good
for now grey army blankets, and two quilts saved makes
us 13 quilts and
4 blankets in all. Loo has had about 12 or more
dresses four bran
new two nice one 50 cents a yard, with velvet and nice
trimming for one
must costs seven or eight dollars, has it made bask
waist looks real
neat and nice a new balmoral new hat, shawl gaitors
some shimmies and
drawers & stockings. Linnie has a lot of woolen and
cotton clothes.
I have received, I believe 12 coats, 2 fine nice ones
for sunday one nice
"almost" bran new "overcoat" worth at least $12, and
several "good" ones
for every day and one or two ragged ones, but all
will come good and
as near as I can count up now I have eleven pair of
pants some nice
for Sunday some nice for every day and others that
have a good deal
of ware in them or fit to cut up for Linnie. I have
something less than
a dozen vests, two hats & a cap seven pairs of socks
two pair new "very
nice" and "all" good ones, some eight shirts I
believe, two have
made from new cloth and have over 4 yds of nice
flannel to make another,and
the rest are all good ones, some nice
undershirts, and
some 4 pair of drawers, two pair Loo made from an old
woolen dress given
her, but they are good ones, but in coming home (I
forgot that Ves Varton
[John Dillivan Dayton, his brother-in-law] did
not come back with
me) I pawned my flour and potatoes for a certain
lenght of time to
get money to come with. Father gave us 100 lbs pork,
and I bought the
balance of the hog from him for 4 cents per pound, got
about 4 gallons lard
out of it and took it all to Oconto with us when I
went, had about 300
lbs pork in the bbl. It is in Oconto now. I forgot
to say I got one
good bed tick.
Lucy has been very anxious to write you "all" a long letter
concerning the fire
but has not had time nor been able, and has
requested me to every
day since I got home, and I will give you a pretty
good account, as
you have I suppose like many others a good deal that
you can't understand
about the fire. First of all we had a long
drought very "dry".
Where I cut a small piece of wild land on my place
in July, ankle deep
in water, some weeks after I had to dig six foot to
get water for the
cow. This is in a little swamp "always Wet." The
R.R. was put though
2 miles east of us, and they burned as they went,
and having no rain
the fires never went out, hanging all summer to old
logs roots in the
ground etc. For weeks we could only see the sun a few
hours in the middle
of the day it was so "very smoky" it fairly made our
eyes ache (for miles
around I mean) then after the frost in the fall the
leaves fell and my
nearest neighbor (that was lost with his wife and 3
girls) once remarked
that if we got no rain before all the leaves were
down there would
be an awful fire. My neighbor had fire around him for
weeks and it came
down the woods and brush fence in front of our house
and fires were running
in the woods in many places was all around Johns
and Ranse's, [John
Barton and John Van Rensselaer Herriman, J. V.
Herriman was George's
brother-in-law and my g-grandfather] and on that
Sunday fire was running
gradually from Rans's towards my place in the
leaves, and I went
away that day some five hours and when I came back I
found the fire marching
a long in the leaves like an army in a line of
battle, over my place
going straight towards the house. Ranse and Mary
[J.V. Herriman and
Mary Jane Foreman Herriman, George's sister] were
there, and Rans and
my neighbor (Mr. Cook) had been pulling some of my
corn stocks into
the field away from the fence as the fire was getting
close by and would
burn the corn when once in the fence. As soon as I
got home I took the
broom and parted the leaves nearly acrost the 40
acres and checked
the fire. I worked hard you bet, but the fire hung
to logs roots etc.,
so when about 7 oclock in the evening the wind was
very stronge and
the fire swept acrost the path I had swept and moved on
rapidly. I
tried once more to check it but nearly suffocated and gave
it up, and went to
the house and draged the tool chest out to the well
which was about 30
foot from the door, also your cousin Hannah's chest
and our valice.
Loo told me to put the watch into the chest which I
I put our clothes on one of the beds, and Loo packed up some of
the dishes.
I carried water and threw on to the hay and barley stack,
and then Loo and
I threw water on to the house & all around it. Cook
was there at 7, went
home a few moments, then came back to see how we
were getting along
urged us to go home with him, and as he passed by the
house he said to
Loo, "Come Lucy now and I will save you." She said,
"No, Ed, I will stay
with George and if he dies I will die with him."
