Collegeport Woman's Club Minutes

1930 - 1934



Annual Report of Woman’s Club from Jan. 1929 to Dec. 1929

We can rightfully consider the past year as a full year’s work.

Have held 12 meetings and with two or three exceptions, have had a full attendance of our membership.

One executive committee meeting held at which time committees for the year were appointed.

Have had splendid programs throughout the year, and fine response on the part of our members in accepting the part assigned them on the programs.

As a Club we owe a hearty vote of thanks to our program committee. Personnel of said committee being Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Clapp & Mrs. King, for the splendidly arranged and compiled programs.

The annual “Valentine Party” was held on the evening of Valentine’s Day at the home of Mrs. Holsworth. The husbands & families of Club members are always included in this event, and very much enjoyed by all.

On May 25, “Collegeport Day,” a Club program and ice cream social was held at the Community House during the evening.

Aug. 8th, our regular meeting day of Club at the home of Mrs. Holsworth, the “Novelty Art Goods” secured by the Club, were on sale. A goodly amount of these articles were sold, money going into Club treasury.

The Club has had a delegate at all the County Federation meetings during the past year.

Our Club membership numbers 14.

Respectfully submitted, Mrs. L. E. Liggett  Sec.

Roll for 1930

Oct 1929

Mrs. Harbison

Feb. 13, 1930

Mrs. Anna Crane

Feb. 13

Mrs. Seth Corse

Feb. 13

Mrs. Carl Boeker

Feb. 13

Mrs. John Ackerman

Feb. 13

Mrs. Hattie Kundinger

Feb. 13

Miss Dorothy Franzen

Feb. 13

Mrs. L. E. Liggett

Feb. 13

Mrs. Emmett Chiles

Feb. 13

Mrs. Burton D. Hurd


Mrs. Heisey

Apr. 9

Mrs. Clapp

Apr. 9

Mrs. Nelson

Apr. 9

Mrs. Wright

Apr. 9

Mrs. Holsworth

Apr. 9

Mrs. Brazil

Apr. 9

Mrs. King



Jan. 1930 – No Meeting – Rainy Day

Feb. 13, 1930
– Valentine Party at Church

Report of Club meeting held Feb. 3, 1930, at Community House.

Meeting called to order by Pres. Mrs. Corse

Sec. report read and accepted

Annual report of treasurer given, reporting $50.15 total amount receipts during year, with expenses of $35.40 leaving a balance on hand of $14.70.

This report was accepted.

Mrs. Boeker reported a number of books donated to the Library.

In connection with the school committee report, Mrs. Harbison reported the need of a wash basin at the school building, and Mrs. Boeker kindly offered to donate one.

Mrs. King was nominated as delegate to the County Federation Meeting to be held in Bay City 1st of March and duly elected. Mrs. Boeker was nominated and elected as alternate.

Mrs. King, chairman of program committee, appointed Mrs. Liggett to fill vacancy on that committee, due to the resignation from same committee by Mrs. Clapp.

The name of Miss Dorothy Franzen was presented to the Club for membership.Motion made by Mrs. King, seconded by Mrs. Harbison that Miss Franzen be accepted and motion carried unanimously.

Program for the afternoon, in charge of Social Committee, was the Valentine Party for school children and teachers. Judging from the noise & shouts of laughter it was very much enjoyed by all. Cocoa & cake & popcorn were served as refreshments. 60 or more in attendance.

March meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Harbison.

Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

March 13, 1930 –
Mrs. Harbison hostess

Meeting called to order by Pres.

Sec. report read and accepted.

No treas. report.

Very little business transacted.

Program – On International Relationship
What the Scotch People Have Done For Us – by Mrs. Holsworth
What the English People Have Done For Us – by Mrs. Liggett
What the French People Have Done For Us – Mrs. Clapp
What the Spanish People Have Done For Us – Mrs. Brazil

Roll Call response: Name some historic place you have visited, and tell about it.

Meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Brazil in April.  5 members present

Coffee & cake was served by hostess during the social hour.

Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

April 9, 1930
– Mrs. Brazil hostess

Business meeting conducted by Pres. Mrs. Corse.

Usual order of business with reports read and accepted.

Treas. reported $16.00 in treasury.

Librarian reported late in the meeting.

No further business, the program on “Old Songs: Their Authors and History” was conducted by Mrs. Boeker, and the following given
America – Mrs. Ackerman
Star Spangled Banner – Mrs. Heisey
My Old Kentucky Home – Mrs. Clapp
On the Banks of the Wabash – Mrs. Crane
The Old Oaken Bucket – Mrs. Brazil
Sweet and Low – Mrs. Nelson
Yankee Doodle – Mrs. Corse
Dixie – Mrs. Boeker

During the social house delicious ice cream and cake was served by the hostess.

Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

After adjournment, house was called to order by Pres. The matter of the Club observing “Mother’s Day” and conducting the program on that day was discussed, and it was decided that the Club conduct the Mother’s Day Service.

Matter of arranging program was left in the care of the program committee.

Meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Heisey in May.

May 8, 1930
– Mrs. Heisey hostess

Usual order of business conducted by pres.

Sec. report read and accepted

Trea. Reported $103.82. $84.00 of this amount was received from the box supper given under the direction of the social and finance committee assisted by the school, in order to raise money to buy the necessary books for the school, in order to raise money to buy the necessary books for the school as required to grant our School State Aid.

A written report was sent by Mrs. Boeker regarding the money received, and bills paid, and those to be paid, with written motion attached that the same be accepted. Report was presented by Mrs. Harbison, motion seconded and carried.

A sec. report was read for Mrs. Boeker including a suggested list of books to be purchased for the Library.

“Collegeport Day” and its program was discussed. The Pres. appointed a committee of members to assist in any way possible. Committee to be composed of a representative from each of our women’s organizations.

The question arose as to how much money be spent for books or for books only. A motion was made by Mrs. Liggett, seconded by Mrs. Nelson, that as much of the money on hand be spent for books or any other articles, as were needed to bring the school equipment up to the standard required to grant it state aid. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Hurd, seconded by Mrs. Clapp, that the Club go on record as offering its services to the graduating class of 1930 to assist in the commencement preparations. Motion carried.

Program for the afternoon was conducted by Mrs. Clapp on the Subj: “Better Homes”
Introductory paper on the origin of the “Better Homes Movement” was given by Mrs. Clapp
“Better Homes from the mural view point – Mrs. Liggett
Evolution in the home” was the subject of a splendid talk by Mrs. Hurd

Meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. King in June.  13 members present

During the social hour, lovely refreshments were served by the hostess.

Mrs. Liggett Sec.

June 19, 1930
– Mrs. Nelson hostess

Regular business meeting conducted by Mrs. King, Vice-Pres. President was ill.

Sec. report read & accepted.

Treas. absent.

Report of County Federation Meeting held in Palacios June 1st was given by Mrs. Hurd.

Programme: American Literature
Song – Star Spangled Banner
Roll Call – My favorite American writer
Reading – Mrs. Clapp
Talk – Our first American literature – Mrs. Hurd
Reading – Miss Dorothy Franzen
Talk – The American novel – Mrs. Harbison

11 members – 1 visitor present

Meeting adjourned for social hour.

Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

July 10, 1930

Meeting called to order of Vice-Pres. Mrs. King Sec. was about. Treas. report given and approved.

Discussion on books for Library followed. Motion made by Mrs. Holsworth, seconded by Mrs. Harbison, that Mr. Heisey be employed to mow the lawn around the Library. Carried.

Mrs. King suggested that all reference books that are used in the school be placed in school building to be more convenient for pupils & teachers.

No program given on account of absent participants.

Aug. meeting on “Texas History” announced

Members present 8 – Visitors 4

Motive by Mrs. Holsworth, seconded by Mrs. Nelson to adjourn. Carried.

Refreshments of cake, cookies and punch were served by hostess.

Mrs. Ann Crane  Sec. pro tem

Aug. 14, 1930
– Mrs. Holsworth hostess – Miss Margaret Holsworth assistant

Regular business meeting conducted with our pres. Mrs. Corse in the chair.

We were very glad to have her back after an absence of two months, due to illness.

Reports of Sec. & Treas. and Committees read and accepted.

Nominations were in order for a delegate to represent our Club at the coming Federation Meeting to be entertained by Woman’s Club of Collegeport on Sept. 6th. Mrs. Heisey was nominated by Mrs. King, and unanimously elected as delegate.

Pres. then announced the following committees to make preparations for the Federation meeting.

Dinner Committee: Mrs. Liggett, Mrs. Nelson , Mrs. Crane
Dining Room Committee: Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Kundinger
To sell tickets & Registration Committee: Mrs. Ackerman
Exhibit Committee: Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. Clapp, Mrs. Jack Holsworth
Reception Committee – Mrs. Holsworth, Mrs. King
Program Committee – Mrs. Harbison, Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. King

Motion made by Mrs. King, seconded by Mrs. Liggett, that all reference books be placed in school house. Motion carried.

A letter from County Superintendent, Mrs. Pollard, was presented by Mrs. King asking for a picture of our school building to be printed in the Handbook of Matagorda County Schools; the book now being prepared by Mrs. Pollard. Motion made by Mrs. Holsworth, seconded by Mrs. Nelson, that the Club send the picture to Mrs. Pollard. Cost of same to be $3.50. Motion carried.

Pres. appointed Mrs. King to look after details of securing picture.

Motion by Mrs. Liggett, seconded by Mrs. Holsworth, that the Club have printed programs for the coming Federation Meeting. Motion carried. Style of program and plans for printing be left to the Program Committee.

In view of the fact that the Sept. Club program will be on the Subj of “School,” it was suggested by Mrs. King, that the meeting be held at the school building. And an urgent invitation be given all school patrons and school faculty to attend the meeting. Following discussion of the subject, a motion was made by Mrs. Hurd, seconded by Mrs. Harbison, that the Sept. meeting be held in school building. Motion carried.

Program: Texas History
Roll Call: Name a Texas hero and what he did
Colonization of Texas – Mrs. Crane
Rebellion in Texas – Mrs. Heisey
Texas as a Country and a Nation – Mrs. Harbison
History of Matagorda County – Mrs. King

Members present 9 – visitors 7 – young ladies 5 – babies 1 – total 22

Following adjournment delicious refreshments were served by assisting hostess, Miss Margaret Holsworth.

