
. Cordele is on Farm Road 530 in northeastern Jackson County. In 1897 the New York and Texas Land Company sold acreage along Sandy Creek, which was later renamed Brushy Creek, to settlers. Soon after, a Dr. Stapleton-who was the settlement's first postmaster-named the town after his hometown, Cordele, Georgia. By 1914 Cordele had become a shipping center with a post office, but by 1925 the community had only eight residents. The local population gradually increased and reached 176 in 1968. From 1972 through 1990 the number of residents at Cordele was reported as seventy-four.  History from the Handbook of Texas Online

Cordele, from Texas railroads, 1900

Postmasters of Cordele

Stapleton, Jesse W., 22 May 1897

Bruce, Wm. G., 20 Aug 1898
Batten, John W., 7 Oct 1899
Nagel, Albert H., 9 Mar 1905
Source:  Postmasters and Post Offices of Jackson County, 1846 - 1930

Cordele Methodist Church

1936 Map of Cordell from General Highway Map of Jackson County, 1936


White Hall Newspaper Articles

Cordele Items

Rev. W. P. Dickey of Edna preached at the school house Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Fenner and children spent the past week in Waxahachie where he has some cattle on feed.

Mrs. W. M. Mitchell and son and Miss Essie Watson of Houston visited relatives here Sunday. They also went to Yorktown to visit their brother, Ferrell Watson, who is ill with pneumonia at a hospital in that city.

Mrs. J. L. Watson is at the bedside of her son, Ferrell, who is ill at a hospital at Yorktown.

The school children gave a short Valentine program at the school house Friday evening. There were several visitors in attendance. At the conclusion of the program refreshments were served and greatly enjoyed by all.

Mrs. Verna K. Harper of Edna visited the school Monday.

Singing was well attended Sunday night. We had several new members.

Rev. David C. Roberts will preach at the school house Sunday evening.

Edna Weekly Herald, February 18, 1932


Lower Cordele School

“Where Everybody Sings”

We wish to thank Mr. Pliva and Mr. Dettrich for the two mulberry and four pecan trees that they have transplanted on our school yard.

We were glad to have so many visitors at our Valentine party last Friday afternoon. We surely did enjoy the refreshments that were served by Mrs. Dettrich, Mrs. O. B. Fenner and Hazel and Wilma Budd.

We are very sorry to see Olga and George Barecky move to Hallettsville. We surely do miss them.

Mrs. Verna K. Harper came to see us Monday afternoon. We are always glad to have her visit us.

The Choral Club held its second meeting Sunday evening at 7:45 o’clock at the Lower Cordele school house. Of course we knew that everyone in Cordele could sing, but we did not know until Sunday that Wilma and Clara Lee Budd could play a violin; that Olga, George and Oswald Barecky could plan an accordion and that Henry Dettrich could play a guitar. If you have never heard Mrs. J. D. Fenner sing, you do not realize what a pleasure you have missed. Floyd Larkin says he knows very little about Spanish verbs, but he surely can sing Spanish songs with Mrs. Louis Watson and Miss Ruth Brigham. Eunice Hunt can play “America,” but it takes Margie May Goldman and Junior Jennings to sing it. These three are third grade pupils. Did you know that Mr. Westmoreland could play a cornet? Everyone in the community is invited to join our club. Visitors are cordially invited. So, if you wish to hear Mrs. O. B. Fenner play “Dixie” come to Lower Cordele school house—“where everybody sings.”

Edna Weekly Herald, February 18, 1932

Cordele Items

Singing was well attended last Sunday night. However we hope there will be a bigger crowd next Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jackson and children of Ganado visited Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sowell Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Fenner and children returned home from Waxahachie last Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Anderson and son of Refugio visited relatives here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Nagel and children of Edna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nagel.

Mr. and Mrs. Buck Vanderhider and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Timm and children of Hallettsville visited in the W. P. Vanderhider home Sunday.

Rev. David C. Roberts of Ganado will preach at the school house Sunday evening. Everyone come.

Edna Weekly Herald, March 3, 1932

Cordele 4-H Club

The girls of the Cordele 4-H Club met Thursday, March 17th at the Lower Cordele School House.

The meeting was called to order by the president; the club pledge and prayer were repeated in unison. The secretary called the roll and each member responded by giving a report of the club work they had done since the last meeting. All of the girls reported having started a garden; one having made her garden plan and four had planted flowers and shrubs. There being no old business for discussion, Miss Louise Bryant was given charge of the meeting.

Miss Bryant explained how to keep an accurate account of our productive gardens in our record book, and named the different kind of vegetables we would need to plant so as to have a supply of fresh vegetables daily for the entire year.