And that is the last
that was ever seen of poor Ed Cook. By the time the
wind was a perfect
gale almost. The wind blew the hay up so sparks
blowed into it and
and in a moment the stack was in flames blowing
towards the house.
I was doing something close to the house, forgot
what now, when Loo
hollowed and I ran in and the house was in flames
inside in the roof.
I grabbed the clothing with one quilt off from the
bed run into the
garden with it, and spread the quilt over them and put
a pail of water on
the quilt, and ran back to Loo. She grabbed two
quilts and threw
over her and Linnie and we went to the well, and I had
Loo stooped down
behind the tool chest and I wet the ground all around
her but it seemed
too terrible to stand it there, so I said "let us to
the Cooks."
I took Linnie and one quilt and Loo wet her feet and dress
and we started but
before we had got 50 foot, I saw that we would
suffocate long before
we could get there, and I said, "Come back! Come
back!" and
went back past well and stopped in the garden, and Loo
stooped down took
Linnie and I carried two pails of water and threw over
her, and by that
time I was so full of smoke and heat I said, "My God.
I can carry no more
we must die right here!" Loo said, "No. Let us go
to the well."
I said, "No. I and never get there." She said, "Yes.
can carry Linnie."
We were then probably 30 feet from the well, so I
said, "Come on" and
made a rush for the well. I jumped in and braced my
feet acrost the well,
reached up and took Linnie and then Loo came in
and down my leg and
dropped to the bottom. Then I went down and gave
her Linnie, and seemed
to breathe a little easier for a moment, but as
soon as I gave the
baby to her I rushed up out of the well and tore the
curo and the covering
of the well away and pitched it to one side so it
would not burn and
fell into the well on our heads. Then I jumped down
again, and O! what
a "roaring" like thunder, and how the fire and smoke
blew down the well.
I shall never forget. I threw water on our heads
and back. The
water was about 30 inches deep and cold. One spark some
where lit on the
baby's nose and he wore a scab for a while and Loo
thought he was dying
in the garden once, undoubtedly would had we not
kept him covered
up. He squealed some when I threw cold water on him,
and when Loo got
into the well she threw the two quilts in, and after an
half hour or so I
had gulped a tremenous amount of wind from y stomach
and felt better,
and I climbed to the top and peeked out and said, "O
Loo the tool chest
is not on fire," and she said, "Take one of these wet
quilts out of the
bottom of the well and spread it over it" and I done
so, and while up
on the ground I saw a small box and our valice and I
threw them down the
well and got Loo on to them so she was out of the
water. Then
I noticed the Hannah chest open and shut it. Then I open
it again to get something
out when about a shovel full of fire blew in
and things commended
to smoke so I emptied the chest right into the
well. It contained
Little Adas clothes presents and the watch and
various other little
things. My army fife was in it. Then I drew up
water and threw on
the bed quilt that was over the tool chest several
times during a period
of ome 4 hours, during which time Loo got very
cold and after about
4 hours I thought Loo could stand it on land and I
got her out after
considerable hard work she was so exhausted. Then I
got out the valice
which was on the box and not much wet, and Loo's
flannels were in
it, and she changed her clothes by the remains of the
house, I keeping
the sparks off from back while she done so. That is,
she put on those
flannels. Then we took the quilt off from the chest
which was dry after
all the water I had put on it, and spread it on the
ground and lay there
until morning. O! no one knows how we suffered
with our eyes, nearly
smoke out of our heads.
The wind blew strong all night but nothing to what it did when we
went into the well.
Hattie was in the chest and was saved, and all of
Ada's long clothes
and most of what she had before she died. Her moreno
cloak was lost.
I think it blew out of the chest when it blew open,
also Loo's black
silk shawl. We saved the knives and forks & silver
spoons & butter
knife some 8 or 9 tea cups and 4 or five saucers. I
believe that is about
During the night several times I whistled and yelled "all right" to
Cook's folks, thinking
to encourage them. You see the fire blew from
our place to theirs,
consequently we all thought it safer at his place
then at ours.