Sept. 6, 1930 - Matagorda County Federation of Woman’s Clubs

Mrs. M. K. Feather, Palacios
Mrs. C. L. de St. Aubin, Palacios
Mrs. J. W. Dismukes, Palacios
Mary Dismukes, Palacios
Mrs. G. A. Salisbury, Palacios
Mrs. C. W. Coy, Lincoln, Nebraska
Mrs. C. P. Douglas, Palacios
Minda L. Barr, Palacios
Mrs. J. J. Barr, Palacios
Mrs. Patricia M. Gossett, R. N.
Mrs. Amos E. Duffy, Matagorda
Mrs. Goodwin Sterne, Matagorda
Mrs. L. A. Barr, Gulf
Mrs. E. E. Pearce, Gulf
Mrs. J. Otis Taylor, Matagorda
Mrs. E. C. Baker, Matagorda
Mrs. Burton D. Hurd, Collegeport
Mrs. J. L. Love, Wadsworth
Mrs. Robt. Fanson, Wadsworth
Blake Terry, Bay City
Mrs. Joe J. Ottis, Wadsworth
Mrs. Della Braden, Blessing
Mrs. A. R. Matthes, Blessing
Mrs. C. A. Lucas, Blessing
Virginia Lucas, Blessing
Mrs. W. Batchelder, Palacios
Mrs. Alice Batchelder, Palacios
Mrs. G. W. Fanson, Wadsworth
Mrs. Harry Austin Clapp, Collegeport
Mrs. Robert L. Price, Palacios
Mrs. J. R. Wagner, Palacios
Mrs. Chas. E. Duller, Blessing
Mrs. G. A. Moore, Bay City
T. E. Pollard, Bay City
Claire F. Pollard, Matagorda Co. Superintendent
Terry Wilson, Bay City
Mrs. J. J. Harbison, Collegeport

Sept. 18, 1930 – Meeting at School Building
- Members of School Board hostesses

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the school building on the afternoon of Sept. 18, with the women members of the school board as hostesses.

10 members and 20 visitors present

The meeting was called to order by the Pres. Mrs. Corse.

Sec. being absent, a Secy Pro Tem was appointed.

Secy report was read and the two following corrections were made:
1st correction made by Mrs. Corse, that she did not appoint Mrs. Jack Holsworth as a member of a committee, as Mrs. Holsworth is not yet a member of the Club.
2nd correction made by Mrs. Hurd, that the books needed to be taken to the school building for the use of the pupils. The report was then accepted.

Treas. report read and on motion by Mrs. Hurd, seconded by Mrs. Harbison, it was voted that it be accepted.

Bill for program of County Federation meeting presented. Moved by Mrs. Hurd, seconded by Mrs. Clapp, that it be paid. Carried.

Bill for First Aid kit for school presented. Moved by Mrs. Clapp, seconded by Mrs. Nelson, that it be paid. Carried.

Motion made by Mrs. Clapp, seconded by Mrs. Nelson, that the Club purchase a “new reproducer” for the school phonograph. Carried.

Chairman of Library committee, Mrs. King, read the following report.
Library books for school - $40.00
Dictionary - $16.00
Primary chart & supplies - $5.70
Three maps – (Texas, Europe, Africa) - $9.55
Books to be bought - $10.50
Decorations for Graduation - $2.80
Stickers for Books – 1500
Cards – 2000
Material for envelope books
Motion made by Mrs. King, seconded by Mrs. Harbison, that the sum of $25.00 be expended for new books. Carried.
Request made for titles and author of books members wished to have purchased.

The Pres. made a short talk on the subject of enforcing the Stock Law and how it should be done.

There being no further business, Mrs. King presented the following program:
Song – “School Days” - Mrs. Harbison Rosalie Nelson, Ermine Harbison
Talk – Mrs. Pollard, County Superintendent, which was most interesting and helpful.
Short Talk – Mr. Harbison
Reading – Over the Hill-Tops – Miss Gladys Harbison

Refreshments were served during the social hour and thus concluded a pleasant afternoon.

Motion to adjourn made and carried.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Sec. Pro. Tem.

Oct. 9, 1930
– Meeting at Library

Regular meeting of Woman’s Club held at Library Oct. 9. Mrs. Hurd & Mrs. Chiles hostesses

Pres., Mrs. Corse, presiding.  14 present.

Secy report read and with one correction, accepted.

Treas. reported a number of bills paid and a balance in Treas. of $32.74. On motion made by Mrs. Clapp, seconded by Mrs. Nelson, report was accepted.

The name of Mrs. Jack Holsworth was presented for membership in the Club by membership chairman. On motion made by Mrs. Clapp, seconded by Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Holsworth was unanimously accepted.

Report of Federation meeting held in Sept. was given by Mrs. Heisey.

Short program on Bible Literature conducted by Mrs. Liggett
Roll Call Response – My favorite Bible woman

Motion to adjourn made & carried.

Refreshments served by hostesses during social hour.

Mrs. L. E. Liggett – Sec.

Nov. 1930 – No meeting on account of rain

Dec. 1930 – No meeting on account of sickness




Progress of Woman's Club of Collegeport

A group of Collegeport’s pioneer women met and formed the nucleus around which grew the largest woman's club for the size of the town, in the general federation. From 36 women at the preliminary meeting, the club was formally organized with 66 members which number increased to 86 within one year, 32 of whom were college bred women. The first officers were President, Mrs. Burton D. Hurd; First Vice President, Mrs. G. Knight; Second Vice President, Mrs. E. C. Van Ness; Third Vice President Mrs. S. Sicks; Secretary, Miss Grace Smith; Corresponding Secretary Miss Myrtle Morris; Treasurer, Mrs. M. Herbage.

The motto chosen was: "Magnify the Good" and the object was "To be a Power for Good.” The first work of the organization was to care for the sick, to institute a clean up program and to aid the church and school life of the community before houses were
built for either.

In 1912 the club joined the state federation and it was a charter member of the Matagorda County Federation of Women's clubs. Through the 21 years the club has functioned without cessation of interruption, observing all the local and national anniversaries of patriotism. Its greatest work has been the founding and maintaining of the free public library for 20 years, without income or endowment; collecting a library of 1500 of more volumes and keeping up the standard. A loan of 50 volumes was made to a neighboring community and a school library loaned to the public school, sufficient to maintain the standard asked by the county and state boards of education. Housed in an attractive building owned by the woman's club, located conveniently for every patron  and open regularly for free use of the public has increased its popularity until the present sees the need of increasing both its volumes and space.

The Collegeport Woman's club enters its twenty-second year hopeful of a continued loyalty added to greater prosperity.

Palacios Beacon, May 7, 1931

Annual Report of Club for 1930

Nine regular meetings of the Club held during the year.

Changes of committees were during the year the year – two.

Mrs. Clap resigned as a member of Program Committee and Mrs. Liggett was appointed by the chairman, Mrs. King, to fill the vacancy.

Mrs. Harbison was appointed on Library Committee to fill vacancy caused by Mrs. Boeker moving away.

Mrs. King as chairman of programs planned and carried out some very interesting programs during the year.

No meeting held in Jan. 1930 on account of rain and the Feb. meeting was in the form of a Valentine party for the school children. This party was under the direction of social & finance committee with Mrs. Boeker as chairman.

In May the Club conducted the “Mother’s Day Service” held on the 2nd Sunday in May.

Early in May a box supper was given under the auspices of the Club to raise money to buy books and other necessary equipment requested for the school. $84.00 was the amount raised at this time. The Club also assisted the school at commencement time with expense and service.

During the summer, the Club paid for a picture of the school building to be printed in a book of the school buildings, to be printed in a book being prepared by Mrs. Pollard, known as the “Hand Book of Matagorda County Schools.” Price of same to be $3.50, but finally reached $4.90 when finished.

Sept. meeting was held in the school building with the members of School Board as hostesses. Program consisted of talks and readings concerning the school.

Oct. meeting was held at Library.

Nov. meeting it rained.

Dec. at Christmas – party not given

Number members enrolled during the past year. 16. Three new members were added and two left during the year. Average attendance of members during the year, about 11.

Our Club entertained the County Federation on Sept. 6 with an attendance of 34 out of town guests.

Also have had a representative at all the county meetings during the year.

Respectfully submitted, Mrs. L. E. Liggett  Sec.

Membership Roll for 1931

Jan. 8

Mrs. Anna Crane

Jan. 8

Mrs. Rena Wright

Jan. 8

Mrs. H. A. Clapp

Jan. 8

Mrs. Burton D. Hurd

Jan. 8

Mrs. Frank King

Jan. 8

Mrs. S. W. Corse

Jan. 8

Mrs. Roy Nelson

Jan. 8

Mrs. Hattie Kundinger

Jan. 8

Mrs. E. A. Holsworth

Jan. 8

Mrs. L. E. Liggett

Feb. 5

Miss Franzen

Mar. 12

Mrs. J. J. Harbison

Mar. 12

Mrs. Emmet Chiles

Mar. 12

 Mrs. B. Merck

Mar. 12

Mrs. John Heisey – Honorary Member

May 12

Miss Vera Williams

May 12

Miss Marie Nester

Jun. 11

Mrs. Haisley – Honorary Member

Oct. 8

Miss Beryl Bell

Committees for Years 1931 – 32

Membership – Mesdames Holsworth, Heisey, Kundinger
Social & Finance – Mesdames Harbison, Wright, Chiles
School – Mrs. Nelson
Program – Mesdames Hurd, Corse, [Miss] Franzen
Library – Mesdames Liggett, Clapp, Holsworth

Meeting of Jan. 8, 1931
– Mrs. Jack Holsworth hostess

Pres. Mrs. Corse presiding.

Reports of last regular meeting read and accepted.

Bill of 34¢ postage on Christmas Box sent to Reynold’s Orphanage, was presented by Treas. On motion made by Mrs. Hurd, seconded by Mrs. Harbison, bill was allowed and paid.

Yearly report of Librarian was given by Mrs. King. Motion made by Mrs. Clapp that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mrs. Nelson. Motion carried.

Annual report of Sec. read and with one correction was accepted.

Annual report of Treasurer read. Motion duty made & seconded to accept report. Carried.

A very fine report of the federation meeting, held in Wadsworth, Dec. 6 was given by Mrs. Harbison, delegate from our club.

Under the order of new business, Mrs. Hurd reported the plans of the New Health Unit that is being established in the county. It was requested that each club contribute toward a “County Emergency Chest” of necessary articles needed in cases of sickness, that could be classed as emergency cases, through out the county.

Mrs. King presented the matter of entertaining the County School Board in Collegeport some time in Jan. Motion made by Mrs. Liggett, seconded by Holsworth, Clapp & Nelson, that the Club sponsor this movement. Motion carries.

