Virginia genealogy history ancestors

Virginia Genealogy Records

Lancaster County


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Lancaster County Virginia

Burgesses of Lancaster County

William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 4 (Apr., 1897), pp. 260-261.
Capt. [Moore] ffauntleroy, 1651.

Capt. [Moore] ffauntleroy, 1656.

Peter Montague, 1658.

Coll. John Carter, 1658, 1660.

Mr. Henry Corbin, 1659.

Mr. [John] Curtis, Nov. 1660.

Mr. Rawleigh Travers, 1661, 1662, 1663, 1666, 1667, 1668, 1669, 1670 (8 days).

Mr. Wyllis, 1667.

Williamson Ball, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1677.

Capt. David Fox, 1677, 1680.

Major [Edward] Dale, 1677, 1682-'3 (one session).

Capt. Ball 1682-'3 (2 sessions).

William Ball, 1686.

Capt. William Ball, 1688 (32 days), 1690 (43 days), 1692.

Capt. John Pinkard, 1688 (32 days).

Mr. Robert Carter, 1690, 1692, 1697, 1698.

John Stretchley, 1694 (45 days).

Capt. Joseph Ball, 1694 (44 days), 1698.

Mr. George Heale, 1694 (44 days).

Mr. Heale, 1697.

Col. Robert Carter, 1699.

Capt. Alexander Swan, 1699.

Col. Jos. Ball, 1701.

Capt. Wm. Fox, 1701.

Lt. Coll. Joseph Ball, 1702.

Capt. Fox, 1702.

Mr. Jno. Turberville, 1704.

Capt. Wm. Ball, 1704.

Major Lister, 1705.

Capt. Ball, 1705.

Major Wm. Lister 1706.

Capt. William Ball 1706.

Mr. Edwin Conway, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1719.

Major Edwin Conway, 1715, 1718.

Wm. Ball, 1711.

Major Wm. Ball, 1712, 1713, 1715.

Page 261.

Mr. James Ball, 1715, 1718, 1719.

Capt. Edwin Conway 1728.

Mr. Chas. Burgess, 1728, 1732.

Edwin Conway, 1732, 1734.

Capt. James Ball, 1734, 1740.

Coll. Edwin Conway, 1740.

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Virginia genealogy history ancestors