Virginia Genealogy History Ancestry

Virginia Family Trees

Fairfax County


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Halley Family History

There is a cemetery in our neighborhood that belonged to the original family that owned about 900 acres in this area. The original family has long since left the area. Their surname was Halley, but it has also been noted as Haley or Hawley or Holley. The plot is on a lot that the county has designated as a cemetery.

When I moved to this neighborhood six years ago, the lot was overgrown and had not had any maintenance in many years. Since then, several neighbors have been working to clean out the area around the cemetery and we have been attempting to learn more about the family.

The county archivist (since retired) visited the site many years ago and he thought there might be 12-15 burials in the cemetery. It has a stone wall surrounding it and only two partial headstones remain. We have done some research on the family and have worked with several organizations in the county and combed through the material in the Virginia Room at the Fairfax City library. I've also worked with Mary Lipsey at the FCCPA. The DAR has gotten involved in the project and they have managed to get a replacement headstone from the VA for the Revolutionary War soldier James Halley Jr. that is buried there. (this stone disappeared about 1971) 

We have tried to determine who is buried in the cemetery. There were probably 3 generations of Halley's that lived in the area. They were granted the land from Lord Fairfax in the mid 1700's and sold their property to Newman Burke in the 1830's. Their homestead was called Pleasant Green. Its been frustrating to piece together any information on the family. Several of us have tried to put together a timeline, but its been difficult. Many of us have spent countless hours trying to learn more about the family, but keep coming across deadends.

I'd appreciate any guidance that you could provide concerning our efforts.  If you have information to add to this please contact Pat T

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Coordinator - Rebecca Maloney

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If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research.

Virginia Family Trees

Virginia Genealogy History Ancestry