Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Purchased and posted by RITA

Transcribed by Rita
      1880 US Census - Oconto County

      Town of How

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1880 Census Reference Chart:

1)Dwelling #                                                       14)Months unemployed this year
2)Family #                                                         15)Currently ill? if so, specify
3)Name of every person whose place of                16)Blind
   abode on 1 June 1880 was in this family            17)Deaf and dumb
4)Color                                                               18)Idiotic
5)Sex                                                                 19)Insane
6)Age                                                                 20)Disabled
7)Month born if during census year                       21)School this year
8)Relationship to household head                         22)Cannot read
9)Single                                                             23)Cannot write
10)Married                                                         24)Birth place
11)Widow / Divorced                                           25)Father's Birthplace
12)Married with census year                                26)Mother's Birthplace
13)Profession, occupation, or trade of
     each person male or female
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Pg#  Ln# St# Hou# Dw#    Fm#      Last Name       First Name     Color   Sex     Age   Born       Relationship   Sgl  Mar  W/D  Mar/Yr       Occupation             #mo     Ill?    Blind   Deaf   Idoitic  Insane  Disab   School   Read   Write     Birthplace      Father         Mother     Comments 
         (1) (2)  (3)    (4)      (5)             (6)            (7)     (8)     (9)  ( 10)       (11)           (12) (13) (14) (15)         (16)                   (17)    (18)    (19)    (20)    (21)     (22)   (23)    (24)     (25)    (26)     (27)            (28)           (29)
2       1         11      11      Weinholdt       Albertina       W       F       31              wife                X                       keeping house                                                                   X                       Prussia         Prussia         Prussia         1
2       2         11      11      Weinholdt       Louisa          W       F       11              daughter        X                           at home                                                                         X                       Canada          Mechlinburg     Prussia         2
2       3         11      11      Weinholdt       Theresa         W       F       7               daughter        X                                                                                                           X                       Wis             Mechlinburg     Prussia         3
2       4         11      11      Weinholdt       Issabella       W       F       5               daughter        X                                                                                                                                   Wis             Mechlinburg     Prussia         4
2       5         11      11      Weinholdt       Mary            W       F       3               daughter        X                                                                                                                                   Wis             Mechlinburg     Prussia         5
2       6         11      11      Weinholdt       John Henry      W       M       1               son             X                                                                                                                                   Wis             Mechlinburg     Prussia         6
2       7         12      12      Schuttpeltz     William         W       M       36                                  X                       farmer                  X                                                                               Prussia         Prussia         Prussia         7
2       8         12      12      Schuttpeltz     Augusta W       W       F       25              wife                X                       keeping house                                                                                           Prussia         Prussia         Prussia         8
2       9         12      12      Schuttpeltz     Martha M        W       F       3               daughter        X                                                                                                                                   Wis             Prussia         Prussia         9
2       10        12      12      Schuttpeltz     Adolph          W       M       1               son             X                                                                                                                                   Wis             Prussia         Prussia         10
2       11        13      13      Johnson         Henry           W       M       25                                  X                       farmer                  X                                                                               Denmark         Denmark         Denmark         11
2       12        13      13      Johnson         Augusta         W       F       22              wife                X                       keeping house                                                                                           Germany         Germany         Germany         12
2       13        13      13      Johnson         Lydia           W       F       XXXX    Jan     daughter        X                                                                                                                                   Wis             Denmark         Germany         13
2       14        14      14      Suering         Julius          W       M       26                                  X                       Keeper farmers store    X                                                                               Prussia         Prussia         Prussia         14
2       15        14      14      Suering         Willihamina     W       F       22              wife                X                       keeping house                                                                                           Wis             Prussia         Prussia         15
2       16        14      14      Suering         Ada L           W       F       4               daughter        X                                                                                                                                   Wis             Prussia         Wis             16
2       17        14      14      Suering         Ella M          W       F       2               daughter        X                                                                                                                                   Wis             Prussia         Wis             17
2       18        14      14      Suering         Emma T          W       F       1               daughter        X                                                                                                                                   Wis             Prussia         Wis             18
2       19        15      15      Suering         Louis           W       M       24                                  X                       farmer                  X                                                                               Wis             Prussia         Prussia         19
2       20        15      15      Suering         Minnie          W       F       20              wife                X                       keeping house                                                                                           Prussia         Prussia         Prussia         20
2       21        15      15      Suering         Charles G T     W       M       1               son             X                                                                                                                                   Wis             Wis             Prussia         22
