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Grimes County Probates,
Wills and Estate Records
TXGenWeb Project
USGenWeb Project
Microfilmed Grimes County Probate Records
are available through Sam Houston State University Interlibrary Loan or at your
local Family History Center.
to Probate minutes; 1838-1957; FHL US/CAN Film 1006262
Probate minutes, v. 1-2; 1838-1852; FHL US/CAN Film 1006263
Probate minutes, v. 2A; 1852-1855; FHL US/CAN Film 1006264
Item 2
Probate minutes, v. 3; 1852-1853; FHL US/CAN Film 1006264 Item
Probate minutes, v. 3A; 1856-1861; FHL US/CAN Film 1006265
Probate minutes, v. 4; 1861-1868; FHL US/CAN Film 1006266
Probate minutes, v. 5-6; 1868-1881; FHL US/CAN Film 1006267
Probate minutes, v. L; ca. 1854-1875; FHL US/CAN Film 1006268
Probate minutes, v. M; ca. 1855-1857; FHL US/CAN Film 1006268
Probate minutes, v. B; ca. 1870-1875; FHL US/CAN Film 1006268
Probate minutes, v. N; 1860-1865; FHL US/CAN Film 1006269
Probate minutes, v. O-P; 1867-1878; FHL US/CAN Film 1006270
Probate minutes, v. Q-R; 1878-1884; FHL US/CAN Film 1006271
Probate minutes, v. S-T; 1883-1888; FHL US/CAN Film 1006272
Probate minutes, v. U-V; 1888-1895; FHL US/CAN Film 1006273
Probate minutes, v. W-X; 1894-1901; FHL US/CAN Film 1006274
Probate minutes, v. Y-Z; 1901-1907; FHL US/CAN Film 1006275
Probate minutes, v. 27-28; 1906-1910; FHL US/CAN Film 1006276
Probate minutes, v. 29-30; 1910-1919; FHL US/CAN Film 1006277
Probate Docket 1-2; 1838-1848, 1852-1855, 1883-1894; FHL
US/CAN Film 1006278
Assorted Probate Records -
Floyd, McGuffin, Hadley, Martin
Joshua; Will; Written 20 Jun 1845
HADLEY, Obedience; Estate Records
MCGUFFIN, Joyce Violet Bostic
Floyd Hadley; Will
MCGUFFIN, Joyce V. Floyd Hadley; Estate Records
Assorted Probate Records - Floyd, McGuffin,
Hadley, Martin
Probate minutes of Montgomery Co,
TX, Volume D-6
Submitted by Vickye White
06 Dec 1845, pages 1-7
Estate of Joshua Hadley
Heir - Grantham Hadley, 25 years, mentally incompetent and incapable of attending
to himself or property. John F. Martin,
brother-in-law, petitions to be appointed guardian.
24 Jan 1846 - Denny P. Hadley, brother, petitions to be appointed guardian.
18 May 1846 - D. P. Hadley, guardian, petitions to sell estate of Grantham hadley, consisting of stock of
cattle and horses; also to hire out the negroes.
26 Jul 1847 - Sale - Buyers: Drury Kinnard, C.
Dickson, W. F. Case, S. Black, S. M. Garwin, Marks S.
Kennard, M. M. Kinnard, F. W. McGee, James R.
Bennett, D. MaGee, Jesse Gray, Joice
Amount of sales: $576.25
Negroes kept together and hired by D. P. hadley
for taking care of Grantham hadley from 20 Feb 1846
to 20 Jan 1848. Guardian requests records be
transferred to Grimes County, where he and his brother reside.
Montgomery Co, TX Black Box Document
- #218
Joshua Hadley, deceased
D. P. Hadley, Admr.
14 Sep 1846 - Grimes County - Petition of Joyce Hadley, Admrx.
of Joshua Hadley - represents - that her husband died
in the area what is now the limits of Grimes County. Prays for removal to
Grimes County
02 Mar 1847 - Petitioner M. M. Kennard represents he is the security to Joice (Hadly marked through)
Floyd, Admrs. of the estate
of ______ Floyd, deceased, that the said Joice has
married with Samuel McGuffin. Asks Joice Floyd alias
McGuffin to make exhibition of estate and be discharged from further said bond.
W. W. (or M. M.) Kennard
27 Mar 1849 - Page 49
Estate of Joshua Hadley
Administratrix - Joyce Hadley
Upon application of W. H. Fowler, court orders said Joyce Hadley to pay court costs
incurred by her as administratrix of estate; to be
directed to Sheriff of Grimes County.
28 Mar 1849 - Page 52
Estate of Joshua Hadley (Heirs of)
Guardian: Denny P. Hadley
Failed to make twelve months annual report; failed to pay fees of court and have
said guardianship transferred to Grimes County.
Submitted by Vickye White [vickye@usaonline.net]. Probate Docket Vol
1; 1838-1848; 1852-1855; 1883-1894. Rol #32. Interlibrary loan from: Interlibrary Services; Sam
Houston State University; Newton Gresham Library; Huntsville, TX 77341-2179.