Election of officers was the next order of business. Voting for all nominees was done by ballot.
On 1st ballot for Pres. Mrs. King received 6 notes, this being half of the votes cast. Motion was made by Mrs. Holsworth that the Sec. be allowed to cast the ballet for Mrs. King as Pres.
2nd ballot that of Vice-Pres. Mrs. Corse received seven of the votes cast. Motion made by Mrs. Hurd that the Sec. cast the vote for Mrs. Corse as Vice-Pres.
For Sec. Mrs. Liggett received eight of the ballots cast. Motion made by Mrs. Hurd that Sec. cast the ballot for Mrs. Liggett. Ballot was cast for Mrs. Liggett as Sec.
On the ballot for Treas. Mrs. Corse received six of the notes cast. Motion made by Mrs. Clapp, that Sec. be allowed to cast vote for Mrs. Crane as Treas. Vote was cast for Mrs. Crane as Treas.

After a few fitting words of thanks, and appreciation to the Club for this help and kindness to her during her term of office, Mrs. Corse retired from the Pres. chair and the newly elected Pres. Mrs. King accepted the chair.

There was still some straggling business to finish and under motion of Mrs. Clapp, seconded by Mrs. Nelson, it was voted that we cooperate with the County Health Unit in the work planned. Motion carried.

Motion made by Mrs. Corse, seconded by Mrs. Hurd, that the Club contribute $2.50 toward the Community House Fund. Motion carried.

Motion made by Mrs. Corse to adjourn to meet with Mrs. Ackerman in Feb.

Delicious refreshments were served by hostess during social hour.

Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

Feb. 12, 1931
– Mrs. Hurd hostess

Mrs. Corse, Vice-Pres. in the chair.

Report of Sec. & Treas. read. Motion made, seconded & carried that reports be accepted.

Mrs. King, Pres., just arriving and taking the chair, in a few words, thanked the Club & School for their help in entertaining the County School Board.

Report of various committees.
Motion made by Mrs. Clapp that we recommend the case of the Harvey children for tonsil operations to the County Health Committee. Motion seconded by Mrs. Holsworth. Carried. Mrs. Hurd as local representative in Health Committee was to take the matter before Committee.

Motion by Mrs. Liggett, seconded by Mrs. Corse that Mrs. Clapp be elected delegate to County Federation Meeting at Markham Mar. 6. Motion carried.

Motion of Mrs. Hurd, seconded by Mrs. Clapp, that Mrs. Nelson be elected alternate. Carried.

Reading of Constitution & By Laws by Sec. Motion by Mrs. Corse, seconded by Mrs. Clapp, that Mrs. Hurd be asked to re-write the Constitution and By Laws. Carried. Mrs. Corse & Mrs. Clapp were appointed to assist her in the work.

Program – “Parliamentary Law”
Leader – Mrs. Hurd
Playette – “Now & Then” by Club members

Meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Liggett in March.

Social hour and refreshment.

Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

Mar. 12, 1931
– Mrs. Liggett hostess

Mrs. Corse, Vice Pres in chair.

Sec. & Treas. report read and accepted.

Chair of Social & Finance Committee reported plans being made for “Pie Supper.”

Mrs. Hurd reported on the re-writing of Constitution and By Laws. Motion by Mrs. Holsworth, seconded by Mrs. Clapp, that Mrs. Hurd’s report be accepted. Carried.

Report of Program Committee by Mrs. Hurd.

Mrs. Holsworth, chairman of Membership Committee, reported that Mrs. Merck wished to be re-instated as a member of the Club.

An excellent report of the County Federation Meeting was given by Mrs. Clapp, our delegate.

Program – “Health and Hygiene” – Leader – Mrs. Corse.
Roll Call – Home remedies & First Aid

Motion to adjourn. Carried.

15 members – 3 visitors – 9 children present.

Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

April 9, 1931
– Mrs. Emmett Chiles hostess

Regular meeting of Woman’s Club called to order by Vice Pres. Mrs. Corse.

Reports of Sec. & Treas. read and accepted.

Treas. reported total receipts from the pie social held under the auspices of the Woman’s Club - $14.80. Under committee reports, Librarian reported 304 books loaned the past 3 months and 60¢ fine money on hand.

Health Committee reported several children from our community attending the free health clinic held at Palacios for children of pre-school age.

In connection with this report, Mrs. Hurd made a motion that we contribute $5.00 to the County Health Unit, and in addition to this, 90¢ due the County Nurse for medicine sent to the Harvey children preparatory to the throat operation. [this 90¢ amount to be refunded to Club] Motion seconded by Mrs. Clapp and carried.

Chairman of Program Committee reported the proposed program for the “Birthday Party” of the Club on May 9 and for “Mother’s Day” on May 10.

The revised copy of the “Constitution & By Laws” was given to the Sec. and the motion was made by Mrs. Hurd that they be accepted at the working program of the Club.

Motion seconded by Mrs. Nelson and carried.

Program – Subj. Music
Leader – Mrs. Liggett
Roll Call: Kind of music I like
Opening Song – Battle Hymn of the Republic
Short history of music – Mrs. Liggett
How to listen to music – Mrs. Hurd
Instrumental Solo – “Humoresque” – Mrs. Clapp

Meeting adjourned for social hour to meet with Mrs. Nelson in May

9 members present - 7 visitors – 6 babies.

Later during the social hour, the chairman called the house to order, and the names of Miss Marie Nestor and Miss Vera Williams were presented for membership in the Club.

Miss Nestor & Miss Williams were unanimously accepted.

Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

May 14, 1931
– Mrs. Nelson, hostess

In the absence of the Pres. Mrs. King, Vice-Pres. Mrs. Corse presided at the business meeting. Report of Sec. with one correction, was accepted. Report of Treas. given and accepted. Amount in treasury $26.49.

Report of Social & Finance Committee given by Mrs. Harbison, chairman, in the expense of Club Birthday Party, including refreshments, paper for decorations and etc. which amounted to the surprising sum of $4.03. Fruit & ice sold from thie amount, .56¢ making amount paid for party expenses $3.47. Received from Mrs. Haisley at this mailing, .20 as a free will contribution, and much appreciated.

Motion made by Mrs. Clapp, seconded by Mrs. Liggett, that a vote of thanks be extended to the Social & Finance & Program Committee for their splendid work and successful end in the Club & Library Party. Motion carried.

Library Committee reported .87 gift books received and $13.00 silver contributed to the Library.

Mrs. Harbison presented her resignation as chairman of Social & Finance Committee. Motion made by Mrs. Hurd, that the resignation be accepted with regrets. Motion seconded by Mrs. Clapp & Carried.

The Club was asked to make further contribution to the Community House Fund, and on motion made by Mrs. Clapp, seconded by Mrs. Chiles, it as voted to pay $2.50 to this fund. Motion carried.

Program -  Better Homes – Leader Mrs. Clapp
Forward of Subj – Mrs. Clapp
Civic House Cleaning – Mrs. Liggett
Peep Into Other Peoples Homes – Mrs. Wright
Home Equipments Yesterday & Today – Mrs. Hurd
Model Kitchen – Mrs. Chiles

Members present 9 – visitors 3

Refreshments – Coffee & Cake by hostess

Meeting adjourned.

Mrs. L. Sec.

June 11, 1930
– Mrs. Burton D. Hurd hostess

The regular meeting of Woman’s Club was held on the afternoon of June 11 at the home of Mrs. Hurd with nine members, and five visitors present.

In the absence of the president & vice pres. the secretary took the chair and called the meeting to order and appointed Mrs. Clapp secretary pro tem. The report of secretary was read and approved.

The report of the Treasurer was read and on motion by Mrs. Hurd, seconded by Mrs. Heisey, it was voted that it be accepted.

The chairman of Library Committee gave a report of work accomplished, and in it a tribute of thanks to Mrs. Hurd for the help given. The number of gift books to the Library up to date was 105 & $13.00 silver, 14 new books had been purchased with the $5.00 given by Mr. Sam LeTulle.

Motion made by Mrs. Harbison seconded by Mrs. Nelson that the balance of the silver offering be used entirely for books as the committee sees fit. Carried.

Motion made by Mrs. Hurd, seconded of Mrs. Chiles that an order be drawn on the Treasury for five dollars already expended for books. Carried.

A letter from the Post Office department was read by the Sec. and a committee appointed viz (Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. Harbison, Mrs. Chiles) to draft resolutions against the proposed change of mail service, same to be the P. O. left in Fort Worth.

Mrs. Hurd spoke on the merits of Mrs. Haisley and made a motion that the Club present Mrs. Haisley a life membership. Motion seconded by Mrs. Clapp and carried by a rising vote. Response by Mrs. Haisley thanking the Club.

Roll Call followed. Subj: Current events in Federation work
Good report given by Mrs. Corse on the June Federation meeting held in Matagorda.
Mrs. Heisey as leader, gave the following program.
Sing – America
What has our Club done for our community – Mrs. Nelson
What has Woman’s Club done for our county – Mrs. Wright
What has the Federation of Woman’s Clubs done for the state – Mrs. Crane
What had the Federation done for the nation – Mrs. Chiles
History of our flag – Mrs. Harbison
Reading – “Our Flag” – Mrs. Clapp
Reading – Article by Henry Ward Beecher – Mrs. Heisey

Resolutions presented by the Committee voted on and carried.

The Hostess served delicious refreshments and a pleasant social hour was spent.

There being no further business, no motion the meeting adjourned to meet in July.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Sec. Pro Tem


July 9, 1931
– Meeting held at Library building

Meeting called to order by Vice P. Mrs. Corse.

Reports of Sec. & Treas. read and accepted. $7.00 reported in Treas.

Librarian reported 195 books loaned during the previous month.

The matter of having the library grounds cleared was discussed, and a motion was made by Mrs. Clapp, seconded by Mrs. Nelson, that Mrs. Harbison see Mr. Pollard about the work and find out how much he would do the work for… Motion carried.

Program – “Patriotism – Citizenship”
Leader – Mrs. Crane
1. Arms & Citizenship – Mrs. Hurd
2. Do You Resent  Slander Against Your Country – Mrs. Clapp
3. Mrs. Corse
Song – America

Members present 8 – 1 young lady visitor

Motion to adjourn by Mrs. Hurd, seconded by Mrs. Clapp.

Refreshments of Punch & Angel Food Cake served by Library Committee during social hour.

Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

Aug. 13, 1931
– Mrs. Dick Corporon hostess

Vice Pres presiding in absence of Pres.

Reports of Sec. & Treas. read and approved.

Reports of various committee read and accepted.

Motion made by Mrs. Hurd, seconded by Mrs. Nelson, that the Library Committee be instructed to employ Mr. North Cable to do the work of clearing off the library grounds. Carried.

Chairman of Library Committee reported the appointment of Mrs. Wright as a member of Library Committee.

Mrs. Corse reported eight more books received from Mrs. Hansel as birthday gifts to the Library making the number 150 received.