2       23        16      16      Schewe          Caroline        W       F       29              wife                X                       keeping house                                                                                           Prussia         Prussia         Prussia         23
2       24        16      16      Schewe          Albert F        W       M       9               son             X                                                                                                           X                       Wis             Prussia         Prussia         24
2       25        16      16      Schewe          Emma E          W       F       7               daughter        X                                                                                                           X                       Wis             Prussia         Prussia         25
2       26        16      16      Schewe          Ulriki M        W       F       5               daughter        X                                                                                                                                   Wis             Prussia         Prussia         26
2       27        16      16      Schewe          Paulina W       W       F       2               daughter        X                                                                                                                                   Wis             Prussia         Prussia         27
2       28        16      16      Schewe          Clarra T        W       F       XXXX    Feb     daughter        X                                                                                                                                   Wis             Prussia         Prussia         28
2       29        17      17      Butler          William         I       M       32                                  X                       farmer                  X                                                                               Wis             Wis             Prussia         29
2       30        17      17      Butler          Agnes           I       F       29              wife                X                       keeping house                                                                                           Wis             unknown         New York        30
2       31        17      17      Butler          Mary E          I       F       8               daughter        X                                                                                                           X                       Wis             Wis             Wis             31
2       32        17      17      Butler          Rosa            I       F       5               daughter        X                                                                                                                                   Wis             Wis             Wis             32
2       33        18      18      Heine           Christian       W       M       63                                  X                       farmer                  X                                                                               Holstein        Holstine        Wis             33
2       34        18      18      Heine           Dora            W       F       52              wife                X                       keeping house                                                                                           Mechlinburg     Mechlinburg     Holstine        34
2       35        18      18      Heine           Edward          W       M       17              son             X                           farm laborer            X                                                       X                       Wis             Holstine        Mechlinburg     35
2       36        18      18      Heine           Gustoff         W       M       15              son             X                           at home                                                                         X                       Wis             Holstine        Mechlinburg     36
2       37        18      18      Heine           John            W       M       13              son             X                           at home                                                                         X                       Wis             Holstine        Mechlinburg     37
2       38        18      18      Heine           Minnie          W       F       11              daughter        X                           at home                                                                         X                       Wis             Holstine        Mechlinburg     38
2       39        18      18      Heine           Christian J     W       M       8               son             X                                                                                                           X                       Wis             Holstine        Mechlinburg     39
2       40        18      18      Heine           Anna            W       F       5               daughter        X                                                                                                           X                       Wis             Holstine        Mechlinburg     40
2       41        19      19      Satender        John            I       M       52                              X                           farmer                  X                                                               X       X       Wis             Canada          Mechlinburg     41
2       42        20      20      Saroish         Albert          W       M       37                              X                           laborer                 X                                                               X       X       Canada          Canada          Mechlinburg     42
2       43        21      21      Grignon         Alexander       W       M       70                                  X                       farmer                  X                                                                               Wis             Wis             Wis             43
2       44        21      21      Grignon         Sarah Jane      W       F       56              wife                X                       keeping house                                                                                           Wis             Canada          Canada          44
2       45        21      21      Grignon         John M          W       M       28              son             X                           shingle tracker         X                                                                               Wis             Wis             Wis             45
2       46        21      21      Grignon         Louis T         W       M       25              son             X                           laborer                 X                                                                               Wis             Wis             Wis             46
2       47        21      21      Grignon         Edwin           W       M       18              son             X                           works in saw mill       X                                                                               Wis             Wis             Wis             48
2       49        21      21      McQuaid         Nellie          W       F       20              adopted daughterX                           dressmaker              X                                                                               Wis             Canada          Maine           49
2       50        21      22      Prickett        Tallbott        W       M       27                              X                           grocer                  X                                                                               Wis             Wis             Wis             50