Virginia genealogy history ancestry

Virginia Genealogy Resources

Frederick County


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Frederick County Virginia

Winchester Lutheran Subscription List 1790
February 11, 2007

Submitted by
Charolette “Chocy” Brown

Winchester Lutheran Subscription List for the Support
of the Reverend Christian STREIT and his associate the Reverend John David YOUNG

1 August 1790

Original written in German

We the undersigned promise hereby t pay quarterly to the overseers of the Lutheran Congregation in Winchester the several sums of money which each one shall write opposite to his name for the use and support of Mess'rs David YOUNG and Christian STREIGHT, who promise on their side to attend to the congregation on all Sundays and festival days in the present year from the first of August 1790:

Henry BAKER; (3 pounds)
Lewis HOFF; (2 pounds, 8 shillings)
Charles HOFF; (6 shillings)
Jacob HOFF; (5 shillings)
Peter LAUCK (2 pounds, 10 shillings)
Philip HOOVER (1 pound, 10 shillings)
Adam YOUNG (1 pound, 5 shillings)
Adam HEISKELL (1 pound, 10 shillings)
Nicholas MESMER (1 pound, 4 shillings)
H. W. BAKER (1 pound)
Michael ALTRIDGE (1 pound)
Philip BUSH (1 pound, 10 shillings)
John COOKE (1 pound, 10 shillings)
Martin RILEY (1pound)
Simon LAUCK (1 pound, 4 shillings)
Christopher WETZEL (1 pound, 4 shillings)
John GRIM (15 shillings)
Conrad LONG (6 shillings)
Philip ARM (15 shillings)
Jacob RIDER (6 shillings)
Conrad KREMER (1 pound)
Michael COPENHAVER (6 shillings)
George KIGER (12 shillings)
John RILEY (10 shillings)
John VAN WELDEN (5 shillings)
Dedrick GARDNER (6 shillings)
Charles AULICK (10 shillings)
P. HELFENSTEIN (6 shillings)
Adam KIGER (12 shillings)
Catherine RINKER (6 shillings)
John GOSS (6 shillings)
Michael GROVE (6 shillings)
Andrew KIGER (10 shillings)
Charles HETZELL (3 shillings)
Charles F. HEIST (6 shillings)
Catherine BRINKER (1 pound)
Daniel OVERAKER (6 shillings)
Rosina MAY (12 shillings)
Barbara LAVINDER (10 shillings)
Jacob KIGER (15 shillings)
Henry FRIDLEY (6 shillings)
Albrecht EGER (10 shillings)
George M. RILEY (6 shillings)
John SHULTZ (10 shillings)
Adam KURTZ (6 shillings)
Abraham LAUCH (6 shillings)
Christopher FRY (10 shillings)
Christopher HEISKELL (10 shillings)
John SLOAT (6 shillings)
Andrew BAKER (6 shillings)
John BOWMAN (5 shillings)
George LINN (4 shillings)
Isaac SITLER (6 shillings)
P. KLIPSTINE (6 shillings)
F. HOFFMAN (6 shillings)
John HOFF (4 shillings)
P. BOWER (15 shillings)
John CONRAD (12 shillings)
Charles GRIM (6 shillings)
John COPENHAVER (6 shillings)
Philip PHILIPS (3 shillings)
Ernest ELTZ (4 shillings)

Total 41 pounds, 8 shillings ($138) Add your text here

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