Virginia genealogy history ancestry

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Frederick County


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John Lovell Frederick County Virginia

John Lovell. He and his wife lived in Frederick County. William Dollar was living with John and his wife Susannah in Oct of 1776 when he and William, enlisted in the 2nd Virginia Regiment.
John enlisted per his wife in the same regiment. However I could not find any information about that. I did find that John was in the 11th Virginia Regiment.
I am actively researching more about his service. I do know that he was in Cpt Bruin's Company of the 11th Virginia commanded by Col. Daniel Morgan. He was also in Cpt William Johnston's Company. From what I can tell thus far he was involved with the Philadelphia Campaign including the Battles of Brandywine, Germantown, and the Battle of Monmouth. He was also at Valley Forge.
I have information that John served in more than one regiment.
He apparently served also in the 15th Virginia Regiment.
He was discharged from the 11th Virginia in Oct of 1778.
He moved from Virginia to Ohio after the war and was living in Clermont County.
Wikipedia indicates that the 11th Virginia was at Battles of Brandywine and Germantown. I found payrolls and muster rolls that indicate John Lovell was serving in the 11th Virginia under Col. Daniel Morgan,.
John Lovell was in Cpt. Bruin's Company in the 11th Virginia Regiment. He was on a pay roll for that company August and Sept of 1777.
Other sources indicate that Daniel Morgan and his regiment were at the Battles of Saratoga in September and October of 1777. I am attempting to understand the circumstances. If I understand correctly General Washington ordered Daniel Morgan to form a provisional rifle corps and Morgan did so with 500 marksmen. Morgan was detached briefly from the 11th Virginia Regiment and Febiger was left in command.
Horatio Gates On September 19 Burgoyne moved south and engaged the Continental forces at the Battle of Freeman’s Farm, also called the First Battle of Saratoga. Early in the battle, many British officers were killed in the open fields by Col. Daniel Morgan’s sharpshooters, who were concealed in the thick woods.
The Battle of Brandywine was also in September on the 11th in southeast Pennsylvania and the Battle of Germantown on Oct 4th. Saratoga was in northern New York.

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