There being no further business, motion was made to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned.—Reporter.

Edna Weekly Herald, March 24, 1932

Cordele Items

Rev. L. E. Barrett of Edna preached at the school house Sunday evening.

The entertainment given at the school house Saturday night was enjoyed by all present. We had several visitors from Edna, Provident City and McCrory.

Allen Lay of Hallettsville visited his uncle, Jay Clayton, across Sandies over the week-end.

Francis Hofer went to Bay City Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Aug .Arps and children spent Eastev in El Campo with relatives.

Several people from here attended the Easter program given at the Methodist Church in Edna Sunday night.

Mrs. Boone Jones of Texas City, Mrs. Bill Reid and Mrs. Era Emerson of Edna spent Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Vanderhider.

Miss Clementine Larkin, who has been visiting in Bay City returned home Friday.

Bufford Sowell was painfully injured Saturday evening when he fell on a hay hook which was stuck in his leg. He was taken to a doctor Monday afternoon for treatment. We wish for him a speedy recovery.

Our Sunday school which was organized last Sunday is progressing nicely. We invite everyone to come.

There will be preaching at the school house Sunday evening.

Edna Weekly Herald, March 31, 1932

Cordele Items

Last Sunday we had a very interesting laymen’s meeting at the school house. Mr. Whyman of Ganado made the talk. Several special songs were enjoyed by the large crowd in attendance.

Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Mitchell and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Whiddon and Miss Esie Watson of Houston spent the 4th with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Watson and other relatives in this section.

Most everyone from this section attended the 50th Anniversary celebration in Edna Saturday.

Mrs. W. M. Budd is in Refugio attending the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Johnnie Anderson, who is ill.

Singing was well attended Sunday night.

Edna Weekly Herald, July 7, 1932

Cordele Items

Bro. E. A. McDaniel filled his regular appointment here Sunday afternoon.

There will be preaching here next Sunday night by Bro. Munsey. Everyone welcome.

Everyone is cordially invited to come to the pie supper at the school house Friday night, Aug. 24th. The supper is being given for the benefit of the church. There will be a party afterwards. Be sure and come.

Mrs. J. L. Watson and granddaughter, Carrol Joyce Watson, have returned from a ten day visit with relatives and friends in Houston.

Miss Annie Bell Budd is at home after visiting in Woodsboro for the past two weeks. She was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Anderson and son, Gene, who spent the week end here.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Beard and Miss Betty Harper of Edna visited Mr. G. W. Harper Thursday night.

Mrs. and Mrs. C. B. Fenner of Port Lavaca visited in the S. A. Westmoreland and J. D. Fenner homes Sunday.

We are sorry to state that Mr. Louis Watson is on the sick list. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Mr. Otto Dahlstrom of Refugio was a caller in this community Friday night.

Mr. B. Johnson and daughter of Marlin are here visiting his brother, Mr. J. W. Johnson.

Miss Annie Lou Fenner spent last Wednesday night with Miss Donna Westmoreland.

Mrs. Rolar Watson was an Austin visitor on Wednesday of last week.

Mrs. Muese and children, who have been visiting her sister, Mrs. James Fenner, have returned to their home in Palestine.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Johnson and son of Killeen are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson.

Mr. Lifford Lancaster was in our community electioneering last week.

Mr. G. W. Harper spent the week end with his family in Edna.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kramerer of Wharton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Revis.

Mrs. J. L. Watson and granddaughter, Carroll Joyce Watson, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lifford Lancaster of Ganado Sunday.

Several from this section attended the barbecue and candidate speaking at Ganado Sunday.

Mr. O. B. Fenner of Edna was in this community seeing after business matters Tuesday of last week.

Mr. J. W. Johnson and sons, Curtis of Killeen and Marshall and Granville, also his brother, Mr. B. Johnson of Marlin, were fishing on the bay Friday night.

Mrs. Rolar Watson accompanied her sister, Mrs. O. B. Fenner, to Goliad last Tuesday to visit their mother, Mrs. Brigham.

Mrs. J. D. Fenner visited Mrs. S. A. Westmoreland Thursday afternoon.

Several from here attended the rodeo held at the J. W. Wofford Ranch in the McCrory section Sunday.

Last Sunday morning Mr. S. A. Westmoreland’s hand was rather badly injured when his horse stepped in a hole and fell with him while riding after cattle.

Mr. and Mrs. Rolar Watson accompanied Mrs. Verna K. Harper to Commerce on business last Friday. We are glad their trip was a successful one.

Miss Donna Westmoreland spent Sunday with Miss Annie Lou Fenner.

Mr. J. D. Fenner and daughter, Miss Annie Lou, and son, William and Miss Donna Westmoreland went up to Speaks Sunday morning.

