Bay City Court House Pictures



Matagorda County Court House - Bay City, Texas 1896
Courtesy of Teresa Mitchell

Confederate Monument and Courthouse
Bay City, Texas


Court House, Bay City, Texas

Court House, Bay City, Texas

Court House At Bay City To Be Opened Friday
Day Will Be Turned Over To Visitors; Shrine Ball In Evening

Matagorda county's new court house will be formally turned over to the public next Friday, February 8th, according to a recent order of the commissioners' court.

The day will be set aside for all visitors who wish to see the new building and its many improvements from the inside. At night a public dance, sponsored by the Bay City Shriners, will be given in the district court room. Many visitors from neighboring towns are expected to attend the ball, as the county boasts of an exceptionally large number of Shriners.

The new court house looms up well from the outside, but the real improvement over the old conditions is to be found on the inside, where old dilapidated, "crampy" offices have been turned into roomy, airy and well-lighted working apartments for the officers.

New floors, new stairways, and new walls greet the eye of the visitor from all parts of the building, while the heating and sanitary conditions have been vastly improved. Incidentally, a gas line is now being run to the court house from the postoffice, 7th street line.

The contractors have been handicapped from the very outset by continued bad weather, the delay of material in arriving and many other vexations, but unavoidable things, but they hammered through and are now able to turn the new building over to the commissioners, who, in turn, will dedicate it to the people and the service of the county next Friday.

The Tribune has not received any formal program from a committee on arrangements and, at this time, is unable to say just what will be the order of the day. If a program has been formulated, it has not been given out for publication. Perhaps the committee will hand it out to the press later on in the week.--Bay City Tribune.

Palacios Beacon, February 7, 1929

Matagorda County Courthouse, Bay City, Texas
Courtesy of Teresa Mitchell

Matagorda County Court House
Bay City, Texas

Matagorda [County] Court House
Bay City, Texas

Postcard courtesy of Postcards of Texas

November, 1960

Matagorda County Court House, Bay City, Texas
Postcard Courtesy of Jana Prock

Current Courthouse when new.


Copyright 2006 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Feb. 8, 2006
Apr. 14, 2006