Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Purchased and posted byRITA

Transcribed by Rita
      1880 US Census - Oconto County


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1880 Census Reference Chart:

1)Dwelling #                                                       14)Months unemployed this year
2)Family #                                                         15)Currently ill? if so, specify
3)Name of every person whose place of                16)Blind
   abode on 1 June 1880 was in this family            17)Deaf and dumb
4)Color                                                               18)Idiotic
5)Sex                                                                 19)Insane
6)Age                                                                20)Disabled
7)Month born if during census year                       21)School this year
8)Relationship to household head                         22)Cannot read
9)Single                                                             23)Cannot write
10)Married                                                         24)Birth place
11)Widow / Divorced                                           25)Father's Birthplace
12)Married with census year                                26)Mother's Birthplace
13)Profession, occupation, or trade of
     each person male or female
***************************************************************************************************** ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription----------------------------------

Pg# Ln# St# Hou# Dw#     Fm#     Last Name       First Name Color   Sex     Age     Born     Relationship    Sgl    Mar      W/D    Mar/Yr   Occupation         #mo Ill  Blind  Deaf  Idoitic  Insane Disab School  Read    Write    Birthplace      Father      Mother     Comments  page
                (1)      (2)     (3)             (4)        (5)     (6)     (7)     (8)      (9)             (10)   (11)     (12)   (13)     (14)               (15)(16) (17)   (18)   (19)    (20)   (21)  (22)    (23)    (24)     (25)            (26)        (27)       (28)      (29)                 
4    1                           Gillett         Cora        W       F       1               Daughter        X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       N.Y.        Wis
4    2                           Rasmussen       Mary        W       F       17              Servant         X                               Servant             X                                                                   Denmark         Denmark     Denmark
4    3                           Johnson         Charles     W       M       35              Laborer         X                               Farm Laborer        X                                                                   Sweeden         Sweeden     Sweeden
4    4           29      29      High            George      W       M       34                                      X                       Farm Laborer        X                                                                   New York        N.Y.        N.Y.
4    5                           High            Sarah       W       F       28              Wife                    X                       Keeping House                                                                           New York        V.T.        N.Y.
4    6                           High            William     W       M       5               Son             X                                                                                               X                       Wisconsin       N.Y.        N.Y.
4    7                           High            George      W       M       3               Son             X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       N.Y.        N.Y.
4    8           30      30      Newton          Edwin       W       M       25                                      X                       Farmer              X                                                                   New York        N.Y.        V.T.
4    9                           Newton          Elsie       W       F       23              Wife                    X                       Keeping House                                                                           New York        N.Y.        N.Y.
4    10                          Newton          Frances     W       M       3               Son             X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       N.Y.        N.Y.
4    11                          Newton          Wesley      W       M       1               Son             X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       N.Y.        N.Y.
4    12                          Duil            John        W       M       58              Father-in-law                   X               Farmer              X                                                           X       New York        N.Y.        N.Y.
4    13                          Newton          Orlando     W       M       18              Brother         X                               Laborer             X                                                                   Wisconsin       N.Y.        V.T.
4    14          31      31      Fritzgareld     Richard     W       M       26                                      X                       Farmer              X                                                                   Wisconsin       Ireland     Ireland
4    15                          Fritzgareld     Mary        W       F       22              Wife                    X                       Keeping House                                                                           Wisconsin       N.Y.        N.Y.
4    16                          Fritzgareld     Patrick     W       M       2               Son             X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       Wis         Ills
4    17          32      32      Volk            Alfred      W       M       32                                      X                       Farmer              X                                                                   Wisconsin       N.Y.        N.Y.
4    18                          Volk            Ida         W       F       22              Wife                    X                       Keeping House                                                                           Wisconsin       N.Y.        N.Y.
4    19                          Volk            Frederic    W       M       1               Son             X                                                                                               X                       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    20          33      33      Schaal          Ernst       W       M       32                                      X                       Farmer              X                                                                   Prussia         Prussia     Prussia
4    21                          Schaal          Hannah      W       F       29              Wife                    X                       Keeping House                                                                           Wisconsin       N.Y.        N.Y.
4    22                          Schaal          Myron       W       M       7               Son             X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       Prussia     Wis
4    23                          Schaal          Elizabeth   W       F       5               Daughter        X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       Prussia     Wis
4    24                          Schaal          Arthur      W       M       4               Son             X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       Prussia     Wis
4    25                          Schaal          George      W       M       1               Son             X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       Prussia     Wis
4    26                          Volk            Mary        W       F       53              Mother-in-law                   X               Keeping House                                                                           Vermont N.Y.    N.Y.
4    27                          Clark           Peter       W       M       15              Laborer         X                               Farm Laborer        X                                                                   Wisconsin       Vt          Wis
4    28          34      34      Tomas           Edwin       W       M       30                                      X                       Farmer              X                                                                   Prussia Prussia Prussia
4    29                          Tomas           Rosza       W       F       30              Wife                    X                       Keeping House                                                                           Prussia Prussia Prussia
4    30                          Tomas           John        W       M       2               Son             X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       Prussia     Prussia
4    31                          Tomas           Alvira      W       F               Jul     Daughter        X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       Prussia     Prussia
4    32          35      35      Hoffman         John        W       M       28                                      X                                                                                                               New York        Hesse       Hesse
4    33                          Hoffman         Mary R      W       F       37              Wife                    X                       Wife                                                                                    Wisconsin       Vt          N.Y.
4    34                          Cre             Jiaman      W       M       55              Father-in-law               X                                                                                                           VT              Vt          V.T.
4    35          36      36      Cauoau          Condagus    I       F       38                                              X               Keeping House                                                           X       X       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    36                          Cauoau          Marcher     I       F       18              Daughter        X                                                                                                       X       X       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    37                          Cauoau          Pahan       I       M       16              Son             X                                                                                                       X       X       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    38                          Cauoau          Nora        I       F       4               Daughter        X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    39                          Cauoau          Corelia     I       F       2               Daughter        X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    40                          Cauoau          Ornlick     I       F       1               Daughter        X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    41          37      37      Six             Pense       I       M       48                                      X                       Hunter                                                                  X       X       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    42                          Six             Oxaaua      I       F       44              Wife                    X                       Keeping House                                                           X       X       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    43                          Six             Carisoben   I       M       9               Daughter        X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    44          38      38      Six             Benny       I       M       44                                      X                                                                                               X       X       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    45                          Six             Madge       I       F       33              Wife                    X                                                                                               X       X       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    46                          Six             Marquaba    I       M       20              Son             X                               Hunter                                                                  X       X       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    47                          Indian          John        I       M       9               Son             X                                                                                                                       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    48                          Water           Besse       I       F       25              Sister                  X                                                                                               X       X       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    49          39      39      Buck            Shot        I       M       44                                      X                       Trapper                                                                 X       X       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis
4    50                          Buck            Minnevia    I       F       40              Wife                    X                       Keeping House                                                           X       X       Wisconsin       Wis         Wis