Frank Perrin, who has been here visiting his aunt, Mrs. Rolar Watson, has returned to his home in Cameron.

Edna Weekly Herald, August 23, 1934

Cordele Items

Bro. Munsey filled his appointment here Sunday night. He announced that the young people of the Baptist Church of Edna will present a program at the Cordele school house on Friday night, Sept. 7th. Everyone is cordially invited.

Mrs. Louis Watson and son, Louis, Jr., have returned from a visit with her mother, Mrs. Stapleton of Weimar.

Miss Clementine Larkin, who has been attending summer school at San Marcos, has returned home.

Mrs. Cecil Beard and cousin, Miss Mabel King, of Spur visited Mrs. Beard’s father, Mr. G. W. Harper, Saturday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fenner and sons, Fulton and Forest, of Houston are here visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Budd were business visitors to Houston one day last week.

The pie supper at the school house Friday night was quite a success, financially.

Misses Mable and Pet Clements and George Chaney of the McCrory community attended the pie supper and party here Friday night.

Mr. Otto Dahlstrom of Refugio was a visitor in this section Friday night.

Miss Willie Larkin, who is a nurse in the St. Joseph’s infirmary at Houston, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Larkin.

Miss Sarah Lou Anderson of the Blair community spent Friday night with Miss Donna Westmoreland.

Mrs. F. M. Sowell and children, Vera Nadine and Buford, have returned from an extended visit with relatives in San Antonio and Blanco.

Mrs. D. W. Hunt and daughter Eunice, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Flournoy of Edna Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Anderson and son, Gene, of Woodsboro, spent the week end in the Wm. Budd home in this section.

Miss Mary Claire Fenner is at home after attending school at Kingsville during the summer.

Mrs. William McClure and daughter, Laurel Don, and Miss Hensley of Edna came out to Cordele for the pie supper Friday night.

Paul Dettrich visited Clyde Budd Sunday afternoon.

Gene Goppert has returned to his home in Edna after spending several days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nagel.

Mrs. Verna K. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Beard, Miss Mabel King and Betty Louise Harper of Edna were callers in the G. W. Harper and S. A. Westmoreland homes Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Watson of Mathis are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Watson.

Mrs. John Anderson of the Blair section visited her daughter, Mrs. Roy Budd, Saturday.

I. B. Clements Jr. and Callis Wofford of the McCrory community attended preaching here Sunday night.

Several from this community were in Edna Saturday night to get the election returns.

Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy and son, George Jr. of Houston are here visiting in the J. L. Watson home.

Mr. Branch Sims of the Lost Prong section attended preaching here Sunday night.

George Cheney of the McCrory section was in the community last Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. S. A. Westmoreland and children, Donna and Sam Jr., visited Mrs. Rolar Watson Monday afternoon.

Carroll Joyce Watson visited her grandmother, Mrs. J. L. Watson, Monday.

Edna Weekly Herald, August 30, 1934

Cordele Items

Miss Bonnie Cox, county home demonstration agent, was in this community last Thursday, meeting with the 4-H Club girls and home demonstration club women.

Miss Hazle Budd visited her aunt, Mrs. Flournoy of Edna, Wednesday of last week.

Miss Ruth Brigham called on Mrs. G. W. Harper Thursday afternoon.

The Women’s Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Roy Budd last Thursday afternoon. The new officers for the coming year are: Mrs. Roy Budd, president; Mrs. Eddy Sowell, vice-president; Mrs. S. A. Westmoreland, secretary-treasurer.

Mrs. F. M. Sowell visited Mrs. John Holler of the McCrory community one day the past week.

Miss Lucille Cooper of Pearsall is a guest of the home of her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Budd.

On Friday evening at 6 o’clock, the Lower Cordele Science Club entertained at the home of their sponsor, Mrs. Rolar Watson, with a dinner, honoring the following guest from the Upper Cordele school: Willie Grace Hart, James Harvey and Edwin Fenner, Mrs. Louis Watson, teacher, and Mrs. J. H. Fenner, class mother.

Several from this community attended the party at the McCrory house Friday night. An enjoyable time was the report of all.

Mr. Otto Dahlstrom of Refugio was in this community last Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Hardy and children visited in the S. A. Westmoreland home Saturday night.

Mrs. Goppert of Illinois is here visiting her son, Fred.

Mrs. Annie Sagers and daughter, Miss Evelyn of Arneckeville, are here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nagel.

Mrs. Roy Budd and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Budd motored to El Toro last Friday to spend the day with Mrs. J. N. Cooper.

C. B. Fenner of Port Lavaca was in this community Sunday looking after business matters.

Mrs. Rolar Watson and Miss Ruth Brigham attended a meeting of the Edna Study Club in Edna Wednesday afternoon.

Carroll Joyce Watson visited Eyvonne Budd one afternoon last week.

The party at the Lower Cordele school house Saturday night was enjoyed by a large crowd.

The Cordele school will close Wednesday afternoon for the Thanksgiving holidays. The teachers, Mrs. Rolar Watson and Miss Ruth Brigham, plan to attend the State Teachers’ meeting at San Antonio the last of the week.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 28, 1935

Cordele Items

Bro. Muncy filled his regular appointment here Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Rolar Watson and daughter, Carrol Joyce, and Miss Ruth Brigham spent Thanksgiving Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Brigham of Goliad.

Mesdames Raymond Kamerer of Wharton and Berta Buster of Houston have been here several days at the bedside of their mother, Mrs. H. R. Reavis, who is quite ill. Mrs. Reavis was taken to a Houston hospital Sunday afternoon. Her many friends wish for her a complete and speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Clements were Port Lavaca and Victoria visitors the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Watson and little son, Louis Jr., spent Thanksgiving Day with relatives in Weimar.

Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hunt had the following guests in their home Thanksgiving Day: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hunt and family of Morales, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Flournoy and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Flournoy of Edna and Miss Dicie Hunt, a student at Victoria Junior College.

Miss Clementine Larkin, who is attending the State Teachers’ College in San Marcos, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Larkin.

Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Beard of Arenosa and daughter, Mrs. Nannie Belle Thompson of Edna were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Harper for dinner Thanksgiving day.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Budd and children and Misses Annie Bell, Clara Lee, Hazle and Wilma Budd and their cousin, Miss Lucille Cooper of Pearsall spent Thanksgiving Day with their grandmother, Mrs. J. N. Cooper, of El Toro.

Miss Mary Claire Fenner, teacher in the Northside Ward school in Edna, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Fenner, Saturday night and Sunday.

Betty Louise Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Beard and friend, Mr. David Russell, a member of the S. M. U. faculty, Dallas, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Harper Thanksgiving.

Mr. Henry Dettrich of Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, visited his mother, Mrs. Julia Dettrich, over the week end.

Miss Hazle Budd and cousin, Miss Lucille Cooper of Pearsall are visiting Mrs. Johnnie Anderson of Woodsboro this week.

Quite a crowd gathered at the Lower Cordele school house Saturday night for a wiener roast. The report of all who attended was an all-around good time, roasting and eating wieners and playing games.

Mrs. George Coldman has a guest in her home, her brother, Mr. Martin of Cameron.

Mrs. Marshall Johnson visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Appelt, of Hallettsville Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Sowell visited in the F. M. Sowell home Sunday.

Mrs. G. W. Harper and daughter, Betty Louise, were callers in the S. A. Westmoreland home Friday morning.

Mr. Ivan Fenner and brother-in-law, Mr. L. Creed of Roxton, were Edna visitors Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. S. A. Westmoreland and children, Miss Donna, and Sam Jr. and Mr. Carl Butts were supper guests in the Rolar Watson home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Hardy and children visited in Port Lavaca Sunday.

Mrs. J. W. Larkin and son, Floyd, visited in the D. W. Hunt home Monday.

Edna Weekly Herald, December 5, 1935

Family Gathering

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jones of the Upper Cordele community entertained a large number of relatives and friends with a sumptuous dinner Christmas day. The table consisted of roast turkey with all the trimmings, and many other good things that go to make up a real Christmas dinner.

Those present for the Christmas holiday dinner were Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Harcourt and Miss Artie Mae Adkins of San Antonio, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Jones and children of Daisetta, Mrs. B. F. Adkins and little granddaughter of Palacios, Mrs. L. A. A… Texas, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Jones and son and Mr. and Mrs. Orvis Whitstine of Edna, Mrs. J. W. Rhodes of Ashwood, Mr. and Mrs. S. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Felkner and children, Lower Cordele and Mr. H. R. Reavis of Upper Cordele. All present reported an enjoyable time and a wonderful dinner. Late in the afternoon some of the relatives and friends left for their respective homes, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Jones many more such enjoyable Christmas day.—Contributed

Edna Weekly Herald, January 2, 1936

Cordele Items

Several from this community motored to Speaks Friday night to attend the school program.

Miss Clara Lee Budd returned home Thursday afternoon of last week from Woodsboro where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Johnnie Anderson.

We are glad to be able to report that Mr. Rolar Watson is about well of the flu. Mrs. Watson, however, is still confined to her bed. We wish for her a speedy recovery.

Mrs. G. W. Harper and daughter, Betty Louise and Bumpsy LaBauve of Edna spent the week end with Mr. G. W. Harper.

Mrs. John Anderson of Ganado spent the last week with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Budd.

Miss Mary Claire Fenner, a member of the Edna Northside Ward school faculty, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Fenner.

Mr. Otto Dahlstrom of Refugio was a caller in this community the latter part of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Watson and little son visited relatives in Victoria Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Fenner and babe of Port Lavaca visited Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Westmoreland Sunday afternoon.

Miss Ruth Brigham spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Brigham of Goliad.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Einkauf visited in Vienna Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Fenner were business visitors in Speaks Sunday.

Mr. Morgan Spencer of Provident City was a visitor in this community Friday night.

Mrs. F. M. Sowell is visiting her sons, Raymond and Leon, at Corpus Christi this week.

Carroll Joyce Watson is on the sick list this week. We hope she will soon be able to be back in school.

Messrs. Carl Butts and Arthur Bradbury of Speaks were callers in this community Sunday night.

Sunday, April 5th, is Bro. Muncy’s regular preaching date. Everyone is urged to attend.

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Nagel and children of Edna visited in the A. H. Nagel home Sunday.

Edna Weekly Herald, April 2, 1936

Cordele Items

Miss Bonnie Cox, home demonstration agent, was in this community on Thursday of last week, meeting with the 4-H Club girls and women.

Mrs. E. M. Sowell and Mrs. V. H. Hardy and little daughter were in the Upper Cordele section last Thursday on business.

The Woman’s Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Louis Watson Thursday afternoon of last week.

Several from this section attended the school closing program at Blair last Wednesday night.

Mrs. F. M. Sowell and daughter, Miss Iris, visited in the J. W. Larkin home Friday afternoon.

Mrs. Roy Budd was a caller in the S. A. Westmoreland home Wednesday afternoon of last week.

Several of the young people from this community went over to Morales Thursday night for the school closing exercises.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Budd of Freer spent the week end here with relatives.

Miss Mary Claire Fenner, teacher in the Edna Northside Ward school, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Fenner.

Mrs. frank Goldman and children visited her mother, Mrs. Wm. Budd Saturday.

Mrs. Louis Watson and little son, Louis, Jr. and her sister, Mrs. McMillian of El Campo, motored to Weimar Friday afternoon to spend the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stapelton.

Mrs. G. W. Harper and daughters, Mrs. Cecil Beard and of Dallas and Betty Louise, spent the week end here with Mr. Harper.

Mr. Louis Watson was an El Campo visitor Sunday.

Miss Ruth Brigham spent the week end with relatives in Edna.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Sowell visited in the F. M. Sowell Monday.

Attention Everybody!

The Woman’s’ Home Demonstration Club invites each and everyone to the ice cream supper at Lower Cordele School House next Saturday night. There will be plenty of ice cream and a party, so come and spend a pleasant evening and at the same time help a worthy cause.

Edna Weekly Herald, May 1936

Cordele Items

Rev. F. A. Banks of Ganado preached here Sunday afternoon and night.

Mrs. Rolar Watson and daughter, Carroll Joyce, her niece, Dorothy Perran of Cameron , and her nephew, Geo. Murphy, Jr. of Houston, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Brigham of Goliad last week.

Mr. C. B. Fenner of Port Lavaca was in this community one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and sons, Mearl and Earl, and daughter, Mrs. Pearson, visited in the F. M. Sowell home last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Hardy have as guests, his mother, Mrs. Hardy, from Victoria and her sisters, Mary and Ellen Hains of Green Lake.

Mr. O. B. Fenner of Edna was out looking after business matters in this community last Friday.

Messrs. Clifford Westmoreland and McBee McClary of Durango spent the…home.

Miss Iris Sowell visited Miss Wilma Budd Friday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy and son, George, of Houston are here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Watson.

Mrs. S. A. Westmoreland and children, Miss Donna and Sam Jr., were callers in the Roy Budd home one afternoon last week.

Mrs. Ernest Traylor spent Sunday night with Mrs. G. W. Harper.

Mrs. Eddy Sowell, Women’s 4-H Club delegate, left Sunday for College Station to attend the Short Course.

Several from this community attended the rodeo at the Gaines Fig Farm Sunday.

Mr. Otto Dahlstrom of Refugio was in this community one night last week.

Quite a crowd of young people from this section attended the party at the McCrory school house Saturday night.

Mr. V. H. Hardy was a Port Lavaca visitor Monday afternoon.

Mr. G. W. Harper and S. A. Westmoreland were callers in the W. F. Hart home Tuesday morning.

Edna Weekly Herald, July 23, 1936

Cordele Items

Cotton picking in this section is almost over and several farmers have started preparing their land for next year’s crop.

