Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Denison Daily Herald
Saturday, April 11, 1908
pg. 12

Hackberry, Tex., April 9 - Lomie Oneal of Alex, Oklahoma is visiting his sister, Mrs. Jodie Hayhurst, this week.
Hiby Hineman, who has been so seriously ill, is somewhat improved.
Elmer Hunter is visiting in Cannon this week.
T. Oneal of Eagle Point visited his daughter, Mrs. Jodie Hayhurst, this week.
Wayne Hudgins attended the Farmers' Institute at Sherman last week as a delegate from the Farmers' Union of this place.
Mrs. J.L. Gray and daughters, Misses Zana and Eva, were shopping in Van Alstyne Monday.
Bob Lamb spent Monday in Sherman.
Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Crook of Cold Springs visited the latter's father, R. Cipher, here Monday.
J.T. Tollert is on the sick list this week.

Hackberry History

Susan Hawkins

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