Casa Blanca


Casa Blanca Newspaper Columns

Casa Blanca Items

Mr. and Mrs. John Deal of Houston visited relatives here Saturday.

Friday Mrs. Verna K. Harper and Dr. R. W. Wells came out and gave the first “shot” of diphtheria vaccine to 31 children.

Mr. and Mrs. Morse Kassle, and little daughter of Bennview visited in the Kulow house Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. J. A. Frenzel spent Monday with Mrs. A. Karnowski.

Mr. E. S. Searcy spent Friday with his daughter, Mrs. A. J. Tompkins of the Live Oak community.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Weghorst and family visited in the Phillips home Wednesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Salver and daughter, Dorothy Lee, were guests in the Phillips home Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Malone are proud of a fine baby girl, born Feb. 7

Valentine boxes and parties were enjoyed in both rooms Friday. The higher grades had a surprise party of cookies and lemonade while the primary room had candy as refreshments.

Edna Weekly Herald, February 18, 1932

Casa Blanca Items

Mr. and Mrs. A. Skrobanek visited Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Michalek Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hill visited in the J. A. Frenzel home Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Frenzel and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tompkins of the Live Oak section.

There was quite a gathering at the home of L. S. Tipton Sunday where a turkey dinner was enjoyed.

Miss Putnam spent the weekend with homefolks in Edna.

Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Michalek visited the L. S. Tipton home Sunday night.

Miss Audrey Nash left for Yoakum Saturday to visit relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Karnowski visited his parents Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kulow and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Mortz Kassler Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Salyer visited in the Tate home Sunday.

Edna Weekly Herald, March 3, 1932

Casa Blanca Items

All imperfections such as mud, ruts, and whatnot were covered in a blanket of snow for a few hours last week, and the prairie became a thing of beauty.

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Karnowski have the sympathy of the entire community in the loss of their little daughter who died in a Victoria hospital Tuesday night.

Lois Robison, who had has quite a siege with a bad cold, is back in school after a weeks’ absence.

Charles Jones spent Saturday night with Foy Shoemate at Edna.

Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Tipton visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Randall Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ad Michalek were visitors in the A. Skrobanek home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Phillips and family visited in the J. Shoemate home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Salyer and Mr. Tate and sons visited in the W. Salyer home Sunday.

Dean and Jean Robison visited Dorothy Lee Nehring Sunday afternoon.

Edna Weekly Herald, March 17. 1932

Casa Blanca News

Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Tipton visited relatives in Victoria Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Treybig visited in the W. Salyer home Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shoemate visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Phillips Sunday afternoon.

Mary and Velma Frenzel visited Vida and Rosa Skrobanek Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Hollas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Karnowski.

Mr. E. S. Searcy spent Saturday with his daughters Mrs. A. J. Tompkins.

Miss Dora Kulow from LaWard visited her parents during the week end.

Thelma Weghorst spent Sunday with Lois Robinson.

Edna Weekly Herald, March 31, 1932

Casa Blanca 4-H Club

The 4-H Club Girls of Casa Blanca met on November 19 at Barbara Jean Malone’s for a rose Garden Demonstration. The rose bed was already prepared. The soil was mixed and had been loosened about 16 inches deep. The bed was 8 x 12 feet. We planted six roses of which two were Red Radiance, two Pink Radiance, one Herbert Hoover and one White. This first row was planted one foot from the east side, with the plants placed from 1 ½ to 2 feet apart. After the soil was packed around the plants, fertilizer was spread around them, then water put on.

After Miss Cox showed us how to trim the dead and unneeded limbs, we went into the house to have our meeting. At this meeting officers for the coming year were elected. The officers elected are:

President – Velma Frenzel
Vice-president and Reporter – Jarvis Deane Malone
Secretary – Rose Skrobanek
Pep Leader – Dorothy Tompkins
Sponsor – Mrs. M. B. Rowell

Delicious refreshments were served to twenty-three club girls, our sponsor and Miss Cox.

The next regular meeting will be at the home of Jarvis Deane Malone on Dec. 3rd.—Reporter

Edna Weekly Herald, November 28, 1935

Casa Blanca News

P. T. A. News

The regular meeting of the P. T. A. was held at the school house Wednesday night, Nov. 4th. Due to weather conditions the attendance was small.

Mrs. O. R. Malone was elected 1st vice president.

The members voted to sponsor an entertainment Nov. 20th for the purpose of making money to buy school necessities.

Mrs. Robert Wells, 2nd vice-president of the P. T. A., Dist. No. 11, in her most charming way, gave an interesting talk on the worthwhile things accomplished by the Parent Teacher Association.—Reporter

Thanksgiving Entertainment

On Friday, Nov. 20th, the Casa Blanca P. T. A. will sponsor the greatest entertainment of the season. Everyone is invited to come and join in the merry making.

The following features of the evening’s program will include: Box Supper, pie, coffee and soda water sale, grab bag, country store, knock down the babies and many others.

The most outstanding number will be a debate. The question to be debated is: “Is Pigs’ Tail Pork?” This is really a side-splitting argument.

The admission to the entire evening’s entertainment will be the meager sum of 5c for each and everyone.

All the young ladies are urged to bring boxes.

Last, but not the least feature, of the evening will be the giving away of a turkey gobbler. Thanksgiving won’t be far off and some one will get this turkey for 10c. See Mrs. Louis Tipton or any of the Casa Blanca teachers---they will explain things to you.

Folks, we are planning a big evening of fun for you. We invite each and everyone in Jackson County to come and be with us.—Reporter

Edna Weekly Herald, November 12, 1936

Achievement Day

The Casa Blanca 4-H Club met with Edna Kulow, garden demonstrator, on Tuesday morning, May 4th, at 9:30.

The meeting was called to order by the president after which the minutes were read and approved. A ten minute recreation period was held, every one then went to Edna’s garden.

Refreshments were served to six members and one visitor, Rose Marie Wiede.—Reporter

Edna Weekly Herald, May 20, 1937


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