He had an outdoor cellar which they all went into, and
after daylight Loo
urged me to go and see about them, thinking that if
there were safe he
would have been over to see us before that time. So
I groped my way over,
being almost "blind", and I could find no trace of
them, only I saw
the cellar was caved in and I knew at once that they
were in it.
So I returned told Loo and we started south toward John's.
I was bare headed
and in shirt sleeves excepting a part of one of my
blouses I found next
morning. The smoke was mo[s]t awful thick and I
could hardly follow
the road, so much fallen timber and so near blind.
Got to John Bartons
(His nearest neighbor) and found them safe. Soon
after went to John's
and was there until Thursday, when we left for
Dodge Co. [where
Lucy's parents lived]. [I believe "John's", refers to
John V. Herriman.
On the 1870 census the Barton's and Foreman's, and
Herriman's are on
page two of Oconto Township {later Little River},
families 10, 11,
and 12 respectively. It does not appear that the fire
hit the Herriman
house, only a small distance away]
Where I put our cloths next morning was a pile of pins and buttons all
that left of them.
Tuesday I cleaned out the well and took care of the
things tool chest
and other things are safe at Mary's. Out two hogs
suffocared and were
badly burned and never gave out one squeal. Our
poor little puppy
howled just one and was burned up in the house. All
the chickens perished.
Some I saw around the field with not a feather
left on them, all
burned off. Cook's heifer was with our cow and when
the wind commenced
to blow I let them into the clearing, and when we
started for the well
they started back through the fire an dare alive
today. The
cow was badly burned, so I got $5.00 for her. My turnips
and potatoes were
were principally baked in the ground.
I can tell you I was almost gone when we went for the well (it was
13 feet deep).
Loo says she will never forget how I looked. One moment
more and I should
have fallen, and had I done so, Loo & Linnie would
have died too, for
had they got down the well the curb would have burned
and suffocated them.
You may ask, as others have, why didn't we throw our things down
the well.
If we had and stopped our access to the water we would
surely have been
lost. Some people ask was there no plowed fields in
which people could
save themselves. I know of those that were in the
fields half a mile
from the woods and died there of suffacation. Just
imagine the whole
heavens a dense body of smoke, and "Millions" of
sparks and coals
of fire flying through the air and then think of some
place to run to,
and you have an idea of what it was that night. To be
sure, many were saved
one way and another, while several hundred [1200]
You may ask what I done with all my money. $40.00 was used for me
to go to Oconto and
back here, and it was while back there I got the
most of those cloths,
so considerable money was spent before some for
medicine and clothes
and some for travling etc.
Loo has not been well since the fire to speak of and the neighbors
here thought Linnie
would never get well but we have the very best kind
of Dr. here.
Linnie was just 7 months old the day of the fire. My old
English leather pocket
book with those English letters is safe. If you
have any neighbors
who anxious to know more about the fire read this to
them and write as
soon as you get this. Loo sends her love to all, and
I send same.
Address as I headed this letter.
From your affectionate
Geo Foreman
Jan. 18. Loo has had another attack of headache today. O!
how she has
suffered. The Dr. was here again. She is very weak and
sick. I will
write again soon but you write when you get this.
The preceeding is an exact rendering of the copy of the "Fire Letter"
that my Grandfather, A. E. Herriman, past on to us. The only conscience
difference is that
where George underlined a word I have put the word in parenthesis,
due to software.
What follows is the location of the land George was homesteading. It is now located in Marinette Co. Wisconsin.
Patentee Name: Foreman, George
Accession Number: WI1780__.422
State: Wisconsin
Volume: 1780
Page: 422
Document Number: 437
Land Office: Menasha
Aliquot Part Reference: SESE
Section Number: 12
Township: 29 North
Range: 21 East
Meridian/Survey Area: Fourth Principal Meridian
Misc. Document Number: 626
Act/Treaty Authorizing Sale: Homestead Entry Orig.
Date Signed: May 15, 1876
Acreage: 40.00
The Foreman family survived the Peshtigo Fire. George Foreman took his
family to Blue Earth City, Minnesota after the fire. They eventually
settled in Cisco, Eastland County, Texas. Lucy “Loo” died at the age
of 40 in 1886. George died in 1917. He was 75 years old. “Linnie” lived
Crescent City, California and died at the age of 74 in 1945.