The meeting of last week held by Rev. F. A. Banks of Ganado was to have closed Sunday night, but due to the bad weather it closed Friday night.

Mrs. C. W. Foster was called last week to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Lena Fields who is seriously ill. At this writing Mrs. Fields is showing improvement, we are glad to state.

Mrs. Frank Goldman and son, Gale, spent Saturday with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Budd.

Mr. Jim Fiew and a little niece Jean, were guests in the A. H. Nagel home Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Anderson of Ganado were visiting relatives in this community Sunday of last week.

Mr. Cornelius of Edna was a visitor in this community Sunday.

Happy Foster was a guest of Kliene Budd Sunday.

Mrs. H. Hardy and Mrs. F. M. Sowell were visitors in the School Friday.

Hazel Budd accompanied her sister, Mrs. J. W. Anderson of Woodsboro home for a brief visit.

 A number of boys and girls from this section who are attending high school in Edna, came up to the Hallowe’en program here Friday night.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 5, 1936

Cordele Items

The people of this section were glad to see the cold norther, especially the ones who had hogs to kill.

A party was given Sunday of last week in honor of little Leonitta Kubecka’s 4th birthday. After many interesting games had been enjoyed delicious refreshments were served.

Eunice Hunt was a guest of Genevieve Felkner Sunday.

Mrs. J. D. Fenner and little son, Willie, were business visitors in this section Thursday.

Mesdames E. H. Sowell and Roy Budd were visitors in the J. B. Anderson home near Ganado Monday.

Mrs. D. W. Hunt, who had been nursing Mrs. Lula Bennett in Edna, returned home Thursday.

The Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. H. R. Reavis Nov. 5th.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jones were called to the bedside of their son, Charlie, of Edna who was seriously ill.

Mr. J. W. Johnson made a business trip to Wharton Sunday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kieth were guests of his sister, Mrs. Fitch, of Morales Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Reavis motored to Wharton Sunday of last week to visit their daughter, Mrs. Raymond Camerer.

Mr. Ivan Fenner motored to Roxon Thursday where he will visit a few days. Upon his return he will be accompanied by his wife and little daughter who have been visiting relatives at Roxon for four weeks.

Mrs. W. C. Foster was a visitor in the Blair community Saturday.

Mrs. Clyde Budd spent Thursday with Mrs. Frank Goldman.

Mrs. Bill Quarles and children of Edna spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Julia Dettrich.

Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Fenner and children and Miss Mary Claire Fenner, all of Edna, spent Friday night in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Fenner.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Watson motored to Houston Sunday to visit their daughter, Essie, Mrs. George Murphy, who has recently undergone an operation.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 12, 1936

Cordele Items

Mrs. E. H. Sowell was a guest in the J. W. Larkin home Tuesday.

Mr. M. G. Johnson made a business trip to Victoria Monday of last week.

Mr. S. F. Fekner was a LaWard business visitor Tuesday.

Mrs. Lucy Atkins was a visitor in the H. R. Reavis home Wednesday.

Mr. I. T. Taylor, county school superintendent, visited our school Friday.

Junior Goldman spent Saturday night with his cousin, Kliene Budd.

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kubecka were business visitors in Edna Thursday.

Clandine and Carlee Dettrich were visitors in the home of their sister, Mrs. E. H. Sowell, Saturday evening.

Mary Frances Haynes, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Hardy, visited the school Friday.

Elmer Chase of Edna was a guest of Happy Foster Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goldman and children were visitors in the W. M. Budd home Sunday.

Mrs. O. B. Fenner of Edna was a business visitor in this community Sunday.

Buford Sowell was a guest of Happy Foster Sunday.

Mr. Avery Walker of Edna was looking after business matters in this section Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Vanderhider have moved to Hallettsville. We hope they will like their new home.

Rev. M. Veatch, our new Methodist pastor, filled his appointment here Sunday. He was accompanied by his wife and Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fenner and little son, William, of Edna, were in this community Sunday.

The Club boys met with Mr. D. I Dudley at the school building Saturday night where they enjoyed a wiener roast, after which they played a number of games.

Mr. J. B. Anderson and son, Merle, of Ganado were Cordele visitors Sunday.

Eyvonne Budd was a guest of Carrol Joyce Watson.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 26, 1936

Cordele Items

Mr. and Mrs. Leland Jones and family spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jones.

Mr. O. B. Fenner of Edna was a business visitor in this section Sunday.

Mrs. M. G. Johnson was a Hallettsville visitor Wednesday of last week.

