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Sherman Daily Democrat
Tuesday, January 10, 1911
pg. 5

The funeral of Magnus A. Snedal of No. 208 West Bond street, who died Sunday evening at 6 o'clock, were conducted yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. V.L. Graves, pastor of the First Christian church.  The interment was at Oakwood cemetery.  The decedent was born in Norway 78 years ago and he had resided in Denison since 1874.
He is survived by a widow and three brothers who reside near Denison and a number of other more distant relatives.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, March 24, 1912
pg. 4

Mrs. Martha Snedal, residing at 218 West Bond street, a lady in the 84th of her age, is seriously ill.  Her husband, Magnus Snedal, died January a year ago.

Sherman Daily Democrat
Friday, February 9, 1917
pg. 5

"Pavement Paragraphs"
Mrs. Martha Snedal, age 103 years, died at 4:45 Friday morning at her residence, 218 West Bond street, her death being caused from leakage of the heart and the infirmities of old age.  Mrs. Snedal was probably the oldest woman in Denison.  She was a native of Norway, and she and her husband, M.A. Snedal, came to the United States just prior to the war between the states and located in Chicago where Mr. Snedal followed his trade as a tailor for some time.  He afterward became a cabinet maker and in 1873 moved to Denison, they both residing here as long as they lived.  Mr. Snedal having passed away some six years ago. - - - Denison Morning Gazette
Note: Death Certificate shows on "place of burial or removal" that her body was "sent to Norway Kan"


Susan Hawkins
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