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On October 18, 1848, a treaty was made and concluded between the United States of America and the Menominee tribe of Indians of Wisconsin.

One of the provisions of that treaty (Article 4, para. 3)was that the mixed bloods (part-Indian) of the tribe were to receive $40,000 as a single and final payment, the proportion to each to be determined by the chiefs in council and a commissioner appointed by the President of the U.S.

The Congress of the U.S., on January 23, 1849, ratified the treaty and appropriated the amount of money called for by its provisions (9 Stat. 952).  Subsequently, Thomas Wistar, Jr., a well known and highly respected Quarker, was appointed the Commissioner to represent the President.

Under the direction of Mr. Wistar and the chiefs of the tribe, the $40,000 was apportioned on June 20th, 1849 and actually paid on July 9th. At the conclusion of the payments issued on July 9th, a total of $38,700 had been paid.   The commissioner and the chiefs then approved a supplemental payment to an additional eight men and seven women and their families.   These payments were made the following day, July 10th, and brought the total amount awarded to $40,100.

The original document on microfilm, as well as all other Federal government documents related to Native American affairs, can be found at the
National Archives
Records of the Menominee Indian Reservation
Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs [BIA]
(Record Group 75)
 online film index at:

National Archives and Records Service, Regional Archives Branch, Chicago, Ill.

Statement of apportionment of Forty thousand Dollars among the Mixed Menomonees (sic), 6th Month (June) 20th, 1849, appropriated by Act of Congress, 23d Jan. 1849, under the Treaty concluded at Lake Powawhaykonnay, 18th. Oct. 1848.
By Thomas Wister Jr. Commissioner

    We, the undersigned, Chiefs of the Menominee Indians deputed by the Council of our Nation, held at Green Bay the 20th of June, 1849, in conjunction with Thomas Wistar, Jr. the Commissioner of the United States, to assist him in the payment of the Forty thousand dollars appropriated by Congress for the benefit of persons of the Mixed Blood of our people, hereby certify that we have so assisted him, and that the foregoing is a correct copy of tne Roll agreed to on the 20th. ulto by the Chiefs in Council and that the several awards are therein stated, and have been paid according to the terms agreed upon in said Council, to wit:

    An award of Fifty Dollars to every man, woman and child enumerated in the said roll, and a further award to each of the persons designated in said Roll by an Asterisk (*) affixed to his or her name, (being fifty in number) of an equal share, to each one of the remainder of the aforesaid forty thousand dollars, after the first mentioned awards shall have been set apart, which additional award was made in consideration of benefits conferred and services rendered to, our people by the individuals so designated and preferred.
Green Bay, July 10th 1849
Witnesses to the signatures and payments
Alfred Cope
Chas A. Grignon
John B. Jacobs - Sub. Int.
Robt B. Haines
Ephraim Shaler, U. States Agent
                Q. Masters Dept
Confirmed by
Thomas Wistar Jr.

    We, the subscribers, Chiefs of the Menorninee Indians/ . V"" deputed by a Council of. our Nation, held at Green Bay, July the 9th, 1849, to decide upon the right of certain persons, claiming to be added, to the Roll, agreed to on the 20th ult. whose, names by decision of said Council, now constitute the above Supplementary Roll, and to direct the erasure of the following which appear to have been twice entered upon the Original Roll, being duly authorized to inspect said Roll and Supplement after the erasures and additions, as directed, shall have been made, and to assist the Commissioner in making payments, conformable therewith, hereby declare, that the said Roll and Supplement are correct and agreeable to the direction of the Council aforesaid, and that the several awards therein seated have been properly paid:  We further declare that it was the
will of the Council that the parties enumerated in the aforesaid Supplementary Roll should severally receive Fifty Dollars, and that the amount so awarded them, be deducted from the remainder of the Forty thousand dollars, which was left after the first awards on the Original Roll had been deducted, thereby reducing the sum to be divided among the fifty preferred persons, having asterisks affixed to their names on the Original Roll.  The following are the names directed to be erased, viz:  Peter Holdig, Angel Corbelle, the wife of Joseph Laframboise, the children of Louisa Domitille, Charles G. DeRiviere, Augustine Grignon Jr. Shajons, the son of Antoine Macaby, likewise LaMotte Taylor, ascertained to be dead.
Green Bay July 10th, 1849

Witnesses to the signatures and payments:

Alfred Cope
Chas A. Grignon
    U. S.Interpreter
John B. Jacobs, Sub Int
Robt B. Haines
Ephraim Shaler, U.States
                Agent, Q.M.Dept.


Confirmed by
    Thomas Wistar Jr.

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