Program – Art and Literature
Leader – Miss Dorothy Franzen
Roll Call – Authors and Artist
Art & Literature and Its Influence in Molding the World – Miss Louise Walter
Rembrandt – The Master of Light & Shade – Miss Dorothy Franzen

10 members – 3 visitors - & 3 children present.

Social hour and refreshments following.

Meeting adjourned, Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

Sept. 10, 1931
Mrs. E. A. Holsworth hostess

Regular meeting of Woman’s Club was called to order by Vice Pres. Mrs. Corse.

Report of Sec. read and approved.

Treas. reported $3.00 paid to Mr. Cable, leaving a Bal. of $4.33.

Pres. Mrs. King arrived at this time and presided at the rest of the meeting.

Report of committee, Library chairman reported 100 gift books received up to this time.

The matter of electing a chairman for the Social & Finance Committee was considered and nomination of Mrs. Nelson, by Mrs. Chiles and seconded by Mrs. Corse, Mrs. Nelson was elected chairman of said committee.

Motion made, seconded and carried that Mrs. Holsworth be elected delegate to the County Federation meeting to meet in Gulf Sept. 12.

Motion made, seconded and carried that Mrs. Liggett be elected alternate.

Motion made by Mrs. Holsworth, seconded by Mrs. Clapp that the Club employ Mr. N. Cable to care for Library Grounds at the sum of $15.00 per year. Carried.

The matter of Prison Reading material was laid on the table.

Program: - Home-School
Leader – Mrs. Roy Nelson
Roll Call: How we can best aid our school.
School in Ohio – Mrs. Wright
Religion & School – Mrs. Heisey
Home & School – Mrs. Hurd
God Bless Our School – Mrs. Clapp
Song – “School Days” – given in costume by two school children – Carrie Nelson & Agnes Liggett

Members present 11.

Cake & Punch served by hostess.

Adjourned, Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

Oct. 8 – Mrs. Chiles hostess

Meeting opened by Vice Pres. Mrs. Corse

Sec. report of previous meeting read & accepted.

Treas. reported balance on hand $4.33

Committee reports
Librarian reported 194 books loaned the previous month and 77 visitors at Library during the past months. Also reported 21 books received by Mrs. Wright from Mr. Roger’s in Illinois, so gifts to the Library and 1 book from Mrs. Williams and 1 from Mrs. Armstrong, making a total of gift books to the Library up to date 173. Librarian also reported .22 cents of fines money spent for book cards

Motion was made by Mrs. Chiles, seconded by Mrs. Nelson that Mr. Cable be paid by the month for his work on Library grounds. Motion carried.

Motion made by Mrs. Nelson, seconded by Mrs. C[lapp] that Sec. draw an order on Treas. for the above, amount $1.25. Motion carried.

Mrs. Nelson presented a bill for school aid of “First Aid Kit” - .98¢; Turpentine .30- Total $1.28. Motion made by Mrs. Chiles, seconded by Mrs. Crane that an order be drawn on Treas. for this amount. Motion carried.

Report of County Federation meeting held at Gulf was given by Mrs. Liggett.

The name of Miss Beryl Bell was presented for membership by Mrs. Chiles. Motion made by Mrs. Nelson, seconded by Mrs. Crane that Miss Bell be accepted. Motion unanimously carried.

Program – Conservation-Economy
Leader – Mrs. King (absent)
Roll Call – How do I economize

Motion to adjourn. Carried.

Social hour. Refreshments, coffee, sandwiches and doughnuts served by hostess.

Members present 10 – visitors 2

Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

Nov. 12, 1931
– Mrs. King hostess – Place: Church

Mrs. King presiding.

Reports of Sec. & Treas. read and accepted. Treas. reported $2.30 in Treas.

Librarian reported 194 books loaned the previous month and 77 visitors registered.

Motion made by Mrs. Clapp, seconded by Mrs. Hurd, that the Sec. be instructed to write a Club letter to Mrs. Corse who was away from home at this time. Carried.

Mrs. Braden, of Blessing, presented the matter of the “Girl’s Reserve Work” to the Club and after some discussion the suggestion was made that our Pres. confer with Miss Bell regarding the work and if possible get her to take charge of the work if it is organized in this place.

Program – Women of the Century
Mrs. Hurd had charge of the program, due to Mrs. Holsworth inability to be present.
Roll Call: The style I like best
The “Martha Washington Period” was represented by Mrs. Liggett
The “Hoop Skirt Period” by Mrs. Nelson
The Merry Widow & Holman Coat Period by Mrs. Wright
The Period Following the Civil War by Mrs. Heisey

Social hour: Coffee and Cake refreshments

Number present 8 members – 4 visitors

Motion to adjourn carried.

Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

Dec. No Meeting – Bad Weather


Annual Report of “Woman’s Club” Jan 1931 to Jan 1932

Number of regular meetings held – eleven
Number of Executive Committee Meetings held – one
Number of Club members in good standing – 18
Two of this membership are primary teachers
Social affairs during the year:
   In March a Pie Social was given under the directive of Social & Finance Meeting with Mrs. Harbison chairman
   On May 9, during the afternoon and evening, a birthday party was given for the Library under the management of the Program Committee with Mrs. Hurd as chairman assisted by the Social & Finance Committee with Mrs. Harbison chairman. As a result of this party, 175 gift books were added to the Library.

Special work of the year:
Early in the year our Club, through our Health Committee, was instrumental in securing aid from the County Health Board in the removal of tonsils of two children of Mr. & Mrs. Harvey.

Our Club also contributed $5.00 to the County Health Work.

Through the School Committee, we purchased a “First Aid Kit” for our school and various other medical remedies and bandages.

Also contributed $5.00 to the Community House Fund.

Employed Mr. Cable to care for Library grounds for the sum of $15.00 a year.

In Jan. 1931 our Club entertained at lunch, the members of our County School Board, local School Board members, and other visitors.

In a literary way, we may feel well pleased and personally I should say very much benefited by the well planned and well carried out programs of the past year.

A willingness and interest on the part of every leader to do her part in the program assisted her, and co-operation of those taking a part on each program has made our year a success along this line, and much credit is due our Program Committee in their outline of work for the year.

Under a special appointed Committee viz Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. Clapp & Mrs. Corse, the Constitution and By Laws of the Club, were re-written, and with a few changes necessary for the Club at the present time, were adopted as the working order of the Club.

As heretofore our Club has been represented at all County Federation meetings during the past year.

It is the expressed wish of your present sec. that all present members and any others who may join us, may look forward to the coming year with pleasure and express the same interest in the work as has been shown in the past year.

Respectfully submitted, Mrs. L. E. Liggett  Sec.

Roll of Membership - 1932

Jan. 14

Mrs. H. A. Clapp



Jan. 14

Mrs. Seth Corse



Jan. 14

Mrs. Anna Crane



Jan. 14

Mrs. Frank King



Jan. 14

Mrs. Dick Corporon



Jan. 14

Mrs. L. E. Liggett



Feb. 10

Mrs. Roy Nelson



Feb. 10

Mrs. Rena Wright



Feb. 10

Mrs. Emmett Chiles



Apr, 14

Mrs. Helen Holsworth



May 19

Mrs. Hattie Kundinger



Standing Committees for 1932

Membership – Mrs. Holsworth, Heisey, Kundinger
Social & Financial – Mrs. Nelson, Chiles, Wright
Library – Mrs. Liggett, Clapp, Wright
Program – Hurd, Crane, Corporon
School – Nelson

Jan. 14, 1932
– Library

Preceding the regular Club, an Executive Committee meeting was held by order of Pres. Mrs. King. Two changes were made in committee members for the year 1932.

Mrs. Corporon’s name was placed on the Program Committee instead of Miss Franzen and Mrs. Holsworth’s name was dropped from the Library Committee. Mrs. Nelson retained as chairman of Social & Finance Committee.

Regular Club meeting followed with Mrs. King, Pres., presiding. Reports of Sec. & Treas. read and accepted.

The time was then given over to Miss Carter, District Secretary of Girl’s Reserve. Miss Carter conducted a round table discussion of this work and the ladies of our Club were very favorably impressed with the work and it is hoped such an organization will be carried on in our community.

Following Miss Carter’s work, the Annual Reports of the various officers and committees of the Club were given. Mrs. Corse gave a brief report of the County Federation meeting at Blessing and announced the next meeting to be held at Bay City. Motion was made by Mrs. Corse, seconded by Mrs. Hurd that an order be drawn on the treasury for the amount due Mr. Cable $2.50 for Nov. & Dec. Motion carried.

Motion made by Mrs. Liggett, seconded by Mrs. Clapp that a program in keeping with the required commemoration of the Bicentennial of George Washington’s birthday be given in connection with the usual Washington Banquet on Feb. 22. Program to be under direction of Program Committee of the Club and Banquet in charge of “Woman’s Union.” Motion carried.

The Library Committee was instructed to see Mr. Heisey about securing a load of fertilizer for use on Library grounds as requested by Mr. Cable.

Number present 10 – Miss Carter as visitor.

Motion to adjourn made and carried.

Refreshments of tea & cakes, furnished from Library fines money and sanctioned by Library Committee was served during social hour.

P. S. Mrs. Hurd, in closing her annual report, suggested that the hostesses for the coming year be arranged for alphabetically. The suggestion was adopted.

Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

Feb. 11, 1932
– At Community House – Misses Bell, Nestor & Williams hostesses

Meeting called to order by Pres. Mrs. King.
Treas. report read: Reporting $4.32. Paid Mr. Cable for Nov. & Dec. $2.50, leaving a balance of $2.82.

Delegate to Federation Meeting was to elect: Motion made by Mrs. Corse, seconded by Mrs. Holsworth, that Mrs. Corporon be elected delegate. Motion carried.

Motion made by Mrs. Hurd, seconded by Mrs. Clapp, that Mrs. Liggett go as alternate. Motion carried.

Motion made by Mrs. Hurd, seconded by Mrs. Corse, that the Club plant a tree on the Library grounds on “Washington’s Birthday.” Motion carried. Pres. appointed Mrs. Hurd & Mrs. Liggett as a committee to look after same. Mrs. Corse informed the Club that the Pecan was the Federation tree.

Mrs. Hurd at once made the motion that we plant a Pecan tree. Motion seconded by Mrs. Clapp and carried.

The matter of making some money to help the “Girl Reserves” was discussed by the Club, and motion was made by Mrs. Corse, seconded by Mrs. Clapp that the Woman’s Club assist the “Girl Reserves” in any form of entertainment they might see fit to raise the required funds.

Number members present 14.

Motion to adjourn was made, seconded & carried.

The hostesses served delicious refreshments during the social hour. Valentine favors were given on the refreshment plate.

Final plans for the “Washington Program” were given by Program Chairman during the social hour.

Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

March 10, 1932
– Mesdames Clapp & Chiles hostesses

Meeting called to order by Pres. Mrs. King.

Secretary report read and accepted.

Treas. reported $3.07 in treasury.

A letter from Mrs. Pollard written to Mrs. King was read by secretary. The letter was regarding the purchasing of a new encyclopedia for the school. The one now in the school was placed there by the Woman’s Club and still the property of the Library. So a notion was made by Mrs. Hurd, seconded by Mrs. Clapp the Library give to the School Board the set of encyclopedia books now at the school. Motion carried.

Reports were given by Program Committee & Librarian. Mrs. Hurd, chairman of program committee announced the plan for the April meeting to be held at the Library and a tree planting be a part of the day’s program. Librarian reported two books given to the Library by Mary Louise Clapp.

The program for the afternoon was given over to Miss Carter, who addressed the Club and members of the Girl’s Reserve with their leader Miss Bell, who were the guests of the Club for the afternoon.

After a motion to adjourn was made, seconded and carried, the hostesses served delicious cheese sandwiches, cake & coffee to 7 Club members, 2 visitors, 2 husbands and a number of children & Girl’s Reserves. A delightful time was enjoyed by all.

Mrs. L. E. Liggett  Sec.

Apr. 14, 1932
– Club Meeting at Library – Mrs. Corporon and Mrs. Crane hostesses

Meeting called to order by Pres.

Reports of Sec. & Treas. read and accepted. Carried.

Program Committee – Mrs. Hurd
Library Committee chairman reported 143 visitors, 239 books loaned .85c in fines collected. Total in fines $1.90.

A very fine report of the Federation meeting held in Bay City was given by Mrs. Dick Corporon.

It was decided to leave the “Mother’s Day” program in the hands of Mrs. Crane.

A discussion of a proposed entertainment to raise sum for the Club was taken up, and after explanation by Mrs. Hurd, of what was necessary to put on the program, a motion was made by Mrs. Liggett, seconded by Mrs. Holsworth, that Mrs. Hurd be authorized to proceed with arrangements and the Club assist and back her in the program. Motion carried. The date decided on was May 13th.

Motion made by Mrs. Liggett, seconded by Mrs. Holsworth, that the secretary be instructed to issue the order to the Treas. to pay Mr. Cable each month without further order from the Club. Motion carried.

Miss Bell was present and announced a “Mother’s Tea” to be given by the Girl’s Reserve on Sat. May 7. Motion by Mrs. Holsworth, seconded by Mrs. Nelson that the Club assist in the finances to put on this party. Carried.

Motion by Mrs. Hurd, seconded by Mrs. Nelson, that the order be drawn on the “Girl’s Reserve” fund for the amount of $25.00 to be paid to the Dist secretary of “Girl’s Reserve, as the contribution from the Collegeport group. Motion carried.

Social hour with refreshments served by the hostesses.

Motion to adjourn to meet at Crane House May 12. Carried

May 19, 1932
– Hostess Mrs. King

Called meeting of the Woman’s Club following the Regular meeting of “King’s Daughters.”

Sec. no report.

Treas. report read and accepted. Treas. reported around $26.00 receipts from “School Day Play” given by the Club.

Motion of Mrs. Nelson, seconded by Mrs. Holsworth, that the $15.00 from this council for Girl Reserves be sent to the Dist Treasurer at Freeport. Carried.

Motion made by Mrs. Holsworth, seconded by Mrs. Corporon, that the bill for the Girl Reserves Tea be allowed by Mrs. Holsworth, seconded by Mrs. Corporon that we pay the registration fee of $1.00 each for three girls planning to attend “Girl Reserve Camp” at LaPorte and the entire expense of the two girls who were representatives from this group also the car expense to transport the girls to & from camp, and an order drawn on Treas. for the same.  Motion carried.

Motion made by Mrs. Nelson, seconded by Mrs. Holsworth, that we put on “something’ on Collegeport Day under the auspices of “Woman’s Club” to raise money for the school. Carried.

It was also decided to conduct a lunch counter during the election held at the school building on Sat. May 21.

Motion made and seconded that Mrs. Corporon be our delegate to the County Federation meeting held in Palacios 1st Sat in June. Mrs. Liggett as alternate. Carried.

Librarian reported four new books purchased for Library by Mrs. Clapp while in San Antonio and 1 book donated by Miss Mary Louise Clapp.

A motion was made, seconded, third, & fourthed, that the Club meeting be adjourned for the summer months to open again in Sept.

Pres. having authority to call a meeting when she deemed it necessary.

“Orders” for the following bills endorsed by Pres. & Sec. have been issued since the last Club meeting to—

July 21, 1932
– Mrs. Nelson

Called meeting of Woman’s Club, following “King’s Daughters” meeting. Mrs. King presiding.

Reports of Sec. & Treas. read and accepted.

Motion by Mrs. Holsworth, seconded by Mrs. Hurd that $1.00 be allowed the Library Committee for library supplies. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Hurd that we accept the obligation of $3.60 asked from every Club in the State for Federation Memorial Home at Austin. Motion seconded by Mrs. Liggett and carried.

A splendid report of Federation Meeting held at Palacios was given by the delegate, Mrs. Dick Corporon.

Motion by Mrs. Liggett, that Mrs. Holsworth be elected delegate to the next Federation meeting held Sept. 2 at Collegeport. Motion seconded by Mrs. Hurd and carried. Alternate delegate Mrs. ____

Motion of Mrs. Liggett, seconded by Mrs. Nelson, that we change our date for Federation meeting from the 1st Saturday in Sept. to the 1st Friday in Sept. Motion carried.

Motion of Mrs. Nelson that we as an organization send greetings to Mrs. Corse at Blessing, who is ill at the home of Mrs. Lena Duller. Mrs. Braden to carry the same to her. Motion seconded by Mrs. Boeker. Carried.

Motion to adjourn, seconded and carried.

Mrs. Liggett  Sec.

Aug. 18, 1932
– Mrs. Hurd

Called meeting of Woman’s Club following King’s Daughters meeting. Mrs. King, Pres. presiding.

No reports of Sec. & Tres.

After communications were given by Mrs. Hurd regarding the date of Federation meeting, and discussion of the same, a motion was made, seconded and carried that we change the date again to the 3rd Saturday in Sept. making it the 10th of Sept.

The matter of moving more books over to the school library and returning some from the school back to the library was discussed. This to be done in order to make it more convenient for school reading and also to place in school library shelves, the moneys worth of books needed by the school.

A motion to this effect was made, seconded and carried.

A motion was made, seconded & carried that the Club furnish the money for the necessary school library supplies.

Program Chairman announced the next meeting of the Club in Sept. as a memorial service for Mrs. Seth Corse, one of our highly esteemed and dearly loved members who passed away July 25th.

Motion to adjourn carried.

Mrs. L. E. Liggett

November 1932
– Meeting at Library

Pres. Mrs. King presiding.

Reports of Secretary & Treasurer read and accepted.

Letter from Mrs. Pollard was read by Secretary. In this letter a request for $1.52 was made by the “Conference for Education in Texas.” Motion made by Mrs. Hurd, seconded by Mrs. Boeker, that this amount be paid from School Fund in the Club treasury. Motion Carried.

Miss Bell gave us a report of the handling of books in the school library, and reported a list given to School Board, Library Committee and Club of all books belonging to Public Library.

Also offered the use of the “Ditto Machine,” now in the school, to the Club or Library at any time that might want to make use of it.

Motion by Mrs. Liggett, seconded by Mrs. Clapp, that a vote of thanks be given Miss Bell for her thorough report and kind offer. Carried.

Library Committee reported that Clarence Prunty agreed to do the work on Library grounds for $1.50.

Motion made and seconded that the Club have the regular annual Christmas party. Carried. Place of party to be at Mrs. Hurd’s.

Motion made and seconded that the “Girl Reserves” be invited to attend the Christmas party. Carried.

Programme – Mrs. King – “Federation”
Aims of Literary Library – Mrs. Crane
Does it pay to educate our children – Mrs. Boeker
I am music – Mrs. Clapp
What is a Club – Mrs. Liggett

Motion to adjourn. Carried.

8 members & 2 visitors present

Mrs. Liggett, Sec.

Dec. 8, 1932
– Christmas Party – Mrs. Holsworth’s


Annual Report of Woman’s Club From Jan. 1932 – Jan. 1933

Number of regular meetings held – ten
Number of executive committee meetings held – one
Number of members in good standing – 17. Mrs. Corse’s death taking one from our roll. Two honorary members.

Social affairs held during the year:

In Feb. a program was given by the Club in connection with the “Women’s Union,” in commemorating the Bi-centennial of George Washington’s Birthday.

On May 15th, a play “School days,” was given by Club members & husbands under direction of Mrs. Hurd. Receipts from same $26.00.

On Sept. 10 our Club entertained the County Federation Meeting. 61 visitors and delegates were enrolled and entertained at lunch. Receipts $20.60.

On Oct. 31st, a Hallow’een Party was given by the Club to the general public. Receipts from this ____

On Dec. 8 the Annual Christmas Party was held at the home of Mrs. Holsworth.

Special work – At the Jan. meeting held at the Library, Mrs. Carter, district representative of the Girl Reserves, was present and gave a general [overview] of the girl’s work, with the object in view that the Woman’s Club would sponsor the movement, and eventually see fit to complete the organization. This was done in a short time, and at the Feb. meeting the request was made of the Club to assist the Girl Reserves in raising funds for their work. At the March meeting Miss Carter and the “Girl Reserves” were guests of the Club.

Club assisted in the financing the “Mothers Tea” given by the Girl Reserves, honoring the Council members.

For the greater part of the year Mr. Cable was hired by the Club to care for the Library grounds, paying him $1.25 per month.

In May $15.00 was paid to the District Treasurer at Freeport for the “Girl Reserves” as the contribution from this Club. Also during May we paid the registration fee of $1.00 each for five girls who planned to attend the G. R. camp at LaPorte, also the transportation expenses, taking the girls to and from camp.

On May 21 conducted a lunch counter at the school building during the election held there.

On May 25, Collegeport Day, ice cream & cold drinks were sold under management of Social & Finance Committee of Club and Mrs. King, Pres. also of School Board proceeds of same were used for emergency needs of the School, such as payments on new sets of encyclopedias, school ground necessities & etc.

Also on June 17, the same committee held a like sale and funds used through Club treasury.

Paid $3.60 to Federation Memorial Home at Austin.

Paid $1.00 to Clarence Prunty for special work on Library grounds.

Pail $5.00 to supply materials for School Library work. Furnished the “Emergency Kit” for the School as heretofore.

We had a delegate at all County Federation meetings during the year.

