Piute Men Register for the World War I Draft

(Piute Chieftain, 19 September 1918)

Patriotic Men Make Response to Call

Responding to the call of the Nation for recruits for the army, the loyal citizens of Piute county between the ages of 18 and 45, both inclusive, flocked to the registration places last Thursday and when the totals had been counted in the several registration offices throughout the county, 297 names had been recorded. The county fell short just forty names, according to the number allotted. Piute county had been set aside to furnish 337, but only 297 men were registered. The officers have announced that a close canvas will be made and the county thoroughly "combed" for any slacker and should any be found they will be made to suffer the penalty as prescribed for failing to register.

Reports from all the registration offices throughout the county are to the effect that the work was done expeditiously and that there was not the least semblance of disorder. The day had been declared holiday and all business houses were closed for the occasion.

The following is a list of the men registered:






