Sevier Stake Presidency re: Worldwide Flu Epidemic, 1918

This letter was sent to LDS wards in the Sevier Stake, including Marysvale Ward

and the Sunday School at Alunite.

Sevier Stake of Zion

Richfield, Utah December 10, 1918.

To the membership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Sevier Stake of Zion.

Dear Brethren and Sisters:

The influenza epidemic which has overrun the State and Nation, and the consequent quarantine, has prevented the holding of the usual Ward Conferences as well as the general gatherings of the Saints We trust, however, that the people have held their family worship, and not forgotten the Lord in supplication and prayer. The observance of the Home Evening exercises, and the holding of Sunday School classes in the homes, has no doubt been a comforting solace in the absence of the regular worship meetings.

The present conditions should impress upon us the weakness of the human family and the necessity of putting our trust in the Lord, and relying upon Him for strength and support, not alone in the hour o trial and distress, but throughout every day.

We therefore feel constrained to write you these few lines of encouragement to continue faithful in the work of the Lord. Remember His holy commandments. Observe the "Word of Wisdom" that you may overcome disease and have physical strength for every duty.

Let us not forget our obligation to Him. We have been blessed with a bounteous harvest, and unprecedented prices for the products of the soil. The wage earner has received higher pay for his services than ever before. Let us therefore be liberal in the payment of our Tithes and Offerings, that these blessings may be merited and continue with us.

It is apparent that we will not be able to hold the usual Tithe Settlement Meetings. We therefore suggest that you send your tithes and offerings, where it is practicable, to your Bishop, and that you do this before the close of the year, making statement of the fact of it being a full tithe, or otherwise.

May the blessings of the Lord attend you and may you be actuated by the same liberality in the payment of your obligations that has characterized the discharge of that important duty in the past.

Robert D. Young,

James M. Peterson,

John Christensen,

Stake Presidency.