Not as many programs as usual have been given this year, but due entirely to interruptions of outside weather, and not any fault at all of officers or committees. One outstanding program of the year, that will linger long, I think in the minds of all who were present to hear it, was the beautiful memorial service given by Mrs. Hurd, in memory of our beloved Mrs. Corse, who was taken from our midst on July 25, 1932.

Our Club lost a very worthy and much interesting member in Mrs. Corse’s departure, but her influence and works still remain in our hearts and minds and her memory will be an inspiration to us all and others as long as our Club exists.

As we look back on our year, 1932, may it be with satisfaction, yes, but not enough that we do not look forward to even better work in the coming year.

Respectfully Submitted, Mrs. L. E. Liggett, Sec.

Annual Meeting of Club – Jan. 12, 1932
– Mrs. Clapp hostess

Meeting called to order by Pres. Mrs. King.

Reports of Secretary and Treasurer read and approved.

A letter from Miss Carter was read by Secretary. A matter of a $25.00 payment from our “Girl Reserves” had not reached the Dist. Treasurer at Freeport, and the matter was left in the hand of the Treasurer, Mrs. Crane.

A bill of 40¢ due Mrs. Holsworth for Club party refreshments was presented by Mrs. Nelson, chairman of social & finance committee. A motion was made, seconded and carried, that this bill be paid. A bill of 25¢ was presented for the Secretary’s new book. This bill allowed and voted paid.

It was voted an order be drawn for the $1.52 from the Club for the “School Lobbyist” at Austin.

Annual Reports were given at this meeting by the Secretary and Treasurer. Also from the Program Committee by Mrs. Hurd and the Library Committee by Mrs. Liggett.

Following these reports, Election of Officers for the ensuing two years was held.

The Election was by ballot.
Executive Committee – Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Liggett

In the first ballot, nominations for Pres. were Mrs. Hurd, Liggett, Crane, Nelson and King.
Mrs. Hurd, King and Liggett were nominees.
Mrs. Hurd withdrew her name from the list and the vote was again taken for Mrs. Liggett & King. Mrs. Liggett received 10 votes and Mrs. King 3. The Secretary cast the ballot for Mrs. Liggett, Pres.

The next vote for Vice Pres., Mrs. Nelson, Clapp, Crane, King & Hurd were nominated. Mrs. King withdrew her name and Mrs. Nelson and Crane were the nominees. Mrs. Nelson received eight votes and Mrs. Crane three votes. The Secretary cast the ballot for Mrs. Nelson Vice Pres.

For Secretary: Crane, Hurd, Clapp, McCune, Wright and Holsworth received nominations. Mrs. Wright withdrew her name, leaving Mrs. Clapp and McCune as nominees. Mrs. Clapp received seven votes and Mrs. McCune four. The Secretary cast the ballot for Mrs. Clapp as Secretary.

For Treasurer: On first ballot no nominations were made because of no majority votes. On second ballot, Mrs. King, Crane, Hurd, Wright and McCune received nominations. Mrs. Crane withdrew her name, and of the eleven votes cast, the ballot for Mrs. King Treasurer.

After the election closed, the outgoing Pres. Mrs. King, with a few very fitting remarks turned the meeting over to the incoming Pres., Mrs. Liggett, who proceeded with the rest of the business for this meeting, and the new Secretary, Mrs. Clapp, entered into her duties.

Mrs. Liggett, Sec.

Meeting continued with newly elected officers in charge.

Motion made and seconded that the Christmas party be held during Christmas week instead of the regular time for Club meeting in Dec. Vote carried.

It was moved that last year’s bills be paid at once, to straighten the account. Seconded and voted carried.

A motion was made and seconded that in the future all monies should be in one fund. Carried.

6 members paid dues

Refreshments were served and adjournment made, to meet in Feby. On the regular day.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp Secy.

Jany 27, 1933

The Executive Board held a meeting at the Library on Jany 27, 1933. 4 members present.

Meeting called to order by the Pres.

It was moved that Mrs. Clapp be made Librarian. Carried.

Moved & seconded that Mrs. Kundinger be made chairman of the Membership Committee. Carried.

Moved & seconded that Mrs. Nelson be made chairman of the School Committee. Carried.

Moved and seconded that Mrs. Hurd be made chairman of the Program Committee. Carried.

Discussion followed as to ways and means of raising money, also expending of same.

No further business.

Motion to adjourn.

Mrs. H. A. Clap, Secy

March 9, 1933

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the Community House on March 9, 1933.

11 members – 10 visitors present

Meeting called to order by the Pres.

Secretary’s report read and approved.

Treasurer’s report red and voted to accept.

Program Committee chairman made report giving the following names as members of committee – Miss Bell, Mrs. Corporon

It was moved & seconded that the Club omit refreshments at the regular meetings. Carried.

Motion made that all meetings be held at Community House or Library. Carried.

Motion made & seconded that Mrs. Liggett be made Federation delegate. Carried. Moved & seconded that Mrs. Holsworth be made alternate. Carried.

Library Committee made reports.

The afternoon’s program was given by the Girl Reserves under direction of Miss Bell. Miss Carter was present, bringing with her the famous Japanese doll with its greetings.

Announcement was made of a Girl Reserves meeting to be held at Blessing in April, at which time Mrs. Tullery of New York would give an address. An invitation to the Club was extended to be present.

Motion made that Federation dues of $2.50 be paid of the Federation meeting in March. Seconded & carried.

Motion was made that the Club make a contribution of $2.50 to the Health Committee. Seconded and carried.

Mrs. Williams & Mrs. Hutchinson were voted in as new members.

The chairman of the Program Committee gave a talk on the program for next month’s meeting and interesting plan has been worked out by the committee.

After the Girl Reserves program was completed, a social hour was held.

Adjourned to meet in April.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp, Secy.

April 27, 1933

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held on April 27th at the Community House.  22 present

Meeting called to order by the President.

Secretary reports read & approved.

Treasurer’s reports read & accepted.

Bills presented for paper needed to decorate graduation exercises & banquet. - $1.50 - Moved & seconded that the bill be allowed. Carried.

For Girl Reserve banquet to seniors - $8.18

Motion made & seconded that the bill be allowed to be taken out of the Girl Reserve fund. Carried.

Correspondence from Mr. Roy Miller read, the enclosing voucher for $35.00 from the Gulf Sulphur Co. for the Girl Reserve work.

Received from Miss Bell, school librarian, 40 cents in fines, which is added to the fines account of the Library.

Motion made & seconded that the work on the Library grounds be done by Mr. Cable by the job to be paid for in that way. Carried.

Moved & seconded that the report of the Federation delegate be dispensed with because of its lateness. Carried.

Program turned over to the Library Committee.
An article on “Or What Have You” by Walter
Davenport was read by Mrs. Liggett, Mrs. Wright & Mrs. Clapp

Mrs. Hurd then gave instructions for the sale, or exchange, which followed – and the game was on. Many attractive articles were displayed, and after exchanging was done, coffee served.

Everyone was in a happy mood and the Club treasury richer by $2.75.

It was voted, unanimously, that other programs on the same order be carried out for profit and fun and a good combination for Club meetings.

Meeting adjourned to meet in May at the regular time.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Secy

May 11, 1933

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club, was held at the Community House on the afternoon of May 11, 1933.  15 present

Meeting called to order by the President.

Secretary report read and accepted.

Treasurer being absent, no report given.

Program chairman gave a talk on the coming celebration for Collegeport Day on May 25th.

It was moved and seconded that the Woman’s Club have the ice cream and punch concessions, asking the other organizations, the Union & King’s  Daughters, to assist in helping the proceeds to be given to the Community House fund. Carried.

It was moved and seconded that Mrs. McCune be made to the Federation. Carried.

No further business so the program was given over to the committee in charge. “Mother’s Day” being the subject.

Mrs. Hurd gave a short talk and each one present was asked to give a tribute to “Mother.”

Next on the program was the Barter and Exchange of the fine array of articles displayed.

Sides were chosen by the leaders appointed, Mrs. McCune & Mrs. Carl Boeker.

For making the most sales, Mrs. McCune’s side won first prize, an angel food cake and individual prizes were given Mrs. Boeker & Mrs. English. These ladies being the most clever traders.

Proceeds amounted to $1.39.

Moved and seconded that another Barter & Exchange be given at the next meeting. Carried.

Motion to adjourn to meet in June.

Mrs. Harry Austin Clapp Secy.

June 15, 1933

The monthly meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the Community House on the afternoon of June 15th.  5 members – 1 visitor present.

The Pres. being absent, Mrs. Hurd was appointed chairman pro-tem.

Secretary report read and accepted.

Treasurer absent – no report given.

Communication from Miss Carter was read and discussed communication from Miss Bell was read, and the subject of sending girls to the Girl Reserve Camp was taken under consideration. As a sufficient number were not present, and the treasury being depleted, the matter was laid on the table.

Program followed – Mrs. Dorothy Corporon, leader.
Mrs. Corporon read an interesting article on the $1000.00 prize garden at Arlington, Texas.
Short articles on “Step-savers in the kitchen” were read by each one present.
The program was a credit to the leader, and it is regretted that more were not present to hear and participate in it.

There being an unusually small attendance, there was no barter & exchange feature.

A pleasant hour followed and adjournment made to meet at the usual time in July.

Mrs. Harry Austin Clapp  Secy

July 13, 1933

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the Community House on the afternoon of July 13th. 8 members present

Meeting called to order by the President.

Secretary’s report read and approved.

Treasurer’s report read and it was voted to accept.

Miss Bell asked that a sum of money from the fund of the Girl Reserves be given by the sponsors to the Girl Reserves for the purpose of taking 12 girls to Portsmouth for a week-end treat.

Motion made and seconded that the sum of $7.50 be sent to the treasurer of the Girl Reserves. Carried.

Motion made and seconded that the Club pay $5.00 yearly to the Community House fund. Carried.

Motion made and seconded that the Club give to the Community House fund in addition to the $5.00 a year. 10% of any pay entertainment it may give in the future. Carried.

Program – Mrs. Crane leader
Subject -  “Good Citizenship”
Roll Call – “How can I be a good citizen.”

Mrs. Hurd gave a talk on the coming elections, making the point clear.

Instructions pertaining to them were asked by those present.

No further business.

Adjourned to meet at the usually time in August.

Mrs. Harry Austin Clapp  Secy

Aug. 10, 1933

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the Community House on the afternoon of Aug. 10.  6 members & 4 visitors present.

Meeting called to order by President.

Secretary report read and approved.

Teasurer absent. Secretary gave report as to amount of money in the treasury.

Report of Program Committee.

Report of Library Committee.

Mr. Clapp presented to the Club the NRA [National Recovery Administration] proposition, and asked that a resolution be passed endorsing it.

