Grayson County TXGenWeb
West Hill Cemetery
Sherman, Texas

The Shamrock Texan
Saturday, April 28, 1934
pg. 1

He [Odneal] entered the Ranger service during the lawless days in West Texas as a Sergeant under Captain Monroe Fox; he participated in cleaning up the Big Bend country.

Henderson Daily News
Sunday, April 29, 1934
pg. 1

Ranger Captain Takes Own Life at Fort Worth
Odneal Shoots Self to Death After Having Been in Bad Health for Months

Ft. Worth, Texas., April 28 (UP) - Justice of Peace Walter Prichard returned a verdict of suicide this afternoon in the death of Ranger Captain H.T. Odneal who shot and killed himself in the bathroom of his home here early today.
An old-fashioned frontier model 45-caliber single action pistol, one of Odneal's treasured possessions, was found beside him.  The 45-year-old Ranger died immediately.
Detective A.C. Howerton, investigating the shooting, said Odneal apparently had stood in front of a mirror and shot himself in the mouth.  His figure was covered with blood when found.
Odneal had arisen aht the usual  hour and  had drunk a cup of coffee with his wife, Mrs. Odneal said.  He then went into the bathroom.  Presently she heard a shot from the bathroom, she said.  The mother's screams and the gun shot awakened Odneal's 18-year-old daughter, Margaret, who ran to the bathroom and found her father.
Mrs. Odneal, almost hysterical called in a neighbor, B.F. Johnson, who notified police.  Johnson said Odneal had been in poor health for several months and advanced that as a motive.
Odneal recently had returned to duty after a 60-day vacation, granted by Gov. Miriam A. Ferguson, Johnson said, and last week had made a trip to North Texas on duty.  He was appointed a Ranger Captain by Gov. Ferguson at the beginning of her administration.
Two other of his 3 daughters were asleep in the house at the time of the shooting.  Mrs. Odneal, after summoning aid, became hysterical and was unable to give a further account of the incident.
Justice of Peace Walter Prichard and police began an investigation.

The Big Lake Wildcat (Big Lake, Reagan Co., Texas)
Friday, May 4 , 1934
pg. 1

...Justice of the Peace Walter Prichard returned a verdict of suicide.
During the oil  boom Odneal was stationed at Big Lake and McCamey.  He is well known in this section of the country.

The Brownwood Bulletin
Saturday, April 28, 1934
pg.  1

Odneal entered the Ranger service in the lawless days of West Texas. As a Segeant under Captain Monroe Fox, he participated in the cleaning up of the Big Bend country.

The Brownsville Herald
Sunday, April 29, 1934
pg. 2

In Oil Field
As a  ranger sergeant under Capt. Monroe Fox, he participated in the cleaning up of the Big Bend country.  He was stationed in the Rainger oil field during the boom days.
In March 1933 he was assigned to Ft. Worth to succeed Tom Hickman as head of the rangers in this section.  Ranger Leon Hanna will be in charge of the headquarters here until a permanent appointment is made by Gov. Ferguson.
Capt. Odneal is survived by his wife and 3 daughters, Misses Margaret, Vivian and Ada Odneal.

Denton Record-Chronicle
Monday, A pril 30, 1934
pg. 3

Mr. and Mrs. Thad Tarver of Cotulla and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith of Ft. Worth were weekend guests of Mrs. Ted Lewis, and with her attended the funeral of Captain Harry T. Odneal of the Texas Rangers in Sherman Sunday afternoon.

West Hill Cemetery
Elaine Nall Bay

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