Hib Hobson of Edna was a visitor in this community Thursday night of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Anderson and sons of Woodsboro spent Christmas with kindred in this section.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fenner of Edna were visitors in this community Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Sowell and sons of Edna spent Christmas day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sowell.

Mr. Carl Butts of Speaks was a visitor in the S. A. Westmoreland home last week.

Marjorie Nell and LaNoe Fenner of Edna attended the Christmas program here Wednesday night of last week.

Edna Weekly Herald, December 31, 1936

Cordele Items

Mr. J. H. Clayton was a visitor in this community Sunday.

Happy Foster was a visitor in the Melvin Keith home last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goldman and children and Mr. and Mrs. Goldman and children and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Budd were guests in the J. R. Budd home Saturday.

We join other friends in extending heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. J. R. Jones and family in the passing of their loved one, Mr. Jones.

Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Spencer of the Provident City section were visiting relatives here Sunday.

Edna Weekly Herald, February 4, 1937

Cordele Items

Everyone welcomed the nice rain that fell Friday.

Mr. W. O. Miller and granddaughter of Freer were visiting relatives in this community the past week.

Mrs. S. A. Westmoreland is on the sick list at this writing, we regret to report. We hope that she will soon be well again.

Mrs. F. M. Sowell and family were visitors in the J. B. Anderson home Sunday of last week.

The Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Clay King last Thursday.

Miss Clementine and Emma Larken visited in the W. M. Budd home Wednesday.

Mr. O. B. Fenner of Edna was looking after business matters here Sunday.

Rev. W. T. Veatsch of Ganado will fill his regular appointment here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sowell and family were visiting in the Roy Ellison home Saturday night of last week.

Mesdames V. H. Hardy, J. R. Budd and E. H. Sowell and Eyvonne Budd were visiting in the S. A. Westmoreland home Thursday evening.

The Girls’ 4-H Club met Thursday morning with Eyvonne Budd.

Cordele 4-H Club Report

The Cordele Home Demonstration Club met last Thursday, June 3rd, with Mrs. Clay King. There were 5 members, 6 visitors and Miss Bonnie Cox, county home demonstration agent, present. The subject for our lesson was “Bringing Canning Up-to-Date.”

Our next meeting will be on July 1st at the home of Mrs. C. O. Fenner. Everyone is cordially invited to attend.—Reporter

Edna Weekly Herald, June 10, 1937

Cordele Items

Mr. Carl Butts was a guest in the S. A. Westmoreland home last week.

Mrs. C. Miller of Edna was a visitor in the J. R. Budd home Friday evening.

Mrs. B. A. Harcourt and Miss Artie Atkins of San Antonio were visiting in the home of their mother and grandmother, Mrs. J. R. Jones, the past week.

Eunice Hunt was a visitor in the F. M. Sowell home Friday.

The Cordele 4-H Club boys had their regular meeting Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Felkner and children, Lois, Sam and Genevieve, were visitors in the home of Mrs. J. B. Jones Sunday.

Everybody reported a nice time at the party given at the D. W. Hunt home Friday night.

Rev. W. T. Veatch of Ganado filled his regular appointment here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peerson and Mrs. J. B. Anderson were visiting relatives in this community Sunday evening.

Hip Hobson of Edna was a visitor in this community Sunday night.

Several from this community attended church in Edna Sunday night.

Mary Virginia Veatch of Ganado attended church here Sunday.

The Woman’s Home Demonstration Club and the Girls’ 4-H Club are giving a pie and sandwich sale at the Lower Cordele school house July 16th. The proceeds will be used to send a delegate from each organization to the Short Course.

Mr. B. B. Gayle of Ganado was a business visitor in this community Thursday.

The Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. C. O. Fenner Thursday, July 1st, with eleven members and 6 visitors present. The next meeting will not be held on the regular meeting date—the 1st Thursday in August, but on August 26th instead. Under this arrangement we can have the report of our short course delegate. The meeting will be held with Mrs. Louis Watson.

Miss Catherine Smith of Yoakum returned home Thursday after a pleasant visit with Miss Dicie Hunt.

Miss Virginia Reed of Roxton is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ivan Fenner. We understand that Miss Reed will teach the Swanson school the next session.

Those spending the week end in the D. W. Hunt home were Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Flournoy of Houston and Louie Fasin of Corpus Christi. Misses Dicie and Eunice accompanied the Flournoys to Houston for a visit of a few weeks.

Mrs. B. A. Harcourt and Miss Artie Adkins, of San Antonio, who have been visiting relatives in this section, accompanied by Mrs. Luck Adkins, made a short trip to Palacios to visit Mr. Ben Adkins. Enroute home they visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Jones of Edna.

Mrs. Lucy Adkins is on an extended visit to West Texas and Hobbs, N. M.

