Fourth of July festivities in Junction, 1904

(The Free Lance, 15 July 1904) 

Junction items: The following interesting letter was received too late to print last week, owing to some irregularity in the mail:

Judging from the sound of the anvil, shotguns, fire crackers, and giant powder, we commenced celebrating the Fourth at 3 o'clock A.M.

The serenading committee drove all over the town and gave us some very good vocal music &endash; patriotic and sacred.

A large audience assembled at 10 o'clock in the morning in the meeting house and enjoyed the following program: &endash;

"Singing, "America" &endash; choir and congregation.

Prayer &endash; Jos. H. Sudweeks.

Singing, "Red, White, and Blue."

Reading, "Declaration of Independence," W.J. Luke;

Singing "Star Spangled Banner," Melvin Luke;

Recitation, "Utah," Florence Johnson;

Song, Elmer Sprague and Fern Morrill;

Recitation, Rosa Hayes;

Recitations, Ruby Morrill, Fauntel McIntosh, Lizzie Jolly;

Solo (acted in pantomime) "Last Rose of Summer," Cleo Luke;

Recitation, Clare Morrill;

Reading, History of Our Flag, Jno. D. Morrill;

Duet, Melvin and Cleo Luke;

Five Minutes Speech, John Morrill;

Stump Speech, William L. Johnson;

Patrick Henry's Speech, Joseph Sudweeks in costume;

Prayer, Chaplain.

Marshal of the Day, John Stoney; Goddess of Liberty, Grace Luke; Maids, Clara Beebe, Ivy Morrill, Mary Jensen, Mary Luke.

The great applause ad the booming of guns announced the beginning and finish of all parts.

Kangaroo court convened at 1 o'clock P.M. Sheriff Melvin Luke was around town making arrests after conclusion of the program. Many court officers were needed, they being as follows, Judge, G.R. Beebe; Pros. Attorneys, E.E. Sprague and W.J. Luke; Public Prosecutor, Justice J.W. Stoker; Lawyers, J.D. Morrill, C.P. Barnson, Jos. Sudweeks; Bailiffs, Jos. S. Johnson, Don Sudweeks, Hyrum Morrill, Doras Warner, Fred Cooke, Mr. Smith; Clerk, Horace Morrill.

The object of the court was to collect revenue. To this end, all who were arraigned were invariably convicted; and fines, or imprisonment, were imposed in all cases. The willingness with which the fines were paid showed the excellency of this method of raising means.

Proceedings were first brought against some of the court officers. County clerk Horace Morrill was fined 75c for being late. Attorney Sprague and Justice Stoker were arraigned and fined. Later the court announced that the public had better be on the alert.

Although all convicted had the choice of a fine or imprisonment, all took the fine. Probably 40 persons were arrested, and about $16 were raised.

Some persons were tried on the charge of being baldheaded and flirting with the girls. The former charge some acknowledged but denied the latter. In most cases no defense was made, but in some, vigorous efforts were made for the defendants.

In the afternoon, there were sports for the young folks. In the evening the best dance of the season was given in the court house