Virginia genealogy history ancestors

Virginia Genealogy Records

Lancaster County


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Lancaster County Virginia

HENRY BOATMAN WILL about 1695-1743/1744

Graciously donated by Leigh Viertel

Will of Henry Boatman
Dated 21 November 1743
Filed 13 January 1744
I give my dwelling house, together the land & appurtenances there unto belonging to said land to my son Edwards Boatman, and the heirs of his body or for want of such issue I give my land aforesaid to my daughter Mary Boatman and the heirs of her body for want of such issue to my daughter Hannah Boatman and the heirs of her body and want of such issue to my daughter Anna Boatman and heirs forever.

I give to my son Henry Boatman one cow and twenty shilling current money of Virginia In full of all claims whatsoever.

I give to my son Edward Boatman my young horse, saddle, & bridle.

I give to my daughter Mary Boatman my small oval table

I give all the remainder of my estate to be equally divided between my loving wife Magaret Boatman and my son Edwards Boatman and my three daughters Mary Boatman, Hannah Boatman, & Anna Boatman.

I nominate & appoint my son Edwards Boatman sole executor etc.

Witness; Henry Carter, George Brent, William C. Walker

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Virginia Family Trees

Virginia genealogy history ancestors