Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, March 20, 1917

Pilot Grove News
Bro. E. Rylant was here Saturday and Sunday but the services were dismissed on account of the revival meeting at the tabernacle.
Mrs. Hattie Garland returned home Sunday after a week's stay with relatives at Gunter.
Elmer St. John visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abner St. John, Saturday and Sunday.
Walter Judd returned to Oklahoma City Sunday after a few days visit with home folks here.
Misses Hazel and Sarah Hampton of Wesley College, Greenville, spent the week-end with relatives here.
Mr. John Reeves of Trenton was a pleasant visitor here Sunday afternoon.
Miss Vashti Dale, who has been teaching in the Detroit school, has returned to her home here.
Mrs. W.N. Holley has returned home after a week's visit with relatives at Whitesboro.
Gus Thrift and family accompanied by Miss Nola Reeves motored to Bonham Sunday.
Miss Nell Reubell spent the week-end with relatives in Whitewright.
Miss Dessie Reynolds of Whitewright is visiting Miss Lillie Dixon.
Every one is especially invited to attend the revival meetings being held at the tabernacle

Pilot Grove News
Susan Hawkins

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