Grayson County TXGenWeb

Sherman Daily Democrat
Sunday, May 28, 1922
Part 1, pg.6

Carr-Burdette Close
The present session of Carr-Burdette College closed Friday night at Central Christian church with the graduation exercises; the president, Dr. Cephas Shelburne, delivering the address on "Christian Womanhood."
Miss Ula Gilchrist was Valedictorian and Miss Beuna Ferguson Salutatorian. Rev. George Cuthrell in happy speech delivered diplomas to the following young ladies:
Ula Gilchrist
Beuna Ferguson
Beulah Bolin
Eva Sample
Irene Franklin
Elizabeth Baldwin
Jewel Williams
Adine Harkey
Roberta Rosamond
Mildred Gilbert
Elizabeth Johnson
Lois Boutwell
and, conditionally, Imogene Ferrell

The following from the music department were awarded certificates:
Imogene Ferrell
Lois Boutwell
Adine Harkey
Eva Sample
Corinne Osborn
Elizabeth Vivrett

President Shelburne stated that notwithstanding the year of hard times, the college has had a most successful year and the session has closed with all bills and salaries paid and with a deficit or indebtedness upon the property.  Most of the students and teachers left Saturday for their homes

Carr-Burdette College History

Susan Hawkins
© 2024

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