4100 Hiram Brandon Drive


McAllister Junior High School
1969 - 2002

McAllister Middle School
2002 - 2011

Photos taken July, 2019

H. J. McAllister


Harmon Jerome McAllister
Historical Marker Dedication


Bay City School To Be Named For McAllister

Bay City--The new $1.5 million junior high school here will be named for the late H. J. McAllister, former school superintendent, it was announced Saturday at a reunion of the 1942 Bay City High School graduating class.

The school is to be completed by the 1968-69 school year.

The 1942 graduating class, hosted by the 1941 class, celebrated their 25th year reunion Saturday at a banquet at the Bay City Country Club. Attorney Moise Simon, chairman of arrangements for the celebration, read the announcement in a letter from Supt. Rodney D. Cathey.

McAllister was superintendent of the Bay City Independent School District from 1960 until his death in June, 1963. He also served as a teacher and, in 1942, was principal of the high school.

Houston Post, date unknown

Front entrance


North wing at front




South wing with gym on left and office area at right


View from Northeast


Rear entrance


Band hall at left and gym at right


Kitchen entrance at left and band hall at right


Field House