Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, September 6, 1928
pg. 1

The Whitewright public schools will open Monday, September 10.  The opening assembly at the grade school will be at 9 a.m.  The first day will be devoted to classification of students and arranging the schedules.  Regular classwork will begin Tuesday morning.  The opening and closing hours and the recess periods will be the same as last year.  The doors will open for admission of students at 8:15 a.m.  Classes and assemblies will begin at 8:45 a.m.
The teachers are attending the institute at Sherman Thursday and Friday of this week.  There will be a faculty meeting of all teachers at the high school Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, to go over the opening day's program.
The out-of-town teachers have all arrived.  Mr. Crosby reported Tuesday and immediately began work with the football boys.  Miss McQuillen, who will have charge of the kindergarten work, came in Tuesday night.  Miss Lauderdale and Mr. Sernosck arrived Wednesday afternoon.  Miss Forrester went directly to Sherman, joining the Whitewright teachers there.  Mr. Wilburn is attending the institute from his home near Bells.  All of the out-of-town teachers are staying at the home of R.A. Gilbert, just east of the high school campus.  Mr. Crosby, who will not be able to secure possession of a house until October 1st, has a room at the Gilbert home for the present.  His family will join him when he moves into his house.

Arrangements are being made to open a kindergarten in connection with the grade school.  Miss McQuillen is now engaged upon the work of enlisting pupils for the work.  The tuition will be $5 per month.  The schools are providing a room and some of the heavy equipment.  Miss McQuillen will provide much of the lighter equipment; and will look to the tuition for her salary.  Miss McQuillen is splendidly equipped for the work she is undertaking.  She has a B.A. degree from Texas Woman's College.  She had the special kindergarten training course, including two years instruction in the work and two years practice teaching under a critic teacher.  The requirements for securing a kindergarten certificate are more stringent than the requirements in any other department.  Miss McQuillen's preparation meets all of those requirements.  Anyone wishing to enroll a child for the work may do so by communicating with her, at the Gilbert home, or with Supt. F.W. Smith.

A number of students have been enquiring concerning high school entrance examinations.  The usual custom of giving these on Wednesday and Thursday of the first week will be followed this year.  These examinations are given to students who have done special work outside of a regular school organization during the summer, or to remove conditions, or for entrance where the applicant does not present satisfactory credentials from the school last attended.

The teachers of piano and expression will be Miss Tommie Chenoweth, Mrs. G.F. Bryant and Mrs. Mary Ryon.  They will attend the assemblies the opening day, when they will make full announcements concerning their work.

Whitewright School History
Susan Hawkins
© 2024

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