Cordele 4H Club

The Cordele 4-H Club girls held their regular meeting Thursday, July 1st, Miss Cox sponsored the meeting at the home of Eunice Hunt.

The vice president presided over the meeting as the president, Margarene Keith, was absent.

The following members were present: Margie Mae Goldman, Genevieve and Lois Felkner, Eyvonne Budd, Sybil Kubecka and several visitors.

Eunice Hunt, the clothing demonstrator, read an interesting clothing and wardrobe report. She showed the members of the club her improved wardrobe.

Genevieve Felkner was appointed delegate to represent the Cordele 4-H Club at the Short Course this year.

As this was the Clothing Achievement Day the girls showed their dresses. Some were frilly with flowers while others were not. They were all very pretty.

Miss Cox took the girls’ pictures in their club dresses; also pictures of those who had their smocks.

Several very interesting games were played, and a song about making club dresses to the tune of Jingle Bells.

A very pleasant meeting was enjoyed by all. Miss Dicie Hunt, Miss Catherine Smith and the hostess mother assisted her in serving delicious refreshments.—Reporter

Edna Weekly Herald, July 8, 1937

Cordele News Items

Mr. O. B. Fenner of Edna was looking after business matters in this section Sunday.

Eyvonne Budd represented our district in Senior Girls’ Declamation at Kingsville Saturday, April 21 and won first place.

Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Spencer and son of Provident City visited in this community Saturday.

The cakes the Cordele club had on exhibit at Ganado trades day were all sold. The money will be put in the club treasury.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Fenner and daughter and Mrs. Alley visited in the J. R. Budd home Sunday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Appelt of Hallettsville visited in the home of their daughter, Mrs. M. G. Johnson one day last week.

Cordele Club Study Basketry

The Cordele Home Demonstration Club met April 20th with Mrs. Ivan Fenner with seven members present.

Mrs. Roy Budd gave a demonstration on Basketry. Two types of baskets were discussed.

After this delicious refreshments were served by the hostess.

The meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. J. L. Watson May 4th, 1939.

Edna Weekly Herald, May 4 1939

Cordele Items

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Fenner and little daughter returned home Monday from Roxton where they had been visiting relatives.

Mesdames Rolar Watson and O. B. Fenner and Miss Bury Robins called in the J. W. Harper home Sunday afternoon.

Sam Westmoreland Jr., Kleine Budd and Frank Goldman Jr. visited Leon Kilgore Sunday of last week.

Carrol Watson, who had been visiting relatives in Houston, returned home Tuesday of last week.

Those visiting in the J. R. Budd home Sunday of last week were Rev. and Mrs. Grammenthaler of Ganado, Rev. J. C. Young and Mrs. J. D. Fenner, Annie Lou and Willie Fenner of Edna, Mr. J. W. Anderson and sons of Refugio, Mearl Anderson and Margie Goldman.

Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy of Houston returned home Sunday of last week after a week’s visit with relatives here.

Misses Annie Belle and Wilma Budd and Mrs. Aug Padon and son visited in the Phil Busch home one day last week.

The revival meeting closed Sunday. We were glad to have the people from Edna and Ganado out with us. We also appreciate the musical selections by both the Edna and Ganado young people.

Mr. Clay Murphy of Refugio was in this community Friday.

Edna Weekly Herald, August 24, 1939

Among the Schools

Upper Cordele

The enrollment of Upper Cordele is nine and their attendance was 100% the day they were visited. They teach the ninth, sixth, third and second grades.

Arithmetic was the main interest as they were just having their mathematics classes. All pupils seemed to be very interested in this particular subject.

Their art work on Hallowe’en posters was good. They are planning on making bird houses and other creative art object lesson. They expect to work out a sand table project before Christmas.

Lower Cordele

Lower Cordele has added two or three acres of ground to the play grounds. This was badly needed. They were building some very nice tennis courts, volley ball courts and play ground ball diamonds. Their playgrounds were going to be very attractive.

They had a very fine sand table project worked out—an Indian village. Not much could be added to their sand table to make it more complete.

This school is doing some outstanding work in community civics. They start in their school room, then their school yard, and then expand to their community. The subject is to be handled in a practical manner.

They use odd shaped bottles filled with colored water as a means of decorating their school rooms. The rooms were also decorated with pot plants and holly.

The primary room entertained the county superintendent with a folk dance which was very good. The primary room Indian art was good. They also had window boxes filled with beautiful pot plants.

There is nothing lacking in enthusiasm and hospitality by the teachers and pupils.

They are expecting to organize a troop of Girl Scouts soon. This will give the girls more fine training.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 16, 1939


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All rights reserved

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Dec. 10, 2018