Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Whitewright Sun
 Thursday, May 7, 1953
pg. 1

The Ambrose community, north of Bells, has announced an Old Nesters Reunion for Saturday, June 14.
A letter to The Sun from Mrs. Mary Gregory, route 1, Bells, reunion committee chairman, reads as follows:

"The Ambrose community is having an Old Nesters Reunion on June 14, and we are wondering if you might help us locate old nesters who used to live here, and especially all ex-teachers who taught at Ambrose, and ex-students who went to school here.  I think the Longley girls lived there when they taught here.
"There will be a basket lunch served at noon.  Tell ex-students and ex-teachers to contact me and let me know if they are coming." the letter concludes.

Ambrose History

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