Grayson County TXGenWeb

Sherman Daily Democrat
November 30, 1920
pg. 3

Sherman's New School Names For the Late Judge D.E. Bryant
The new building which is nearing completion on North Woods street, in the second ward, will bear the name of the late David E. Bryant, for twenty years Federal judge of the Eastern District United States Court, and for many years one of the respected and honored citizens and jurists of Sherman.  Judge Bryant, who was the father of Randolph Bryant, a well known young attorney of Sherman, and whose widow still resides in this city, died about eight years ago.
The decision to name the new school after Judge Bryant marks a new departure in selecting names for Sherman schools, as heretofore it has been the custom to take the names of only National statesmen for the schools.  The change is therefore all the more honor Judge Bryant.  It is beieved that the decision of the board will  meet the general approval of Sherman people, as Judge Bryant was, wherever he was known, regardless of differences of political or religious faith which might exist, honored, respected and esteemed for his sterling integrity of character, high mindedness and justice.  During his long citizenship in Sherman he ever had the interest of the people of Sherman at heart.  He was instrumental in securing location of the present Federal Court in Sherman, and the erection of the present Federal building.  His interest in educational affiars was always the greatest, and the naming of the new school after Judge Bryant will be recognized as a fitting honor.
Work on the new school continued to progress rapidly and it should be ready for occupancy before the end of the present school year.

Bryant Elementary School History

Susan Hawkins
© 2024

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