Virginia genealogy history ancestry

Virginia Genealogy Resources

Frederick County


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Frederick County Virginia

Hook Grocery - Winchester

This one is of the grocery store on Amherst St. showing my grandfather's grandfather Mack Hook and his son Courtney taken in the late 1920's or early 1930's. Mack Hook and his family were originally from Capon Bridge, West Virginia. In 1909, the family moved to Bartonsville to operate a flour mill. After 1922, the family moved to West Clifford St. and opened the grocery store.

Submitted by Diane Hook Klopp

This is a photo of my great-uncle Clagett Foster Hook (1896-1979) in his WWI soldier uniform. He was a member of the A.E.F., a precursor to the Army military unit of today. He was born in Capon Bridge to a family who had been grist millers for generations. He moved to Bartonsville with his family in 1909 and worked in the flour mill prior to WWI. After the war, he moved to Berks County, Pennsylvania to operate a farm. When he died, his body was transported by train to Winchester and interred in Mt. Hebron Cemetery.

Submitted by Diane Hook Klopp

This was the residence of the Mack Hook family in Bartonsville. Their grist mill was located across the road.

Submitted by Diane Hook Klopp

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Virginia genealogy history ancestry