Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Daily News
Saturday, August 2, 1879
pg. 4

Cherry Mound, August 1, 1879
Editor Denison News
This has been a gala day at Cherry Mound, the occasion being the closing exercises of the public school which has been conducted during the last session by Miss Nixon of Denison.  The patrons of the school celebrated the event by a grand basket pic-nic, which cannot be designated otherwise than as a success in every particular.  Between two and three hundred people were present, and everything passed off pleasantly.
The forenoon was devoted to an examination of the pupils in their various branches of study.  The little ones acquitted themselves admirably, answering with promptness numerous questions in Arithmetic, Grammar, Georgraphy, etc.  I heard but one voice from those present, and that was of warmest praise of Miss Nixon, for the highly satisfactory manner in which she as performed her duties as teacher.
At noon dinner was announced, and the shadiest spots of the pleasant grove were soon covered with a bountiful and elegant repast of which every one was invited and even urged with generous hospitality to partake.  
About 2 o'clock p.m. the crowd reassembled under the spacious awning adjoining the school house and some appropriate addresses were delivered.  Rev. Mr. Fuquet opened with a few remarks, devoted principally to the importance of religious instructions in our schools.
He was followed by Uvalde Burnes, esq., of Denison, who delivered an elegant and eloquent address, which was listened to with marked and approving attention.  H.L. Haynes, esq., also of your city, was then introduced to the audience.  His remarks were very earnest and practical and were well received.
The rest of the afternoon was devoted to pleasant social intercourse.  A good many strangers to the neighborhood were in attendance, among whom was your estimable Magistrate J.L. Riddle, esq.  He was the gayest of the gay, and appeared to enjoy himself hugely.
The friends of Miss Nixon will no doubt be gratified to know the high estimation in which she is held in this neighborhood.  The patrons of the school, trustees and all, were enthusiastic in their expressions of approbation.  The situation for the ensuing scholastic year has been offered her without a dissenting voice.
In conclusion we will say if there is any one in Denison who wants to spend a real nice day, full of innocent enjoyment without one particle of alloy, let him keep his eye on Miss Nixon's next school picnic at Cherry Mound.

Cherrymound School History
Susan Hawkins
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