It was moved and seconded that the Secretary be authorized to draw up the resolutions giving the same to Mr. Clapp who would forward them to Geril Hugh Johnson. Carried.

The sum of $1.00 for the Library was given by Mrs. Hurd, proceeds from a party given at the Hurd home.

The meeting was then turned over to the leader of the afternoon’s program – Mrs. Liggett
Subject – “Music in Nature”
Introduction – Mrs. Liggett
Talk on “Indian Music” – Mrs. Hurd
Song – “Indian Lullaby” – Roberta Liggett
Music – “By the Waters of Minnetonka” – Mrs. Clapp
Reading – “Bird Songs” – Mrs. Wright
Music – “Bring Palms and Roses” – Mrs. Clapp

Several being absent, the program was shortened.

It was moved and seconded that Mrs. Wright be appointed delegate to the Federation in September with Mrs. Crane as alternate. Carried.

No further business, motion was made to adjourn to meet as usual in Sept.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Secy

Sept. 14, 1933

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the Community House on the afternoon of Sept. 14.  6 members present.

Meeting called to order by the President.

Secretary report read and approved.

Treasurer absent.

A bill of $1.70 for First Aid Kit for school was presented. Motion made and seconded that it be paid. Carried.

Discussion on giving and accepting to the teachers then followed.

Motion made and seconded that the Club give the reception paying for the refreshments limiting the amount of money to be used for same to $2.00. Carried.

Program Committee reported that the subject for the Oct. meeting would be “Harvest Home.”

Library Committee announced the opening of the Library on the usual day: hours from 12 to 4.

Program followed – Leader – Miss Bell
Subject – “Our Schools”
Songs – “Flow Gently Sweet Afton”  “America”
Interesting talk by Miss Bell.
“School Needs” – Miss William
Our School Relationship – Miss Walter
4 teachers and 2 pupils were present after school hours.

No further business.

Motion to adjourn to meet at the usually time in November.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Secy

Oct. 12, 1933

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the Community House on the afternoon of Oct. 12.  9 members – 2 visitors present.

Meeting called to order by the President.

Secretary’s report read and approved.

Treasurer’s report read. Motion made and seconded that it be accepted. Carried.

Communication read from Mrs. Lucas asking that the $1.00 due for the Patron’s Fund be paid.

Motion made and seconded that the amount $1.00 be sent at once. Carried.

Discussion followed as to the next meeting, also plans for the coming year.

Discussion of informal visiting then followed, pending the arrival of the teachers, one of whom, Miss Williams, was the leader of the afternoon’s program.

Miss Bell presented the bill of $1.70 for refreshments served at the teacher’s reception. Motion made and seconded that it be paid. Carried.

The subject of the program was “Harvest Home.”
The leader, Miss Williams, gave an interesting talk.
Mrs. Hurd, in her usual fine manner, spoke on “The World Observes Harvest Time.”
Song – “America the Beautiful”
Song – “Thanksgiving Day” – Roberta Liggett, Ethel Nelson, Ruby Grace Prunty
“Harvest Time” – Vannie Penland, Miss Walter

18 were present for the program

An invitation to join the Club was given to the teachers and others present and the following names were presented and voted on. Miss Walter, Miss Chapman, Miss Harris, Mrs. Prunty.

Motion to adjourn to meet at the regular time in Nov.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Secy

Nov. 9, 1933

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the Community House on the afternoon of Nov. 9th.  5 members present.

The meeting was called to order by the President.

Secretary report read and approved.

Treasurer absent – No report.

It was moved and seconded that Mrs. McCune be made delegate to the Dec. Federation meeting with Mrs. Nelson as alternate. Carried.

Then being so few present, no program was given.

No further business.

Adjourned to meet at the Christmas party in Dec.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Secy

Dec. 15, 1933

An Executive Board meeting was held at the Library on the afternoon of Dec. 15, 1933.  5 present.

Arrangements were made for the Christmas party which would be held at the home of Mrs. Holsworth on the afternoon of Dec. 29th.

Motion made by Mrs. Holsworth, seconded by Mrs. Nelson, that the proposed program be dispensed with and instead the afternoon be one of socialibility. Carried.

Motion made by Mrs. Nelson, seconded by Mrs. Holsworth, that the old custom of exchanging gifts be returned. Carried.

No further business.


Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Secy


1933 – Secretary’s Annual Report

Years are epoch-making, and this past one of 1933, which started out with Old Man Depression holding ____ sway, shouts a brighter ending with the youngster NRA at the wheel.

Our Club was one of the few who endorsed the Blue Eagle, and the recognition of that step by General Hugh Johnson, is one thing of which we may be proud.

Every little bit helps and our mite, even tho it may be only as a grain of sand, when it joins other grains more power is given to move the slippery rebuild as our President Franklin D. Roosevelt is so determinedly endeavoring to do.

 During this year, 13 club meetings have been held (with 2 Executive Board meetings) and the average attendance has been 12.

Very little has been accomplished in a financial way, but the regular programs have been both interesting and instructive.

The Club, as sponsors of the Girl Reserves, helps in that line all that is possible.

At the close of school, the banquet to be seniors was given by them and as usual, the Club provided the decorations for the graduation exercises.

It was voted in March to hold all meetings at the Community House, which has been carried out.

Miss Carter of the Houston Y. W. C. A. visited the Club at the March meeting and gave an interesting talk following the program which was given by the Girl Reserves.

Several meetings were devoted to Barter and Trade, the finances being increased in a small way each time.

The ice cream and punch concessions for Collegeport Day were in charge of the Woman’s Club, assisted by the other organizations. The receipts being given to the Community House fund.

At the July meeting it was voted to give %5.00 annually to this fund, also 10% of any paid admission entertainment that might be given in the future.

The usual custom of providing a first-aid kit for the school was followed.

A reception to the teachers was given, the Club paying the bill for the refreshments.

We have had a part in helping the Patron’s Fund, and our Federation dues have been promptly paid.

With one exception, the reports to the Federation have been given in person, and the Federation meetings have been well attended by our members.

Death came to one of our life members, Mrs. V. R. Haisley, who was called on Dec. 26, 1933. Her example of loyalty to good and her steadfast faith may well be followed by each one of us. She has found Rest and Peace and may God bless her efforts on earth, never to be forgotten by those who knew her best.

To the Collegeport Woman’s Club may this new year bring prosperity and happiness in serving.

Let our slogan be “To Carry On,” combined with the regular one of many years standing, “Magnify the Good.”

Respectfully Submitted, Mrs. Harry Austin Clapp  Secy.

Feby 8, 1934

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the library on the afternoon of Feby 8th.  11 members – 2 visitors present.

Secretary report read and approved.

Treasurer report read and voted to accept.

The following annual reports were read and accepted.
Secretary report
Program Committee report
Library Committee report
School Committee report
Treasurer report
Membership Committee – no report

Bill presented, amount 20 cents, for adhesive tape for school 1st aid kit. Motion made and seconded that it be paid. Carried.

Motion made and seconded that the sum of $5.00 be given the Library Committee for the purchase of new books. Carried.

The name of Mrs. Guyer was presented for membership. It was voted and seconded that she be made a member of the Club. Carried.

Motion made and seconded that the Club meetings for the ensuing year be held at the Library. Carried.

Delegate to the Dec. Federation meeting made a good report.

Motion made and seconded that Mrs. Dorothy Corporon be made delegate to the March Federation meeting – with Mrs. King as alternate. Carried.

Following are the committees for 1934:
Social and Finance – Mrs. King, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Guyer
Program – Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. Liggett, Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Corporon
Membership – Mrs. Kundinger
School – Mrs. Nelson
Library – Mrs. Clapp, Mrs. McCune

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Mrs. Harry Austin Clapp  Secy

March 8th, 1934

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the home of Mrs. Hurd on the afternoon of March 8th.  9 members – 2 visitors present

Meeting called to order by the President.

Secretary report read and approved.

Treasurer report read. Motion made and seconded that it be accepted. Carried.

Miss Carter of the Houston Y. W. C. A. was present and gave an interesting talk to the Club. The members being sponsors of the Girl Reserves. She also told of the plans made for the District Board meeting to be held in Houston on March 24th. Our Club having a part in the program – a doll’s dress representing a young woman war worker. Miss Carter urged that one or more members be present. Mrs. McCune will be the delegate.

Finances of the Girl Reserves were discussed and the Secretary ordered to write the Gulf Sulphur Co. asking for their annual donation to the treasury of the Girl Reserves.

A new committee was formed for the purpose of bringing the Girl Reserves and their sponsors together in a closer union.

It was moved and seconded that Mrs. Nelson be made chairman of this committee. She to enlist other members. Carried.

The program for the afternoon, Mrs. Hurd leader, was a memorial for Ms. V. R. Haisley who was a life member of the Club.

A short talk by Mrs. Hurd was followed by a roll call to which each one responded by giving a tribute to the departed member.

No further business.

Motion to adjourn to meet at the usual time in April. The program to be “Homes and Gardens.”

Mrs. Harry Austin Clapp  Secy

March 22nd, 1934

A called meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the King’s Daughter’s meeting at Mrs. Nelson’s on March 22nd.

The business to be transacted was that of exchanging the dates of our Club’s entertainment of the County Federation with the Palacios Clubs, as had been requested. Motion was made and seconded that the Collegeport Woman’s Club entertain the Federation in June 1934 instead of the usual time in Sept. Carried. Thus it stands.

Mrs. Harry Austin Clapp  Secy

April 12, 1934

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the Community House on the afternoon of April 12th, 1934.  17 members – 1 visitor present

Meeting called to order by the President.

Secretary report read and approved.

Treasurer report read. Motion made and seconded that it be accepted. Carried.

Communication read from Mr. Roy Miller of the Gulf Sulphur [Company] giving a donation of $35.00 from that Company to the Girl Reserves.

Motion made and seconded that the secretary draw voucher for $17.50 from the amount donated made to the District treasurer of the Y. W. C. A. (Freeport office). This being the annual contribution from the Girl Reserves. Carried. Treasurer instructed to remit same.

Bills presented:
To Mr. Batchelder – 40 cents
To Mrs. King (for receipt book) – 10 cents

It was moved and recorded that the two amounts be embodied in one voucher and the Treasurer pay the two bills. Carried.

Discussion as to the entertainment of the Federation followed.

As the request had been made that the date be again changed, it was moved and seconded that the time be made Sat. the 19th of May. Carried.

Motion made and seconded that the program as suggested by the County Health Nurse be carried out, the subject being “Heath and Hygiene” with speakers from the State Board of Health to be secured. Carried. Secretary instructed to report at once to the Health Nurse the result of the action taken.

Report of the Y. M. C. A. District Board meeting given by the delegate, Mrs. McCune.

