Grayson County TXGenWeb
Weather Signs

"Everybody talks about the weather, but ..."  They always have!  People, since civilization began, probably enjoyed the pleasure of feeling "close to the weather" by studying nature, animals, and the sky as a means of predicting things to come.

Today, scientists tell us that atmospheric antics do, indeed, cause drastic changes and offer a basis for natural weather wisdom.  However, the 'goose bone prophets" and the scientific observers agree that "no sign works every time."


If tree leaves turn up, showing undersides. ~ rain soon
If clouds hide the sun at sunset.
If rocks and walls appear to "sweat." ~ rain within 24 hours
If the sun rises red. ~ "Red Sky in the morning - sailor's warning.  Red Sky at night - sailor's delight."
If, in Winter, the sky is misty at dawn ~ misty dawn in Summer means dry spell.
If there is a "ring around the moon." ~ no stars in the ring means rain withing 24 hours.

If there is a rainbow in the morning ~ storm within 24 hours; rainbow in the evening means clear weather ahead.
If the stars at night appear faded and dim.
If salt lumps or household items appear drier than usual.
If dry blades of corn in the field appear twisted.
If dead tree limbs fall when there is no wind.
If thistle-down or other seeds fly in air without strong wind.

If certain flowers (which close at dusk) remain open all night.
If sore bones, muscles, corns and feet ache worse than usual.
If morning fog rises rapidly.
If people show more grumpiness or depression than usual.
If little whirlwinds blow up in dusty fields or paths.

If the wind blows suddenly from the East ~ heavy rain.
If tall grass is dry in early morning.
If whistles or bells (not normally heard because of distance) are clearly heard.

If cream in coffee collects at the top edges of a cup.
If dogs suddenly begin to eat grass.
If cats sneeze or lick their fur backwards.
If field mice run wildly in the open areas.
If a pig straightens the 'curl' in his tail.
If cattle refuse to drink water in dry weather.

If sheep turn their backs to the wind. ~ heavy rain
If hens spread and ruffle their feathers.
If a rooster crows at night ~ rain before morning
If chickens go to roost earlier than usual.
If robins sing loud near the house.

If ducks or geese become noisy ~ without reason
If the rain crow calls loudly in the woods.
If snakes become very active in dry weather.
If flies or mosquitoes suddenly swarm into the house.
If bees cluster near their hives.

If owls hoot in the daytime ~ or loudly at night.
If dogs or cats carry their young to higher ground. ~ flood
If horses begin scratching themselves against trees or their tails appear extra bushy.
If birds or ducks nest on high ground. ~ expect wet summer; expect a dry season if nest is close to edge of stream.
If fish swim to the surface of streams. ~ storm
If smoke and soot fall down instead of rising fast.
If terrapins seek high, dry ground.
If spiders crawl aimlessly about, glow worms shine brighter, or crickets sing louder. ~ expect lots of rain


Susan Hawkins
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