Joshua Hadley Will; Written 20 Jun 1845;
Proved 30 Sep 1845
Submitted by Vickye
White [vickye@usaonline.net]
This was in Montgomery County but
Joshua Hadley made his home in Grimes County. Joshua lived at Hadley's Priarie, or Roane's Priarie. I
have never figured out if it is one and the same or not. I also have copy of
them asking for court to switch legal work to Grimes instead of Montgomery
since they were now resident of Grimes County.
Probate page 89, Will & Testment of Joshua Hadley: The Republic of Texas,
Montgomery County, June 20, AD1845.
Last Will and Testament of Joshua Hadly. now being
afflicted in body not in mind doeth will and bequeath all of my seal and
personal property after paying all of any just debts as follows to viz". I will and bequeath to my son Henry F. Hadly two negros one named Bob
about seven years old, also William a boy about four years old and five hundred
acres of land lying East of D Hadleys land, also all
the cattle that is in his mark and a Roan Mare and bay colt. I will and
bequeath to my son Denny P Hadley five hundred acres of land the tract that he
the said Denny P Hadley now lives on also two negros
a girl about eleven years old named Jean, a boy named Redic
(sic) about six years old. I will and bequeath to my deranged son Grantham H
Hadley a negro man named Jack about thirty eight years old also a negro woman
named Nelly, and if she has any children after this time they are to be divided
between my first wifes children equally, and three
hundred and twenty acres of land lying on the Navasota river known as my
soldiers claim and all the catlle that is in his
mark, and all the horses that is known as his by the family. I will and
bequeath to my son Travis K Hadley ten hundred acres of landby
Mr. U. F. lease for the two hundred acre tract known as the Millet Tract on my headright league, also a negro girl named Sarah about
twelve years old, and all the cattle that is in his mark and brand and all the
horses that is known as his. I will and bequeath to my daughter Carolina
Martin, Mrs Joseph Beunetts
(sic) Bond for six hundred and three acres of land, and a negro Girl named Omanda about fourteen years old .
That she the said Caroline Martin has in possession at this time also a negro girl named Sidney about six years old. I will and
bequest unto my little children not named above with my son Henry F. Hadley all
the ballance of negroes, that is not named above also
all the land and stock horses cattle and hogs for their support for the time of
fourteen years all of which I leave in the care and keeping of Joyce Hadly my wife for the said time of fourteen years and then
the property shall be equally divided between all of my children both old and
young by each child ordering(?) in its value of all the property that him or
she have received at this time or at my death, my wife Joyce Joyce is to share alike with the children and to hold said
property as long as she lives and then to be equally divided between all of my
children. I nominate and appoint James Scott and John F. Martin as my Executors
of my last will and Testment. Witness my hand and
scroll in place of a seal the day and date above written.
Signed by Joshua Hadly
with Seal
J Cam Massie
Peter Tomlinson
Danial E Harper
Codicial to my last Will and Testament which
is I bequeth to my son Grantham H Hadly
a negro girl Elvira 8 years old for his use for life
Joshua Hadly (seal) Test J. Cam Massie Peter
Tomlinson Danial E. Harper
of Texas, County of Montgomery Probate Court September Term 1845. This day came into open court and
personally app and Daniel E Harper who is will known to the Court and a citizen of the County aforesaid
and being duly sworn under oath deposeth and states
that the foregoing Instrument of writing bearing date 20th day of June 1845 and
subscribed by him and J. Cam Massie and Peter Tomlinson the other subscribing
witness thereto and will fully appear by reference thereto the last Testament
and Codicil of Joshua Hadly dec:
that he saw the Testator sign and seal the same and in the presence of each of
the witnesses and Testater both the will and codicil
was executed and therein shown that on the day and date thereof at the
residence of Testator and during his last sickness of which he died and at the
time that testator executed and published said writing as his last will and
Testament and at and during the time of the signing he was of sound diposing mind and memory. Testator Executed and signed the
same freely and voluntarily and requested the subscribing witnesses hereto to
attest the same.
Danial E. Harper
Sworn and subscribed in open court this 30th Sept 1845-
Ewyn Morrison Probate Judge
In open Probate Court 30th September
This annexed will and testament of Joshua Hadly dec being duly proven by
the oath of Danial E Harper. It is ordered by the
Court that the same be recorded as being fully probated 4-307 Gwyn Morrison
Probate Judge Montgomery County
Obedience Grantham
Hadley Estate Records
Scans submitted by Vickye White [vickye@usaonline.net]
Obedience Grantham Hadley was the first wife of Joshua Hadley.
Scan of page 196,
Obedience Hadley Estate Records
Scan of page 197, Obedience
Hadley Estate Records
Scan of page 198,
Obedience Hadley Estate Records
Scan of page 199,
Obedience Hadley Estate Records
Scan of page 200,
Obedience Hadley Estate Records
of page 201, Obedience Hadley Estate Records</font.
of page 202, Obedience Hadley Estate Records