Report of the March Federation meeting given by the delegate, Mrs. Corporon.

These reports were unusually interesting and instructive.

Chairman of the Girl Reserves committee, Mrs. Nelson, appointed Mrs. Liggett and Mrs. King a members to serve with her.

Program for the afternoon followed – Mrs. King, leader
Subject: “Better Homes & Gardens”
Piano solo: “Hazel Blossoms” – Mrs. Corporon
“Better Farm Pantries Under the New Deal” – Mrs. Crane
Song – “Roses Remind Me of Someone” – Mrs. McCune
“Bedroom of Comfort” – Mrs. Dorothy Merck
“Come in Handy – hints: Delusion” – Mrs. Heisey
Declamation – “The Unknown’ Miss Rosalie Nelson
“Hints For the Home” – Mrs. Wright
Reading – Longfellow’s “The Christmas House” – Miss Ethel Nelson”
“A Home – What its Intended For” followed by Edgar Guest’s poem “It takes a Heap of Livin’ to Make a Home” – Mrs. Boeker

After school 8 pupils and teachers were present, making a total attendance of 26.

A social hour followed with refreshments of tea, sandwiches, cakes and viands being served by the hostess, Mrs. King, and her assistants.

Motion to adjourn to meet at the usual time in May.

Mrs. Harry Austin Clapp  Secy



May 5th 1934
County Federation of Woman’s Club

Mrs. L. E. Liggett – Collegeport
Mrs. Burton D. Hurd – Collegeport
Mrs. A. R. Matthes – Blessing
Mrs. J. L. Stall – Blessing
Mrs. C. A. Lucas – Blessing
Virginia Lucas – Blessing
Mrs. Chas. E. Duller – Blessing
Mrs. Amos E. Duffy – Matagorda
Mrs. J. Otis Taylor – Matagorda
Mrs. Ed Baker – Matagorda
Mrs. Pat Richman – Palacios
Miss Fay Powers – Palacios
Mrs. L. L. de St. Aubin – Palacios
Mrs. T. W. Caffell – Palacios
Mrs. M. K. Feather – Palacios
Mrs. J. L. Lowe – Wadsworth
Mrs. E. F. Goodell – Wadsworth
Mrs. Edith Woods
Beryl Bell – Collegeport
Nelle Harris – Collegeport
Mrs. Dorothy Corporon – Collegeport
Mrs. Anna D. Crane
Mrs. Vance Porter – Bay City
Miss Rose Porter – Bay City
Mrs. C. B. Roberson – Bay City
Mr. M. O.  _ips – Yorktown, Texas
Gilbert Geiger – Bay City
C. B. Stroud – Wharton
E. E. Scott – Bay City
Patricia Martyn – Matagorda Co.
Chas. D. Reese – Austin
Mrs. Frank King – Collegeport
Mrs. Rena Wright – Collegeport
Mrs. Roy Nelson – Collegeport
Mrs. Henry Guyer – Collegeport
Vera Williams – Collegeport
Mrs. E. Curtis – Collegeport
E. Curtis – Collegeport
Analu? Gartrell  - Bay City
Jean Stelle – Bay City
H. A. Clapp – Collegeport
Burton D. Hurd - Collegeport

Mrs. Burton D. Hurd Collegeport Woman’s Club
Mrs. Della Braden – Blessing
Mrs. Calvin Baker
Mrs. Dismukes – Palacios
Mrs. Walter Milam – Athena Club – Palacios
Mrs. Vance Porter – P. T. A. – Bay City

Called Meeting – Collegeport Woman’s Club

A called meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held on May 17, 1934.

The President, Mrs. Liggett, presented a letter from Miss Carter announcing the coming of Mrs. U. Parker to Bay City May 21st to lecture at the City Hall.

In motion if was voted to contribute $1.00 toward the expense of the Institute. Money to be sent to Mrs. A. S. Morton, Bay City.

On motion, the club voted [to] join the Union and King’s Daughters in summer months meetings.

No further business.

Adjourned to meet in June.

Mrs. Burton D. Hurd  Secy Pro Tem

June 21st 1934

The monthly meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held in conjunction with the Union and King’s Daughters at the home of Mrs. Crane on Jun 21.  11 present

Meeting was called to order by the President.

Secretary report – also minutes of a called meeting, were read and approved.

Treasurer absent – no report

The name of Mrs. L__tie Ramsey was presented for membership and on motion made and seconded, it was carried.

The attendance from Collegeport to the Institute held at Bay City on May 21st numbered 6.

It was moved and seconded that the Club subscribe for the Fed. News for the coming year. Carried.

No further business and no program, so the motion to adjourn was in order.

Adjourned to meet in July with the other clubs.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Secy

July 19, 1934

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held in conjunction with the Union and King’s Daughters at the home of Mrs. Hurd on July 19, 1934.  19 present – 8 children making a total attendance of 27.

Meeting called to order by the President.

Secretary report read and approved.

Treasurer absent – no report

Committee report received.

Discussion followed.

No further business.

Adjourned to meet in Aug. with Mrs. Carrick at which time the Woman’s Club will give the program.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Secy

Aug 16, 1934

The Woman’s Club met with the Union and King’s Daughters at the home of Mrs. McCune on the afternoon of Aug. 16, 1934.  18 adults present

Meeting called to order by the President.

Secretary report read and approved.

Treasurer absent – no report

Reports of committees given:
Program committee
Library committee
Social & Finance committee

It was suggested that the Club sponsor the reception for the new teachers. Light refreshments to be served. On motion made and seconded the question was carried.

Delegate to the September Federation was voted on and carried.
Result – Mrs. Holsworth, Delegate – Mrs. Liggett, Alternate

In September the Club meetings return to the regular time schedule, the second Thursday in each month. Next meeting to be held at the Community House. Subject: “Organization Meetings.”

Program for the afternoon under leadership of Mrs. Hurd, was then given. Subject: Legislation”
Prologue – Mrs. Hurd
“What are elections, why and how held” – Mrs. Liggett
What is our U. S. Congress – Mrs. Heisey
County Officers – Mrs. Holsworth
White Man’s Union – Mrs. Boeker
Our next election – Mrs. Clapp
Closing talk – Mrs. Hurd

Motion to adjourn.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Secy

Sept. 13, 1934

The Collegeport Woman’s Club held the regular meeting at the Community House on the afternoon of Sept. 13th.  9 present

Meeting called to order by the President.

Secretary report read and approved.

Treasurer absent – no report.

Discussion as to refreshments for teacher’s reception. Motion made and seconded that punch be served. Carried. Reception to be held at the Community House on Monday, September 17.

List of 1st Aid Kit for school presented by Mrs. Nelson. Motion made and seconded that the articles be purchased. The bill to be paid by the Club. Carried.

Motion made and seconded that the Club make a contribution to the Health Committee . Amount to be decided when money is available. Carried.

Communication from Mrs. Carter read.

The name of Miss Williams was presented for membership. On motion made and seconded. It was carried.

Program for the afternoon followed  - Leader – Mrs. Hurd
Subject – “Women’s Organizations’
Prologue – Mrs. Hurd telling of the birth of Women’s Clubs becoming the largest organization among women in the United States.
“Our Federation” – Mrs. Liggett
“King’s Daughters” – Mrs. Crane
“Y. W. C. A. & Girl Reserves” – Mrs. Nelson
“Patriotic Organizations” [GAR] – Mrs. Wright
“DAR” (oldest) – Mrs. Hurd
Auxiliary Organizations – “GAR” – “UDC”
Newest Organization – “Women of the American Legion”

A very interesting program.

No further business.

Adjourned to meet in Oct. at the regular time.

Subject to be “School”

Roll call to be responded to by memory of “1st day of School.”

Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Secy

October 11, 1934

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the Community House on the afternoon of Oct. 11, 1934.  10 present at business session – an additional 6 for the program. Total 16

Meeting called to order by the President.

In accordance with a request made at the Federation meeting, singing is to be a part of each club’s program.
Song – “America the Beautiful” followed by “The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You.”

Secretary report – read and approved.

Treasurer report  - read and one correction, it was accepted.

It was moved and seconded that outstanding bills amounting to $2.02 were to be paid. Carried.

Library report given.

Names presented for membership were Mrs. Cherry and Miss Mansfield. It was moved and seconded that they be accepted. Carried.

Discussion as to the method of raising money for the Health Committee fund followed.

It was decided to hold a bake sale and serve lunch on Election Day. Motion made and seconded that the President confer with Mr. Cherry regarding the inauguration of an “Egg Day” in the school. Each pupil to bring one egg on the designated day. The proceeds be given to the Health Fund. Carried.

Suggestions were offered as to the Hallow’een celebration. The giving of which was not decided upon.

Miss Carter was present and gave an interesting talk on the work of the Board and Council of the Girl Reserves. Extending an invitation to attend the special meetings of the organization to be held in Houston in Oct. and Nov. urging that a representative be sent from this Council.

The program for the afternoon, under the leadership of Mrs. Hurd, consisted of a Roll Call. Each member to respond to the subject “Our First Day in School.” It was a most amusing and interesting program.

It is well to embody in the report of this time, a report of the reception given to the School Faculty by the Club. It was a successful one and enjoyed by the many who were in attendance.

The President, Mrs. Liggett, gave the words of welcome, after which the chairman of the program committee, Mrs. Hurd, made the introductions which were responded to in a happy manner by each of the 7 teachers. Punch was served and social hour enjoyed.

No further business. Adjournment was in order to meet at the regular time and place in Nov.

“Thanksgiving” to be the subject of the program.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Secy

Nov. 8th, 1934

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the Community House on the afternoon of Nov. 8th.  8 members present

The meeting was called to order by the president.

Secretary report read and approved.

Treasurer report read and it was voted to accept.

Bill presented – 80 cents to Boekers. Motion made and seconded that it be paid. Carried.

Motion made and seconded that a contribution of $5.00 be made to the Health Committee. Carried.

The Secretary was requested to write at once to the Gulf Sulphur Co. asking for their annual donation to the Girl Reserves.

Plans for the Christmas party were discussed to be fully completed at a called meeting of the Executive Board.

The program followed. Subject – “Thanksgiving”
Leader – Mrs. Hurd, who gave a splendid talk
“An Ideal Thanksgiving” – Mrs. Cherry

Delegated to the Dec. Federation meeting were elected. Mrs. Cherry, delegate – Mrs. Willbanks, alternate

Mrs. Crane, chairman of the Community House Committee, asked for the annual contribution for that fund. Motion made and seconded that the sum of $2.50 be paid by the Woman’s Club at this time. The balance of $2.50 at a later date. Carried.

No further business. Adjourned to meet at the Christmas party in Dec.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Secy



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